Pensano-dev / aura-mobile-app

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DRAFT feat: Main Page "How To use this app" Pop-up #62

Open siqbal181 opened 4 months ago

siqbal181 commented 4 months ago

NOTE: This ticket is not complete due to further considerations needed in terms of how a user preference is remembered.

This precedes ticket #63 and should be completed in accordance to the AC prior to 63.

User Stories 1) As a user I would like to see how to use this app 2) As a user I would like to have the option not to see this message again 3) As a user I would like to have the option to close this pop up and click X button


NB: The is a PopUpModal component within the components folder that should be used for the 'Don't show this message again alert' AC. Please feel free to add optional props in order to fit the requirements based on the design.
