Peperworx / fluxion

Fluxion is an actor framework designed with distributed systems in mind, namely sending messages not just between actors, but also between systems.
Apache License 2.0
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V0.10 #13

Closed wireboy5 closed 3 weeks ago

wireboy5 commented 3 weeks ago

Version 0.10 is intended to be the final complete overhaul of Fluxion. The only scenario in which another rewrite should be expected is if this version has major usability issues. Otherwise, all future minor versions, as well as version 1.0.0, should just be bug fixes and minor feature updates.

This version replaces Fluxion's entire messaging/supervisor backend with raw function calls via Slacktor. This provides a very similar API to the channel based backend, and comes with a variety of benefits. First and foremost is that Fluxion is now completely, 100%, executor agnostic. No boilerplate code or trait implementations are required anymore. Additionally, Fluxion is now orders of magnitude faster.

Version 1.10 also completely overhauls the idea of foreign messages. All data serialization and message passing is now handled by a "delegate". Additionally, Fluxion is now much more flexible in requiring the Serialize and Deserialize traits.

Here are some bullet points of the core changes: