PepperCode1 / Continuity

A Fabric mod that allows for efficient connected textures
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
261 stars 66 forks source link

glass panels are replaced with clock or compass textures #446

Open Lava-Erlow opened 4 days ago

Lava-Erlow commented 4 days ago

2024-06-24_23 51 02 2024-06-24_23 52 48 After entering the game and entering the world, all glass panels are replaced with compass or clock textures and become normal only if you open "Resource Packs..." and close. I'm not sure if this is a bug of the mod or a problem with vanilla tweaks 1.21 version

PepperCode1 commented 4 days ago

Please provide a full list of mods with mod versions and a full list of all enabled resource packs. For the purposes of testing, try removing as many mods and resource packs as possible until this no longer happens.

Lava-Erlow commented 4 days ago

image image image mods image resource packs image image image resources packs from vanilla tweaks

PepperCode1 commented 4 days ago

That is a lot of mods and resource packs. I am not willing to set up that configuration for testing. However, if you would like to try to find the problem, comment if the issue still happens if all mods except Fabric API and Continuity are removed.