PepsRyuu / nollup

Rollup compatible development bundler for fast rebuilds and HMR.
MIT License
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npm link nollup build to my app #220

Closed itaydafna closed 3 years ago

itaydafna commented 3 years ago

Should I be able to npm link a library I'm building and serving with nollup to my app?

If so, what are the steps I should take in order to achieve this?

When I'm using npm link to link my library's rollup build dist to my app it works fine. However, if I try to do the same using nollup -c --watch to build and serve my library, my app stops recognizing my lib.

PepsRyuu commented 3 years ago

Do you have an example project of this with the Rollup version? Off the top of my head it sounds like some sort of issue resolving symlinks. Is there a particular error that's coming up from Nollup? How is the library imported?

itaydafna commented 3 years ago

I created 2 demo projects to demonstrate my issue:

Demo lib:

Demo App:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Clone both repos into the same root directory
  2. Run npm install in both repos
  3. In demo-nollup-lib run npm run start:watch (runs rollup watch)
  4. In demo-nollup-app run npm start
  5. This works and the lib is linked properly to the app
  6. In demo-nollup-lib delete the dist folder and run npm run start:nollup
  7. In demo-nollup-app terminate and restart the app using npm start
  8. The app doesn't recognize the lib, error I'm getting: Module not found: Can't resolve 'demo-nollup-lib' in '{root-path}/demo-nollup-app/src'

Thanks! 🙏

PepsRyuu commented 3 years ago

Great! Will give it a try later today! :)

PepsRyuu commented 3 years ago

Ah okay, I see what you're trying to do now. From my initial look at it, unless I'm misunderstanding something, this is expected behaviour. Nollup doesn't generate anything to the disk by design, all generated files are stored in memory and served by the Nollup web server. So when the other project (Webpack) tries to look for the library using fs, it won't be able to find it which is entirely expected.

You've a few options to handle this, but it would involve creating custom tooling:

Hope this makes sense and helps!

itaydafna commented 3 years ago

Awesome, thanks for the detailed response!

I'll explore the solutions you suggested and post here in case I get one of them to work for me.

skedaddleconnect commented 3 years ago

@PepsRyuu Would you be able to provide some info on how to output to disk when using the generateBundle() hook? Currently facing the same issue in that I need the files on disk.


PepsRyuu commented 3 years ago

Off the top of my head, something like the following:


import fs from 'fs';

export default {
    plugins: [
        process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && {
            generateBundle (outputOptions, bundle) {
                if (!fs.existsSync('dist')){ 

                for (let key in bundle) {
                    let obj = bundle[key];
                    fs.writeFileSync('dist/' + obj.fileName, obj.code || obj.source);
    watch: {
        exclude: ['dist']
skedaddleconnect commented 3 years ago

Ah - just tried this, seems to be outputting it correctly, but I get a -[hash].js at the end. Is there any way to resolve this hash?

Thanks again

PepsRyuu commented 3 years ago

No, it's an intentional design choice in order to maintain a predictable filename and simplify configuration between dev and prod. You can always use string replace and replace it with whatever you want based on the setup.