Pepsi1x1 / XamarinForms.VisualDebug

A library and client app to view the visual heirarchy of your Xamarin app pages as an interactive tree diagram at runtime
MIT License
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Visual Studio Extensions #1

Open jsuarezruiz opened 3 years ago

jsuarezruiz commented 3 years ago

I think embedding the tool as an option in Visual Studio, I mean, creating extensions for VSWin and VSMac would be amazing. Have you think about it? If you need any information about it let me know.

Pepsi1x1 commented 3 years ago

I really like the idea of it being a VS extension!

It's given me some food for thought, such as if it's an extension then I guess if there is access to the debug data that is available to VS about the state of the objects; this could be used to build the tree instead of having to send it from the app itself. Removing the need for the hack for getting the IP of the host for using the iOS sim.