Percona-Lab / clickhousedb_fdw

PostgreSQL's Foreign Data Wrapper For ClickHouse
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Could clickhousedb_fdw work together with Citus? #13

Open yingfeng opened 5 years ago

yingfeng commented 5 years ago

If not, do you have any suggestions on adjusting both Citus as well as clickhousedb_fdw such that clickhousedb_fdw could work within Citus just like cstore_fdw? After all, the olap capability of cstore_fdw is far from good enough compared with clickhouse~

ibrarahmad commented 5 years ago

Can you please elaborate your scenario in detail.

yingfeng commented 5 years ago

Citus is a distributed postgresql solution. So my requirement is to have clickhousedb_fdw served as the column storage engine of Citus, just like cstore_fdw, in that case, the OLAP capability of Citus could be enhanced a lot. I notice that aggregation pushdown is already supported for clickhousedb_fdw, so perhaps there does not exist lots of obstacles to have it worked for Citus ?