Percona-Lab / clickhousedb_fdw

PostgreSQL's Foreign Data Wrapper For ClickHouse
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clickhouse array(string) #15

Open kos12345 opened 5 years ago

kos12345 commented 5 years ago

hello. i have two questions.

  1. is it possible to see datatype array(string) via clickhouse_fdw? for example table in clickhouse: create table events (id int8, field1 Array(String)); Create foreign table in postgre: CREATE foreign TABLE ( id int8, field1 text [] ) SERVER clickhouse_svr OPTIONS (table_name 'events'); query: select id, field1 FROM error: cannot convert clickhouse value to postgres value

  2. where i can see all possible options in this structure? create foreign table table1 ()SERVER clickhouse_svr OPTIONS ( all possible options ?)