PerditionPvE / Perdition

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Craftable/Refuelable light sources #15

Open TheQuaccer opened 1 year ago

TheQuaccer commented 1 year ago

Idea to add a Propane/Wood Wall torch for a light source, refuellable like an Antique oven. these give off light like a campfire but at a greater range. you can get a standing/wall torch. the wood torch has to be lit/put out to toggle it, the propane version can be turned off and on like electrical light, but has to be lit to turn on.

lectpz commented 1 year ago

Propane lamp = any outdoor lamp plus a propane torch.

Alziibun commented 1 year ago

We can have a torch for wood/resin/oil burning and one for gas

pieetrr commented 1 year ago

I'm of the idea that Hale said something about the latest patch adding an option to make lights not drain batteries. I don't know if we still want to do this.

TheQuaccer commented 1 year ago

why.. Why would that affect this? These are placeable lights like and not flashlights. these are meant for a substitute/low-tech solution for light emplacements like the external lights you find on buildings. these are useful if you want to light up a street/big area and you dont have the generators.

pieetrr commented 1 year ago

i did not talk about flashlights, im referring to the lights you would put around your base for light. Think there is a setting now to make them not drain resources.

TheQuaccer commented 1 year ago

those take electricity. and they do not take batteries. what have you been using for light pieetr? The wood/propane torches are made so you dont have to get like 10 gens to power a whole street.

pieetrr commented 1 year ago

Nothing? I have cats eyes? There are lights tied to wooden poles. I'm referring to those. I sure as hell dont use any of this shit but hale told me about it.

HaleChristopher commented 1 year ago

The thing I was talking about was lightbulbs, not batteries. I'm not against this idea, but I'm not sure it's be something that people will use long term. More of a "getting started" option. Honestly I can see anyone using propane for lighting but who knows?