PerditionPvE / Perdition

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The Cure #9

Open Alziibun opened 1 year ago

Alziibun commented 1 year ago

From Hale:

It would be marvellous if we could have a crafting recipe for the Cure, but I would like it to include recipes from other Higher Lever Skills in order to make it.

What I mean is having a requirement for a Centrifuge (which needs higher level Electronics), some kind of Filtration System (which requires higher level Tailoring) and maybe a Pressure Cooker (which requires a higher level Metalworking). These items could be crafted in their own recipes from their own skills and be keepable in the Cure recipe.

The Cure recipes should require max level Cooking/First Aid and a bunch of medical stuff (antiboitics, pain killers etc)

Am open to discussion about the details.

I believe the code for doing the cure is fairly universal (from what I have seen in various mods) if that helps.

Alziibun commented 1 year ago

Alzii — 10/27/2022 I think we should have food do different things instead because the higher your cooking the more nutrition it gives, kind of like how tailoring gives strong padding at level 10 Perhaps we can have a skill magazine for the cure or do it like antiserum and have it require research And the more research you do the higher the success rate I'm thinking like Hale — 10/27/2022 I'm open to all of that. Dropping Cooking but having the Items is fine. The skill magazine would be cool. Research would be interesting, though figuring out the actual process might be taxing to make sure it's cool in both system and story. Alzii — 10/27/2022 You start at a really low success rate like 5% Each success increases your research by an amount Hale — 10/27/2022 You can code that? That would be cool! Alzii — 10/27/2022 We could have it work like antiserum where instead of a cure it's a suppressant And once you get to a certain percent it has a chance of becoming the cure This makes it work Hale — 10/27/2022 Oh, I like that... Alzii — 10/27/2022 Think of those scientists in zombie films who cut up tons of zombie corpses Tons of failed products or not totally a cure And then suddenly they come upon the cure But the thing is, not all subjects are valid for developing a vaccine Some subjects may lack the antibodies required So we might have a system where there's a chance you make an infection ampule instead But this is like killing others by giving them poison I think at a certain research level you could be able to tell if a zombie has the proper materials for the disease and we can give first aid the ability to test for infection We could have a system where you can extract the Knox virus from players or yourself to research the virus

pieetrr commented 1 year ago

What me and hale originally wanted when we started the server is a recipe that:

• Needs First Aid 10 • Needs a device that is craftable from Cooking level 5-10 • Needs a device that is craftable from Electricity level 5-10

Now, to deviate from that for a cooler concept; no problem. But it needs to have a smitherin of fun attached to it. Using up precious materials to endlessly grind for research sounds not amazing in practice to me. Though the concept of research is really cool.

HaleChristopher commented 1 year ago

I would be happy to drop the Cooking item in favour of a Tailoring and/or Metalworking Item (Maybe something like a Fume Cabinet or something). I would also like to have the recipe call for a number of medical supplies (Antibiotics, Painkillers etc).

I am struggling with the idea of samples from zombies in multiples like Kaeldor but I'd want them to spawn more rarely and have less of a requirement (like you need 10 but they only have a 1% chance of spawning on corpse for example) so.

I think on reflection the researh system is cool, but it might be a bit much from some players. Could we instead use something like a rare spawn item called something like "Knox Infection Cure Notes" and you would need to find like 5 to Craft a consumable book that teaches the Cure. Gives a treasure hunt/doing work aspect without being too much.

I like the First Aid testing for the virus.

pieetrr commented 1 year ago

I would let alzi think about how she wants to present said research system, having let the idea mature in her head with the feedback from here. "Knox Infection Cure Notes" is just like adding a magazine with extra steps. Maybe she can go somewhere really cool with her idea.

Alziibun commented 1 year ago

Using up precious materials to endlessly grind for research sounds not amazing in practice to me. Though the concept of research is really cool.

Unlike Kaeldor's cure (aka copy pasted antiserum) it will not take 50 samples for one thing. Research can yield a cure, research is simply tracked with the journal which provides the "chance" of creating a cure or a failure (a suppressant or worse).

Ideas that I have to give the system a higher lifetime

pieetrr commented 1 year ago

It might be unimaginative but you are not fully appreciative of its effect.

Putting aside the fact that people that choose to stay solo should have a harder experience overall, it doesn't just favour factions which have their own woes trying to supply all their goofy ass faction members cures. A solo player can sell parts to the big factions, it stimulates the economy. Money equals cure, a solo player can get their hands on a cure even without storing all the parts and leveling anything. Can do it just by trading the parts they find. I don't think its completely bad as an idea. At the very least it works. Proven and tested.

What we wanted to do is to make people feel like they have to grind different skills to be useful and able to produce one of the devices needed to craft the cure, a less effective method of the specialization you want to dabble in.

I like the sound of your system but i will have to see some exact numbers for its first iteration and its exact application to be able to tell if i think its gonna work or not. As a first impression i am not a fan of vaccines/mutations. Its very tricky to make it be fun. Make it too easy then it trivialises the infection, make it too hard people will not like it when it resets.

Whenever you brainstorm specifics i'd be very interested to lend an ear.

Alziibun commented 1 year ago

Putting aside the fact that people that choose to stay solo should have a harder experience overall, it doesn't just favour factions which have their own woes trying to supply all their goofy ass faction members cures. A solo player can sell parts to the big factions, it stimulates the economy. Money equals cure, a solo player can get their hands on a cure even without storing all the parts and leveling anything. Can do it just by trading the parts they find. I don't think its completely bad as an idea. At the very least it works. Proven and tested.

I have yet to see this proven. You write this without the assumption that the larger factions will just run to mall and kill hundreds of zombies and harvest those parts. From what I can see being part of a larger faction we have too many resources to waste and there would be little point to buying off solo players. On the other hand, this gives solo players a chance at crafting their own cure but at the cost of being alone. It still stimulates the economy because there are still materials to be had, and the demand and supply of resources becomes more versatile because of the RNG mechanic.

This, of course, depends on how materials are gained and processed. I think it is totally valid for a solo player to play as some crazy mad scientist focused wholy on creating measures against infection and doing deals with larger factions. The idea of a cure itself trivializes infection. This idea is to make creating cures a journey and not a destination.

pieetrr commented 1 year ago

Had the 9th most hours on kaeldor in total out of hundreds of people. Most of those months that i played was when the recipe was around. I also had one of the biggest and active factions for months, crafting cures, buying parts etc. Hale made small advert posts in trading asking for materials, stocking cures and selling them. Even in the wipe you played i was the first person to be able to make a cure and got a lot of offers from people wanting to sell me stuff and buy the cure, even well after i quit the server. My top clients? Solo players.

As far as i am concerned, lame and unimaginative as it may seem to some, as anecdotal my experience may be, its proven that it works for me.

From what I can see being part of a larger faction we have too many resources to waste and there would be little point to buying off solo players.

in a broken, untweaked economy.

On the other hand, this gives solo players a chance at crafting their own cure but at the cost of being alone. It still stimulates the economy because there are still materials to be had, and the demand and supply of resources becomes more versatile because of the RNG mechanic.

This is why i want to see the exact numbers and application. its a bit too abstract or at least not detailed enough for me to tell you if its desireable or not.

Again, i like your idea, but this is very important topic and i would like to see more of it before i brim with joy and give you all kinds of green lights and additional headpats.

Alziibun commented 1 year ago

I had forgot to mention in my last post that it would still have a material cost, if we made the materials a drop chance it would virtually change nothing about that market

in a broken, untweaked economy.

That is true! I totally forgot about our current economy situation

On the other hand, this gives solo players a chance at crafting their own cure but at the cost of being alone. It still stimulates the economy because there are still materials to be had, and the demand and supply of resources becomes more versatile because of the RNG mechanic.

This is why i want to see the exact numbers and application. its a bit too abstract or at least not detailed enough for me to tell you if its desireable or not.

Again, i like your idea, but this is very important topic and i would like to see more of it before i brim with joy and give you all kinds of green lights and additional headpats.

Because we can not formulate proper numbers without feeling it out ourselves.

pieetrr commented 1 year ago

Because we can not formulate proper numbers without feeling it out ourselves.

We got to start somewhere, you can try to come up with an exact process and i'll tell you whats wrong with it and why the lera cure is still overall better till we get it right. If you get this going and i see more of what your thinking on the exact process is i might be able to contribute in the idea as well, helping you out.

Alziibun commented 1 year ago

Thinking of diagnosing the infection can be done with a zombie sample, a saliva or blood sample from the patient and a microscope