Closed BowDown097 closed 5 years ago
AssetStudio only supports and implements these types.
Will support for the others ever be added in the future?
No, AssetStudio doesn't need these things and they can't be exported to resource file.
Looking at a .assets file in UABE, I see there are 29 types in this assets file: Animation, AnimationClip, Animator, AudioClip, AudioSource, Avatar, CGProgram, Canvas, CanvasRenderer, GameObject, Material, Mesh, MeshFilter, MeshRenderer, MonoBehavior, MonoScript, ParticleSystem, ParticleSystemRenderer, PreloadData, RectTransform, Shader, SkinnedMeshRenderer, SortingGroup, Sprite, SpriteAtlas, SpriteRenderer, TextAsset, Texture2D, and Transform.
In AssetStudio, only 10 of those 29 types are shown: AnimationClip, Animator, AudioClip, Font, Mesh, MonoBehavior, Shader, Sprite, TextAsset, and Texture2D.
Why aren't the other 19 showing?