Perfare / Zygisk-Il2CppDumper

Using Zygisk to dump il2cpp data at runtime
MIT License
2.15k stars 5.3k forks source link

Riru-Il2CppDumper-master\module\src\main\cpp\il2cpp_dump.cpp:323:50: error: no member named '__klassIndex' in 'Il2CppType::(anonymous union at Riru-Il2CppDumper-master/module/src/main/cpp/il2cppapi/2019.4.15f1/il2cpp-class.h:654:5)'; did you mean 'klassIndex'? #70

Closed wst24365888 closed 2 years ago

wst24365888 commented 2 years ago

The bug occurred while doing gradlew :module:assembleRelease.

Perfare commented 2 years ago

Please enable or comment #define in game.h according to your Unity version.