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Potential issues with symlinks in the DFHack archives on Windows #3

Open lethosor opened 8 years ago

lethosor commented 8 years ago

From here

Hey, I am trying to make prepackaged versions of my mod (including DFHack) for all 3 OSes, but am running into a snag: I cannot extract the linux version because it has symbolic links. Any way around this other than telling the user to manually install DFHack themselves?

From here, it sounds like extracting the archives on Windows and re-packaging them would break symlinks upon extraction, even on OS X and Linux, which would break things that depend on those symlinks (Stonesense) completely.

As I mentioned in that thread, it would be possible to replace broken allegro symlinks with working ones in the DFHack launcher script. However, since I don't think there's a way to tell which files are broken symlinks and which are just normal files, it's not a great solution in terms of maintainability (if we add more symlinks, etc.).

lethosor commented 8 years ago

There are also a couple symlinks in the SDL frameworks distributed in the OS X DF package, which DF needs to start.

PeridexisErrant commented 8 years ago

Thanks for raising this. For now I don't think there's much to do beyond noting in the documentation (forthcoming, eventually) that *nix packs cannot be built from Windows.