The Accept-Encoding field is used in an HTTP request to indicate which encodings are accepted in a response message to the request. This field is used to specify the values of gzip, deflate, compress and identity. A value of identity indicates that the data must not be compressed. A wildcard of * indicates that any encoding is accepted. The Accept-Encoding field can also be empty, indicating that no encoding is accepted. SM needs to support the handling of broker responses when the Accept-Encoding header is present and provided by the OSB clients as svcat.
The proposed changes add an Accept-Encoding header filter for OSB calls and filters out the Accept-Encoding header incase the request encoding is not supported
Coverage decreased (-0.01%) to 86.763% when pulling 685807f6d2bec2ec49aa0f527680a647e9f7d965 on encodings_filter into ce5f8bcd34bc599ab032640382197723163ad47d on master.
The Accept-Encoding field is used in an HTTP request to indicate which encodings are accepted in a response message to the request. This field is used to specify the values of gzip, deflate, compress and identity. A value of identity indicates that the data must not be compressed. A wildcard of * indicates that any encoding is accepted. The Accept-Encoding field can also be empty, indicating that no encoding is accepted. SM needs to support the handling of broker responses when the Accept-Encoding header is present and provided by the OSB clients as svcat.
Approach The proposed changes add an Accept-Encoding header filter for OSB calls and filters out the Accept-Encoding header incase the request encoding is not supported