Currently the check assumed that if the plan is not updated it will not be presented in the request body. However CC sends the plan_id in the body even if it is not changed and remains the same. SM should make a difference between this situations because if not this makes the instance some sort of unusable.
Coverage decreased (-0.01%) to 86.917% when pulling ddb2889da802a867f76d93ee156d38d021f87b09 on migrator-unentitled-plans into e6af60bd98bc566cea74e6432b7099b8fba5e7ac on master.
Currently the check assumed that if the plan is not updated it will not be presented in the request body. However CC sends the plan_id in the body even if it is not changed and remains the same. SM should make a difference between this situations because if not this makes the instance some sort of unusable.