If there is no issue related to your pull request - open one and assign yourself to it. If you're proposing a solution to an already opened issue - simply assign yourself to it.
Describe the problem you're trying to solve or the feature you're proposing in addition to a link to the related issue.
How does this change address the problem?
Pull Request status
[x] Initial implementation
[ ] Refactoring
[ ] Unit tests
[ ] Integration tests
Feel free to construct the checklist with whatever items seem most reasonable for your change. You could disassemble the Implementation part to even smaller separate checklist items if you're working on something big for example. But do make the effort to provide a checklist of some sort so that the core team as well as the community can have an idea about the progress of your Pull Request.
Third-party code
If you use third party code with your contribution such as, components, libraries, or snippets make sure to mention that.
Coverage decreased (-0.04%) to 86.395% when pulling 537cd3b5eb6f5557959ca118463c08a65707aae6 on improve_sa_termination_tests into a53498d5eb1c6b912c8caa0b9c8a64c71fb32743 on master.
Pull Request Template
Describe the problem you're trying to solve or the feature you're proposing in addition to a link to the related issue.
How does this change address the problem?
Pull Request status
Feel free to construct the checklist with whatever items seem most reasonable for your change. You could disassemble the Implementation part to even smaller separate checklist items if you're working on something big for example. But do make the effort to provide a checklist of some sort so that the core team as well as the community can have an idea about the progress of your Pull Request.
Third-party code
If you use third party code with your contribution such as, components, libraries, or snippets make sure to mention that.
Make sure that your contribution complies with our Contribution guidelines.
Work in Progress label
For as long as development of your Pull Request is still ongoing you MUST label it with a wip label as well as prefix the name of the PR with [WIP].
For example: [WIP] Service brokers API