PerksPrisoner / Crash-Reports-and-Bugs-ECO-Survival-

Depository of issues to consist of crash reports and bugs with Eco Survival (Steam Edition)
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Failed Transfer from vehicle inventory to player inventory when slots are full #1

Open PerksPrisoner opened 6 years ago

PerksPrisoner commented 6 years ago

Caught exception:

Caught exception invoking RPC PlayerInteract on Player! Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Stack: at Eco.Gameplay.Items.Inventory.MoveAsManyItemsAsPossible(Inventory destination, Func`2 sourceStackPredicate, User user) at Eco.Gameplay.Components.StorageComponent.OnActLeft(InteractionContext context) at Eco.Gameplay.Interactions.InteractionExtensions.ExecuteUntilSuccess(IEnumerable`1 results) at Eco.Gameplay.Interactions.InteractionExtensions.ExecuteUntilSuccess(IEnumerable`1 results) at Eco.Gameplay.Players.Player.PlayerInteract(InteractionInfo info) Stack: at Eco.Shared.Networking.RPCManager.TryInvoke(Object controller, String methodname, BSONObject bsonArgs, Object& result) at Eco.Shared.Networking.RPCManager.InvokeOn(BSONObject bson, Object controller, String methodname) at Eco.Shared.Networking.RPCManager.HandleReceiveRPC(INetClient client, BSONObject bson) at Eco.Shared.Networking.NetPort.ProcessBuffer() at Eco.Shared.Networking.NetPort.Update() at Eco.Plugins.Networking.Clients.Client.<.ctor>b__56_0()
PerksPrisoner commented 6 years ago

Once crash happens it then causes an invalid ticket and it forces the player to exit the game entirely.