Perl-Email-Project / Email-Valid

perl library to validate email addresses
19 stars 19 forks source link

invalid metadata (dynamic_config should be true) -- consider dzilifying #40

Open karenetheridge opened 7 years ago

karenetheridge commented 7 years ago

META.json says dynamic_config => 0, but right there in the Makefile.PL, prereqs get added conditionally for Net::DNS and MSWin32 stuff.

This is easy to manage with Dist::Zilla (I gather you are familiar with it):

... your preferred bundle stuff goes here ...

:version = 0.018
-delimiter = |
-body = |unless (eval 'require Net::DNS; 1;') {
-body = |  my $found_it;
-body = |  my $ns = 'nslookup';
-body = |  foreach my $path (File::Spec->path) {
-body = |    my $file = File::Spec->catfile($path, $ns);
-body = |    $found_it = "$file.exe" if is_os('MSWin32') and -x "$file.exe" and !-d _;
-body = |    $found_it = $file if -x $file and !-d _;
-body = |  }
-body = |  $need_net_dns = ! $found_it;
-body = |}
-body = |requires('Net::DNS' => '0') if $need_net_dns;
-body = |requires('IO::CaptureOutput' => '0') if !$need_net_dns and is_os('MSWin32', 'Cygwin');