Perl-OpenMP / p5-Alien-OpenMP

Portable buildopt interface to OpenMP enabled compiler flags and other things.
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convert to Starter::Git #15

Closed Grinnz closed 2 years ago

Grinnz commented 2 years ago

-using Git::GatherDir so files ignored by .gitignore will not be gathered -using Git plugins to commit, tag, and push upon release -managed_versions will bump the module version and commit again after release -regenerate Makefile.PL and META.json on release and with dzil regenerate for CI to use

Removed file t/00-report-prereqs.t seems to be an old copy of the Test::ReportPrereqs test but does not have an associated t/00-report-prereqs.dd data file to make it work. Removed since it conflicts with the one generated by Test::ReportPrereqs as part of the Starter bundle.

Possible remaining cleanups: MANIFEST.SKIP is currently preventing the files in xt/ from being gathered into the dist, so dzil test does not see them. Also, MANIFEST.SKIP can possibly be removed now that Git::GatherDir is being used so .gitignore declares what to skip. Some of the generic tests in xt/ can be removed and replaced with plugins, like [PodSyntaxTests] that is already included in Starter.

dzil regenerate command can be used to regenerate the Makefile.PL and META.json from the build outside of releases. Also added Regenerate::AfterReleasers so is regenerated with this command as well.

oodler577 commented 2 years ago

APPROVED - merged manually with cherry-pick -xs