Perl-OpenMP / p5-Alien-OpenMP

Portable buildopt interface to OpenMP enabled compiler flags and other things.
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Intel compiler support and CI testing #6

Closed zmughal closed 2 years ago

zmughal commented 3 years ago

Perhaps this can help with adding/testing Intel compiler support

zmughal commented 3 years ago

As discussed in IRC #native, this is how PDL's CI workflow monkey-patches to using Clang with perls where $Config{cc} is GCC:

      - name: Use clang?
        # clang is already installed in Travis-CI environment. Using PERL_MM_OPT does not work with subdirectory Makefile.PLs so we override
        # Also, both $Config{cc} and $Config{ld} need to be set because under ELF environments (such as Travis-CI's Ubuntu), this is what Perl's does.
        if: matrix.use-clang
        run: |
          mkdir build_aux
          echo 'package pdl_config_override; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config; $Config{cc} = $Config{ld} = "clang"; 1;' >> build_aux/
          echo "PERL5OPT=-I$(pwd)/build_aux -Mpdl_config_override" >> $GITHUB_ENV
oodler577 commented 2 years ago

Yeah I've been thinking about that, may #9 supercedes this one? If so, go ahead and close this one. I'll comment on #9.