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Regex: (*THEN) doesn't work as described #12737

Open p5pRT opened 11 years ago

p5pRT commented 11 years ago

Migrated from (status was 'open')

Searchable as RT116537$

p5pRT commented 11 years ago



My understanding of how (*THEN) works is that the test below should match. The perlre page says "...this verb always matches\, and when backtracked into on failure\, it causes the regex engine to try the next alternation in the innermost enclosing group (capturing or otherwise) that has alternations." Unless I am going mad\, the examples below (one a normal group\, the other an assertion) fulfil the condition.

$ perl -e 'print (("ac" =~ /^(?=ab|ac)/)? "yes\n"​:"no\n")' yes $ perl -e 'print (("ac" =~ /^(?=a(*THEN)b|ac)/)? "yes\n"​:"no\n")' no

$ perl -e 'print (("ac" =~ /^(ab|ac)/)? "yes\n"​:"no\n")' yes $ perl -e 'print (("ac" =~ /^(a(*THEN)b|ac)/)? "yes\n"​:"no\n")' no

I discovered this because PCRE does match these patterns.

Regards\, Philip

-- Philip Hazel

Flags​:   category=core   severity=low

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p5pRT commented 11 years ago

From @tamias

On Fri\, Jan 25\, 2013 at 09​:23​:54AM -0800\, Philip Hazel wrote​:

My understanding of how (*THEN) works is that the test below should match. The perlre page says "...this verb always matches\, and when backtracked into on failure\, it causes the regex engine to try the next alternation in the innermost enclosing group (capturing or otherwise) that has alternations." Unless I am going mad\, the examples below (one a normal group\, the other an assertion) fulfil the condition.

$ perl -e 'print (("ac" =~ /^(?=ab|ac)/)? "yes\n"​:"no\n")' yes $ perl -e 'print (("ac" =~ /^(?=a(*THEN)b|ac)/)? "yes\n"​:"no\n")' no

$ perl -e 'print (("ac" =~ /^(ab|ac)/)? "yes\n"​:"no\n")' yes $ perl -e 'print (("ac" =~ /^(a(*THEN)b|ac)/)? "yes\n"​:"no\n")' no

These work in 5.10.1\, but not in 5.14.1.

These are the only tests involving (*THEN) that expect a successful match\, from t/re/pat_advanced.t​:

  {   #Mindnumbingly simple test of (*THEN)   for ("ABC"\,"BAX") {   ok /A (*THEN) X | B (*THEN) C/x\, "Simple (*THEN) test";   }   }

The key difference seems to be that in your tests\, the two alternations begin with the same character.


p5pRT commented 11 years ago

The RT System itself - Status changed from 'new' to 'open'

p5pRT commented 11 years ago

From @b2gills

On Fri\, Jan 25\, 2013 at 4​:17 PM\, Ronald J Kimball \rjk@​tamias\.net wrote​:

On Fri\, Jan 25\, 2013 at 09​:23​:54AM -0800\, Philip Hazel wrote​:

My understanding of how (*THEN) works is that the test below should match. The perlre page says "...this verb always matches\, and when backtracked into on failure\, it causes the regex engine to try the next alternation in the innermost enclosing group (capturing or otherwise) that has alternations." Unless I am going mad\, the examples below (one a normal group\, the other an assertion) fulfil the condition.

$ perl -e 'print (("ac" =~ /^(?=ab|ac)/)? "yes\n"​:"no\n")' yes $ perl -e 'print (("ac" =~ /^(?=a(*THEN)b|ac)/)? "yes\n"​:"no\n")' no

$ perl -e 'print (("ac" =~ /^(ab|ac)/)? "yes\n"​:"no\n")' yes $ perl -e 'print (("ac" =~ /^(a(*THEN)b|ac)/)? "yes\n"​:"no\n")' no

These work in 5.10.1\, but not in 5.14.1.

These are the only tests involving (*THEN) that expect a successful match\, from t/re/pat_advanced.t​:

    \#Mindnumbingly simple test of \(\*THEN\)
    for \("ABC"\,"BAX"\) \{
        ok /A \(\*THEN\) X | B \(\*THEN\) C/x\, "Simple \(\*THEN\) test";

The key difference seems to be that in your tests\, the two alternations begin with the same character.

This appears to be caused by the TRIE optimization (as far as I can tell)

  $ perl -Mre=debug -e'print (("ac" =~ /^(a(*THEN)b|ac)/)? "yes\n"​:"no\n")'

  Compiling REx "^(a(*THEN)b|ac)"   Final program​:   1​: BOL (2)   2​: OPEN1 (4)   4​: TRIE-EXACT[a] (14)   \ (7)   7​: CUTGROUP (9)   9​: EXACT \ (14)   \ (14)   14​: CLOSE1 (16)   16​: END (0)   anchored(BOL) minlen 2   Matching REx "^(a(*THEN)b|ac)" against "ac"   0 \<> \ | 1​:BOL(2)   0 \<> \ | 2​:OPEN1(4)   0 \<> \ | 4​:TRIE-EXACT[a](14)   0 \<> \ | State​: 1 Accepted​: N Charid​: 1 CP​: 61 After State​: 2   1 \ \ | State​: 2 Accepted​: Y Charid​: 2 CP​: 63 After State​: 3   2 \ \<> | State​: 3 Accepted​: Y Charid​: 0 CP​: 0 After State​: 0   got 2 possible matches   TRIE matched word #1\, continuing   1 \ \ | 7​: CUTGROUP(9)   1 \ \ | 9​: EXACT \(14)   failed...   failed...   Match failed   no   Freeing REx​: "^(a(*THEN)b|ac)"

This fails in the exact same manner​:

  $ perl -Mre=debug -e'print (("ac" =~ /^((?​:a(*THEN)b)|ac)/)? "yes\n"​:"no\n")'

This succeeds​:

  $ perl -Mre=debug -e'print (("ac" =~ /^((a(*THEN)b)|ac)/)? "yes\n"​:"no\n")'

  Compiling REx "^((a(*THEN)b)|ac)"   Final program​:   1​: BOL (2)   2​: OPEN1 (4)   4​: BRANCH (15)   5​: OPEN2 (7)   7​: EXACT \ (9)   9​: CUTGROUP (11)   11​: EXACT \ (13)   13​: CLOSE2 (18)   15​: BRANCH (FAIL)   16​: EXACT \ (18)   18​: CLOSE1 (20)   20​: END (0)   anchored(BOL) minlen 2   Matching REx "^((a(*THEN)b)|ac)" against "ac"   0 \<> \ | 1​:BOL(2)   0 \<> \ | 2​:OPEN1(4)   0 \<> \ | 4​:BRANCH(15)   0 \<> \ | 5​: OPEN2(7)   0 \<> \ | 7​: EXACT \(9)   1 \ \ | 9​: CUTGROUP(11)   1 \ \ | 11​: EXACT \(13)   failed...   failed...   0 \<> \ | 15​:BRANCH(18)   0 \<> \ | 16​: EXACT \(18)   2 \ \<> | 18​: CLOSE1(20)   2 \ \<> | 20​: END(0)   Match successful!   yes   Freeing REx​: "^((a(*THEN)b)|ac)"

p5pRT commented 11 years ago

From @khwilliamson

On 01/25/2013 03​:17 PM\, Ronald J Kimball wrote​:

On Fri\, Jan 25\, 2013 at 09​:23​:54AM -0800\, Philip Hazel wrote​:

My understanding of how (*THEN) works is that the test below should match. The perlre page says "...this verb always matches\, and when backtracked into on failure\, it causes the regex engine to try the next alternation in the innermost enclosing group (capturing or otherwise) that has alternations." Unless I am going mad\, the examples below (one a normal group\, the other an assertion) fulfil the condition.

$ perl -e 'print (("ac" =~ /^(?=ab|ac)/)? "yes\n"​:"no\n")' yes $ perl -e 'print (("ac" =~ /^(?=a(*THEN)b|ac)/)? "yes\n"​:"no\n")' no

$ perl -e 'print (("ac" =~ /^(ab|ac)/)? "yes\n"​:"no\n")' yes $ perl -e 'print (("ac" =~ /^(a(*THEN)b|ac)/)? "yes\n"​:"no\n")' no

These work in 5.10.1\, but not in 5.14.1.

These are the only tests involving (*THEN) that expect a successful match\, from t/re/pat_advanced.t​:

     \#Mindnumbingly simple test of \(\*THEN\)
     for \("ABC"\,"BAX"\) \{
         ok /A \(\*THEN\) X | B \(\*THEN\) C/x\, "Simple \(\*THEN\) test";

The key difference seems to be that in your tests\, the two alternations begin with the same character.


I bisected this problem. The offending commit is commit 2e64971a6530d2645969bc489f564bfd3ce64993 Author​: David Mitchell \davem@&#8203;iabyn\.com Date​: Mon May 3 13​:57​:58 2010 +0100

  tries​: don't allocate memory at runtime

  This is an indirect fix for   [perl #74484] Regex causing exponential runtime+mem usage

  The trie runtime code was doing more SAVETMPS than FREETMPS and was thus   growing a large tmps stack on heavy backtracking. Rather than fixing this   directly\, I rewrote part of the trie code so that it no longer needs to   allocate memory in S_regmatch (it still does in find_byclass()).

  The basic issue is that multiple branches in the trie may trigger an   accept state; for example​:

  "abcd" =~ /xyz/abcd.*X|ab.*Y|/

  here\, words (branches) 2 and 3 are accept states. The original approach   was\, at run time\, to create a list of accepted word numbers and the   character positions of the end of each of those words. Then run the rest   of the pattern for each word in the list in turn (in word index order).   This requires memory for the list to be allocated and freed.

  The new approach involves creating extra info at compile time; in   particular\, for each word\, a pointer to the previous accepted word (if   any) in the state tree. For example for the above pattern\, part of the   state tree may be

  q b c d   1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5   (#3) (#2)

  (e.g. at state 1\, if the next char is 'a'\, we transition to state 2).   Here\, state 3 is an accept state with word #3\, and 5 is an accept state   with word #2. So we build a table indexed by word number\, which has   wordinfo[2] = 3\, wordinfo[3] = 0\, thus building the word chain 2->3->0.

  At run time we run the trie to completion\, and remember the word   associated with the longest accept state (word #2 above). Then by following   back the chain of .prev fields\, we can produce a list of all accepting   words. We then iteratively find the smallest-numbered (ie LH-most) word in   the chain\, and run with it. On failure and backtrack\, we find the   next-smallest and so on.

  Since we are no longer recording the end-position of each word in the   string\, we have to recalculate this for each backtrack. We initially   record the end-position of the shortest accepting word\, and given that we   know the length of each word\, we can calculate the new position each time   as an offset from that first word. Depending on unicode and folding\, that   calculation can be cheap or expensive.

  This algorithm is optimised for the typical case where there are a small   number (\<= 2) accepting states.

  This patch creates a new compile-time array\, trie->wordinfo[]\, indexed by   word number\, which contains relevant info about each word. This also   supersedes the old trie->newword[] array\, whose function of recording   "overspills" of multiple words per accept state\, is now handled as part of   the wordinfo[].prev chain.

p5pRT commented 11 years ago

From @iabyn

On Fri\, Jan 25\, 2013 at 04​:47​:48PM -0700\, Karl Williamson wrote​:

I bisected this problem. The offending commit is commit 2e64971a6530d2645969bc489f564bfd3ce64993 Author​: David Mitchell \davem@&#8203;iabyn\.com Date​: Mon May 3 13​:57​:58 2010 +0100

tries&#8203;: don't allocate memory at runtime

This is an indirect fix for
    \[perl \#74484\] Regex causing exponential runtime\+mem usage

Oh joy. I'll add it to my list...

-- In the 70's we wore flares because we didn't know any better. What possible excuse does the current generation have?