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ExtUtils::CBuilder uses ld to link programs, thus failing #13531

Open p5pRT opened 10 years ago

p5pRT commented 10 years ago

Migrated from (status was 'open')

Searchable as RT121017$

p5pRT commented 10 years ago


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Subject basically says it all\, ExtUtils​::CBuilder errornously tries to use $Config{ld} to link programs\, thus failing on many platforms. Correct would be $Config{cc}.

The symptom is a lot of modules fialing entirely or installing pure-perl versions because ExtUtils​::CBuilder tries to link a test program as shared library without specifying the corretc flags (as obviously it tries to build a standalone program).

This most often\, but not always\, happens when modules use the ->have_compiler in their Makefile.PL which errornously returns false.

Whats more\, on systems that do not use dynamic loading\, $Config{ld} always seems to default to "ld"\, which might be binary incompatible (and might be another bug - the documentation says on ELF systems (why only there?) it should be the same as $cc\, but Configure always sets it to "ld"\, even with -Dld=xx specified).

The only workaround is to define LD in the environment\, which is the wrong symbol and can break legitimate uses.

Perl Info ``` Flags: category=library severity=low module=ExtUtils::CBuilder Site configuration information for perl 5.18.1: Configured by Marc Lehmann at Mon Oct 21 09:27:08 CEST 2013. Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 18 subversion 1) configuration: Platform: osname=linux, osvers=3.10-3-amd64, archname=x86_64-linux uname='linux cerebro 3.10-3-amd64 #1 smp debian 3.10.11-1 (2013-09-10) x86_64 gnulinux ' config_args='-Duselargefiles -Duse64bitint -Dusemymalloc=n -Dstatic_ext=Fcntl -Dcc=ccache gcc -Dccflags=-DPERL_DISABLE_PMC -DPERL_ARENA_SIZE=16376 -USITEARCH_EXP -USITELIB_EXP -UARCHLIB_EXP -D_GNU_SOURCE -I/opt/include -ggdb -gdwarf-2 -g3 -Doptimize=-O6 -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-strict-aliasing -Dcccdlflags=-fPIC -Dldflags=-L/opt/perl/lib -L/opt/lib -Dlibs=-ldl -lm -lcrypt -Dprefix=/opt/perl -Dprivlib=/opt/perl/lib/perl5 -Darchlib=/opt/perl/lib/perl5 -Uusevendorprefix -Dsiteprefix=/opt/perl -Dsitelib=/opt/perl/lib/perl5 -Dsitearch=/opt/perl/lib/perl5 -Dsitebin=/opt/perl/bin -Dman1dir=/opt/perl/man/man1 -Dman3dir=/opt/perl/man/man3 -Dsiteman1dir=/opt/perl/man/man1 -Dsiteman3dir=/opt/perl/man/man3 -Dman1ext=1 -Dman3ext=3 -Dpager=/usr/bin/less -Uafs -Uusesfio -Uusenm -Uuseshrplib -Ud_dosuid -Dusethreads=undef -Duse5005threads=undef -Duseithreads=undef -Dusemultiplicity=undef -Dcf_by=Marc Lehmann -Dlocincpth=/opt/perl/include /opt/include -Dmyhostname=localhost -Dmultiarch=undef -Dbin=/opt/perl/bin -Dxxxusedevel -DxxxDEBUGGING -Dxxxuse_debugging_perl -Dxxxuse_debugmalloc -dEs' hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define useithreads=undef, usemultiplicity=undef useperlio=define, d_sfio=undef, uselargefiles=define, usesocks=undef use64bitint=define, use64bitall=define, uselongdouble=undef usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef Compiler: cc='ccache gcc', ccflags ='-DPERL_DISABLE_PMC -DPERL_ARENA_SIZE=16376 -USITEARCH_EXP -USITELIB_EXP -UARCHLIB_EXP -D_GNU_SOURCE -I/opt/include -ggdb -gdwarf-2 -g3 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/opt/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64', optimize='-O6 -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-strict-aliasing', cppflags='-DPERL_DISABLE_PMC -DPERL_ARENA_SIZE=16376 -USITEARCH_EXP -USITELIB_EXP -UARCHLIB_EXP -D_GNU_SOURCE -I/opt/include -ggdb -gdwarf-2 -g3 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/opt/include' ccversion='', gccversion='4.7.2', gccosandvers='' intsize=4, longsize=8, ptrsize=8, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678 d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16 ivtype='long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8 alignbytes=8, prototype=define Linker and Libraries: ld='ccache gcc', ldflags ='-L/opt/perl/lib -L/opt/lib -L/usr/local/lib' libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /lib/../lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib/../lib /lib /usr/lib libs=-ldl -lm -lcrypt perllibs=-ldl -lm -lcrypt libc=, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a gnulibc_version='2.17' Dynamic Linking: dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-Wl,-E' cccdlflags='-fPIC', lddlflags='-shared -O6 -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-strict-aliasing -L/opt/perl/lib -L/opt/lib -L/usr/local/lib' Locally applied patches: @INC for perl 5.18.1: /root/src/sex /root/pserv/lib/perl5 /opt/perl/lib/perl5 /opt/perl/lib/perl5 . Environment for perl 5.18.1: HOME=/root LANG (unset) LANGUAGE (unset) LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 LD_LIBRARY_PATH (unset) LOGDIR (unset) PATH=/root/s2:/root/s:/opt/bin:/opt/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/root/pserv:. PERL5LIB=/root/src/sex:/root/pserv/lib/perl5 PERL5_CPANPLUS_CONFIG=/root/.cpanplus/config PERLDB_OPTS=ornaments=0 PERL_ANYEVENT_DBI_TESTS=1 PERL_ANYEVENT_LOOP_TESTS=1 PERL_ANYEVENT_NET_TESTS=1 PERL_BADLANG (unset) PERL_UNICODE=E SHELL=/bin/bash ```
p5pRT commented 10 years ago


Things seem more complicated - ExtUtils​::CBuilder actually tries to link dynamic libraries all the time\, even when static linking isn't even supported by the configuration.

--   The choice of a Deliantra\, the free code+content MORPG   -----==- _GNU_ http​://   ----==-- _ generation   ---==---(_)__ __ ____ __ Marc Lehmann   --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ / schmorp@​   -=====/_/_//_/\_\,_/ /_/\_\

p5pRT commented 10 years ago

From @Leont

On Thu\, Jan 16\, 2014 at 3​:29 PM\, schmorp@​ \< perlbug-followup@​> wrote​:

Subject basically says it all\, ExtUtils​::CBuilder errornously tries to use $Config{ld} to link programs\, thus failing on many platforms. Correct would be $Config{cc}.

On Unix\, it explicitly uses $Config{cc} to link executables[1]\, though it uses $Config{ld} for loadable objects. Also\, $Config{cc} and $Config{ld} tend to be identical anyway\, though that depends on Configure too.

The symptom is a lot of modules fialing entirely or installing pure-perl versions because ExtUtils​::CBuilder tries to link a test program as shared library without specifying the corretc flags (as obviously it tries to build a standalone program).

What flags are missing? I suspect that'd be lddlflags not being defined.

This most often\, but not always\, happens when modules use the

->have_compiler in their Makefile.PL which errornously returns false.

Can you give a concrete example of how you trigger this? AFAIK it usually works.

Whats more\, on systems that do not use dynamic loading\, $Config{ld} always

seems to default to "ld"\, which might be binary incompatible (and might be another bug - the documentation says on ELF systems (why only there?) it should be the same as $cc\, but Configure always sets it to "ld"\, even with -Dld=xx specified).

ld not being overridable definitely sounds like a bug. I think on most cases the difference doesn't matter\, and in one case it's actively the more sensible thing to do (AIX)\, in others it apparently doesn't.

The only workaround is to define LD in the environment\, which is the wrong symbol and can break legitimate uses.

I agree that's not much of a solution.



Platform​: osname=linux\, osvers=3.10-3-amd64\, archname=x86_64-linux uname='linux cerebro 3.10-3-amd64 #1 smp debian 3.10.11-1 (2013-09-10) x86_64 gnulinux ' config_args='-Duselargefiles -Duse64bitint -Dusemymalloc=n -Dstatic_ext=Fcntl -Dcc=ccache gcc -Dccflags=-DPERL_DISABLE_PMC -DPERL_ARENA_SIZE=16376 -USITEARCH_EXP -USITELIB_EXP -UARCHLIB_EXP -D_GNU_SOURCE -I/opt/include -ggdb -gdwarf-2 -g3 -Doptimize=-O6 -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-strict-aliasing -Dcccdlflags=-fPIC -Dldflags=-L/opt/perl/lib -L/opt/lib -Dlibs=-ldl -lm -lcrypt -Dprefix=/opt/perl -Dprivlib=/opt/perl/lib/perl5 -Darchlib=/opt/perl/lib/perl5 -Uusevendorprefix -Dsiteprefix=/opt/perl -Dsitelib=/opt/perl/lib/perl5 -Dsitearch=/opt/perl/lib/perl5 -Dsitebin=/opt/perl/bin -Dman1dir=/opt/perl/man/man1 -Dman3dir=/opt/perl/man/man3 -Dsiteman1dir=/opt/perl/man/man1 -Dsiteman3dir=/opt/perl/man/man3 -Dman1ext=1 -Dman3ext=3 -Dpager=/usr/bin/less -Uafs -Uusesfio -Uusenm -Uuseshrplib -Ud_dosuid -Dusethreads=undef -Duse5005threads=undef -Duseithreads=undef -Dusemultiplicity=undef -Demail=perl-binary@​ -Dcf_email= perl-binary@​ -Dcf_by=Marc Lehmann -Dlocin cpth=/opt/perl/include /opt/include -Dmyhostname=localhost -Dmultiarch=undef -Dbin=/opt/perl/bin -Dxxxusedevel -DxxxDEBUGGING -Dxxxuse_debugging_perl -Dxxxuse_debugmalloc -dEs' hint=recommended\, useposix=true\, d_sigaction=define useithreads=undef\, usemultiplicity=undef useperlio=define\, d_sfio=undef\, uselargefiles=define\, usesocks=undef use64bitint=define\, use64bitall=define\, uselongdouble=undef usemymalloc=n\, bincompat5005=undef Compiler​: cc='ccache gcc'\, ccflags ='-DPERL_DISABLE_PMC -DPERL_ARENA_SIZE=16376 -USITEARCH_EXP -USITELIB_EXP -UARCHLIB_EXP -D_GNU_SOURCE -I/opt/include -ggdb -gdwarf-2 -g3 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/opt/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64'\, optimize='-O6 -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-strict-aliasing'\, cppflags='-DPERL_DISABLE_PMC -DPERL_ARENA_SIZE=16376 -USITEARCH_EXP -USITELIB_EXP -UARCHLIB_EXP -D_GNU_SOURCE -I/opt/include -ggdb -gdwarf-2 -g3 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/opt/include' ccversion=''\, gccversion='4.7.2'\, gccosandvers='' intsize=4\, longsize=8\, ptrsize=8\, doublesize=8\, byteorder=12345678 d_longlong=define\, longlongsize=8\, d_longdbl=define\, longdblsize=16 ivtype='long'\, ivsize=8\, nvtype='double'\, nvsize=8\, Off_t='off_t'\, lseeksize=8 alignbytes=8\, prototype=define Linker and Libraries​: ld='ccache gcc'\, ldflags ='-L/opt/perl/lib -L/opt/lib -L/usr/local/lib' libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /lib/../lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib/../lib /lib /usr/lib libs=-ldl -lm -lcrypt perllibs=-ldl -lm -lcrypt libc=\, so=so\, useshrplib=false\, libperl=libperl.a gnulibc_version='2.17' Dynamic Linking​: dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs\, dlext=so\, d_dlsymun=undef\, ccdlflags='-Wl\,-E' cccdlflags='-fPIC'\, lddlflags='-shared -O6 -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-strict-aliasing -L/opt/perl/lib -L/opt/lib -L/usr/local/lib'

Locally applied patches​:

--- @​INC for perl 5.18.1​: /root/src/sex /root/pserv/lib/perl5 /opt/perl/lib/perl5 /opt/perl/lib/perl5 .

--- Environment for perl 5.18.1​: HOME=/root LANG (unset) LANGUAGE (unset) LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 LD_LIBRARY_PATH (unset) LOGDIR (unset)

PATH=/root/s2​:/root/s​:/opt/bin​:/opt/sbin​:/bin​:/sbin​:/usr/bin​:/usr/sbin​:/usr/X11/bin​:/usr/games​:/usr/local/bin​:/usr/local/sbin​:/root/pserv​:. PERL5LIB=/root/src/sex​:/root/pserv/lib/perl5 PERL5_CPANPLUS_CONFIG=/root/.cpanplus/config PERLDB_OPTS=ornaments=0 PERL_ANYEVENT_DBI_TESTS=1 PERL_ANYEVENT_LOOP_TESTS=1 PERL_ANYEVENT_NET_TESTS=1 PERL_BADLANG (unset) PERL_UNICODE=E SHELL=/bin/bash

p5pRT commented 10 years ago

The RT System itself - Status changed from 'new' to 'open'

p5pRT commented 10 years ago

From @Leont

On Thu\, Jan 16\, 2014 at 4​:07 PM\, Marc Lehmann \schmorp@&#8203;schmorp\.de wrote​:

Things seem more complicated - ExtUtils​::CBuilder actually tries to link dynamic libraries all the time\, even when static linking isn't even supported by the configuration.


The only thing it does reliably is the thing Module​::Build uses it for​: building dynamically loaded extensions to perl. While it can be used for other purposes this is increasingly likely to break the further you get away from a dynamically-loading ELF based Unix system. Quite frankly\, I think everyone who knows CBuilder intimately hate its guts. There's so much wrong about it that it's practically begging for a rewrite.

I've been meaning to write a minimalistic "can this system compile stuff" module that doesn't depend on CBuilder. It shouldn't be that difficult\, it just requires rather specialized knowledge that has to be assembled together.


p5pRT commented 10 years ago


On Thu\, Jan 16\, 2014 at 04​:47​:46PM +0100\, Leon Timmermans \fawaka@&#8203;gmail\.com wrote​:

The only thing it does reliably is the thing Module​::Build uses it for​: building dynamically loaded extensions to perl. While it can be used for other purposes this is increasingly likely to break the further you get away from a dynamically-loading ELF based Unix system. Quite frankly\, I think everyone who knows CBuilder intimately hate its guts. There's so much wrong about it that it's practically begging for a rewrite.

The problem is that this isn't reflected in the manpage\, and it being a core module\, it has crept into lots of modules that think it works (the same could be said about Module​::Build).

I guess a better solution would be to remove both Module​::Build and ExtUtils​::Cbuilder from the core - they are obviously not being maintained\, and the visibility their core module status brings with makes them go into more and more modules instead of less and less.

Maybe for the time being a clear warning in the manpage not to use these modules in new code would make sense?

I've been meaning to write a minimalistic "can this system compile stuff" module that doesn't depend on CBuilder. It shouldn't be that difficult\, it just requires rather specialized knowledge that has to be assembled together.

Thats a great building block\, but doesn't solve the larger issue of more and more of cpan relying on these broken modules.

(As I had to painfully find out over the last week - last year I could build a lot of cpan without issues\, and this year I'm patching stuff for weeks already\, with no end in sight).

--   The choice of a Deliantra\, the free code+content MORPG   -----==- _GNU_ http​://   ----==-- _ generation   ---==---(_)__ __ ____ __ Marc Lehmann   --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ / schmorp@​   -=====/_/_//_/\_\,_/ /_/\_\

p5pRT commented 10 years ago

From @rjbs

* Marc Lehmann \schmorp@&#8203;schmorp\.de [2014-01-16T11​:12​:57]

I guess a better solution would be to remove both Module​::Build and ExtUtils​::Cbuilder from the core - they are obviously not being maintained\, and the visibility their core module status brings with makes them go into more and more modules instead of less and less.

For the record\, Module​::Build is slated for removal in 5.21\, but EU​::CB is not.

-- rjbs

p5pRT commented 10 years ago

From @Leont

On Thu\, Jan 16\, 2014 at 5​:12 PM\, Marc Lehmann \schmorp@&#8203;schmorp\.de wrote​:

The problem is that this isn't reflected in the manpage\, and it being a core module\, it has crept into lots of modules that think it works (the same could be said about Module​::Build).

It is mentioned as "it is *not* intended as a general cross-platform interface to all your C building needs"\, but some of the other text is encouraging. Problem is that on typical linuxy systems it does work ok for general C building\, so people assume it can do that job everywhere (I've been guilty of that too at some point).

I guess a better solution would be to remove both Module​::Build and ExtUtils​::Cbuilder from the core - they are obviously not being maintained\, and the visibility their core module status brings with makes them go into more and more modules instead of less and less.

Module​::Build is deprecated for 5.20\, and will be removed in 5.22 ;-). That said\, it is still maintained by yours truly\, most recently by improving support for Meta 2.0. It has plenty of unresolved issues\, but saying it isn't being maintained at all isn't fair.

As for ExtUtils​::CBuilder\, personally I see no reason why it should remain in core if Module​::Build goes\, but I don't think we had consensus on that.

Maybe for the time being a clear warning in the manpage not to use these

modules in new code would make sense?

There are situations where Module​::Build is the only reasonable option\, and there are many simple situations where it doesn't really matter what install tool you use. All build systems have their advantages and disadvantages.

Thats a great building block\, but doesn't solve the larger issue of more

and more of cpan relying on these broken modules.

That isn't going to change as long as there aren't any alternatives. Anyway​:


p5pRT commented 10 years ago


On Fri\, Jan 17\, 2014 at 04​:20​:29AM +0100\, Leon Timmermans \fawaka@&#8203;gmail\.com wrote​:

It is mentioned as "it is *not* intended as a general cross-platform interface to all your C building needs"\,

Well\, people use it mostly to detect whether a compiler is available. I have yte to see it used to actually build something (doubtlessly\, that use exists somewhere too\, of course).

Module​::Build is deprecated for 5.20\, and will be removed in 5.22 ;-)

That made my day! Probably my year! However... (moved below to the ExtUTils​::CBuilder discussion).

It's scary how that dependency crept into CPAN in recent years\, and that makes a large share of cpan not buildable on modern multiarch systems (especially when not using the default configuration). It's a real hold-back for perl on embedded systems and similar platforms as well. It's probably one of the reasons we see python on all these platforms but not perl\, simply because it's become almost impossible to use cpan for those anymore.

( lists 3816 results\, for ExtUtils​::CBuilder "only" 216).

said\, it is still maintained by yours truly\, most recently by improving support for Meta 2.0. It has plenty of unresolved issues\, but saying it isn't being maintained at all isn't fair.

Ok... however\, to be fair\, you must admit that meta 2.0 support isn't all that important compared to all the breakage this module family creates. There are well-known build bugs open for half a decade\, and I feel I keep hitting them again and again.

So\, while meta 2.0 support might be great progress\, it doesn't really feel like an improvement\, or actually making it work even in a basic way.

As it is both Module​::Build and ExtUtils​::CBuilder simply ignore the perl-provided config and more or less randomly use binary-incompatible tools\, and there seems absolutely no progress there.

So\, while it might not be fair\, you must admit that calling it "effectively unmaintained" is pretty much spot on​: It doesn't work\, and it's not getting fixed.

As for ExtUtils​::CBuilder\, personally I see no reason why it should remain in core if Module​::Build goes\, but I don't think we had consensus on that.

While it certainly should go\, removing it from the core isn't atcually fixing anything. It does help to ask people to remove the dependency\, but that's just political.

It would be far preferable to make these modules work\, at least rudimentarily.

Maybe for the time being a clear warning in the manpage not to use these

modules in new code would make sense?

There are situations where Module​::Build is the only reasonable option\,

I am curious\, can you name even one such situation (or even a few?). I honestly cannot imagine any situation where Module​::Build is the only reasonable option. I would even go as far nd say it's not a reasonable option anywhere.

I did hear that Module​::Build is "great" for module authors (I am a module author and from the docs\, it don't know why\, but hey\, thats fine).

However\, I am also from the other side (building perl distros)\, and for those poor people who have to suffer form Module​::Build\, it's pure hell.

For example\, after SDL was switched to Module​::Build there wasn't a SDL binary build available for windows for two years. I know why\, I tried once to build it for 14 hours.

The design of Module​::Build makes it almost impossible to actually build the modules\, especially on weird platforms such as windows (or anything else I build on) - if anything goes wrong\, you are basically fucked because there is no way to influence the rather monolithic Module​::Build\, no way to edit a Makefile etc.

If Module​::Build would generate a Makefile.PL by default (something it can do\, but it cannot be done automatically\, as far as I know) that would already help the issue a lot\, as I have yet to see a situation where ExtUtils​::MakeMaker fails in a way that can't be fixed with minimal effort.

That unfortunately doesn't help for ExtUtils​::CBuilder - I have found that replacing "have_compiler" with "return 0" works best in practise (return 1 works well\, too\, but some modules add their own tests that fail much more miserably when it returns 1\, and some\, beware\, even try to use it to build stuff).

So a much more preferably (probably in addition) way to actually help the situation would be to make "have_compiler" actually do as it ays and check for the availability of the compiler\, rather than for the compatibility of "ld" to whatever compiler and linker is actually configured.

there are many simple situations where it doesn't really matter what install tool you use. All build systems have their advantages and disadvantages.

Sure - the disadvantage of Module​::Build and ExtUtils​::CBuilder\, however\, is that they don't work as build system on\, like\, most configs\, which makes them absolute bad\, not merely different than others.

Again\, for people actually building modules\, Module​::Build is pure hell. And it's been like this for way too many years to claim anything but "Module​::Build is garbage and needs to die".

Unfortunately\, that is also true for ExtUtils​::CBuilder\, as it suffers from the same hardcoded-only-working-on-redhat syndrome.

That isn't going to change as long as there aren't any alternatives.

Well\, there are. The easiest alternative the works in 90% of the cases is to not use these modules. Problem solved. ExtUtils​::MakeMaker more than amply replaces Module​::Build\, and the use cases for ExtUtils​::CBuilder can be summed up as two cases​:

a) extra check to tell the user that her configuration is broken. that usage   is just bullshit\, and the solution is to simply not do it. b) check whether a pure perl version is needed or not.

The b) case is valid\, but using it for this purpose doesn't work all that well after all. A proper design would let the user choose.

After all\, the systems where you cannot install the proper compiler easily are waning (it's either apt-get install or it comes with the distro\, as usually on windows these days)\, and silentlx falling back on a pure-perl implementation when there is an actual (or imagined!) problem is usually NOT what people want anyway. (Task​::Weaken is a good lesson here - the pure perl versions usually do not really replace the xs version\, or vice versa).


Might be a good start\, but neither "can_compile_executable" nor "can_compile_loadable_object" are really that useful to have.

Most uses of "have_compiler" are of the form "can I compile an xs extension?". Neither fo these two functions answre that question.

Do you have an actual use case where one would use can_compile_loadable_object? Because I can already predict that the same thing would happen as with ExtUtils​::CBuilder - people will use it to check whether they can compile xs\, and fail otherwise\, even if the system is perfectly capable of compiling their xs module.

To be more precise\, the question most people want answered is "will ExtUtils​::MakeMaker be able to compile my xs code? If not\, fall back to pure-perl". Maybe some want to know "will ExtUtils​::MakeMaker be able to compile my executable?"\, which could be covered by can_compile_executable.

Some want the quetsion answered​: "will Module​::Build be able to compile my xs code?"\, and tge answer here depends a lot on whether there is a (non-faked) Makefile.PL or not generated by Module​::Build. If there is\, the questions boil down to the extutils question (and generally chances will be much improved).

Anyways\, I cloned it\, and can tell you that can_compile_executable works well!

As expected (thats true)\, can_compile_loadable_object works well as well\, except I have no idea what it's usefulness would be. I can imagine some arcane uses (about the compatibility of two extensions)\, but I can't see how can_compile_loadable_object is of help there.

The questions regarding loadable objects mostly boils down to these​:

- when two extensions use the same library\, will it be the same (.so)   or a copy - can_compile_loadable_object cannot answer that. - can I access symbols exported from another extension (Gtk2 does that)?   again\, can_compile_loadable_object doesn't answer that.

The all important question "can I compile an extension that uses DynaLoader to load compiled xs code" would be what most people need answered\, but on most distros I have where the answer is true\, can_compile_loadable_object returns 0.

Lastly\, I wonder - if you are concerned about these issues\, and you clearly are\, why don't you fix some of the most outstanding bugs in e.g. ExtUtils​::CBuilder? fixing have_compiler would fix a great many modules without them having to switch.

There are really low-hanging fruit to catch here.

Heck\, even something like​:


in a cpan-installable ExtUtils​::CBuilder would already be enourmously helpful (fixing it to give the correct answer in more cases would of course be even better).

Is there a specific reason to keep the modules in question in broken state? If there is\, I would like to know. Heck\, I'd be happy to take over ExtUtils​::CBuilder if need be. I alwass wanted a module that cna tell me "reliably" how to do C++ with perl. I'd instantly switch to C++ for most of my new developments :)

--   The choice of a Deliantra\, the free code+content MORPG   -----==- _GNU_ http​://   ----==-- _ generation   ---==---(_)__ __ ____ __ Marc Lehmann   --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ / schmorp@​   -=====/_/_//_/\_\,_/ /_/\_\

p5pRT commented 10 years ago


A quick pair of cents...

On 17/01/14\, 10​:01\, Marc Lehmann wrote​:

On Fri\, Jan 17\, 2014 at 04​:20​:29AM +0100\, Leon Timmermans \fawaka@&#8203;gmail\.com wrote​:

It is mentioned as "it is *not* intended as a general cross-platform interface to all your C building needs"\,

Well\, people use it mostly to detect whether a compiler is available. I have yte to see it used to actually build something (doubtlessly\, that use exists somewhere too\, of course).

It is not\, but it does a pretty good job on that both for C and C++. I have modules building complicated libraries using this module\, and the only platform where i have problems is Windows (non-Strawberry windows).


p5pRT commented 10 years ago

From @Leont

On Fri\, Jan 17\, 2014 at 11​:01 AM\, Marc Lehmann \schmorp@&#8203;schmorp\.de wrote​:

Module​::Build is deprecated for 5.20\, and will be removed in 5.22 ;-)

That made my day! Probably my year! However... (moved below to the ExtUTils​::CBuilder discussion).

It's scary how that dependency crept into CPAN in recent years\, and that makes a large share of cpan not buildable on modern multiarch systems (especially when not using the default configuration). It's a real hold-back for perl on embedded systems and similar platforms as well. It's probably one of the reasons we see python on all these platforms but not perl\, simply because it's become almost impossible to use cpan for those anymore.

( lists 3816 results\, for ExtUtils​::CBuilder "only" 216).

Most of those 216 are probably because Module​::Build used to require one to add ExtUtils​::CBuilder to build_requires for XS modules. This hasn't been the case anymore for quite some time AFAIK as Module​::Build always depends on ExtUtils​::CBuilder nowadays.

Ok... however\, to be fair\, you must admit that meta 2.0 support isn't all that important compared to all the breakage this module family creates.

It is an important feature for many end-users\, for example those that want to install without running tests (not my cup of tea\, but if you're installing Dist​::Zilla on a Raspberry Piā€¦)\, who now don't have to install test dependencies. But there are more uses.

There are well-known build bugs open for half a decade\, and I feel I

keep hitting them again and again.

Same could be said for ExtUtils​::MakeMaker actually\, though thanks to BinGOs' efforts its development seems to be regaining momentum.

As it is both Module​::Build and ExtUtils​::CBuilder simply ignore the perl-provided config and more or less randomly use binary-incompatible tools\, and there seems absolutely no progress there.

So\, while it might not be fair\, you must admit that calling it "effectively unmaintained" is pretty much spot on​: It doesn't work\, and it's not getting fixed.

It doesn't work for a fairly tiny minority\, but AFAICT it's pretty much always ExtUtils​::CBuilder that's at fault\, not Module​::Build itself. Its own (plenitude of) flaws lie elsewhere.

It would be far preferable to make these modules work\, at least



I am curious\, can you name even one such situation (or even a few?). I

honestly cannot imagine any situation where Module​::Build is the only reasonable option. I would even go as far nd say it's not a reasonable option anywhere.

You can write extensions in Module​::Build entirely in Perl\, which you generally can't in MakeMaker.

I did hear that Module​::Build is "great" for module authors (I am a module

author and from the docs\, it don't know why\, but hey\, thats fine).

IME writing a *good*\, correct and backwards compatible Makefile.PL is can be rather a PITA\, and anyone I know who does that just copies an existing one and adapts the prereqs/meta-information instead of writing it from scratch. I only started using ExtUtils​::MakeMaker myself when dzil started generating it for me.

For example\, after SDL was switched to Module​::Build there wasn't a SDL

binary build available for windows for two years. I know why\, I tried once to build it for 14 hours.

The design of Module​::Build makes it almost impossible to actually build the modules\, especially on weird platforms such as windows (or anything else I build on) - if anything goes wrong\, you are basically fucked because there is no way to influence the rather monolithic Module​::Build\, no way to edit a Makefile etc.

If Module​::Build would generate a Makefile.PL by default (something it can do\, but it cannot be done automatically\, as far as I know) that would already help the issue a lot\, as I have yet to see a situation where ExtUtils​::MakeMaker fails in a way that can't be fixed with minimal effort.

I agree that is a problem\, but again the real issue is in ExtUtils​::CBuilder. It doesn't expose the information that would be necessary to do what you want to do. I consider that the #1 reason for calling ExtUtils​::CBuilder unsalvageable\, fixing that would essentially be rewriting it from scratch IMO.

That unfortunately doesn't help for ExtUtils​::CBuilder - I have found that replacing "have_compiler" with "return 0" works best in practise (return 1 works well\, too\, but some modules add their own tests that fail much more miserably when it returns 1\, and some\, beware\, even try to use it to build stuff).

So a much more preferably (probably in addition) way to actually help the situation would be to make "have_compiler" actually do as it ays and check for the availability of the compiler\, rather than for the compatibility of "ld" to whatever compiler and linker is actually configured.

Patches welcome. Honestly\, you're probably the person here with most experience with non-dynamic perls.

Sure - the disadvantage of Module​::Build and ExtUtils​::CBuilder\, however\,

is that they don't work as build system on\, like\, most configs\, which makes them absolute bad\, not merely different than others.

They do work on most configurations\, or else perl couldn't ship with it. That doesn't mean your bug isn't real\, but it's more limited that you're suggesting here.

Again\, for people actually building modules\, Module​::Build is pure hell. And it's been like this for way too many years to claim anything but "Module​::Build is garbage and needs to die".

Actually I would like to see Module​::Build gone\, but for subtly different reasons than you I suspect.

Well\, there are. The easiest alternative the works in 90% of the cases is to not use these modules. Problem solved. ExtUtils​::MakeMaker more than amply replaces Module​::Build\, and the use cases for ExtUtils​::CBuilder can be summed up as two cases​:

a) extra check to tell the user that her configuration is broken. that usage is just bullshit\, and the solution is to simply not do it. b) check whether a pure perl version is needed or not.

The b) case is valid\, but using it for this purpose doesn't work all that well after all. A proper design would let the user choose.

We conceived PUREPERL_ONLY/--pureperl_only at last year's QA Hackathon\, but it's not in very wide use yet.

After all\, the systems where you cannot install the proper compiler easily are waning (it's either apt-get install or it comes with the distro\, as usually on windows these days)\, and silentlx falling back on a pure-perl implementation when there is an actual (or imagined!) problem is usually NOT what people want anyway. (Task​::Weaken is a good lesson here - the pure perl versions usually do not really replace the xs version\, or vice versa).

Many cheap hosting companies don't supply a compiler :-(.


Might be a good start\, but neither "can_compile_executable" nor "can_compile_loadable_object" are really that useful to have.

Most uses of "have_compiler" are of the form "can I compile an xs extension?". Neither fo these two functions answre that question.

Well\, it's just something I hacked up last night\, it's quite far from being done.

Do you have an actual use case where one would use can_compile_loadable_object? Because I can already predict that the same thing would happen as with ExtUtils​::CBuilder - people will use it to check whether they can compile xs\, and fail otherwise\, even if the system is perfectly capable of compiling their xs module.

To be more precise\, the question most people want answered is "will ExtUtils​::MakeMaker be able to compile my xs code? If not\, fall back to pure-perl". Maybe some want to know "will ExtUtils​::MakeMaker be able to compile my executable?"\, which could be covered by can_compile_executable.

That's why I called it can_compile_loadable_object and not have_compiler or can_compile_perl_extension ;-).

Some want the quetsion answered​: "will Module​::Build be able to compile my xs code?"\, and tge answer here depends a lot on whether there is a (non-faked) Makefile.PL or not generated by Module​::Build. If there is\, the questions boil down to the extutils question (and generally chances will be much improved).

Anyways\, I cloned it\, and can tell you that can_compile_executable works well!

As expected (thats true)\, can_compile_loadable_object works well as well\, except I have no idea what it's usefulness would be. I can imagine some arcane uses (about the compatibility of two extensions)\, but I can't see how can_compile_loadable_object is of help there.

It's mostly a step towards can_compile_perl_extension.

The all important question "can I compile an extension that uses

DynaLoader to load compiled xs code" would be what most people need answered\, but on most distros I have where the answer is true\, can_compile_loadable_object returns 0.

Is that on static perls (where it should be false)\, or on dynamic perls?

Lastly\, I wonder - if you are concerned about these issues\, and you

clearly are\, why don't you fix some of the most outstanding bugs in e.g. ExtUtils​::CBuilder? fixing have_compiler would fix a great many modules without them having to switch.

There are really low-hanging fruit to catch here.

Because I consider it unsalvageable​: I'd rather spend time on writing a framework that can be used in other contexts than Module​::Build such as inside Makefiles\, that is general-purpose enough to be used for other things than perl extensions such as executables and libraries and that is tied less to perl's configuration. Which unfortunately is a rather ambitious goal and not something I expect to finish very soon.

Another part of your particular issue is that there's no documentation on what it should do. Fixing it involves building a static perl\, reverse-engineering what MakeMaker does on it and why\, and then trying to fit that into the existing interface.

I might actually fix this given how much depends on it\, but hateful code is hateful.

Heck\, even something like​:


in a cpan-installable ExtUtils​::CBuilder would already be enourmously helpful (fixing it to give the correct answer in more cases would of course be even better).

Seems reasonable.

Is there a specific reason to keep the modules in question in broken state? If there is\, I would like to know. Heck\, I'd be happy to take over ExtUtils​::CBuilder if need be. I alwass wanted a module that cna tell me "reliably" how to do C++ with perl. I'd instantly switch to C++ for most of my new developments :)

There is no specific reason. It's really that it isn't getting any love unless it's actively breaking something for someone motivated.


p5pRT commented 10 years ago


On Fri\, Jan 17\, 2014 at 06​:27​:51PM +0100\, Leon Timmermans \fawaka@&#8203;gmail\.com wrote​:

Ok... however\, to be fair\, you must admit that meta 2.0 support isn't all that important compared to all the breakage this module family creates.

It is an important feature for many end-users\, for example those that want to install without running tests (not my cup of tea\, but if you're

I install without running tetss by default (as my experience is that requiring tests makes almost every module uninstallable)\, and I am sure I don't need meta 2.0 support for that.

installing Dist​::Zilla on a Raspberry Piā€¦)\, who now don't have to install test dependencies.

I'd gladly install test dependencies (in fact\, I currently have to\, as Module​::Build fails when installing them itself) if only that gave me a working module in the end.

But there are more uses.

But apparently none as important as actually making the module compile and install.

There are well-known build bugs open for half a decade\, and I feel I

keep hitting them again and again.

Same could be said for ExtUtils​::MakeMaker actually

Possibly\, but ExtUtils​::MakeMaker never kept me from having a module actually install on any platform\, be it some fluffy GNU/Linux\, some stone-age HP-UX\, my N900 phone or windows.

I think the majore thing that ExtUtils​::MakeMaker has in it's favour is that it is configurable and actually honors the perl configuration itself.

It's not at all uncommon to have to have some adjustments for some build environments - ExtUtils​::MakeMaker uses these as perl istefl does.

BinGOs' efforts its development seems to be regaining momentum.

Yes\, but even before\, ExtUtils​::MakeMaker never was even near as problematuic and broken as Module​::Buiold was during it's whole lifetime.

So\, while it might not be fair\, you must admit that calling it "effectively unmaintained" is pretty much spot on​: It doesn't work\, and it's not getting fixed.

It doesn't work for a fairly tiny minority\,

For some reason\, all my platforms seem to be "in the minority". I cannot quite accept that.

I am curious\, can you name even one such situation (or even a few?). I

honestly cannot imagine any situation where Module​::Build is the only reasonable option. I would even go as far nd say it's not a reasonable option anywhere.

You can write extensions in Module​::Build entirely in Perl\, which you generally can't in MakeMaker.

I am not sure what that means - all of my pure-perl extensions are using ExtUtils​::MakeMaker\, and every time I ever wanted to extend ExtUtils​::MakeMaker I could do that entirely in Perl.

IME writing a *good*\, correct and backwards compatible Makefile.PL is can be rather a PITA\,

True\, but unlike with Module​::Build\, it's at least possible.

Trying the same with Module​::Build generally results in basically rewriting all the build and link code to work around Module​::Build - ask the SDL people\, who really like Module​::Build\, and tried to actually make it work after I reported a few bugs\, and gave up weeks later.

I know it's just me\, but I choose difficult-but-possible over simple-but-impossible any day.

I agree that is a problem\, but again the real issue is in ExtUtils​::CBuilder. It doesn't expose the information that would be necessary to do what you want to do.

All cases I stumble over are have_compiler return false when ExtUtils​::MakeMaker can do it on the same system without any hiccups.

I really don't care how ell it is designed\, but the main problem w.r.t. cpan breakage is not that it doesn't expose enough information\, but that it simply returns the wrong answers (such as false from have_compiler).

I consider that the #1 reason for calling ExtUtils​::CBuilder unsalvageable\, fixing that would essentially be rewriting it from scratch IMO.

I am quite sure one can fix have_compiler and a lot more without rewriting it from scratch. Just forcing that method to return true makes almost everything that depends on it (and that I wantt to install) actually compile and install - and the few cases that don't are not usually due to ExtUtils​::CBuilder.

As long as ExtUtils​::CBuilder doesn't even do what it documents to do\, it's going to create more problems.

So at the very least\, the documentation should have some big "WARNING​: this module is broken and does NOT do what it claims to do\, do NOT use it" or so at the top.

That would make it much easier to get cpan authors to actually fix their modules - I often get told (not quite incorrectly) that they rely on ExtUtils​::CBuilder so the bug needs to be fixed there.

So there is a classical catch 22 - module authors rely on ExtUtils​::CBuilder because it's an official module with wrong documentation (or\, preferably\, broken implementation)\, and the ExtUtils​::CBuilder maintainers keep the status quo.

One side has to give - either deprecate ExtUtils​::CBuilder *officially* and document that it doesn't work so we can get CPAN authors to fix their modules\, or fix ExtUtils​::CBuilder.

Saying it's badly designed but at the same time claiming it works when it doesn't is a no-go.

So a much more preferably (probably in addition) way to actually help the situation would be to make "have_compiler" actually do as it ays and check for the availability of the compiler\, rather than for the compatibility of "ld" to whatever compiler and linker is actually configured.

Patches welcome. Honestly\, you're probably the person here with most experience with non-dynamic perls.

As if the problem happens only with non-dynamic perls.

I'll think about a patch - however\, if ExtUtils​::CBuilder is supposed to die anyway\, then I will probably go for a documentation patch + a manual override (like\, say\, an environment variable).

Sure - the disadvantage of Module​::Build and ExtUtils​::CBuilder\, however\,

is that they don't work as build system on\, like\, most configs\, which makes them absolute bad\, not merely different than others.

They do work on most configurations\,

Not in my experience.

or else perl couldn't ship with it.

Perl as shipped usually only builds cleanly on a few platforms.

I think you confuse "most platforms" with "most gnu/linux distributions in their default config".

That doesn't mean your bug isn't real\, but it's more limited that you're suggesting here.

As it is\, Module​::Build/ExtUtils​::CBuilder don't work on GNU/Linux and Windows\, the platforms I most often build with\, with my default config (32 bit ints on x86\, custom optimsiation flags\, custom library paths\, disabled threads/multiplicity).

If I only had problems with static linking I could understand your judgement.

Actually I would like to see Module​::Build gone\, but for subtly different reasons than you I suspect.

Very likely - I don't want to see it gone as much as I would like to see it just working. I have zero issues with CPAN authors wanting to use it because they prefer it over ExtUtils​::MakeMaker\, and I wouldn't even exclude me fromt hat group.

The reason I want tos ee it gone is that I don't see it gettting fixed anytime soon\, while at the same time it's infecting mroe and mroe of CPAN with its breakage.

a) extra check to tell the user that her configuration is broken. that usage is just bullshit\, and the solution is to simply not do it. b) check whether a pure perl version is needed or not.

The b) case is valid\, but using it for this purpose doesn't work all that well after all. A proper design would let the user choose.

We conceived PUREPERL_ONLY/--pureperl_only at last year's QA Hackathon\, but it's not in very wide use yet.

If that means using an env variable or switch\, then I'd say it's a non-starter​: I'd love to have this\, but when I suggested something like that to some module authors I was told that they will always prefer autodetection\, because on "modern systems" it's common to not have a compiler.

Maybe that's just a minority\, but unfortunately\, some CPAN authors want to be helpful and grasp at every hack they can find that allows them to get greener status on cpantesters\, no matter how much more difficult it makes their module to build in general.

implementation when there is an actual (or imagined!) problem is usually NOT what people want anyway. (Task​::Weaken is a good lesson here - the pure perl versions usually do not really replace the xs version\, or vice versa).

Many cheap hosting companies don't supply a compiler :-(.

Looking at the prices for virtual hosting\, I am not sure the price is the deciding factor these days.

Whats more\, Debian GNU/Linux and Fedora (and most other GNU/Linux distros) do not supply a compiler either\, and installing one is as hard for users as for those hosting solutions.

So\, since this is a real problem\, module authors will want to go for pureperl variants\, and autodetection (the greener pastures...).

Do you have an actual use case where one would use can_compile_loadable_object? Because I can already predict that the same thing would happen as with ExtUtils​::CBuilder - people will use it to check whether they can compile xs\, and fail otherwise\, even if the system is perfectly capable of compiling their xs module.

To be more precise\, the question most people want answered is "will ExtUtils​::MakeMaker be able to compile my xs code? If not\, fall back to pure-perl". Maybe some want to know "will ExtUtils​::MakeMaker be able to compile my executable?"\, which could be covered by can_compile_executable.

That's why I called it can_compile_loadable_object and not have_compiler or can_compile_perl_extension ;-).

You called it thsat wa ybecause you do not want to answre the common question that users will have for your module? I can't quite follow _that_ logic.

I am still quite intereste din a usecase for can_compile_loadable_object - it seems to be quite esoteric.

Anyways\, I cloned it\, and can tell you that can_compile_executable works well!

As expected (thats true)\, can_compile_loadable_object works well as well\, except I have no idea what it's usefulness would be. I can imagine some arcane uses (about the compatibility of two extensions)\, but I can't see how can_compile_loadable_object is of help there.

It's mostly a step towards can_compile_perl_extension.

But can_compile_perl_extension does not rely on can_compile_loadable_object at all.

The all important question "can I compile an extension that uses

DynaLoader to load compiled xs code" would be what most people need answered\, but on most distros I have where the answer is true\, can_compile_loadable_object returns 0.

Is that on static perls (where it should be false)\, or on dynamic perls?

static perls (I maintain 4 dynamic distros and 9 static ones at the moment).

(as a sidenote\, the distinction is between static extensions and dynamic ones - "static perls" are just perls that cannot grok dynamic ones\, static extensions work on dynamic perls).

however\, is it really clearly defined what a "loadable object" is? Defining it as a ELF shared object (for example) would clearly be too narrow\, while defining it as "anything DynaLoader/XSLoader can load" might be too wide (as they work for statically linked-in extensions).

ExtUtils​::CBuilder? fixing have_compiler would fix a great many modules without them having to switch.

There are really low-hanging fruit to catch here.

Because I consider it unsalvageable

Would you accept a doc patch that officiall deprecates the module\, recommends to not use it\, and documents some of the more obvious shortcomings?

framework that can be used in other contexts than Module​::Build such as inside Makefiles\, that is general-purpose enough to be used for other things than perl extensions such as executables and libraries and that is tied less to perl's configuration. Which unfortunately is a rather ambitious goal and not something I expect to finish very soon.

Not just that\, adding more frameworks makes the problem worse\, not better - the old broken frameworks don't go away\, and the new frameworks are not yet stable.

No issue if you actively maintain such frameworks\, but as Module​::Build shows\, things cna go wrong when you release a build framework in beta status and then never make it work.

Another part of your particular issue is that there's no documentation on what it should do.

I know a lot of ways to detect the presence of the configured compiler and linker without linking a perl (which isn't that hard\, perl comes with all the necessary glue\, mostly ExtUtils​::{Liblist\,MakeMaker\,Miniperl}).

A simple way would be for the existance of the programs themselves. That would work for a lot of simple cases\, and probably all of the relevant one (cheap hosters\, gnu/linux distros without gcc).

I wouldn't work correctly when your compiler is "ccache gcc" (as it often is for me)\, but that doesn't actually seem to be the relevant case (I am sure if I complained about that one I would get told the same thing as now​: "that is a not an important case\, too bad for you"\, and I wouldn't even report that\, as I can easily fix that myself).

If that isn't enough\, indeed linking an extension the way MakeMaker would do it (I don't think it involves much more than some config var collection) would probably be nore enough.

I mean\, do you want to answer "system has a compiler" as documented\, or do you want to answer "will my extension build". The latter cannot ever be solved with any test\, short of doing the whole thing and seeing whether that works.

Heck\, even something like​:


in a cpan-installable ExtUtils​::CBuilder would already be enourmously helpful (fixing it to give the correct answer in more cases would of course be even better).

Seems reasonable.

I can send a patch - any suggestions for the name of the variable? (my naming scheme is always perl + extension name + whatever\, but no other module I know does that :)

--   The choice of a Deliantra\, the free code+content MORPG   -----==- _GNU_ http​://   ----==-- _ generation   ---==---(_)__ __ ____ __ Marc Lehmann   --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ / schmorp@​   -=====/_/_//_/\_\,_/ /_/\_\

p5pRT commented 10 years ago


BTW\, yes\, you can also load modules dynamically in static perls - the concepts are really orthogonal.

In any case\, a point I wanted to make clear is that I do not expect perl to build out of the box perfectly in every situation. It never did\, and never will\, and that's ok.

My concern is being able to work around any issues. For example\, App​::Staticperl adds four patches (see below for details) - one teaches CPAN to not clobber the users config file (shocking that you have to patch it to do that)\, one works around some issue when bulding Gtk2/Pango that I haven't fully investigated\, one works around the issue of Miniperl not including DynaLoader in static perls even though it should\, and one makes have_compiler always return 0.

The first three are relatively minor in effect. The last one is brutal\, mostly because have_compiler returning 0 generates more success then having it return 1\, and fixing the remaining parts of Module​::Build and especially ExtUtils​::CBuilder can't be done with a simialrly simple one-line hack as the others.

So\, all I would be asking fro is to not have a totally hardwired uncontrollable configuration\, as is currently the case with both Module​::Build and ExtUtils​::Cbuilder.

Being able to trickle out a (full) Makefile.PL in a generic way from a Build.PL would go a long way towards this goal - Module​::Build cna do it\, but I haven't found a way to automatically do it without understanding sand patching the Build.PL script.

  # patch CPAN​ to always include _our_\,   # not the one in the users homedirectory\, to avoid clobbering his.   patch CPAN/ cpan_handleconfig_pm '   1i\   use CPAN​::MyConfig; # patched by staticperl   '

  # patch ExtUtils​::MM_Unix to always search blib for modules   # when building a perl - this works around Pango/Gtk2 being misdetected   # as not being an XS module.   patch ExtUtils/ mm_unix_pm '   /^sub staticmake/\,/^}/ s/if (@​{$self->{C}}) {/if (@​{$self->{C}} or $self->{NAME} =~ m%^(Pango|Gtk2)$%) { # patched by staticperl/   '

  # patch ExtUtils​::Miniperl to always add DynaLoader   # this is required for dynamic loading in static perls\,   # and static loading in dynamic perls\, when rebuilding a new perl.   # Why this patch is necessray I don't understand. Yup.   patch ExtUtils/ '   /^sub writemain/ a\   push @​_\, canon("/"\,"DynaLoader"); # patched by staticperl   '

  # ExtUtils​::CBuilder always tries to link shared libraries   # even on systems without shared library support. [...]   # [...] since so many dependent modules are even worse\,   # we hardwire to 0 to get their pure-perl versions.   patch ExtUtils/CBuilder/ '   /^sub have_compiler/ a\   return 0; # patched by staticperl   '

--   The choice of a Deliantra\, the free code+content MORPG   -----==- _GNU_ http​://   ----==-- _ generation   ---==---(_)__ __ ____ __ Marc Lehmann   --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ / schmorp@​   -=====/_/_//_/\_\,_/ /_/\_\