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[PATCH] stop checking the Win32 registry if *"/Software/Perl" doesn't exist #14439

Closed p5pRT closed 8 years ago

p5pRT commented 9 years ago

Migrated from (status was 'resolved')

Searchable as RT123658$

p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88

Created by @bulk88

Need #.

Perl Info ``` Flags: category=core severity=low Site configuration information for perl 5.21.4: Configured by Owner at Thu Sep 18 12:08:58 2014. Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 21 subversion 4) configuration: Derived from: 7d2b2edb94ab56333b9049a3e26d15ea18445512 Ancestor: 19be3be6968e2337bcdfe480693fff795ecd1304 Platform: osname=MSWin32, osvers=5.1, archname=MSWin32-x86-multi-thread uname='' config_args='undef' hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=undef useithreads=define, usemultiplicity=define use64bitint=undef, use64bitall=undef, uselongdouble=undef usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef Compiler: cc='cl', ccflags ='-nologo -GF -W3 -O1 -MD -Zi -DNDEBUG -DWIN32 -D_CONSOLE -DNO_STRICT -DPERL_TEXTMODE_SCRIPTS -DPERL_HASH_FUNC_ONE_AT_A_TIME -DPERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT -DPERL_IMPLICIT_SYS -DUSE_PERLIO -D_USE_32BIT_TIME_T', optimize='-O1 -MD -Zi -DNDEBUG', cppflags='-DWIN32' ccversion='12.00.8168', gccversion='', gccosandvers='' intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=1234 d_longlong=undef, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=8, longdblkind=0 ivtype='long', ivsize=4, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='__int64', lseeksize=8 alignbytes=8, prototype=define Linker and Libraries: ld='link', ldflags ='-nologo -nodefaultlib -debug -opt:ref,icf -libpath:"c:\perl521\lib\CORE" -machine:x86' libpth=C:\PROGRA~1\MIAF9D~1\VC98\lib libs=oldnames.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib netapi32.lib uuid.lib ws2_32.lib mpr.lib winmm.lib version.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib comctl32.lib msvcrt.lib perllibs=oldnames.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib netapi32.lib uuid.lib ws2_32.lib mpr.lib winmm.lib version.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib comctl32.lib msvcrt.lib libc=msvcrt.lib, so=dll, useshrplib=true, libperl=perl521.lib gnulibc_version='' Dynamic Linking: dlsrc=dl_win32.xs, dlext=dll, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' ' cccdlflags=' ', lddlflags='-dll -nologo -nodefaultlib -debug -opt:ref,icf -libpath:"c:\perl521\lib\CORE" -machine:x86' Locally applied patches: uncommitted-changes a0fe7a7e75de29e59f1da0d6822dc06e5be658fe a261faffee83d0145642ab5d1d046c9f813bc497 6506ab86ad1602a9ca720fcd30446dce1461d23d 7d2b2edb94ab56333b9049a3e26d15ea18445512 @INC for perl 5.21.4: lib C:/perl521/srcnew/lib . Environment for perl 5.21.4: HOME (unset) LANG (unset) LANGUAGE (unset) LD_LIBRARY_PATH (unset) LOGDIR (unset) PATH= PERL_BADLANG (unset) PERL_JSON_BACKEND=Cpanel::JSON::XS PERL_YAML_BACKEND=YAML SHELL (unset) ```
p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88

On Fri Jan 23 00​:26​:22 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

This is a bug report for perl from bulk88@​\, generated with the help of perlbug 1.40 running under perl 5.21.4.

----------------------------------------------------------------- [Please describe your issue here]

Need #.

Patch attached. Some benchmarks I did. This patch probably saves 1 to 2 ms out of 10 to 30 ms per process start.

C​:\sources\perlbench>perl perlbench-run -c 100000 newreg=C​:\perl521\newreg\bin\ perl.exe oldreg=C​:\perl521\oldreg\bin\perl.exe new2=C​:\perl521\newreg\bin\perl. exe old2=C​:\perl521\oldreg\bin\perl.exe newreg) perl-5   version = 5.021008   path = C​:\perl521\newreg\bin\perl.exe

oldreg) perl-5   version = 5.021008   path = C​:\perl521\oldreg\bin\perl.exe

new2) perl-5   version = 5.021008   path = C​:\perl521\newreg\bin\perl.exe

old2) perl-5   version = 5.021008   path = C​:\perl521\oldreg\bin\perl.exe

  newreg oldreg new2 old2   ------ ------ ---- ---- arith/mixed 100 102 98 103 INVALID arith/trig 100 99 100 98 OLD array/copy 100 94 106 102 OLD array/foreach 100 103 99 99 NEW array/index 100 106 98 97 INVALID array/pop 100 103 100 108 NEW array/shift 100 110 105 106 NEW array/sort-num 100 100 101 97 OLD array/sort 100 100 96 95 OLD call/0arg 100 105 97 105 NEW call/1arg 100 97 95 96 INVALID call/2arg 100 94 102 97 OLD call/9arg 100 99 98 97 OLD call/empty 100 100 105 100 INVALID call/fib 100 96 100 94 OLD call/method 100 100 100 97 OLD call/wantarray 100 100 99 99 INVALID hash/copy 100 94 94 106 INVALID hash/each 100 95 102 95 OLD hash/foreach-sort 100 100 98 108 NEW hash/foreach 100 112 99 116 NEW hash/get 100 101 92 104 NEW hash/set 100 97 101 100 OLD loop/for-c 100 120 96 118 NEW loop/for-range-const 100 94 102 97 OLD loop/for-range 100 94 99 97 OLD loop/getline 100 108 109 94 INVALID loop/while-my 100 104 101 104 NEW loop/while 100 101 97 96 INVALID re/const 100 99 102 103 INVALID re/w 100 104 101 101 NEW startup/fewmod 100 144 - 143 NEW startup/lotsofsub - - - - startup/noprog 100 109 90 90 NEW string/base64 100 105 91 98 NEW string/htmlparser 100 101 95 97 NEW string/index-const 100 102 99 102 NEW string/index-var 100 135 110 127 NEW string/ipol 100 99 99 101 INVALID string/tr 100 93 105 88 OLD

AVERAGE 100 103 99 102

Results saved in file​:///C|/sources/perlbench/benchres-015/index.html


I judged the numbers by eye\, INVALID means the test is contradictory on time\, and is measuring something irrelavent


C​:\sources\perlbench>perl -MBenchmark=​:all\,​:hireswallclock -E"cmpthese(10000\, {' old' => sub {system'C​:\perl521\oldreg\bin\perl.exe -e\"0\"'}\, 'new' => sub {syst em'C​:\perl521\newreg\bin\perl.exe -e\"0\"'}})"   Rate old new old 1481/s -- -9% new 1624/s 10% --


I dont think I trust that number\, with perl taking 1/1481=0.000675 seconds or 0.6 ms to start up and exit. But it does show an improvement.

The procmon logs were generated by running "C​:\perl521\oldreg\bin\perl.exe -e"print $ENV{PERLNOTHERE}.$ENV{PERLHERE}"" and "C​:\perl521\newreg\bin\perl.exe -e"print $ENV{PERLNOTHERE}.$ENV{PERLHERE}"" from cmd.exe shell. I added PERLHERE to my registry for testing.

The 4 calls to "RegQueryValue" are because RegQueryValueExA calls RegQueryValueExW once to get the length of the utf16 data\, it them allocs a temp buffer\, then calls RegQueryValueExW again\, then does utf16 to ANSI conversion\, then if a user supplied buffer exists ("LPBYTE lpData")\, it copies its buffer over\, and finally it writes the ANSI length count into the user supplied "LPDWORD lpcbData". Since Perl calls RegQueryValueExA twice\, once to get the length\, then allocate Perl buffer\, then calls RegQueryValueExA again\, the procmon log shows 4 "RegQueryValue" calls. Turning the value name into utf16 ourselves in get_regstr (but only if 1 or 2 of the root handles are true)\, since remember both HKCU and HKLM SOFTWARE/Perl might exist in worst case scenario\, so the value name should not be converted by Perl once for HKCU and once for HKLM\, and converting back the value data buffer back to ANSI ourselves in get_regstr_from would be the smarter solution but that is another day\, for another patch (it also brings up alloca vs Newx and SAVEFREEPV\, and should Perl use "MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP" or the more efficient "RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN" which is what all the "A" functions use on Win NT series OSes\, or should all Win32 Perl OS APIs accept UTF8? and I dont want to open any of those things for discussion in this ticket). Plus since the env vars themselves are stored in utf16 in the PEB on win nt\, going from ansi to utf16 ASAP in perl is preferable. If HKCU/HKLM SOFTWARE/Perl exists\, getting a "found" in the registry is extremely rare compared to the number of not founds. After this patch\, a notfound is 1 syscall\, a found is 4\, so patch at making notfound scenario faster is a much bigger improvement than making the rare "found" scenario faster. The found scenario is still faster than before since we didn't have to open and close the root handle to */SOFTWARE/Perl first.

new from first call to lookup PERL_UNICODE "7​:05​:08.3765673 AM"\,"perl.exe"\,"3980"\,"3084"\,"RegQueryValue"\,"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Perl\PERL_UNICODE"\,"NAME NOT FOUND"\,"Length​: 144" to last (and first) call to lookup PERLLIB "7​:05​:08.3768070 AM"\,"perl.exe"\,"3980"\,"3084"\,"RegQueryValue"\,"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Perl\PERLLIB"\,"NAME NOT FOUND"\,"Length​: 144"

.3768070-.3765673=0.0002397\, .2 ms

old from first call to lookup PERL_UNICODE "7​:04​:02.5810787 AM"\,"perl.exe"\,"312"\,"3188"\,"RegOpenKey"\,"HKCU\Software\Perl"\,"NAME NOT FOUND"\,"Desired Access​: Read" to last call to lookup PERLLIB "7​:04​:02.5819799 AM"\,"perl.exe"\,"312"\,"3188"\,"RegCloseKey"\,"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Perl"\,"SUCCESS"\,""

.5819799-.5810787=0.0009012 .9ms

There is some overhead in using procmon/any syscall tracer so i'll say its 1-3 ms saved per process start. Remember I have a HKLM/SOFTWARE/Perl on my normal dev machine\, my alternate machine has no SOFTWARE/Perl in either HKCU or HKLM\, so it would be even faster.

-- bulk88 ~ bulk88 at

p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88

0001-stop-checking-the-Win32-registry-if-Software-Perl-do.patch ```diff From 01982e4cee7e9cfab83d1da527ad7cb630cec18d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Dragan Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 05:34:59 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] stop checking the Win32 registry if *"/Software/Perl" doesn't exist This stops each ENV var lookup (and 16 calls to get_regstr, most of which are %ENV lookups, are done automatically each time a Win32 Perl process starts) from querying the registry for usually failing lookups. ActiveState is the only known major user of the Software/Perl reg key. details: -cache the root handles, so a typically failing env var lookup does only 1 system call instead of 3 if the parent key exists -if the key exists, looking it up is slightly faster since it is 4 registry syscall instead of previously 6 (open "*\Software\Perl", 2 RegQueryValueExAs(on "found" behavior each RegQueryValueExA does 2 RegQueryValueExW calls), close "*\Software\Perl") -dont make a system call to lookup a value if the parent key doesn't exist -reuse the NULL value in the static handle var instead of explictly assigning NULL to the retval, VC 2003 didn't optimize away the NULL assignment branch like Clang wouldve, a HKEY type is a HANDLE type which is a void * -change "Software\\Perl" to "SOFTWARE\\Perl" since the reg is case preserving but lookups are not case sensitive, this all caps casing is what regedit shows, and might save a couple cpu cycles in the DB lookup -use RegOpenKeyExW instead of RegOpenKeyEx (actually RegOpenKeyExA), this avoids ansi to utf16 conversions at runtime -Dont check HKEY handles for NULL before calling RegCloseKey. MS and ReactOS RegCloseKey checks for NULL (zero) handle first thing and returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE as the retval of RegCloseKey. -Dont check the retval of RegCloseKey, there is no way to dispatch an error at this point in the process, there are no interps, and no perlio, and maybe no console if its a GUI, and the process is probably exiting anyway. Calling Perl_noperl_die (no perl, no perlio, print to stderr) would not be friendly to an embedder. A crash box with RaiseException with EXCEPTION_INVALID_HANDLE is a bad UI. -Dont bother to zero the HKEY handles, after a PERL_SYS_TERM until the next (if any) PERL_SYS_INIT3, libperl is in an undefined state, it is the embedders responsibility to refcount and serialize calls to PERL_SYS_INIT3/PERL_SYS_TERM if necessery See details in [perl #123658] --- README.win32 | 11 +++++--- pod/perldelta.pod | 21 +++++++++++++- win32/win32.c | 78 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- 3 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) diff --git a/README.win32 b/README.win32 index 403c517..659adaa 100644 --- a/README.win32 +++ b/README.win32 @@ -483,10 +483,13 @@ You can also control the shell that perl uses to run system() and backtick commands via PERL5SHELL. See L. Perl does not depend on the registry, but it can look up certain default -values if you choose to put them there. Perl attempts to read entries from -C and C. -Entries in the former override entries in the latter. One or more of the -following entries (of type REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ) may be set: +values if you choose to put them there. On Perl process start Perl checks if +C and C +exist. If the keys exists, they will be checked for remainder of the Perl +process's run life for certain entries. Entries in +C override entries in +C. One or more of the following entries +(of type REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ) may be set in the keys: lib-$] version-specific standard library path to add to @INC lib standard library path to add to @INC diff --git a/pod/perldelta.pod b/pod/perldelta.pod index 4b00f60..c56b253 100644 --- a/pod/perldelta.pod +++ b/pod/perldelta.pod @@ -305,9 +305,26 @@ L section. =over 4 -=item XXX-some-platform +=item Win32 -XXX +=over 4 + +=item * + +The behavior of Perl using C and +C to lookup certain values, including +C<%ENV> vars starting with C has changed. Previously, the 2 keys were +checked for entries at all times through Perl processes life time even if they +did not exist. For performance reasons, now, if the root key (i.e. +C or C) does +not exist at process start time, it will not be checked again for C<%ENV> +override entries for the remainder of the Perl processes life. This more +closely matches Unix behaviour in that the enviroment is copied or inherited on +startup and changing the variable in the parent process or another process or +editing <.bashrc> will not change the enviromental variable in other existing, +running, processes. + +=back =back diff --git a/win32/win32.c b/win32/win32.c index 55a09e2..59faabb 100644 --- a/win32/win32.c +++ b/win32/win32.c @@ -188,6 +188,10 @@ Size_t w32_ioinfo_size;/* avoid 0 extend op b4 mul, otherwise could be a U8 */ #endif END_EXTERN_C +/* initialized by Perl_win32_init/PERL_SYS_INIT */ +static HKEY HKCU_Perl_hnd; +static HKEY HKLM_Perl_hnd; + #ifdef SET_INVALID_PARAMETER_HANDLER static BOOL silent_invalid_parameter_handler = FALSE; @@ -277,34 +281,28 @@ set_w32_module_name(void) /* *svp (if non-NULL) is expected to be POK (valid allocated SvPVX(*svp)) */ static char* -get_regstr_from(HKEY hkey, const char *valuename, SV **svp) +get_regstr_from(HKEY handle, const char *valuename, SV **svp) { /* Retrieve a REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ from the registry */ - HKEY handle; DWORD type; - const char *subkey = "Software\\Perl"; char *str = NULL; long retval; + DWORD datalen; - retval = RegOpenKeyEx(hkey, subkey, 0, KEY_READ, &handle); - if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS) { - DWORD datalen; - retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, &type, NULL, &datalen); - if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS - && (type == REG_SZ || type == REG_EXPAND_SZ)) - { - dTHX; - if (!*svp) - *svp = sv_2mortal(newSVpvs("")); - SvGROW(*svp, datalen); - retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, NULL, - (PBYTE)SvPVX(*svp), &datalen); - if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS) { - str = SvPVX(*svp); - SvCUR_set(*svp,datalen-1); - } + retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, &type, NULL, &datalen); + if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS + && (type == REG_SZ || type == REG_EXPAND_SZ)) + { + dTHX; + if (!*svp) + *svp = sv_2mortal(newSVpvs("")); + SvGROW(*svp, datalen); + retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, NULL, + (PBYTE)SvPVX(*svp), &datalen); + if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS) { + str = SvPVX(*svp); + SvCUR_set(*svp,datalen-1); } - RegCloseKey(handle); } return str; } @@ -313,10 +311,23 @@ get_regstr_from(HKEY hkey, const char *valuename, SV **svp) static char* get_regstr(const char *valuename, SV **svp) { - char *str = get_regstr_from(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, valuename, svp); - if (!str) - str = get_regstr_from(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, valuename, svp); - return str; + char *ptr; + if (HKCU_Perl_hnd) { + ptr = get_regstr_from(HKCU_Perl_hnd, valuename, svp); + if (!ptr) { + ptr = (char*)HKLM_Perl_hnd; + if (ptr) + ptr = get_regstr_from((HKEY)ptr, valuename, svp); + /* else pass through NULL */ + } + } + else { + ptr = (char*)HKLM_Perl_hnd; + if (ptr) + ptr = get_regstr_from((HKEY)ptr, valuename, svp); + /* else pass through NULL */ + } + return ptr; } /* *prev_pathp (if non-NULL) is expected to be POK (valid allocated SvPVX(sv)) */ @@ -4488,6 +4499,18 @@ Perl_win32_init(int *argcp, char ***argvp) ansify_path(); { + LONG retval; + retval = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"SOFTWARE\\Perl", 0, KEY_READ, &HKCU_Perl_hnd); + if (retval != ERROR_SUCCESS) { + HKCU_Perl_hnd = NULL; + } + retval = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Perl", 0, KEY_READ, &HKLM_Perl_hnd); + if (retval != ERROR_SUCCESS) { + HKLM_Perl_hnd = NULL; + } + } + + { /* set the static flag in IsShimInfrastructureDisabled to 1 to disable shims for perl.exe alone this makes starting cmd.exe faster */ char * f = (char*)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"), "BaseQueryModuleData"); @@ -4519,6 +4542,11 @@ Perl_win32_term(void) OP_REFCNT_TERM; PERLIO_TERM; MALLOC_TERM; + /* handles might be NULL, RegCloseKey then returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE + but no point of checking and we can't die() at this point */ + RegCloseKey(HKLM_Perl_hnd); + RegCloseKey(HKCU_Perl_hnd); + /* the handles are in an undefined state until the next PERL_SYS_INIT3 */ } void -- 1.7.9.msysgit.0 ```
p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88


p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88


p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @steve-m-hay

[Apologies for Outlook's top-posting...]

At $work we actually remove the registry lookup of %ENV stuff altogether to prevent other installations of Perl on customers' machines from interfering with our own software's installation of Perl. The attached (very minimal) patch does the business.

I would personally be very happy to see the %ENV registry lookup disappear completely\, and I vaguely recall JDB saying the same years ago. If that's correct (apologies if I've misremembered!) then it's presumably not important to ActivePerl\, so if you're correct in your patch comment that "ActiveState is the only known major user of the Software/Perl reg key" then maybe we can indeed get rid of it.

That's probably a contentious change\, though\, so I'm just too late in thinking of this for 5.22. Could we add a deprecation notice in 5.22 and drop the feature for 5.23?

-----Original Message----- From​: bulk88 via RT [mailto​:perlbug-followup@​] Sent​: 23 January 2015 11​:45 Cc​: perl5-porters@​ Subject​: [perl #123658] [PATCH] stop checking the Win32 registry if *"/Software/Perl" doesn't exist

On Fri Jan 23 00​:26​:22 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

This is a bug report for perl from bulk88@​\, generated with the help of perlbug 1.40 running under perl 5.21.4.

----------------------------------------------------------------- [Please describe your issue here]

Need #.

Patch attached. Some benchmarks I did. This patch probably saves 1 to 2 ms out of 10 to 30 ms per process start.

p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @steve-m-hay

0001-Remove-registry-check.patch ```diff From 763bddb68bfb5f42eb01ab56cf3f26097ac4b4f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Steve Hay Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 11:50:34 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Remove registry check --- win32/win32.c | 6 ------ 1 file changed, 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/win32/win32.c b/win32/win32.c index 1510805..2fc4602 100644 --- a/win32/win32.c +++ b/win32/win32.c @@ -1821,12 +1821,6 @@ win32_getenv(const char *name) } FreeEnvironmentStrings(envv); } - else { - /* last ditch: allow any environment variables that begin with 'PERL' - to be obtained from the registry, if found there */ - if (strncmp(name, "PERL", 4) == 0) - (void)get_regstr(name, &curitem); - } } if (curitem && SvCUR(curitem)) return SvPVX(curitem); -- 1.9.5.msysgit.0 ```
p5pRT commented 9 years ago

The RT System itself - Status changed from 'new' to 'open'

p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88

On Fri Jan 23 04​:03​:26 2015\, Steve.Hay@​ wrote​:

I would personally be very happy to see the %ENV registry lookup disappear completely\, and I vaguely recall JDB saying the same years ago. If that's correct (apologies if I've misremembered!) then it's presumably not important to ActivePerl\, so if you're correct in your patch comment that "ActiveState is the only known major user of the Software/Perl reg key" then maybe we can indeed get rid of it.

That's probably a contentious change\, though\, so I'm just too late in thinking of this for 5.22. Could we add a deprecation notice in 5.22 and drop the feature for 5.23?

AS PDK's GUI debugger installs itself as value name "PERL5DB" and "BEGIN {require q\<C​:\Program Files\ActiveState Perl Dev Kit 9.1\bin\lib\>}" as the value (and that is the only value I have in "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Perl"). I dont think the registry lookup feature can be removed.

-- bulk88 ~ bulk88 at

p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @tonycoz

On Fri Jan 23 10​:26​:04 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

AS PDK's GUI debugger installs itself as value name "PERL5DB" and "BEGIN {require q\<C​:\Program Files\ActiveState Perl Dev Kit 9.1\bin\lib\>}" as the value (and that is the only value I have in "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Perl"). I dont think the registry lookup feature can be removed.

Maybe we could add a build define to disable it.

As to your patch​:

+ if (!ptr) { + ptr = (char*)HKLM_Perl_hnd; + if (ptr) + ptr = get_regstr_from((HKEY)ptr\, valuename\, svp); + /* else pass through NULL */

is this cast assignment to ptr an optimization for some compiler?

I don't think it's acceptable code.

I'm kind of surprised you didn't structure it closer to the original\, something like​:

+ if (HKCU_Perl_hnd) + ptr = get_regstr_from(HKCU_Perl_hnd\, valuename\, svp); + if (!ptr && HKLM_Perl_hnd) + ptr = get_regstr_from((HKLM_Perl_hnd\, valuename\, svp); + + return ptr;

which is a lot easier to read\, and should be about the same or smaller code size and speed.

+ /* handles might be NULL\, RegCloseKey then returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE + but no point of checking and we can't die() at this point */ + RegCloseKey(HKLM_Perl_hnd); + RegCloseKey(HKCU_Perl_hnd); + /* the handles are in an undefined state until the next PERL_SYS_INIT3 */

My main problem with this is that it will increase noise in tools that check for bad API calls.

Adding conditional checks here for a function (Perl_win32_term()) that executes *once* per perl invocation doesn't seem like a huge price to pay for reducing that noise.


p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @steve-m-hay

On Mon Jan 26 15​:06​:22 2015\, tonyc wrote​:

On Fri Jan 23 10​:26​:04 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

AS PDK's GUI debugger installs itself as value name "PERL5DB" and "BEGIN {require q\<C​:\Program Files\ActiveState Perl Dev Kit 9.1\bin\lib\>}" as the value (and that is the only value I have in "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Perl"). I dont think the registry lookup feature can be removed.

Maybe we could add a build define to disable it.

If removing it completely is not an option then I would be very much in favour of a build option to disable it. Perhaps even have the option off by default since most people probably don't have any need for it.

p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88

On Mon Jan 26 15​:06​:22 2015\, tonyc wrote​:

On Fri Jan 23 10​:26​:04 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

AS PDK's GUI debugger installs itself as value name "PERL5DB" and "BEGIN {require q\<C​:\Program Files\ActiveState Perl Dev Kit 9.1\bin\lib\>}" as the value (and that is the only value I have in "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Perl"). I dont think the registry lookup feature can be removed.

Maybe we could add a build define to disable it.

I added the feature\, IDK what the internal C name should be of the C macro control the feature. USE_* seems to be for Configure vars\, this windows only build option is not the unix COnfigure script\, WIN32_* shows its not a Configure var. If "USE_NO_REGISTRY" is okay to use as a name\, even though it makes no sense on non-Win32 as to what it is to do\, I can get rid of the WIN32_NO_REGISTRY internal C name and have it be called USE_NO_REGISTRY to the user\, and USE_NO_REGISTRY in the C code. Or do you think the present 2 name way as I did it in the commit is fine?

As to your patch​:

+ if (!ptr) { + ptr = (char*)HKLM_Perl_hnd; + if (ptr) + ptr = get_regstr_from((HKEY)ptr\, valuename\, svp); + /* else pass through NULL */

is this cast assignment to ptr an optimization for some compiler?

I don't think it's acceptable code.

I'm kind of surprised you didn't structure it closer to the original\, something like​:

+ if (HKCU_Perl_hnd) + ptr = get_regstr_from(HKCU_Perl_hnd\, valuename\, svp); + if (!ptr && HKLM_Perl_hnd) + ptr = get_regstr_from((HKLM_Perl_hnd\, valuename\, svp); + + return ptr;

You code above has var ptr uninitialized in a particular branch permutation. I removed the first void * statement "ptr = HKCU_Perl_hnd;" usage on the 1st branch\, I couldn't on the 2nd test since otherwise I'd have to introduce a "ptr = NULL;" and avoiding "ptr = NULL;" statement was the point of writing it with void *s. AFAIK only clang knows that a false register contains the value NULL and can optimize away the assignment of NULL and generation of NULL ("xor eax\, eax").

which is a lot easier to read\, and should be about the same or smaller code size and speed.

+ /* handles might be NULL\, RegCloseKey then returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE + but no point of checking and we can't die() at this point */ + RegCloseKey(HKLM_Perl_hnd); + RegCloseKey(HKCU_Perl_hnd); + /* the handles are in an undefined state until the next PERL_SYS_INIT3 */

My main problem with this is that it will increase noise in tools that check for bad API calls. Adding conditional checks here for a function (Perl_win32_term()) that executes *once* per perl invocation doesn't seem like a huge price to pay for reducing that noise.


AppVerifier doesn't complain/notice (if I managed to get it to run/instrument the right binary\, it was a month ago month I tested it). VC Debugger also doesn't give me popups about bad handles.

-- bulk88 ~ bulk88 at

p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88

0001-stop-checking-the-Win32-registry-if-Software-Perl-do.patch ```diff From c23295d4d86c08e55b6890abfa895448553b325c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Dragan Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 21:22:08 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] stop checking the Win32 registry if *"/Software/Perl" doesn't exist This stops each ENV var lookup (and 16 calls to get_regstr, most of which are %ENV lookups, are done automatically each time a Win32 Perl process starts) from querying the registry for usually failing lookups. ActiveState is the only known major user of the Software/Perl reg key. details: -cache the root handles, so a typically failing env var lookup does only 1 system call instead of 3 if the parent key exists -if the key exists, looking it up is slightly faster since it is 4 registry syscall instead of previously 6 (open "*\Software\Perl", 2 RegQueryValueExAs(on "found" behavior each RegQueryValueExA does 2 RegQueryValueExW calls), close "*\Software\Perl") -dont make a system call to lookup a value if the parent key doesn't exist -reuse the NULL value in the static handle var instead of explictly assigning NULL to the retval (saves machien code ops), VC 2003 didn't optimize away the NULL assignment branch like Clang wouldve, a HKEY type is a HANDLE type which is a void * -change "Software\\Perl" to "SOFTWARE\\Perl" since the reg is case preserving but lookups are not case sensitive, this all caps casing is what regedit shows, and might save a couple cpu cycles in the DB lookup in the kernel -use RegOpenKeyExW instead of RegOpenKeyEx (actually RegOpenKeyExA), this avoids ansi to utf16 conversions at runtime -dont check HKEY handles for NULL before calling RegCloseKey. MS and ReactOS RegCloseKey checks for NULL (zero) handle first thing and returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE as the retval of RegCloseKey. MS App Verifier does not complain about NULL handles. -Dont check the retval of RegCloseKey, there is no way to dispatch an error at this point in the process, there are no interps, and no perlio, and maybe no console if its a GUI, and the process is probably exiting anyway. Calling Perl_noperl_die (no perl, no perlio, print to stderr) would not be friendly to an embedder. A crash box with RaiseException with EXCEPTION_INVALID_HANDLE is a bad UI. -Dont bother to zero the HKEY handles, after a PERL_SYS_TERM until the next (if any) PERL_SYS_INIT3, libperl is in an undefined state, it is the embedders responsibility to refcount and serialize calls to PERL_SYS_INIT3/PERL_SYS_TERM if necessery See details in [perl #123658] --- README.win32 | 11 +++++--- pod/perldelta.pod | 15 ++++++++++ win32/win32.c | 76 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- 3 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) diff --git a/README.win32 b/README.win32 index 605f980..5e6e39a 100644 --- a/README.win32 +++ b/README.win32 @@ -483,10 +483,13 @@ You can also control the shell that perl uses to run system() and backtick commands via PERL5SHELL. See L. Perl does not depend on the registry, but it can look up certain default -values if you choose to put them there. Perl attempts to read entries from -C and C. -Entries in the former override entries in the latter. One or more of the -following entries (of type REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ) may be set: +values if you choose to put them there. On Perl process start Perl checks if +C and C +exist. If the keys exists, they will be checked for remainder of the Perl +process's run life for certain entries. Entries in +C override entries in +C. One or more of the following entries +(of type REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ) may be set in the keys: lib-$] version-specific standard library path to add to @INC lib standard library path to add to @INC diff --git a/pod/perldelta.pod b/pod/perldelta.pod index 2c1d562..0f89a6b 100644 --- a/pod/perldelta.pod +++ b/pod/perldelta.pod @@ -1999,6 +1999,21 @@ a fix for legacy feature checking status. =item * +The behavior of Perl using C and +C to lookup certain values, including +C<%ENV> vars starting with C has changed. Previously, the 2 keys were +checked for entries at all times through Perl processes life time even if they +did not exist. For performance reasons, now, if the root key (i.e. +C or C) does +not exist at process start time, it will not be checked again for C<%ENV> +override entries for the remainder of the Perl processes life. This more +closely matches Unix behaviour in that the enviroment is copied or inherited on +startup and changing the variable in the parent process or another process or +editing <.bashrc> will not change the enviromental variable in other existing, +running, processes. + +=item * + F is now built with C<-fno-strict-aliasing>, allowing 64-bit builds to complete on GCC 4.8. L<[perl #123976]|> diff --git a/win32/win32.c b/win32/win32.c index 2c35b58..d87a610 100644 --- a/win32/win32.c +++ b/win32/win32.c @@ -182,6 +182,10 @@ Size_t w32_ioinfo_size;/* avoid 0 extend op b4 mul, otherwise could be a U8 */ #endif END_EXTERN_C +/* initialized by Perl_win32_init/PERL_SYS_INIT */ +static HKEY HKCU_Perl_hnd; +static HKEY HKLM_Perl_hnd; + #ifdef SET_INVALID_PARAMETER_HANDLER static BOOL silent_invalid_parameter_handler = FALSE; @@ -271,34 +275,28 @@ set_w32_module_name(void) /* *svp (if non-NULL) is expected to be POK (valid allocated SvPVX(*svp)) */ static char* -get_regstr_from(HKEY hkey, const char *valuename, SV **svp) +get_regstr_from(HKEY handle, const char *valuename, SV **svp) { /* Retrieve a REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ from the registry */ - HKEY handle; DWORD type; - const char *subkey = "Software\\Perl"; char *str = NULL; long retval; + DWORD datalen; - retval = RegOpenKeyEx(hkey, subkey, 0, KEY_READ, &handle); - if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS) { - DWORD datalen; - retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, &type, NULL, &datalen); - if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS - && (type == REG_SZ || type == REG_EXPAND_SZ)) - { - dTHX; - if (!*svp) - *svp = sv_2mortal(newSVpvs("")); - SvGROW(*svp, datalen); - retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, NULL, - (PBYTE)SvPVX(*svp), &datalen); - if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS) { - str = SvPVX(*svp); - SvCUR_set(*svp,datalen-1); - } + retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, &type, NULL, &datalen); + if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS + && (type == REG_SZ || type == REG_EXPAND_SZ)) + { + dTHX; + if (!*svp) + *svp = sv_2mortal(newSVpvs("")); + SvGROW(*svp, datalen); + retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, NULL, + (PBYTE)SvPVX(*svp), &datalen); + if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS) { + str = SvPVX(*svp); + SvCUR_set(*svp,datalen-1); } - RegCloseKey(handle); } return str; } @@ -307,11 +305,22 @@ get_regstr_from(HKEY hkey, const char *valuename, SV **svp) static char* get_regstr(const char *valuename, SV **svp) { - char *str = get_regstr_from(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, valuename, svp); - if (!str) - str = get_regstr_from(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, valuename, svp); - return str; + char *ptr; + if (HKCU_Perl_hnd) { + ptr = get_regstr_from(HKCU_Perl_hnd, valuename, svp); + if (!ptr) + goto try_HKLM; + } + else { + try_HKLM: + ptr = (char*)HKLM_Perl_hnd; + if (ptr) + ptr = get_regstr_from((HKEY)ptr, valuename, svp); + /* else pass through NULL from the HKEY, instead of NULL assignment op */ + } + return ptr; } +#endif /* ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY */ /* *prev_pathp (if non-NULL) is expected to be POK (valid allocated SvPVX(sv)) */ static char * @@ -4494,6 +4503,18 @@ Perl_win32_init(int *argcp, char ***argvp) ansify_path(); { + LONG retval; + retval = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"SOFTWARE\\Perl", 0, KEY_READ, &HKCU_Perl_hnd); + if (retval != ERROR_SUCCESS) { + HKCU_Perl_hnd = NULL; + } + retval = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Perl", 0, KEY_READ, &HKLM_Perl_hnd); + if (retval != ERROR_SUCCESS) { + HKLM_Perl_hnd = NULL; + } + } + + { /* set the static flag in IsShimInfrastructureDisabled to 1 to disable shims for perl.exe alone this makes starting cmd.exe faster */ char * f = (char*)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"), "BaseQueryModuleData"); @@ -4525,6 +4546,11 @@ Perl_win32_term(void) OP_REFCNT_TERM; PERLIO_TERM; MALLOC_TERM; + /* handles might be NULL, RegCloseKey then returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE + but no point of checking and we can't die() at this point */ + RegCloseKey(HKLM_Perl_hnd); + RegCloseKey(HKCU_Perl_hnd); + /* the handles are in an undefined state until the next PERL_SYS_INIT3 */ } void -- 1.7.9.msysgit.0 ```
p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88

0002-add-Win32-USE_NO_REGISTRY-build-option.patch ```diff From db8192ecf78d7f18a7fdbcc047f3dad0577bb287 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Dragan Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 19:59:20 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] add Win32 USE_NO_REGISTRY build option -the first arg of win32_get_privlib is not used if the registry is not queried, create a macro to allow the arg to drop out on WIN32_NO_REGISTRY builds for efficiency and not to have unused C litteral strings in the binary -This patch changes the ABI of PerlEnv_lib_path/PerlEnvLibPath/win32_get_privlib between USE_NO_REGISTRY and no USE_NO_REGISTRY. Since win32_get_privlib is not exported from perl523.dll, assume it and PerlEnv_lib_path are not public API, note technically PerlEnv_lib_path will be callable only on PERL_IMPLICIT_SYS builds, on no PERL_IMPLICIT_SYS builds it will fail at link time since win32_get_privlib isnt exported. Therefore place it in non-[affecting]-binary compatibility even though it does affect binary compatibility. -delay load advapi32.dll to save startup time (loading the DLL and the DLL calling its initializers in DllMain) and one 4 KB memory page for advapi32's .data section (doing "perl -E"sleep 100" on WinXP shows advapi32 has a 20KB long .data section, first 4 KB are unique to the process, the remaining 16KB are COW shared between processes according to vmmap tool), putting a DebugBreak() in pp_getlogin and doing a "nmake all" shows miniperl never calls getlogin during the build process. An nmake test shows only ext/POSIX/t/wrappers.t and lib/warnings.t execute pp_getlogin. Keeping advapi32.dll out of the perl process requires removing comctl32.dll, since comctrl32.dll loads advapi32.dll, from perl which I always do as a custom patch. filed as [perl #123658] --- README.win32 | 3 ++- iperlsys.h | 6 +++--- perl.c | 3 +++ pod/perldelta.pod | 8 ++++++++ win32/Makefile | 26 +++++++++++++++++++++++++- win32/ | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++- win32/perlhost.h | 4 ++-- win32/win32.c | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- win32/win32.h | 12 +++++++++++- win32/wince.c | 2 +- 10 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) diff --git a/README.win32 b/README.win32 index 5e6e39a..353cf87 100644 --- a/README.win32 +++ b/README.win32 @@ -483,7 +483,8 @@ You can also control the shell that perl uses to run system() and backtick commands via PERL5SHELL. See L. Perl does not depend on the registry, but it can look up certain default -values if you choose to put them there. On Perl process start Perl checks if +values if you choose to put them there unless disabled at build time with +USE_NO_REGISTRY. On Perl process start Perl checks if C and C exist. If the keys exists, they will be checked for remainder of the Perl process's run life for certain entries. Entries in diff --git a/iperlsys.h b/iperlsys.h index 5ff1483..702a71c 100644 --- a/iperlsys.h +++ b/iperlsys.h @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ typedef char* (*LPENVGetenv_len)(struct IPerlEnv*, #endif #ifdef WIN32 typedef unsigned long (*LPEnvOsID)(struct IPerlEnv*); -typedef char* (*LPEnvLibPath)(struct IPerlEnv*, const char*, +typedef char* (*LPEnvLibPath)(struct IPerlEnv*, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char*) STRLEN *const len); typedef char* (*LPEnvSiteLibPath)(struct IPerlEnv*, const char*, STRLEN *const len); @@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ struct IPerlEnvInfo #define PerlEnv_os_id() \ (*PL_Env->pEnvOsID)(PL_Env) #define PerlEnv_lib_path(str, lenp) \ - (*PL_Env->pLibPath)(PL_Env,(str),(lenp)) + (*PL_Env->pLibPath)(PL_Env,WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(str)(lenp)) #define PerlEnv_sitelib_path(str, lenp) \ (*PL_Env->pSiteLibPath)(PL_Env,(str),(lenp)) #define PerlEnv_vendorlib_path(str, lenp) \ @@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ struct IPerlEnvInfo #ifdef WIN32 #define PerlEnv_os_id() win32_os_id() -#define PerlEnv_lib_path(str, lenp) win32_get_privlib(str, lenp) +#define PerlEnv_lib_path(str, lenp) win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(str) lenp) #define PerlEnv_sitelib_path(str, lenp) win32_get_sitelib(str, lenp) #define PerlEnv_vendorlib_path(str, lenp) win32_get_vendorlib(str, lenp) #define PerlEnv_get_child_IO(ptr) win32_get_child_IO(ptr) diff --git a/perl.c b/perl.c index 83ee6f4..612474e 100644 --- a/perl.c +++ b/perl.c @@ -1779,6 +1779,9 @@ S_Internals_V(pTHX_ CV *cv) # ifdef USE_LOCALE_CTYPE " USE_LOCALE_CTYPE" # endif +# ifdef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY + " USE_NO_REGISTRY" +# endif # ifdef USE_PERL_ATOF " USE_PERL_ATOF" # endif diff --git a/pod/perldelta.pod b/pod/perldelta.pod index 0f89a6b..93e7b0b 100644 --- a/pod/perldelta.pod +++ b/pod/perldelta.pod @@ -1999,6 +1999,14 @@ a fix for legacy feature checking status. =item * +A new build option C has been added to the makefiles. This +option is off by default, meaning the default is to do Windows registry lookups. +This option stops Perl from looking inside the registry for anything. For what +values are looked up in the registry see L. Internally, in C, the +name of this option is C. + +=item * + The behavior of Perl using C and C to lookup certain values, including C<%ENV> vars starting with C has changed. Previously, the 2 keys were diff --git a/win32/Makefile b/win32/Makefile index 2f2165b..a110075 100644 --- a/win32/Makefile +++ b/win32/Makefile @@ -96,6 +96,13 @@ USE_LARGE_FILES = define #USE_64_BIT_INT = define # +# Uncomment this if you want to disable looking up values from +# HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Perl and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Perl in +# the Registry. +# +#USE_NO_REGISTRY = define + +# # uncomment exactly one of the following # # Visual C++ 6.x (aka Visual C++ 98) @@ -294,6 +301,10 @@ USE_LARGE_FILES = undef USE_64_BIT_INT = undef !ENDIF +!IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" == "" +USE_NO_REGISTRY = undef +!ENDIF + !IF "$(USE_IMP_SYS)$(USE_MULTI)" == "defineundef" USE_MULTI = define !ENDIF @@ -314,6 +325,10 @@ BUILDOPT = $(BUILDOPT) -DPERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT BUILDOPT = $(BUILDOPT) -DPERL_IMPLICIT_SYS !ENDIF +!IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" != "undef" +BUILDOPT = $(BUILDOPT) -DWIN32_NO_REGISTRY +!ENDIF + !IF "$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)" == "" PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE = x86 !ENDIF @@ -388,7 +403,16 @@ ARCHNAME = $(ARCHNAME)-64int # All but the free version of VC++ 7.x can load DLLs on demand. Makes the test # suite run in about 10% less time. !IF "$(CCTYPE)" != "MSVC70FREE" +# If no registry, advapi32 is only used for Perl_pp_getlogin/getlogin/GetUserNameA +# which is rare to execute +!IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" != "undef" +DELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:ws2_32.dll -DELAYLOAD:advapi32.dll delayimp.lib +MINIDELAYLOAD = +!ELSE DELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:ws2_32.dll delayimp.lib +#miniperl never does any registry lookups +MINIDELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:advapi32.dll +!ENDIF !ENDIF # Visual C++ 2005 and 2008 (VC++ 8.x and 9.x) create manifest files for EXEs and @@ -1034,7 +1058,7 @@ $(MINIPERL) : ..\lib\ ..\lib\ : $(LIBNTDLL) $(MINIDIR) $(MINI_OBJ) ..\ $(LINK32) -subsystem:console -out:$(MINIPERL) \ - $(LINK_FLAGS) $(DELAYLOAD) $(LIBNTDLL) $(LIBFILES) $(MINI_OBJ) + $(LINK_FLAGS) $(DELAYLOAD) $(MINIDELAYLOAD) $(LIBNTDLL) $(LIBFILES) $(MINI_OBJ) $(EMBED_EXE_MANI:..\lib\\miniperl.exe) $(MINIPERL) -I..\lib -f ..\ .. diff --git a/win32/ b/win32/ index 78256b1..160b306 100644 --- a/win32/ +++ b/win32/ @@ -108,6 +108,13 @@ USE_LARGE_FILES *= define #USE_LONG_DOUBLE *=define # +# Uncomment this if you want to disable looking up values from +# HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Perl and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Perl in +# the Registry. +# +#USE_NO_REGISTRY *=define + +# # uncomment exactly one of the following # # Visual C++ 6.x (aka Visual C++ 98) @@ -310,6 +317,7 @@ USE_IMP_SYS *= undef USE_LARGE_FILES *= undef USE_64_BIT_INT *= undef USE_LONG_DOUBLE *= undef +USE_NO_REGISTRY *= undef .IF "$(USE_IMP_SYS)" == "define" PERL_MALLOC = undef @@ -343,6 +351,10 @@ BUILDOPT += -DPERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT BUILDOPT += -DPERL_IMPLICIT_SYS .ENDIF +.IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" != "undef" +BUILDOPT += -DWIN32_NO_REGISTRY +.ENDIF + PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE *= x86 .IF "$(WIN64)" == "" @@ -523,7 +535,16 @@ TESTPREPGCC = test-prep-gcc # All but the free version of VC++ 7.x can load DLLs on demand. Makes the test # suite run in about 10% less time. .IF "$(CCTYPE)" != "MSVC70FREE" +# If no registry, advapi32 is only used for Perl_pp_getlogin/getlogin/GetUserNameA +# which is rare to execute +.IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" != "undef" +DELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:ws2_32.dll -DELAYLOAD:advapi32.dll delayimp.lib +MINIDELAYLOAD = +.ELSE DELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:ws2_32.dll delayimp.lib +#miniperl never does any registry lookups +MINIDELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:advapi32.dll +.ENDIF .ENDIF # Visual C++ 2005 and 2008 (VC++ 8.x and 9.x) create manifest files for EXEs and @@ -1131,7 +1152,7 @@ $(CONFIGPM): ..\ config_h.PL $(mktmp $(LKPRE) $(MINI_OBJ) $(LIBNTDLL) $(LIBFILES) $(LKPOST)) .ELSE $(LINK32) -subsystem:console -out:$(MINIPERL) $(BLINK_FLAGS) \ - @$(mktmp $(DELAYLOAD) $(LIBNTDLL) $(LIBFILES) $(MINI_OBJ)) + @$(mktmp $(DELAYLOAD) $(MINIDELAYLOAD) $(LIBNTDLL) $(LIBFILES) $(MINI_OBJ)) $(EMBED_EXE_MANI:s/$@/$(MINIPERL)/) .ENDIF $(MINIPERL) -I..\lib -f ..\ .. diff --git a/win32/perlhost.h b/win32/perlhost.h index 2ec48eb..084d661 100644 --- a/win32/perlhost.h +++ b/win32/perlhost.h @@ -514,9 +514,9 @@ PerlEnvOsId(struct IPerlEnv* piPerl) } char* -PerlEnvLibPath(struct IPerlEnv* piPerl, const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) +PerlEnvLibPath(struct IPerlEnv* piPerl, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *pl) STRLEN *const len) { - return win32_get_privlib(pl, len); + return win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(pl) len); } char* diff --git a/win32/win32.c b/win32/win32.c index d87a610..473c291 100644 --- a/win32/win32.c +++ b/win32/win32.c @@ -131,12 +131,17 @@ static void my_invalid_parameter_handler(const wchar_t* expression, unsigned int line, uintptr_t pReserved); #endif +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY static char* get_regstr_from(HKEY hkey, const char *valuename, SV **svp); static char* get_regstr(const char *valuename, SV **svp); +#endif + static char* get_emd_part(SV **prev_pathp, STRLEN *const len, char *trailing, ...); -static char* win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, const char *xlib, +static char* win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, + WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *xlib) const char *libname, STRLEN *const len); + static BOOL has_shell_metachars(const char *ptr); static long tokenize(const char *str, char **dest, char ***destv); static void get_shell(void); @@ -182,9 +187,11 @@ Size_t w32_ioinfo_size;/* avoid 0 extend op b4 mul, otherwise could be a U8 */ #endif END_EXTERN_C +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* initialized by Perl_win32_init/PERL_SYS_INIT */ static HKEY HKCU_Perl_hnd; static HKEY HKLM_Perl_hnd; +#endif #ifdef SET_INVALID_PARAMETER_HANDLER static BOOL silent_invalid_parameter_handler = FALSE; @@ -273,6 +280,7 @@ set_w32_module_name(void) } } +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* *svp (if non-NULL) is expected to be POK (valid allocated SvPVX(*svp)) */ static char* get_regstr_from(HKEY handle, const char *valuename, SV **svp) @@ -390,41 +398,49 @@ get_emd_part(SV **prev_pathp, STRLEN *const len, char *trailing_path, ...) } EXTERN_C char * -win32_get_privlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) +win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *pl) STRLEN *const len) { char *stdlib = "lib"; - char buffer[MAX_PATH+1]; SV *sv = NULL; +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY + char buffer[MAX_PATH+1]; /* $stdlib = $HKCU{"lib-$]"} || $HKLM{"lib-$]"} || $HKCU{"lib"} || $HKLM{"lib"} || ""; */ sprintf(buffer, "%s-%s", stdlib, pl); if (!get_regstr(buffer, &sv)) (void)get_regstr(stdlib, &sv); +#endif /* $stdlib .= ";$EMD/../../lib" */ return get_emd_part(&sv, len, stdlib, ARCHNAME, "bin", NULL); } static char * -win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, const char *xlib, const char *libname, - STRLEN *const len) +win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *xlib) + const char *libname, STRLEN *const len) { +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY char regstr[40]; +#endif char pathstr[MAX_PATH+1]; SV *sv1 = NULL; SV *sv2 = NULL; +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* $HKCU{"$xlib-$]"} || $HKLM{"$xlib-$]"} . ---; */ sprintf(regstr, "%s-%s", xlib, pl); (void)get_regstr(regstr, &sv1); +#endif /* $xlib .= * ";$EMD/" . ((-d $EMD/../../../$]) ? "../../.." : "../.."). "/$libname/$]/lib"; */ sprintf(pathstr, "%s/%s/lib", libname, pl); (void)get_emd_part(&sv1, NULL, pathstr, ARCHNAME, "bin", pl, NULL); +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* $HKCU{$xlib} || $HKLM{$xlib} . ---; */ (void)get_regstr(xlib, &sv2); +#endif /* $xlib .= * ";$EMD/" . ((-d $EMD/../../../$]) ? "../../.." : "../.."). "/$libname/lib"; */ @@ -449,7 +465,7 @@ win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, const char *xlib, const char *libname, EXTERN_C char * win32_get_sitelib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) { - return win32_get_xlib(pl, "sitelib", "site", len); + return win32_get_xlib(pl, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_("sitelib") "site", len); } #ifndef PERL_VENDORLIB_NAME @@ -459,7 +475,7 @@ win32_get_sitelib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) EXTERN_C char * win32_get_vendorlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) { - return win32_get_xlib(pl, "vendorlib", PERL_VENDORLIB_NAME, len); + return win32_get_xlib(pl, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_("vendorlib") PERL_VENDORLIB_NAME, len); } static BOOL @@ -1840,12 +1856,14 @@ win32_getenv(const char *name) } FreeEnvironmentStrings(envv); } +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY else { /* last ditch: allow any environment variables that begin with 'PERL' to be obtained from the registry, if found there */ if (strncmp(name, "PERL", 4) == 0) (void)get_regstr(name, &curitem); } +#endif } if (curitem && SvCUR(curitem)) return SvPVX(curitem); @@ -4502,6 +4520,8 @@ Perl_win32_init(int *argcp, char ***argvp) #endif ansify_path(); + +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY { LONG retval; retval = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"SOFTWARE\\Perl", 0, KEY_READ, &HKCU_Perl_hnd); @@ -4513,6 +4533,7 @@ Perl_win32_init(int *argcp, char ***argvp) HKLM_Perl_hnd = NULL; } } +#endif { /* set the static flag in IsShimInfrastructureDisabled to 1 to disable shims for perl.exe alone @@ -4546,11 +4567,13 @@ Perl_win32_term(void) OP_REFCNT_TERM; PERLIO_TERM; MALLOC_TERM; +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* handles might be NULL, RegCloseKey then returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE but no point of checking and we can't die() at this point */ RegCloseKey(HKLM_Perl_hnd); RegCloseKey(HKCU_Perl_hnd); /* the handles are in an undefined state until the next PERL_SYS_INIT3 */ +#endif } void diff --git a/win32/win32.h b/win32/win32.h index 620b126..81df048 100644 --- a/win32/win32.h +++ b/win32/win32.h @@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ /* less I/O calls during each require */ # define PERL_DISABLE_PMC +/* unnecessery for miniperl to lookup anything from an "installed" perl */ +# define WIN32_NO_REGISTRY + /* allow minitest to work */ /* # define USE_PERLIO disable for build performance */ /* # define PERL_TEXTMODE_SCRIPTS disable, causes bad behaviour with PerlIO off */ @@ -212,6 +215,13 @@ struct utsname { # define PERL_SOCK_SYSWRITE_IS_SEND #endif +#ifdef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY +/* the last _ in WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_ is like the _ in aTHX_ */ +# define WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(x) +#else +# define WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(x) x, +#endif + #define PERL_NO_FORCE_LINK /* no need for PL_force_link_funcs */ #define ENV_IS_CASELESS @@ -420,7 +430,7 @@ DllExport HWND win32_create_message_window(void); DllExport int win32_async_check(pTHX); extern int my_fclose(FILE *); -extern char * win32_get_privlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len); +extern char * win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *pl) STRLEN *const len); extern char * win32_get_sitelib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len); extern char * win32_get_vendorlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len); diff --git a/win32/wince.c b/win32/wince.c index b3c5b52..581a12b 100644 --- a/win32/wince.c +++ b/win32/wince.c @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ get_emd_part(SV **prev_pathp, STRLEN *const len, char *trailing_path, ...) } char * -win32_get_privlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) +win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *pl) STRLEN *const len) { dTHX; char *stdlib = "lib"; -- 1.7.9.msysgit.0 ```
p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88

On Mon Jan 26 15​:06​:22 2015\, tonyc wrote​:

On Fri Jan 23 10​:26​:04 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

AS PDK's GUI debugger installs itself as value name "PERL5DB" and "BEGIN {require q\<C​:\Program Files\ActiveState Perl Dev Kit 9.1\bin\lib\>}" as the value (and that is the only value I have in "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Perl"). I dont think the registry lookup feature can be removed.

Maybe we could add a build define to disable it.

I added the feature\, IDK what the internal C name should be of the C macro control the feature. USE_* seems to be for Configure vars\, WIN32_* shows its not a Configure var. If "USE_NO_REGISTRY" is okay to use as a name\, even though it makes no sense on non-Win32\, I can get rid of the WIN32_NO_REGISTRY internal C name and have it be called USE_NO_REGISTRY to the user\, and USE_NO_REGISTRY in the C code.

As to your patch​:

+ if (!ptr) { + ptr = (char*)HKLM_Perl_hnd; + if (ptr) + ptr = get_regstr_from((HKEY)ptr\, valuename\, svp); + /* else pass through NULL */

is this cast assignment to ptr an optimization for some compiler?

I don't think it's acceptable code.

I'm kind of surprised you didn't structure it closer to the original\, something like​:

+ if (HKCU_Perl_hnd) + ptr = get_regstr_from(HKCU_Perl_hnd\, valuename\, svp); + if (!ptr && HKLM_Perl_hnd) + ptr = get_regstr_from((HKLM_Perl_hnd\, valuename\, svp); + + return ptr;

You code above has var ptr uninitialized in a particular branch permutation. I removed the first void * statement "ptr = HKCU_Perl_hnd;" usage on the 1st branch\, I couldn't on the 2nd test since otherwise I'd have to introduce a "ptr = NULL;" and avoiding "ptr = NULL;" statement was the point of writing it with void *s. AFAIK only clang knows that a false register contains the value NULL and can optimize away the assignment of NULL.

which is a lot easier to read\, and should be about the same or smaller code size and speed.

+ /* handles might be NULL\, RegCloseKey then returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE + but no point of checking and we can't die() at this point */ + RegCloseKey(HKLM_Perl_hnd); + RegCloseKey(HKCU_Perl_hnd); + /* the handles are in an undefined state until the next PERL_SYS_INIT3 */

My main problem with this is that it will increase noise in tools that check for bad API calls. Adding conditional checks here for a function (Perl_win32_term()) that executes *once* per perl invocation doesn't seem like a huge price to pay for reducing that noise.


AppVerifier doesn't complain/notice (if I managed to get it to run/instrument the right binary\, it was a ago month I tested it). VC Debugger also doesn't give me popups about bad handles.

-- bulk88 ~ bulk88 at

p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88

0001-stop-checking-the-Win32-registry-if-Software-Perl-do.patch ```diff From c23295d4d86c08e55b6890abfa895448553b325c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Dragan Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 21:22:08 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] stop checking the Win32 registry if *"/Software/Perl" doesn't exist This stops each ENV var lookup (and 16 calls to get_regstr, most of which are %ENV lookups, are done automatically each time a Win32 Perl process starts) from querying the registry for usually failing lookups. ActiveState is the only known major user of the Software/Perl reg key. details: -cache the root handles, so a typically failing env var lookup does only 1 system call instead of 3 if the parent key exists -if the key exists, looking it up is slightly faster since it is 4 registry syscall instead of previously 6 (open "*\Software\Perl", 2 RegQueryValueExAs(on "found" behavior each RegQueryValueExA does 2 RegQueryValueExW calls), close "*\Software\Perl") -dont make a system call to lookup a value if the parent key doesn't exist -reuse the NULL value in the static handle var instead of explictly assigning NULL to the retval (saves machien code ops), VC 2003 didn't optimize away the NULL assignment branch like Clang wouldve, a HKEY type is a HANDLE type which is a void * -change "Software\\Perl" to "SOFTWARE\\Perl" since the reg is case preserving but lookups are not case sensitive, this all caps casing is what regedit shows, and might save a couple cpu cycles in the DB lookup in the kernel -use RegOpenKeyExW instead of RegOpenKeyEx (actually RegOpenKeyExA), this avoids ansi to utf16 conversions at runtime -dont check HKEY handles for NULL before calling RegCloseKey. MS and ReactOS RegCloseKey checks for NULL (zero) handle first thing and returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE as the retval of RegCloseKey. MS App Verifier does not complain about NULL handles. -Dont check the retval of RegCloseKey, there is no way to dispatch an error at this point in the process, there are no interps, and no perlio, and maybe no console if its a GUI, and the process is probably exiting anyway. Calling Perl_noperl_die (no perl, no perlio, print to stderr) would not be friendly to an embedder. A crash box with RaiseException with EXCEPTION_INVALID_HANDLE is a bad UI. -Dont bother to zero the HKEY handles, after a PERL_SYS_TERM until the next (if any) PERL_SYS_INIT3, libperl is in an undefined state, it is the embedders responsibility to refcount and serialize calls to PERL_SYS_INIT3/PERL_SYS_TERM if necessery See details in [perl #123658] --- README.win32 | 11 +++++--- pod/perldelta.pod | 15 ++++++++++ win32/win32.c | 76 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- 3 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) diff --git a/README.win32 b/README.win32 index 605f980..5e6e39a 100644 --- a/README.win32 +++ b/README.win32 @@ -483,10 +483,13 @@ You can also control the shell that perl uses to run system() and backtick commands via PERL5SHELL. See L. Perl does not depend on the registry, but it can look up certain default -values if you choose to put them there. Perl attempts to read entries from -C and C. -Entries in the former override entries in the latter. One or more of the -following entries (of type REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ) may be set: +values if you choose to put them there. On Perl process start Perl checks if +C and C +exist. If the keys exists, they will be checked for remainder of the Perl +process's run life for certain entries. Entries in +C override entries in +C. One or more of the following entries +(of type REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ) may be set in the keys: lib-$] version-specific standard library path to add to @INC lib standard library path to add to @INC diff --git a/pod/perldelta.pod b/pod/perldelta.pod index 2c1d562..0f89a6b 100644 --- a/pod/perldelta.pod +++ b/pod/perldelta.pod @@ -1999,6 +1999,21 @@ a fix for legacy feature checking status. =item * +The behavior of Perl using C and +C to lookup certain values, including +C<%ENV> vars starting with C has changed. Previously, the 2 keys were +checked for entries at all times through Perl processes life time even if they +did not exist. For performance reasons, now, if the root key (i.e. +C or C) does +not exist at process start time, it will not be checked again for C<%ENV> +override entries for the remainder of the Perl processes life. This more +closely matches Unix behaviour in that the enviroment is copied or inherited on +startup and changing the variable in the parent process or another process or +editing <.bashrc> will not change the enviromental variable in other existing, +running, processes. + +=item * + F is now built with C<-fno-strict-aliasing>, allowing 64-bit builds to complete on GCC 4.8. L<[perl #123976]|> diff --git a/win32/win32.c b/win32/win32.c index 2c35b58..d87a610 100644 --- a/win32/win32.c +++ b/win32/win32.c @@ -182,6 +182,10 @@ Size_t w32_ioinfo_size;/* avoid 0 extend op b4 mul, otherwise could be a U8 */ #endif END_EXTERN_C +/* initialized by Perl_win32_init/PERL_SYS_INIT */ +static HKEY HKCU_Perl_hnd; +static HKEY HKLM_Perl_hnd; + #ifdef SET_INVALID_PARAMETER_HANDLER static BOOL silent_invalid_parameter_handler = FALSE; @@ -271,34 +275,28 @@ set_w32_module_name(void) /* *svp (if non-NULL) is expected to be POK (valid allocated SvPVX(*svp)) */ static char* -get_regstr_from(HKEY hkey, const char *valuename, SV **svp) +get_regstr_from(HKEY handle, const char *valuename, SV **svp) { /* Retrieve a REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ from the registry */ - HKEY handle; DWORD type; - const char *subkey = "Software\\Perl"; char *str = NULL; long retval; + DWORD datalen; - retval = RegOpenKeyEx(hkey, subkey, 0, KEY_READ, &handle); - if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS) { - DWORD datalen; - retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, &type, NULL, &datalen); - if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS - && (type == REG_SZ || type == REG_EXPAND_SZ)) - { - dTHX; - if (!*svp) - *svp = sv_2mortal(newSVpvs("")); - SvGROW(*svp, datalen); - retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, NULL, - (PBYTE)SvPVX(*svp), &datalen); - if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS) { - str = SvPVX(*svp); - SvCUR_set(*svp,datalen-1); - } + retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, &type, NULL, &datalen); + if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS + && (type == REG_SZ || type == REG_EXPAND_SZ)) + { + dTHX; + if (!*svp) + *svp = sv_2mortal(newSVpvs("")); + SvGROW(*svp, datalen); + retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, NULL, + (PBYTE)SvPVX(*svp), &datalen); + if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS) { + str = SvPVX(*svp); + SvCUR_set(*svp,datalen-1); } - RegCloseKey(handle); } return str; } @@ -307,11 +305,22 @@ get_regstr_from(HKEY hkey, const char *valuename, SV **svp) static char* get_regstr(const char *valuename, SV **svp) { - char *str = get_regstr_from(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, valuename, svp); - if (!str) - str = get_regstr_from(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, valuename, svp); - return str; + char *ptr; + if (HKCU_Perl_hnd) { + ptr = get_regstr_from(HKCU_Perl_hnd, valuename, svp); + if (!ptr) + goto try_HKLM; + } + else { + try_HKLM: + ptr = (char*)HKLM_Perl_hnd; + if (ptr) + ptr = get_regstr_from((HKEY)ptr, valuename, svp); + /* else pass through NULL from the HKEY, instead of NULL assignment op */ + } + return ptr; } +#endif /* ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY */ /* *prev_pathp (if non-NULL) is expected to be POK (valid allocated SvPVX(sv)) */ static char * @@ -4494,6 +4503,18 @@ Perl_win32_init(int *argcp, char ***argvp) ansify_path(); { + LONG retval; + retval = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"SOFTWARE\\Perl", 0, KEY_READ, &HKCU_Perl_hnd); + if (retval != ERROR_SUCCESS) { + HKCU_Perl_hnd = NULL; + } + retval = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Perl", 0, KEY_READ, &HKLM_Perl_hnd); + if (retval != ERROR_SUCCESS) { + HKLM_Perl_hnd = NULL; + } + } + + { /* set the static flag in IsShimInfrastructureDisabled to 1 to disable shims for perl.exe alone this makes starting cmd.exe faster */ char * f = (char*)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"), "BaseQueryModuleData"); @@ -4525,6 +4546,11 @@ Perl_win32_term(void) OP_REFCNT_TERM; PERLIO_TERM; MALLOC_TERM; + /* handles might be NULL, RegCloseKey then returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE + but no point of checking and we can't die() at this point */ + RegCloseKey(HKLM_Perl_hnd); + RegCloseKey(HKCU_Perl_hnd); + /* the handles are in an undefined state until the next PERL_SYS_INIT3 */ } void -- 1.7.9.msysgit.0 ```
p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88

0002-add-Win32-USE_NO_REGISTRY-build-option.patch ```diff From db8192ecf78d7f18a7fdbcc047f3dad0577bb287 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Dragan Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 19:59:20 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] add Win32 USE_NO_REGISTRY build option -the first arg of win32_get_privlib is not used if the registry is not queried, create a macro to allow the arg to drop out on WIN32_NO_REGISTRY builds for efficiency and not to have unused C litteral strings in the binary -This patch changes the ABI of PerlEnv_lib_path/PerlEnvLibPath/win32_get_privlib between USE_NO_REGISTRY and no USE_NO_REGISTRY. Since win32_get_privlib is not exported from perl523.dll, assume it and PerlEnv_lib_path are not public API, note technically PerlEnv_lib_path will be callable only on PERL_IMPLICIT_SYS builds, on no PERL_IMPLICIT_SYS builds it will fail at link time since win32_get_privlib isnt exported. Therefore place it in non-[affecting]-binary compatibility even though it does affect binary compatibility. -delay load advapi32.dll to save startup time (loading the DLL and the DLL calling its initializers in DllMain) and one 4 KB memory page for advapi32's .data section (doing "perl -E"sleep 100" on WinXP shows advapi32 has a 20KB long .data section, first 4 KB are unique to the process, the remaining 16KB are COW shared between processes according to vmmap tool), putting a DebugBreak() in pp_getlogin and doing a "nmake all" shows miniperl never calls getlogin during the build process. An nmake test shows only ext/POSIX/t/wrappers.t and lib/warnings.t execute pp_getlogin. Keeping advapi32.dll out of the perl process requires removing comctl32.dll, since comctrl32.dll loads advapi32.dll, from perl which I always do as a custom patch. filed as [perl #123658] --- README.win32 | 3 ++- iperlsys.h | 6 +++--- perl.c | 3 +++ pod/perldelta.pod | 8 ++++++++ win32/Makefile | 26 +++++++++++++++++++++++++- win32/ | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++- win32/perlhost.h | 4 ++-- win32/win32.c | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- win32/win32.h | 12 +++++++++++- win32/wince.c | 2 +- 10 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) diff --git a/README.win32 b/README.win32 index 5e6e39a..353cf87 100644 --- a/README.win32 +++ b/README.win32 @@ -483,7 +483,8 @@ You can also control the shell that perl uses to run system() and backtick commands via PERL5SHELL. See L. Perl does not depend on the registry, but it can look up certain default -values if you choose to put them there. On Perl process start Perl checks if +values if you choose to put them there unless disabled at build time with +USE_NO_REGISTRY. On Perl process start Perl checks if C and C exist. If the keys exists, they will be checked for remainder of the Perl process's run life for certain entries. Entries in diff --git a/iperlsys.h b/iperlsys.h index 5ff1483..702a71c 100644 --- a/iperlsys.h +++ b/iperlsys.h @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ typedef char* (*LPENVGetenv_len)(struct IPerlEnv*, #endif #ifdef WIN32 typedef unsigned long (*LPEnvOsID)(struct IPerlEnv*); -typedef char* (*LPEnvLibPath)(struct IPerlEnv*, const char*, +typedef char* (*LPEnvLibPath)(struct IPerlEnv*, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char*) STRLEN *const len); typedef char* (*LPEnvSiteLibPath)(struct IPerlEnv*, const char*, STRLEN *const len); @@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ struct IPerlEnvInfo #define PerlEnv_os_id() \ (*PL_Env->pEnvOsID)(PL_Env) #define PerlEnv_lib_path(str, lenp) \ - (*PL_Env->pLibPath)(PL_Env,(str),(lenp)) + (*PL_Env->pLibPath)(PL_Env,WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(str)(lenp)) #define PerlEnv_sitelib_path(str, lenp) \ (*PL_Env->pSiteLibPath)(PL_Env,(str),(lenp)) #define PerlEnv_vendorlib_path(str, lenp) \ @@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ struct IPerlEnvInfo #ifdef WIN32 #define PerlEnv_os_id() win32_os_id() -#define PerlEnv_lib_path(str, lenp) win32_get_privlib(str, lenp) +#define PerlEnv_lib_path(str, lenp) win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(str) lenp) #define PerlEnv_sitelib_path(str, lenp) win32_get_sitelib(str, lenp) #define PerlEnv_vendorlib_path(str, lenp) win32_get_vendorlib(str, lenp) #define PerlEnv_get_child_IO(ptr) win32_get_child_IO(ptr) diff --git a/perl.c b/perl.c index 83ee6f4..612474e 100644 --- a/perl.c +++ b/perl.c @@ -1779,6 +1779,9 @@ S_Internals_V(pTHX_ CV *cv) # ifdef USE_LOCALE_CTYPE " USE_LOCALE_CTYPE" # endif +# ifdef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY + " USE_NO_REGISTRY" +# endif # ifdef USE_PERL_ATOF " USE_PERL_ATOF" # endif diff --git a/pod/perldelta.pod b/pod/perldelta.pod index 0f89a6b..93e7b0b 100644 --- a/pod/perldelta.pod +++ b/pod/perldelta.pod @@ -1999,6 +1999,14 @@ a fix for legacy feature checking status. =item * +A new build option C has been added to the makefiles. This +option is off by default, meaning the default is to do Windows registry lookups. +This option stops Perl from looking inside the registry for anything. For what +values are looked up in the registry see L. Internally, in C, the +name of this option is C. + +=item * + The behavior of Perl using C and C to lookup certain values, including C<%ENV> vars starting with C has changed. Previously, the 2 keys were diff --git a/win32/Makefile b/win32/Makefile index 2f2165b..a110075 100644 --- a/win32/Makefile +++ b/win32/Makefile @@ -96,6 +96,13 @@ USE_LARGE_FILES = define #USE_64_BIT_INT = define # +# Uncomment this if you want to disable looking up values from +# HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Perl and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Perl in +# the Registry. +# +#USE_NO_REGISTRY = define + +# # uncomment exactly one of the following # # Visual C++ 6.x (aka Visual C++ 98) @@ -294,6 +301,10 @@ USE_LARGE_FILES = undef USE_64_BIT_INT = undef !ENDIF +!IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" == "" +USE_NO_REGISTRY = undef +!ENDIF + !IF "$(USE_IMP_SYS)$(USE_MULTI)" == "defineundef" USE_MULTI = define !ENDIF @@ -314,6 +325,10 @@ BUILDOPT = $(BUILDOPT) -DPERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT BUILDOPT = $(BUILDOPT) -DPERL_IMPLICIT_SYS !ENDIF +!IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" != "undef" +BUILDOPT = $(BUILDOPT) -DWIN32_NO_REGISTRY +!ENDIF + !IF "$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)" == "" PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE = x86 !ENDIF @@ -388,7 +403,16 @@ ARCHNAME = $(ARCHNAME)-64int # All but the free version of VC++ 7.x can load DLLs on demand. Makes the test # suite run in about 10% less time. !IF "$(CCTYPE)" != "MSVC70FREE" +# If no registry, advapi32 is only used for Perl_pp_getlogin/getlogin/GetUserNameA +# which is rare to execute +!IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" != "undef" +DELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:ws2_32.dll -DELAYLOAD:advapi32.dll delayimp.lib +MINIDELAYLOAD = +!ELSE DELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:ws2_32.dll delayimp.lib +#miniperl never does any registry lookups +MINIDELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:advapi32.dll +!ENDIF !ENDIF # Visual C++ 2005 and 2008 (VC++ 8.x and 9.x) create manifest files for EXEs and @@ -1034,7 +1058,7 @@ $(MINIPERL) : ..\lib\ ..\lib\ : $(LIBNTDLL) $(MINIDIR) $(MINI_OBJ) ..\ $(LINK32) -subsystem:console -out:$(MINIPERL) \ - $(LINK_FLAGS) $(DELAYLOAD) $(LIBNTDLL) $(LIBFILES) $(MINI_OBJ) + $(LINK_FLAGS) $(DELAYLOAD) $(MINIDELAYLOAD) $(LIBNTDLL) $(LIBFILES) $(MINI_OBJ) $(EMBED_EXE_MANI:..\lib\\miniperl.exe) $(MINIPERL) -I..\lib -f ..\ .. diff --git a/win32/ b/win32/ index 78256b1..160b306 100644 --- a/win32/ +++ b/win32/ @@ -108,6 +108,13 @@ USE_LARGE_FILES *= define #USE_LONG_DOUBLE *=define # +# Uncomment this if you want to disable looking up values from +# HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Perl and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Perl in +# the Registry. +# +#USE_NO_REGISTRY *=define + +# # uncomment exactly one of the following # # Visual C++ 6.x (aka Visual C++ 98) @@ -310,6 +317,7 @@ USE_IMP_SYS *= undef USE_LARGE_FILES *= undef USE_64_BIT_INT *= undef USE_LONG_DOUBLE *= undef +USE_NO_REGISTRY *= undef .IF "$(USE_IMP_SYS)" == "define" PERL_MALLOC = undef @@ -343,6 +351,10 @@ BUILDOPT += -DPERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT BUILDOPT += -DPERL_IMPLICIT_SYS .ENDIF +.IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" != "undef" +BUILDOPT += -DWIN32_NO_REGISTRY +.ENDIF + PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE *= x86 .IF "$(WIN64)" == "" @@ -523,7 +535,16 @@ TESTPREPGCC = test-prep-gcc # All but the free version of VC++ 7.x can load DLLs on demand. Makes the test # suite run in about 10% less time. .IF "$(CCTYPE)" != "MSVC70FREE" +# If no registry, advapi32 is only used for Perl_pp_getlogin/getlogin/GetUserNameA +# which is rare to execute +.IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" != "undef" +DELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:ws2_32.dll -DELAYLOAD:advapi32.dll delayimp.lib +MINIDELAYLOAD = +.ELSE DELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:ws2_32.dll delayimp.lib +#miniperl never does any registry lookups +MINIDELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:advapi32.dll +.ENDIF .ENDIF # Visual C++ 2005 and 2008 (VC++ 8.x and 9.x) create manifest files for EXEs and @@ -1131,7 +1152,7 @@ $(CONFIGPM): ..\ config_h.PL $(mktmp $(LKPRE) $(MINI_OBJ) $(LIBNTDLL) $(LIBFILES) $(LKPOST)) .ELSE $(LINK32) -subsystem:console -out:$(MINIPERL) $(BLINK_FLAGS) \ - @$(mktmp $(DELAYLOAD) $(LIBNTDLL) $(LIBFILES) $(MINI_OBJ)) + @$(mktmp $(DELAYLOAD) $(MINIDELAYLOAD) $(LIBNTDLL) $(LIBFILES) $(MINI_OBJ)) $(EMBED_EXE_MANI:s/$@/$(MINIPERL)/) .ENDIF $(MINIPERL) -I..\lib -f ..\ .. diff --git a/win32/perlhost.h b/win32/perlhost.h index 2ec48eb..084d661 100644 --- a/win32/perlhost.h +++ b/win32/perlhost.h @@ -514,9 +514,9 @@ PerlEnvOsId(struct IPerlEnv* piPerl) } char* -PerlEnvLibPath(struct IPerlEnv* piPerl, const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) +PerlEnvLibPath(struct IPerlEnv* piPerl, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *pl) STRLEN *const len) { - return win32_get_privlib(pl, len); + return win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(pl) len); } char* diff --git a/win32/win32.c b/win32/win32.c index d87a610..473c291 100644 --- a/win32/win32.c +++ b/win32/win32.c @@ -131,12 +131,17 @@ static void my_invalid_parameter_handler(const wchar_t* expression, unsigned int line, uintptr_t pReserved); #endif +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY static char* get_regstr_from(HKEY hkey, const char *valuename, SV **svp); static char* get_regstr(const char *valuename, SV **svp); +#endif + static char* get_emd_part(SV **prev_pathp, STRLEN *const len, char *trailing, ...); -static char* win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, const char *xlib, +static char* win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, + WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *xlib) const char *libname, STRLEN *const len); + static BOOL has_shell_metachars(const char *ptr); static long tokenize(const char *str, char **dest, char ***destv); static void get_shell(void); @@ -182,9 +187,11 @@ Size_t w32_ioinfo_size;/* avoid 0 extend op b4 mul, otherwise could be a U8 */ #endif END_EXTERN_C +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* initialized by Perl_win32_init/PERL_SYS_INIT */ static HKEY HKCU_Perl_hnd; static HKEY HKLM_Perl_hnd; +#endif #ifdef SET_INVALID_PARAMETER_HANDLER static BOOL silent_invalid_parameter_handler = FALSE; @@ -273,6 +280,7 @@ set_w32_module_name(void) } } +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* *svp (if non-NULL) is expected to be POK (valid allocated SvPVX(*svp)) */ static char* get_regstr_from(HKEY handle, const char *valuename, SV **svp) @@ -390,41 +398,49 @@ get_emd_part(SV **prev_pathp, STRLEN *const len, char *trailing_path, ...) } EXTERN_C char * -win32_get_privlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) +win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *pl) STRLEN *const len) { char *stdlib = "lib"; - char buffer[MAX_PATH+1]; SV *sv = NULL; +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY + char buffer[MAX_PATH+1]; /* $stdlib = $HKCU{"lib-$]"} || $HKLM{"lib-$]"} || $HKCU{"lib"} || $HKLM{"lib"} || ""; */ sprintf(buffer, "%s-%s", stdlib, pl); if (!get_regstr(buffer, &sv)) (void)get_regstr(stdlib, &sv); +#endif /* $stdlib .= ";$EMD/../../lib" */ return get_emd_part(&sv, len, stdlib, ARCHNAME, "bin", NULL); } static char * -win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, const char *xlib, const char *libname, - STRLEN *const len) +win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *xlib) + const char *libname, STRLEN *const len) { +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY char regstr[40]; +#endif char pathstr[MAX_PATH+1]; SV *sv1 = NULL; SV *sv2 = NULL; +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* $HKCU{"$xlib-$]"} || $HKLM{"$xlib-$]"} . ---; */ sprintf(regstr, "%s-%s", xlib, pl); (void)get_regstr(regstr, &sv1); +#endif /* $xlib .= * ";$EMD/" . ((-d $EMD/../../../$]) ? "../../.." : "../.."). "/$libname/$]/lib"; */ sprintf(pathstr, "%s/%s/lib", libname, pl); (void)get_emd_part(&sv1, NULL, pathstr, ARCHNAME, "bin", pl, NULL); +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* $HKCU{$xlib} || $HKLM{$xlib} . ---; */ (void)get_regstr(xlib, &sv2); +#endif /* $xlib .= * ";$EMD/" . ((-d $EMD/../../../$]) ? "../../.." : "../.."). "/$libname/lib"; */ @@ -449,7 +465,7 @@ win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, const char *xlib, const char *libname, EXTERN_C char * win32_get_sitelib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) { - return win32_get_xlib(pl, "sitelib", "site", len); + return win32_get_xlib(pl, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_("sitelib") "site", len); } #ifndef PERL_VENDORLIB_NAME @@ -459,7 +475,7 @@ win32_get_sitelib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) EXTERN_C char * win32_get_vendorlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) { - return win32_get_xlib(pl, "vendorlib", PERL_VENDORLIB_NAME, len); + return win32_get_xlib(pl, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_("vendorlib") PERL_VENDORLIB_NAME, len); } static BOOL @@ -1840,12 +1856,14 @@ win32_getenv(const char *name) } FreeEnvironmentStrings(envv); } +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY else { /* last ditch: allow any environment variables that begin with 'PERL' to be obtained from the registry, if found there */ if (strncmp(name, "PERL", 4) == 0) (void)get_regstr(name, &curitem); } +#endif } if (curitem && SvCUR(curitem)) return SvPVX(curitem); @@ -4502,6 +4520,8 @@ Perl_win32_init(int *argcp, char ***argvp) #endif ansify_path(); + +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY { LONG retval; retval = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"SOFTWARE\\Perl", 0, KEY_READ, &HKCU_Perl_hnd); @@ -4513,6 +4533,7 @@ Perl_win32_init(int *argcp, char ***argvp) HKLM_Perl_hnd = NULL; } } +#endif { /* set the static flag in IsShimInfrastructureDisabled to 1 to disable shims for perl.exe alone @@ -4546,11 +4567,13 @@ Perl_win32_term(void) OP_REFCNT_TERM; PERLIO_TERM; MALLOC_TERM; +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* handles might be NULL, RegCloseKey then returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE but no point of checking and we can't die() at this point */ RegCloseKey(HKLM_Perl_hnd); RegCloseKey(HKCU_Perl_hnd); /* the handles are in an undefined state until the next PERL_SYS_INIT3 */ +#endif } void diff --git a/win32/win32.h b/win32/win32.h index 620b126..81df048 100644 --- a/win32/win32.h +++ b/win32/win32.h @@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ /* less I/O calls during each require */ # define PERL_DISABLE_PMC +/* unnecessery for miniperl to lookup anything from an "installed" perl */ +# define WIN32_NO_REGISTRY + /* allow minitest to work */ /* # define USE_PERLIO disable for build performance */ /* # define PERL_TEXTMODE_SCRIPTS disable, causes bad behaviour with PerlIO off */ @@ -212,6 +215,13 @@ struct utsname { # define PERL_SOCK_SYSWRITE_IS_SEND #endif +#ifdef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY +/* the last _ in WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_ is like the _ in aTHX_ */ +# define WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(x) +#else +# define WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(x) x, +#endif + #define PERL_NO_FORCE_LINK /* no need for PL_force_link_funcs */ #define ENV_IS_CASELESS @@ -420,7 +430,7 @@ DllExport HWND win32_create_message_window(void); DllExport int win32_async_check(pTHX); extern int my_fclose(FILE *); -extern char * win32_get_privlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len); +extern char * win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *pl) STRLEN *const len); extern char * win32_get_sitelib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len); extern char * win32_get_vendorlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len); diff --git a/win32/wince.c b/win32/wince.c index b3c5b52..581a12b 100644 --- a/win32/wince.c +++ b/win32/wince.c @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ get_emd_part(SV **prev_pathp, STRLEN *const len, char *trailing_path, ...) } char * -win32_get_privlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) +win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *pl) STRLEN *const len) { dTHX; char *stdlib = "lib"; -- 1.7.9.msysgit.0 ```
p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88

I also have a dream\, so that with-registry-on builds\, do not use advapi32 for anything except GetUserNameA\, the registry lookups instead use Native API\, from ntdll.dll. ntdll.dll is in every process\, advapi32 is optional. Advapi32's registry API allows you to read/write/modify the registry of another windows computer over a LAN\, as easily as your own local registry. But nobody except for MSCE IT depts will ever use remote registry service and DCOM\, and Perl has no business using a foreign machine's registry for its ENV var overrides. So the registry lookups go through ntdll.dll\, the GetUserNameA stays as part of advapi32 and runs through a delay load of advapi32. (GetUserNameA is a RPC call to LSASS service using NT LPC ports in every implementation\, there is no Native [user mode] (ntdll/ntoskrnl) API\, the kernel driver API equivalent for GetUserNameA in ksecdd.sys also does LPC port RPC to LSASS\, so there is no advantage in not using the public api and ksecdd.sys is not accessible from user mode (not in the SSDT)). GetUserNameA is a simple stub in advapi32 for secur32.dll's GetUserNameExA function. advapi32 itself delay loads secur32.dll if you call advapi32's GetUserNameA.

The shim is

BOOL __stdcall GetUserNameA(LPSTR lpBuffer\, LPDWORD pcbBuffer) {   return GetUserNameExA((EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT)65538\, lpBuffer\, pcbBuffer); }

Looking at my winxp secur32.dll\, I see secur32.dll loads advapi32.dll\, so whether you delay load with Perl on GetUserNameA/advapi32.dll or GetUserNameExA/secur32.dll\, when you call either both advapi32 and secur32 will wind up being loaded into the perl process in any case\, the point is to keep advapi32/secur32.dll/rpcrt4.dll out of the process until you call getlogin. I need to do some research if calling GetUserNameExA/secur32.dll will trigger advapi32 to instantly delay load/bind itself to secur32 or not (perl->DelayLoadDLL@​perl522.dll->GetUserNameExA@​secur32.dll->FooBar@​advapi32.dll->DelayLoadDLL@​advapi32.dll->Baz@​secur32.dll). If advapi32.dll stays unbound and unaware that secur32.dll is in the process even though secur32.dll is what loaded advapi32.dll into the process\, some CPU and maybe a COW mem page (4KB) representing the delay import table in advapi32.dll is saved. Static dynamic linking is more efficient than the VC delay loader code I believe. For example the VC delay loader uses GetProcAddress\, and each call to GetProcAddress has to get the DLL Loader mutex\, while using static dynamic linking the lock is obtained once inside LoadLibrary() in kernel32/Ldr*() in ntdll.

-- bulk88 ~ bulk88 at

p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88

On Thu May 28 12​:49​:20 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

Looking at my winxp secur32.dll\, I see secur32.dll loads advapi32.dll\, so whether you delay load with Perl on GetUserNameA/advapi32.dll or GetUserNameExA/secur32.dll\, when you call either both advapi32 and secur32 will wind up being loaded into the perl process in any case\, the point is to keep advapi32/secur32.dll/rpcrt4.dll out of the process until you call getlogin. I need to do some research if calling GetUserNameExA/secur32.dll will trigger advapi32 to instantly delay load/bind itself to secur32 or not (perl->DelayLoadDLL@​perl522.dll-

GetUserNameExA@​secur32.dll->FooBar@​advapi32.dll- DelayLoadDLL@​advapi32.dll->Baz@​secur32.dll). If advapi32.dll stays unbound and unaware that secur32.dll is in the process even though secur32.dll is what loaded advapi32.dll into the process\, some CPU and maybe a COW mem page (4KB) representing the delay import table in advapi32.dll is saved. Static dynamic linking is more efficient than the VC delay loader code I believe. For example the VC delay loader uses GetProcAddress\, and each call to GetProcAddress has to get the DLL Loader mutex\, while using static dynamic linking the lock is obtained once inside LoadLibrary() in kernel32/Ldr*() in ntdll.

The USERNAME env var could be used for getlogin instead of advapi32/secur32\, but there is a tiny risk someone will mess with the env var in the parent process of perl (a cmd.exe process)\, or in the perl process at runtime. The USERNAME env var is created in Winlogon.exe\, specifically in userenv.dll\, userenv.dll calls GetUserNameExW from secur32.dll. No undocumented APIs there for me to try to use. USERNAME env var is then inherited down process tree. Both taskman and explorer\, when launches from winlogon/ctl-alt-del screen get USERNAME. Service processes never have USERNAME in their env vars according to process explorer.

-- bulk88 ~ bulk88 at

p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @tonycoz

On Thu May 28 10​:14​:04 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

On Mon Jan 26 15​:06​:22 2015\, tonyc wrote​:

On Fri Jan 23 10​:26​:04 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

AS PDK's GUI debugger installs itself as value name "PERL5DB" and "BEGIN {require q\<C​:\Program Files\ActiveState Perl Dev Kit 9.1\bin\lib\>}" as the value (and that is the only value I have in "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Perl"). I dont think the registry lookup feature can be removed.

Maybe we could add a build define to disable it.

I added the feature\, IDK what the internal C name should be of the C macro control the feature. USE_* seems to be for Configure vars\, WIN32_* shows its not a Configure var. If "USE_NO_REGISTRY" is okay to use as a name\, even though it makes no sense on non-Win32\, I can get rid of the WIN32_NO_REGISTRY internal C name and have it be called USE_NO_REGISTRY to the user\, and USE_NO_REGISTRY in the C code.


As to your patch​:

+ if (!ptr) { + ptr = (char*)HKLM_Perl_hnd; + if (ptr) + ptr = get_regstr_from((HKEY)ptr\, valuename\, svp); + /* else pass through NULL */

is this cast assignment to ptr an optimization for some compiler?

I don't think it's acceptable code.

I'm kind of surprised you didn't structure it closer to the original\, something like​:

+ if (HKCU_Perl_hnd) + ptr = get_regstr_from(HKCU_Perl_hnd\, valuename\, svp); + if (!ptr && HKLM_Perl_hnd) + ptr = get_regstr_from((HKLM_Perl_hnd\, valuename\, svp); + + return ptr;

You code above has var ptr uninitialized in a particular branch permutation. I removed the first void * statement "ptr = HKCU_Perl_hnd;" usage on the 1st branch\, I couldn't on the 2nd test since otherwise I'd have to introduce a "ptr = NULL;" and avoiding "ptr = NULL;" statement was the point of writing it with void *s. AFAIK only clang knows that a false register contains the value NULL and can optimize away the assignment of NULL.

Then initialize ptr at the declaration.

Please don't reduce readability for tiny space improvements.

+ /* handles might be NULL\, RegCloseKey then returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE + but no point of checking and we can't die() at this point */ + RegCloseKey(HKLM_Perl_hnd); + RegCloseKey(HKCU_Perl_hnd); + /* the handles are in an undefined state until the next PERL_SYS_INIT3 */

My main problem with this is that it will increase noise in tools that check for bad API calls. Adding conditional checks here for a function (Perl_win32_term()) that executes *once* per perl invocation doesn't seem like a huge price to pay for reducing that noise.


AppVerifier doesn't complain/notice (if I managed to get it to run/instrument the right binary\, it was a ago month I tested it). VC Debugger also doesn't give me popups about bad handles.



p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88

Revised patches attached. Rebased and get_regstr was reworked to use 2 vars instead of 1.

-- bulk88 ~ bulk88 at

p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88

0001-stop-checking-the-Win32-registry-if-Software-Perl-do.patch ```diff From 65bbcb0523102395972ece42cb9a28df8c5cc2fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Dragan Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2015 05:26:33 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] stop checking the Win32 registry if *"/Software/Perl" doesn't exist This stops each ENV var lookup (and 16 calls to get_regstr, most of which are %ENV lookups, are done automatically each time a Win32 Perl process starts) from querying the registry for usually failing lookups. ActiveState is the only known major user of the Software/Perl reg key. details: -cache the root handles, so a typically failing env var lookup does only 1 system call instead of 3 if the parent key exists -if the key exists, looking it up is slightly faster since it is 4 registry syscall instead of previously 6 (open "*\Software\Perl", 2 RegQueryValueExAs(on "found" behavior each RegQueryValueExA does 2 RegQueryValueExW calls), close "*\Software\Perl") -dont make a system call to lookup a value if the parent key doesn't exist -reuse the NULL value in the static handle var instead of explictly assigning NULL to the retval (might save machine code ops), VC 2003 didn't optimize away the NULL assignment branch like Clang wouldve -change "Software\\Perl" to "SOFTWARE\\Perl" since the reg is case preserving but lookups are not case sensitive, this all caps casing is what regedit shows, and might save a couple cpu cycles in the DB lookup in the kernel -use RegOpenKeyExW instead of RegOpenKeyEx (actually RegOpenKeyExA), this avoids ansi to utf16 conversions at runtime -dont check HKEY handles for NULL before calling RegCloseKey. MS and ReactOS RegCloseKey checks for NULL (zero) handle first thing and returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE as the retval of RegCloseKey. MS App Verifier does not complain about NULL handles. -Dont check the retval of RegCloseKey, there is no way to dispatch an error at this point in the process, there are no interps, and no perlio, and maybe no console if its a GUI, and the process is probably exiting anyway. Calling Perl_noperl_die (no perl, no perlio, print to stderr) would not be friendly to an embedder. A crash box with RaiseException with EXCEPTION_INVALID_HANDLE is a bad UI. -Dont bother to zero the HKEY handles, after a PERL_SYS_TERM until the next (if any) PERL_SYS_INIT3, libperl is in an undefined state, it is the embedders responsibility to refcount and serialize calls to PERL_SYS_INIT3/PERL_SYS_TERM if necessery See details in [perl #123658] --- README.win32 | 11 +++++--- pod/perldelta.pod | 21 +++++++++++++++ win32/win32.c | 75 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- 3 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) diff --git a/README.win32 b/README.win32 index ec29cfa..758289a 100644 --- a/README.win32 +++ b/README.win32 @@ -483,10 +483,13 @@ You can also control the shell that perl uses to run system() and backtick commands via PERL5SHELL. See L. Perl does not depend on the registry, but it can look up certain default -values if you choose to put them there. Perl attempts to read entries from -C and C. -Entries in the former override entries in the latter. One or more of the -following entries (of type REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ) may be set: +values if you choose to put them there. On Perl process start Perl checks if +C and C +exist. If the keys exists, they will be checked for remainder of the Perl +process's run life for certain entries. Entries in +C override entries in +C. One or more of the following entries +(of type REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ) may be set in the keys: lib-$] version-specific standard library path to add to @INC lib standard library path to add to @INC diff --git a/pod/perldelta.pod b/pod/perldelta.pod index ce8768b..320715a 100644 --- a/pod/perldelta.pod +++ b/pod/perldelta.pod @@ -351,6 +351,27 @@ release of OpenVMS VAX was v7.3 in 2001. =back +=item Win32 + +=over + +=item * + +The behavior of Perl using C and +C to lookup certain values, including +C<%ENV> vars starting with C has changed. Previously, the 2 keys were +checked for entries at all times through Perl processes life time even if they +did not exist. For performance reasons, now, if the root key (i.e. +C or C) does +not exist at process start time, it will not be checked again for C<%ENV> +override entries for the remainder of the Perl processes life. This more +closely matches Unix behaviour in that the enviroment is copied or inherited on +startup and changing the variable in the parent process or another process or +editing <.bashrc> will not change the enviromental variable in other existing, +running, processes. + +=back + =back =head1 Internal Changes diff --git a/win32/win32.c b/win32/win32.c index 0bb0348..cc22d8b 100644 --- a/win32/win32.c +++ b/win32/win32.c @@ -168,6 +168,10 @@ END_EXTERN_C static OSVERSIONINFO g_osver = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""}; +/* initialized by Perl_win32_init/PERL_SYS_INIT */ +static HKEY HKCU_Perl_hnd; +static HKEY HKLM_Perl_hnd; + #ifdef SET_INVALID_PARAMETER_HANDLER static BOOL silent_invalid_parameter_handler = FALSE; @@ -257,34 +261,28 @@ set_w32_module_name(void) /* *svp (if non-NULL) is expected to be POK (valid allocated SvPVX(*svp)) */ static char* -get_regstr_from(HKEY hkey, const char *valuename, SV **svp) +get_regstr_from(HKEY handle, const char *valuename, SV **svp) { /* Retrieve a REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ from the registry */ - HKEY handle; DWORD type; - const char *subkey = "Software\\Perl"; char *str = NULL; long retval; + DWORD datalen; - retval = RegOpenKeyEx(hkey, subkey, 0, KEY_READ, &handle); - if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS) { - DWORD datalen; - retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, &type, NULL, &datalen); - if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS - && (type == REG_SZ || type == REG_EXPAND_SZ)) - { - dTHX; - if (!*svp) - *svp = sv_2mortal(newSVpvs("")); - SvGROW(*svp, datalen); - retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, NULL, - (PBYTE)SvPVX(*svp), &datalen); - if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS) { - str = SvPVX(*svp); - SvCUR_set(*svp,datalen-1); - } + retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, &type, NULL, &datalen); + if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS + && (type == REG_SZ || type == REG_EXPAND_SZ)) + { + dTHX; + if (!*svp) + *svp = sv_2mortal(newSVpvs("")); + SvGROW(*svp, datalen); + retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, NULL, + (PBYTE)SvPVX(*svp), &datalen); + if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS) { + str = SvPVX(*svp); + SvCUR_set(*svp,datalen-1); } - RegCloseKey(handle); } return str; } @@ -293,11 +291,24 @@ get_regstr_from(HKEY hkey, const char *valuename, SV **svp) static char* get_regstr(const char *valuename, SV **svp) { - char *str = get_regstr_from(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, valuename, svp); - if (!str) - str = get_regstr_from(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, valuename, svp); + char *str; + if (HKCU_Perl_hnd) { + str = get_regstr_from(HKCU_Perl_hnd, valuename, svp); + if (!str) + goto try_HKLM; + } + else { + HKEY hkey; + try_HKLM: + hkey = HKLM_Perl_hnd; + if (hkey) + str = get_regstr_from(hkey, valuename, svp); + else + str = (char*)hkey; /* source of NULL without litteral NULL constant */ + } return str; } +#endif /* ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY */ /* *prev_pathp (if non-NULL) is expected to be POK (valid allocated SvPVX(sv)) */ static char * @@ -4444,6 +4455,17 @@ Perl_win32_init(int *argcp, char ***argvp) #endif ansify_path(); + { + LONG retval; + retval = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"SOFTWARE\\Perl", 0, KEY_READ, &HKCU_Perl_hnd); + if (retval != ERROR_SUCCESS) { + HKCU_Perl_hnd = NULL; + } + retval = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Perl", 0, KEY_READ, &HKLM_Perl_hnd); + if (retval != ERROR_SUCCESS) { + HKLM_Perl_hnd = NULL; + } + } } void @@ -4453,6 +4475,11 @@ Perl_win32_term(void) OP_REFCNT_TERM; PERLIO_TERM; MALLOC_TERM; + /* handles might be NULL, RegCloseKey then returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE + but no point of checking and we can't die() at this point */ + RegCloseKey(HKLM_Perl_hnd); + RegCloseKey(HKCU_Perl_hnd); + /* the handles are in an undefined state until the next PERL_SYS_INIT3 */ } void -- 1.7.9.msysgit.0 ```
p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88

0002-add-Win32-USE_NO_REGISTRY-build-option.patch ```diff From fa4501d0da752ad188a78d4f42365784120390dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Dragan Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2015 05:29:20 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] add Win32 USE_NO_REGISTRY build option -the first arg of win32_get_privlib is not used if the registry is not queried, create a macro to allow the arg to drop out on WIN32_NO_REGISTRY builds for efficiency and not to have unused C litteral strings in the binary -This patch changes the ABI of PerlEnv_lib_path/PerlEnvLibPath/win32_get_privlib between USE_NO_REGISTRY and no USE_NO_REGISTRY. Since win32_get_privlib is not exported from perl523.dll, assume it and PerlEnv_lib_path are not public API, note technically PerlEnv_lib_path will be callable only on PERL_IMPLICIT_SYS builds, on no PERL_IMPLICIT_SYS builds it will fail at link time since win32_get_privlib isnt exported. Therefore place it in non-[affecting]-binary compatibility even though it does affect binary compatibility. -delay load advapi32.dll to save startup time (loading the DLL and the DLL calling its initializers in DllMain) and one 4 KB memory page for advapi32's .data section (doing "perl -E"sleep 100" on WinXP shows advapi32 has a 20KB long .data section, first 4 KB are unique to the process, the remaining 16KB are COW shared between processes according to vmmap tool), putting a DebugBreak() in pp_getlogin and doing a "nmake all" shows miniperl never calls getlogin during the build process. An nmake test shows only ext/POSIX/t/wrappers.t and lib/warnings.t execute pp_getlogin. Keeping advapi32.dll out of the perl process requires removing comctl32.dll, since comctrl32.dll loads advapi32.dll, from perl which I always do as a custom patch. filed as [perl #123658] XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --- README.win32 | 3 ++- iperlsys.h | 6 +++--- perl.c | 3 +++ pod/perldelta.pod | 8 ++++++++ win32/Makefile | 26 +++++++++++++++++++++++++- win32/ | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++- win32/perlhost.h | 4 ++-- win32/win32.c | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- win32/win32.h | 12 +++++++++++- win32/wince.c | 2 +- 10 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) diff --git a/README.win32 b/README.win32 index 758289a..0a63f8c 100644 --- a/README.win32 +++ b/README.win32 @@ -483,7 +483,8 @@ You can also control the shell that perl uses to run system() and backtick commands via PERL5SHELL. See L. Perl does not depend on the registry, but it can look up certain default -values if you choose to put them there. On Perl process start Perl checks if +values if you choose to put them there unless disabled at build time with +USE_NO_REGISTRY. On Perl process start Perl checks if C and C exist. If the keys exists, they will be checked for remainder of the Perl process's run life for certain entries. Entries in diff --git a/iperlsys.h b/iperlsys.h index 57160e0..99f27c3 100644 --- a/iperlsys.h +++ b/iperlsys.h @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ typedef char* (*LPENVGetenv_len)(struct IPerlEnv*, #endif #ifdef WIN32 typedef unsigned long (*LPEnvOsID)(struct IPerlEnv*); -typedef char* (*LPEnvLibPath)(struct IPerlEnv*, const char*, +typedef char* (*LPEnvLibPath)(struct IPerlEnv*, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char*) STRLEN *const len); typedef char* (*LPEnvSiteLibPath)(struct IPerlEnv*, const char*, STRLEN *const len); @@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ struct IPerlEnvInfo #define PerlEnv_os_id() \ (*PL_Env->pEnvOsID)(PL_Env) #define PerlEnv_lib_path(str, lenp) \ - (*PL_Env->pLibPath)(PL_Env,(str),(lenp)) + (*PL_Env->pLibPath)(PL_Env,WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(str)(lenp)) #define PerlEnv_sitelib_path(str, lenp) \ (*PL_Env->pSiteLibPath)(PL_Env,(str),(lenp)) #define PerlEnv_vendorlib_path(str, lenp) \ @@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ struct IPerlEnvInfo #ifdef WIN32 #define PerlEnv_os_id() win32_os_id() -#define PerlEnv_lib_path(str, lenp) win32_get_privlib(str, lenp) +#define PerlEnv_lib_path(str, lenp) win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(str) lenp) #define PerlEnv_sitelib_path(str, lenp) win32_get_sitelib(str, lenp) #define PerlEnv_vendorlib_path(str, lenp) win32_get_vendorlib(str, lenp) #define PerlEnv_get_child_IO(ptr) win32_get_child_IO(ptr) diff --git a/perl.c b/perl.c index cbb66e0..659be60 100644 --- a/perl.c +++ b/perl.c @@ -1779,6 +1779,9 @@ S_Internals_V(pTHX_ CV *cv) # ifdef USE_LOCALE_CTYPE " USE_LOCALE_CTYPE" # endif +# ifdef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY + " USE_NO_REGISTRY" +# endif # ifdef USE_PERL_ATOF " USE_PERL_ATOF" # endif diff --git a/pod/perldelta.pod b/pod/perldelta.pod index 320715a..db26974 100644 --- a/pod/perldelta.pod +++ b/pod/perldelta.pod @@ -357,6 +357,14 @@ release of OpenVMS VAX was v7.3 in 2001. =item * +A new build option C has been added to the makefiles. This +option is off by default, meaning the default is to do Windows registry lookups. +This option stops Perl from looking inside the registry for anything. For what +values are looked up in the registry see L. Internally, in C, the +name of this option is C. + +=item * + The behavior of Perl using C and C to lookup certain values, including C<%ENV> vars starting with C has changed. Previously, the 2 keys were diff --git a/win32/Makefile b/win32/Makefile index ac7c0b5..70df977 100644 --- a/win32/Makefile +++ b/win32/Makefile @@ -96,6 +96,13 @@ USE_LARGE_FILES = define #USE_64_BIT_INT = define # +# Uncomment this if you want to disable looking up values from +# HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Perl and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Perl in +# the Registry. +# +#USE_NO_REGISTRY = define + +# # uncomment exactly one of the following # # Visual C++ 6.x (aka Visual C++ 98) @@ -294,6 +301,10 @@ USE_LARGE_FILES = undef USE_64_BIT_INT = undef !ENDIF +!IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" == "" +USE_NO_REGISTRY = undef +!ENDIF + !IF "$(USE_IMP_SYS)$(USE_MULTI)" == "defineundef" USE_MULTI = define !ENDIF @@ -314,6 +325,10 @@ BUILDOPT = $(BUILDOPT) -DPERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT BUILDOPT = $(BUILDOPT) -DPERL_IMPLICIT_SYS !ENDIF +!IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" != "undef" +BUILDOPT = $(BUILDOPT) -DWIN32_NO_REGISTRY +!ENDIF + !IF "$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)" == "" PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE = x86 !ENDIF @@ -388,7 +403,16 @@ ARCHNAME = $(ARCHNAME)-64int # All but the free version of VC++ 7.x can load DLLs on demand. Makes the test # suite run in about 10% less time. !IF "$(CCTYPE)" != "MSVC70FREE" +# If no registry, advapi32 is only used for Perl_pp_getlogin/getlogin/GetUserNameA +# which is rare to execute +!IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" != "undef" +DELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:ws2_32.dll -DELAYLOAD:advapi32.dll delayimp.lib +MINIDELAYLOAD = +!ELSE DELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:ws2_32.dll delayimp.lib +#miniperl never does any registry lookups +MINIDELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:advapi32.dll +!ENDIF !ENDIF # Visual C++ 2005 and 2008 (VC++ 8.x and 9.x) create manifest files for EXEs and @@ -1021,7 +1045,7 @@ $(MINIPERL) : ..\lib\ ..\lib\ : $(MINIDIR) $(MINI_OBJ) ..\ $(LINK32) -out:$(MINIPERL) @<< - $(BLINK_FLAGS) $(DELAYLOAD) $(LIBFILES) $(MINI_OBJ) + $(BLINK_FLAGS) $(DELAYLOAD) $(MINIDELAYLOAD) $(LIBFILES) $(MINI_OBJ) << $(EMBED_EXE_MANI:..\lib\\miniperl.exe) $(MINIPERL) -I..\lib -f ..\ .. diff --git a/win32/ b/win32/ index 11a3ff7..4ba67c2 100644 --- a/win32/ +++ b/win32/ @@ -108,6 +108,13 @@ USE_LARGE_FILES *= define #USE_LONG_DOUBLE *=define # +# Uncomment this if you want to disable looking up values from +# HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Perl and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Perl in +# the Registry. +# +#USE_NO_REGISTRY *=define + +# # uncomment exactly one of the following # # Visual C++ 6.x (aka Visual C++ 98) @@ -310,6 +317,7 @@ USE_IMP_SYS *= undef USE_LARGE_FILES *= undef USE_64_BIT_INT *= undef USE_LONG_DOUBLE *= undef +USE_NO_REGISTRY *= undef .IF "$(USE_IMP_SYS)" == "define" PERL_MALLOC = undef @@ -343,6 +351,10 @@ BUILDOPT += -DPERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT BUILDOPT += -DPERL_IMPLICIT_SYS .ENDIF +.IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" != "undef" +BUILDOPT += -DWIN32_NO_REGISTRY +.ENDIF + PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE *= x86 .IF "$(WIN64)" == "" @@ -519,7 +531,16 @@ TESTPREPGCC = test-prep-gcc # All but the free version of VC++ 7.x can load DLLs on demand. Makes the test # suite run in about 10% less time. .IF "$(CCTYPE)" != "MSVC70FREE" +# If no registry, advapi32 is only used for Perl_pp_getlogin/getlogin/GetUserNameA +# which is rare to execute +.IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" != "undef" +DELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:ws2_32.dll -DELAYLOAD:advapi32.dll delayimp.lib +MINIDELAYLOAD = +.ELSE DELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:ws2_32.dll delayimp.lib +#miniperl never does any registry lookups +MINIDELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:advapi32.dll +.ENDIF .ENDIF # Visual C++ 2005 and 2008 (VC++ 8.x and 9.x) create manifest files for EXEs and @@ -1261,7 +1282,7 @@ $(MINIPERL) : ..\lib\ $(mktmp $(LKPRE) $(MINI_OBJ) $(LIBFILES) $(LKPOST)) .ELSE $(LINK32) -out:$(MINIPERL) $(BLINK_FLAGS) \ - @$(mktmp $(DELAYLOAD) $(LIBFILES) $(MINI_OBJ)) + @$(mktmp $(DELAYLOAD) $(MINIDELAYLOAD) $(LIBFILES) $(MINI_OBJ)) $(EMBED_EXE_MANI:s/$@/$(MINIPERL)/) .ENDIF $(MINIPERL) -I..\lib -f ..\ .. diff --git a/win32/perlhost.h b/win32/perlhost.h index 7a0c3b3..ce31f69 100644 --- a/win32/perlhost.h +++ b/win32/perlhost.h @@ -514,9 +514,9 @@ PerlEnvOsId(struct IPerlEnv* piPerl) } char* -PerlEnvLibPath(struct IPerlEnv* piPerl, const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) +PerlEnvLibPath(struct IPerlEnv* piPerl, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *pl) STRLEN *const len) { - return win32_get_privlib(pl, len); + return win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(pl) len); } char* diff --git a/win32/win32.c b/win32/win32.c index cc22d8b..dedcef3 100644 --- a/win32/win32.c +++ b/win32/win32.c @@ -115,12 +115,17 @@ static void my_invalid_parameter_handler(const wchar_t* expression, unsigned int line, uintptr_t pReserved); #endif +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY static char* get_regstr_from(HKEY hkey, const char *valuename, SV **svp); static char* get_regstr(const char *valuename, SV **svp); +#endif + static char* get_emd_part(SV **prev_pathp, STRLEN *const len, char *trailing, ...); -static char* win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, const char *xlib, +static char* win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, + WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *xlib) const char *libname, STRLEN *const len); + static BOOL has_shell_metachars(const char *ptr); static long tokenize(const char *str, char **dest, char ***destv); static void get_shell(void); @@ -168,9 +173,11 @@ END_EXTERN_C static OSVERSIONINFO g_osver = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""}; +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* initialized by Perl_win32_init/PERL_SYS_INIT */ static HKEY HKCU_Perl_hnd; static HKEY HKLM_Perl_hnd; +#endif #ifdef SET_INVALID_PARAMETER_HANDLER static BOOL silent_invalid_parameter_handler = FALSE; @@ -259,6 +266,7 @@ set_w32_module_name(void) } } +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* *svp (if non-NULL) is expected to be POK (valid allocated SvPVX(*svp)) */ static char* get_regstr_from(HKEY handle, const char *valuename, SV **svp) @@ -378,41 +386,49 @@ get_emd_part(SV **prev_pathp, STRLEN *const len, char *trailing_path, ...) } EXTERN_C char * -win32_get_privlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) +win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *pl) STRLEN *const len) { char *stdlib = "lib"; - char buffer[MAX_PATH+1]; SV *sv = NULL; +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY + char buffer[MAX_PATH+1]; /* $stdlib = $HKCU{"lib-$]"} || $HKLM{"lib-$]"} || $HKCU{"lib"} || $HKLM{"lib"} || ""; */ sprintf(buffer, "%s-%s", stdlib, pl); if (!get_regstr(buffer, &sv)) (void)get_regstr(stdlib, &sv); +#endif /* $stdlib .= ";$EMD/../../lib" */ return get_emd_part(&sv, len, stdlib, ARCHNAME, "bin", NULL); } static char * -win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, const char *xlib, const char *libname, - STRLEN *const len) +win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *xlib) + const char *libname, STRLEN *const len) { +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY char regstr[40]; +#endif char pathstr[MAX_PATH+1]; SV *sv1 = NULL; SV *sv2 = NULL; +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* $HKCU{"$xlib-$]"} || $HKLM{"$xlib-$]"} . ---; */ sprintf(regstr, "%s-%s", xlib, pl); (void)get_regstr(regstr, &sv1); +#endif /* $xlib .= * ";$EMD/" . ((-d $EMD/../../../$]) ? "../../.." : "../.."). "/$libname/$]/lib"; */ sprintf(pathstr, "%s/%s/lib", libname, pl); (void)get_emd_part(&sv1, NULL, pathstr, ARCHNAME, "bin", pl, NULL); +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* $HKCU{$xlib} || $HKLM{$xlib} . ---; */ (void)get_regstr(xlib, &sv2); +#endif /* $xlib .= * ";$EMD/" . ((-d $EMD/../../../$]) ? "../../.." : "../.."). "/$libname/lib"; */ @@ -437,7 +453,7 @@ win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, const char *xlib, const char *libname, EXTERN_C char * win32_get_sitelib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) { - return win32_get_xlib(pl, "sitelib", "site", len); + return win32_get_xlib(pl, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_("sitelib") "site", len); } #ifndef PERL_VENDORLIB_NAME @@ -447,7 +463,7 @@ win32_get_sitelib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) EXTERN_C char * win32_get_vendorlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) { - return win32_get_xlib(pl, "vendorlib", PERL_VENDORLIB_NAME, len); + return win32_get_xlib(pl, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_("vendorlib") PERL_VENDORLIB_NAME, len); } static BOOL @@ -1828,12 +1844,14 @@ win32_getenv(const char *name) } FreeEnvironmentStrings(envv); } +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY else { /* last ditch: allow any environment variables that begin with 'PERL' to be obtained from the registry, if found there */ if (strncmp(name, "PERL", 4) == 0) (void)get_regstr(name, &curitem); } +#endif } if (curitem && SvCUR(curitem)) return SvPVX(curitem); @@ -4455,6 +4473,8 @@ Perl_win32_init(int *argcp, char ***argvp) #endif ansify_path(); + +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY { LONG retval; retval = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"SOFTWARE\\Perl", 0, KEY_READ, &HKCU_Perl_hnd); @@ -4466,6 +4486,7 @@ Perl_win32_init(int *argcp, char ***argvp) HKLM_Perl_hnd = NULL; } } +#endif } void @@ -4475,11 +4496,13 @@ Perl_win32_term(void) OP_REFCNT_TERM; PERLIO_TERM; MALLOC_TERM; +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* handles might be NULL, RegCloseKey then returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE but no point of checking and we can't die() at this point */ RegCloseKey(HKLM_Perl_hnd); RegCloseKey(HKCU_Perl_hnd); /* the handles are in an undefined state until the next PERL_SYS_INIT3 */ +#endif } void diff --git a/win32/win32.h b/win32/win32.h index 3b35b6c..e997651 100644 --- a/win32/win32.h +++ b/win32/win32.h @@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ /* less I/O calls during each require */ # define PERL_DISABLE_PMC +/* unnecessery for miniperl to lookup anything from an "installed" perl */ +# define WIN32_NO_REGISTRY + /* allow minitest to work */ # define PERL_TEXTMODE_SCRIPTS #endif @@ -206,6 +209,13 @@ struct utsname { # define PERL_SOCK_SYSWRITE_IS_SEND #endif +#ifdef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY +/* the last _ in WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_ is like the _ in aTHX_ */ +# define WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(x) +#else +# define WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(x) x, +#endif + #define PERL_NO_FORCE_LINK /* no need for PL_force_link_funcs */ #define ENV_IS_CASELESS @@ -394,7 +404,7 @@ DllExport HWND win32_create_message_window(void); DllExport int win32_async_check(pTHX); extern int my_fclose(FILE *); -extern char * win32_get_privlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len); +extern char * win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *pl) STRLEN *const len); extern char * win32_get_sitelib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len); extern char * win32_get_vendorlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len); diff --git a/win32/wince.c b/win32/wince.c index b3c5b52..581a12b 100644 --- a/win32/wince.c +++ b/win32/wince.c @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ get_emd_part(SV **prev_pathp, STRLEN *const len, char *trailing_path, ...) } char * -win32_get_privlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) +win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *pl) STRLEN *const len) { dTHX; char *stdlib = "lib"; -- 1.7.9.msysgit.0 ```
p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88

On Thu Jul 09 03​:01​:53 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

Revised patches attached. Rebased and get_regstr was reworked to use 2 vars instead of 1.

Eghh "[PATCH 2/2] add Win32 USE_NO_REGISTRY build option "'s commit message has a line of "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" I left in by accident. I'll leave it to the committer to remove.

-- bulk88 ~ bulk88 at

p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88

On Thu Jul 09 03​:17​:40 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

On Thu Jul 09 03​:01​:53 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

Revised patches attached. Rebased and get_regstr was reworked to use 2 vars instead of 1.

Eghh "[PATCH 2/2] add Win32 USE_NO_REGISTRY build option "'s commit message has a line of "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" I left in by accident. I'll leave it to the committer to remove.


-- bulk88 ~ bulk88 at

p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @bulk88

On Sun Aug 02 21​:15​:26 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

On Thu Jul 09 03​:17​:40 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

On Thu Jul 09 03​:01​:53 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

Revised patches attached. Rebased and get_regstr was reworked to use 2 vars instead of 1.

Eghh "[PATCH 2/2] add Win32 USE_NO_REGISTRY build option "'s commit message has a line of "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" I left in by accident. I'll leave it to the committer to remove.

Bump. Bump.

-- bulk88 ~ bulk88 at

p5pRT commented 9 years ago

From @tonycoz

On Thu Jul 09 03​:01​:53 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

Revised patches attached. Rebased and get_regstr was reworked to use 2 vars instead of 1.

You haven't addressed​:

Please don't reduce readability for tiny space improvements.

get_regstr(const char *valuename\, SV **svp) { - char *str = get_regstr_from(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\, valuename\, svp); - if (!str) - str = get_regstr_from(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\, valuename\, svp); + char *str; + if (HKCU_Perl_hnd) { + str = get_regstr_from(HKCU_Perl_hnd\, valuename\, svp); + if (!str) + goto try_HKLM; + } + else { + HKEY hkey; + try_HKLM​: + hkey = HKLM_Perl_hnd; + if (hkey) + str = get_regstr_from(hkey\, valuename\, svp); + else + str = (char*)hkey; /* source of NULL without litteral NULL constant */ + }   return str; }


p5pRT commented 8 years ago

From @bulk88

On Sun Aug 16 18​:30​:18 2015\, tonyc wrote​:

On Thu Jul 09 03​:01​:53 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

Revised patches attached. Rebased and get_regstr was reworked to use 2 vars instead of 1.

You haven't addressed​:

Please don't reduce readability for tiny space improvements.

revised get_regstr patches attached

-- bulk88 ~ bulk88 at

p5pRT commented 8 years ago

From @bulk88

0001-stop-checking-the-Win32-registry-if-Software-Perl-do.patch ```diff From 84c1f3d46cd6612a2ce796e645afaaba49feedee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Dragan Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2015 05:28:54 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] stop checking the Win32 registry if *"/Software/Perl" doesn't exist This stops each ENV var lookup (and 16 calls to get_regstr, most of which are %ENV lookups, are done automatically each time a Win32 Perl process starts) from querying the registry for usually failing lookups. ActiveState is the only known major user of the Software/Perl reg key. details: -cache the root handles, so a typically failing env var lookup does only 1 system call instead of 3 if the parent key exists -if the key exists, looking it up is slightly faster since it is 4 registry syscall instead of previously 6 (open "*\Software\Perl", 2 RegQueryValueExAs(on "found" behavior each RegQueryValueExA does 2 RegQueryValueExW calls), close "*\Software\Perl") -dont make a system call to lookup a value if the parent key doesn't exist -change "Software\\Perl" to "SOFTWARE\\Perl" since the reg is case preserving but lookups are not case sensitive, this all caps casing is what regedit shows, and might save a couple cpu cycles in the DB lookup in the kernel -use RegOpenKeyExW instead of RegOpenKeyEx (actually RegOpenKeyExA), this avoids ansi to utf16 conversions at runtime -dont check HKEY handles for NULL before calling RegCloseKey. MS and ReactOS RegCloseKey checks for NULL (zero) handle first thing and returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE as the retval of RegCloseKey. MS App Verifier does not complain about NULL handles. -Dont check the retval of RegCloseKey, there is no way to dispatch an error at this point in the process, there are no interps, and no perlio, and maybe no console if its a GUI, and the process is probably exiting anyway. Calling Perl_noperl_die (no perl, no perlio, print to stderr) would not be friendly to an embedder. A crash box with RaiseException with EXCEPTION_INVALID_HANDLE is a bad UI. -Dont bother to zero the HKEY handles, after a PERL_SYS_TERM until the next (if any) PERL_SYS_INIT3, libperl is in an undefined state, it is the embedders responsibility to refcount and serialize calls to PERL_SYS_INIT3/PERL_SYS_TERM if necessary See details in [perl #123658] --- README.win32 | 11 +++++--- pod/perldelta.pod | 21 +++++++++++++++ win32/win32.c | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- 3 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) diff --git a/README.win32 b/README.win32 index 2a8651a..7e65653 100644 --- a/README.win32 +++ b/README.win32 @@ -485,10 +485,13 @@ You can also control the shell that perl uses to run system() and backtick commands via PERL5SHELL. See L. Perl does not depend on the registry, but it can look up certain default -values if you choose to put them there. Perl attempts to read entries from -C and C. -Entries in the former override entries in the latter. One or more of the -following entries (of type REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ) may be set: +values if you choose to put them there. On Perl process start Perl checks if +C and C +exist. If the keys exists, they will be checked for remainder of the Perl +process's run life for certain entries. Entries in +C override entries in +C. One or more of the following entries +(of type REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ) may be set in the keys: lib-$] version-specific standard library path to add to @INC lib standard library path to add to @INC diff --git a/pod/perldelta.pod b/pod/perldelta.pod index db9e601..b798fe1 100644 --- a/pod/perldelta.pod +++ b/pod/perldelta.pod @@ -309,6 +309,27 @@ L section. XXX +=item Win32 + +=over + +=item * + +The behavior of Perl using C and +C to lookup certain values, including +C<%ENV> vars starting with C has changed. Previously, the 2 keys were +checked for entries at all times through Perl processes life time even if they +did not exist. For performance reasons, now, if the root key (i.e. +C or C) does +not exist at process start time, it will not be checked again for C<%ENV> +override entries for the remainder of the Perl processes life. This more +closely matches Unix behaviour in that the enviroment is copied or inherited on +startup and changing the variable in the parent process or another process or +editing <.bashrc> will not change the enviromental variable in other existing, +running, processes. + +=back + =back =head1 Internal Changes diff --git a/win32/win32.c b/win32/win32.c index 2b883a2..466922f 100644 --- a/win32/win32.c +++ b/win32/win32.c @@ -167,6 +167,10 @@ END_EXTERN_C static OSVERSIONINFO g_osver = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""}; +/* initialized by Perl_win32_init/PERL_SYS_INIT */ +static HKEY HKCU_Perl_hnd; +static HKEY HKLM_Perl_hnd; + #ifdef SET_INVALID_PARAMETER_HANDLER static BOOL silent_invalid_parameter_handler = FALSE; @@ -256,34 +260,28 @@ set_w32_module_name(void) /* *svp (if non-NULL) is expected to be POK (valid allocated SvPVX(*svp)) */ static char* -get_regstr_from(HKEY hkey, const char *valuename, SV **svp) +get_regstr_from(HKEY handle, const char *valuename, SV **svp) { /* Retrieve a REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ from the registry */ - HKEY handle; DWORD type; - const char *subkey = "Software\\Perl"; char *str = NULL; long retval; + DWORD datalen; - retval = RegOpenKeyEx(hkey, subkey, 0, KEY_READ, &handle); - if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS) { - DWORD datalen; - retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, &type, NULL, &datalen); - if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS - && (type == REG_SZ || type == REG_EXPAND_SZ)) - { - dTHX; - if (!*svp) - *svp = sv_2mortal(newSVpvs("")); - SvGROW(*svp, datalen); - retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, NULL, - (PBYTE)SvPVX(*svp), &datalen); - if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS) { - str = SvPVX(*svp); - SvCUR_set(*svp,datalen-1); - } + retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, &type, NULL, &datalen); + if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS + && (type == REG_SZ || type == REG_EXPAND_SZ)) + { + dTHX; + if (!*svp) + *svp = sv_2mortal(newSVpvs("")); + SvGROW(*svp, datalen); + retval = RegQueryValueEx(handle, valuename, 0, NULL, + (PBYTE)SvPVX(*svp), &datalen); + if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS) { + str = SvPVX(*svp); + SvCUR_set(*svp,datalen-1); } - RegCloseKey(handle); } return str; } @@ -292,9 +290,19 @@ get_regstr_from(HKEY hkey, const char *valuename, SV **svp) static char* get_regstr(const char *valuename, SV **svp) { - char *str = get_regstr_from(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, valuename, svp); - if (!str) - str = get_regstr_from(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, valuename, svp); + char *str; + if (HKCU_Perl_hnd) { + str = get_regstr_from(HKCU_Perl_hnd, valuename, svp); + if (!str) + goto try_HKLM; + } + else { + try_HKLM: + if (HKLM_Perl_hnd) + str = get_regstr_from(HKLM_Perl_hnd, valuename, svp); + else + str = NULL; + } return str; } @@ -4443,6 +4451,17 @@ Perl_win32_init(int *argcp, char ***argvp) #endif ansify_path(); + { + LONG retval; + retval = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"SOFTWARE\\Perl", 0, KEY_READ, &HKCU_Perl_hnd); + if (retval != ERROR_SUCCESS) { + HKCU_Perl_hnd = NULL; + } + retval = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Perl", 0, KEY_READ, &HKLM_Perl_hnd); + if (retval != ERROR_SUCCESS) { + HKLM_Perl_hnd = NULL; + } + } } void @@ -4452,6 +4471,11 @@ Perl_win32_term(void) OP_REFCNT_TERM; PERLIO_TERM; MALLOC_TERM; + /* handles might be NULL, RegCloseKey then returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE + but no point of checking and we can't die() at this point */ + RegCloseKey(HKLM_Perl_hnd); + RegCloseKey(HKCU_Perl_hnd); + /* the handles are in an undefined state until the next PERL_SYS_INIT3 */ } void -- 1.7.9.msysgit.0 ```
p5pRT commented 8 years ago

From @bulk88

0002-add-Win32-USE_NO_REGISTRY-build-option.patch ```diff From a9b9b2202aa94dcc05afa882e50c1a18f341ef43 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Dragan Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2015 05:36:51 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] add Win32 USE_NO_REGISTRY build option -the first arg of win32_get_privlib is not used if the registry is not queried, create a macro to allow the arg to drop out on WIN32_NO_REGISTRY builds for efficiency and not to have unused C litteral strings in the binary -This patch changes the ABI of PerlEnv_lib_path/PerlEnvLibPath/win32_get_privlib between USE_NO_REGISTRY and no USE_NO_REGISTRY. Since win32_get_privlib is not exported from perl523.dll, assume it and PerlEnv_lib_path are not public API, note technically PerlEnv_lib_path will be callable only on PERL_IMPLICIT_SYS builds, on no PERL_IMPLICIT_SYS builds it will fail at link time since win32_get_privlib isnt exported. Therefore place it in non-[affecting]-binary compatibility even though it does affect binary compatibility. -delay load advapi32.dll to save startup time (loading the DLL and the DLL calling its initializers in DllMain) and one 4 KB memory page for advapi32's .data section (doing "perl -E"sleep 100" on WinXP shows advapi32 has a 20KB long .data section, first 4 KB are unique to the process, the remaining 16KB are COW shared between processes according to vmmap tool), putting a DebugBreak() in pp_getlogin and doing a "nmake all" shows miniperl never calls getlogin during the build process. An nmake test shows only ext/POSIX/t/wrappers.t and lib/warnings.t execute pp_getlogin. Keeping advapi32.dll out of the perl process requires removing comctl32.dll, since comctrl32.dll loads advapi32.dll, from perl which I always do as a custom patch. filed as [perl #123658] XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --- README.win32 | 3 ++- iperlsys.h | 6 +++--- perl.c | 3 +++ pod/perldelta.pod | 8 ++++++++ win32/Makefile | 26 +++++++++++++++++++++++++- win32/ | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++- win32/perlhost.h | 4 ++-- win32/win32.c | 38 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- win32/win32.h | 12 +++++++++++- win32/wince.c | 2 +- 10 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) diff --git a/README.win32 b/README.win32 index 7e65653..6726019 100644 --- a/README.win32 +++ b/README.win32 @@ -485,7 +485,8 @@ You can also control the shell that perl uses to run system() and backtick commands via PERL5SHELL. See L. Perl does not depend on the registry, but it can look up certain default -values if you choose to put them there. On Perl process start Perl checks if +values if you choose to put them there unless disabled at build time with +USE_NO_REGISTRY. On Perl process start Perl checks if C and C exist. If the keys exists, they will be checked for remainder of the Perl process's run life for certain entries. Entries in diff --git a/iperlsys.h b/iperlsys.h index 3aee24f..86ab687 100644 --- a/iperlsys.h +++ b/iperlsys.h @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ typedef char* (*LPENVGetenv_len)(struct IPerlEnv*, #endif #ifdef WIN32 typedef unsigned long (*LPEnvOsID)(struct IPerlEnv*); -typedef char* (*LPEnvLibPath)(struct IPerlEnv*, const char*, +typedef char* (*LPEnvLibPath)(struct IPerlEnv*, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char*) STRLEN *const len); typedef char* (*LPEnvSiteLibPath)(struct IPerlEnv*, const char*, STRLEN *const len); @@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ struct IPerlEnvInfo #define PerlEnv_os_id() \ (*PL_Env->pEnvOsID)(PL_Env) #define PerlEnv_lib_path(str, lenp) \ - (*PL_Env->pLibPath)(PL_Env,(str),(lenp)) + (*PL_Env->pLibPath)(PL_Env,WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(str)(lenp)) #define PerlEnv_sitelib_path(str, lenp) \ (*PL_Env->pSiteLibPath)(PL_Env,(str),(lenp)) #define PerlEnv_vendorlib_path(str, lenp) \ @@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ struct IPerlEnvInfo #ifdef WIN32 #define PerlEnv_os_id() win32_os_id() -#define PerlEnv_lib_path(str, lenp) win32_get_privlib(str, lenp) +#define PerlEnv_lib_path(str, lenp) win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(str) lenp) #define PerlEnv_sitelib_path(str, lenp) win32_get_sitelib(str, lenp) #define PerlEnv_vendorlib_path(str, lenp) win32_get_vendorlib(str, lenp) #define PerlEnv_get_child_IO(ptr) win32_get_child_IO(ptr) diff --git a/perl.c b/perl.c index 1bd2cbb..1d2ec91 100644 --- a/perl.c +++ b/perl.c @@ -1787,6 +1787,9 @@ S_Internals_V(pTHX_ CV *cv) # ifdef USE_LOCALE_CTYPE " USE_LOCALE_CTYPE" # endif +# ifdef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY + " USE_NO_REGISTRY" +# endif # ifdef USE_PERL_ATOF " USE_PERL_ATOF" # endif diff --git a/pod/perldelta.pod b/pod/perldelta.pod index b798fe1..a5e7055 100644 --- a/pod/perldelta.pod +++ b/pod/perldelta.pod @@ -315,6 +315,14 @@ XXX =item * +A new build option C has been added to the makefiles. This +option is off by default, meaning the default is to do Windows registry lookups. +This option stops Perl from looking inside the registry for anything. For what +values are looked up in the registry see L. Internally, in C, the +name of this option is C. + +=item * + The behavior of Perl using C and C to lookup certain values, including C<%ENV> vars starting with C has changed. Previously, the 2 keys were diff --git a/win32/Makefile b/win32/Makefile index 1a66403..787d888 100644 --- a/win32/Makefile +++ b/win32/Makefile @@ -96,6 +96,13 @@ USE_LARGE_FILES = define #USE_64_BIT_INT = define # +# Uncomment this if you want to disable looking up values from +# HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Perl and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Perl in +# the Registry. +# +#USE_NO_REGISTRY = define + +# # uncomment exactly one of the following # # Visual C++ 6.0 (aka Visual C++ 98) @@ -294,6 +301,10 @@ USE_LARGE_FILES = undef USE_64_BIT_INT = undef !ENDIF +!IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" == "" +USE_NO_REGISTRY = undef +!ENDIF + !IF "$(USE_IMP_SYS)$(USE_MULTI)" == "defineundef" USE_MULTI = define !ENDIF @@ -314,6 +325,10 @@ BUILDOPT = $(BUILDOPT) -DPERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT BUILDOPT = $(BUILDOPT) -DPERL_IMPLICIT_SYS !ENDIF +!IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" != "undef" +BUILDOPT = $(BUILDOPT) -DWIN32_NO_REGISTRY +!ENDIF + !IF "$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)" == "" PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE = x86 !ENDIF @@ -388,7 +403,16 @@ ARCHNAME = $(ARCHNAME)-64int # All but the free version of VC++ 7.1 can load DLLs on demand. Makes the test # suite run in about 10% less time. !IF "$(CCTYPE)" != "MSVC70FREE" +# If no registry, advapi32 is only used for Perl_pp_getlogin/getlogin/GetUserNameA +# which is rare to execute +!IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" != "undef" +DELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:ws2_32.dll -DELAYLOAD:advapi32.dll delayimp.lib +MINIDELAYLOAD = +!ELSE DELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:ws2_32.dll delayimp.lib +#miniperl never does any registry lookups +MINIDELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:advapi32.dll +!ENDIF !ENDIF # Visual C++ 2005 and 2008 (VC++ 8.0 and 9.0) create manifest files for EXEs and @@ -1023,7 +1047,7 @@ $(MINIPERL) : ..\lib\ ..\lib\ : $(MINIDIR) $(MINI_OBJ) ..\ $(LINK32) -out:$(MINIPERL) @<< - $(BLINK_FLAGS) $(DELAYLOAD) $(LIBFILES) $(MINI_OBJ) + $(BLINK_FLAGS) $(DELAYLOAD) $(MINIDELAYLOAD) $(LIBFILES) $(MINI_OBJ) << $(EMBED_EXE_MANI:..\lib\\miniperl.exe) $(MINIPERL) -I..\lib -f ..\ .. diff --git a/win32/ b/win32/ index 543cb93..83850c3 100644 --- a/win32/ +++ b/win32/ @@ -108,6 +108,13 @@ USE_LARGE_FILES *= define #USE_LONG_DOUBLE *=define # +# Uncomment this if you want to disable looking up values from +# HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Perl and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Perl in +# the Registry. +# +#USE_NO_REGISTRY *=define + +# # uncomment exactly one of the following # # Visual C++ 6.0 (aka Visual C++ 98) @@ -310,6 +317,7 @@ USE_IMP_SYS *= undef USE_LARGE_FILES *= undef USE_64_BIT_INT *= undef USE_LONG_DOUBLE *= undef +USE_NO_REGISTRY *= undef .IF "$(USE_IMP_SYS)" == "define" PERL_MALLOC = undef @@ -343,6 +351,10 @@ BUILDOPT += -DPERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT BUILDOPT += -DPERL_IMPLICIT_SYS .ENDIF +.IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" != "undef" +BUILDOPT += -DWIN32_NO_REGISTRY +.ENDIF + PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE *= x86 .IF "$(WIN64)" == "undef" @@ -524,7 +536,16 @@ TESTPREPGCC = test-prep-gcc # All but the free version of VC++ 7.1 can load DLLs on demand. Makes the test # suite run in about 10% less time. .IF "$(CCTYPE)" != "MSVC70FREE" +# If no registry, advapi32 is only used for Perl_pp_getlogin/getlogin/GetUserNameA +# which is rare to execute +.IF "$(USE_NO_REGISTRY)" != "undef" +DELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:ws2_32.dll -DELAYLOAD:advapi32.dll delayimp.lib +MINIDELAYLOAD = +.ELSE DELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:ws2_32.dll delayimp.lib +#miniperl never does any registry lookups +MINIDELAYLOAD = -DELAYLOAD:advapi32.dll +.ENDIF .ENDIF # Visual C++ 2005 and 2008 (VC++ 8.0 and 9.0) create manifest files for EXEs and @@ -1116,7 +1137,7 @@ $(CONFIGPM): ..\ config_h.PL $(mktmp $(LKPRE) $(MINI_OBJ) $(LIBFILES) $(LKPOST)) .ELSE $(LINK32) -out:$(MINIPERL) $(BLINK_FLAGS) \ - @$(mktmp $(DELAYLOAD) $(LIBFILES) $(MINI_OBJ)) + @$(mktmp $(DELAYLOAD) $(MINIDELAYLOAD) $(LIBFILES) $(MINI_OBJ)) $(EMBED_EXE_MANI:s/$@/$(MINIPERL)/) .ENDIF $(MINIPERL) -I..\lib -f ..\ .. diff --git a/win32/perlhost.h b/win32/perlhost.h index 7a0c3b3..ce31f69 100644 --- a/win32/perlhost.h +++ b/win32/perlhost.h @@ -514,9 +514,9 @@ PerlEnvOsId(struct IPerlEnv* piPerl) } char* -PerlEnvLibPath(struct IPerlEnv* piPerl, const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) +PerlEnvLibPath(struct IPerlEnv* piPerl, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *pl) STRLEN *const len) { - return win32_get_privlib(pl, len); + return win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(pl) len); } char* diff --git a/win32/win32.c b/win32/win32.c index 466922f..a3e1754 100644 --- a/win32/win32.c +++ b/win32/win32.c @@ -114,12 +114,17 @@ static void my_invalid_parameter_handler(const wchar_t* expression, unsigned int line, uintptr_t pReserved); #endif +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY static char* get_regstr_from(HKEY hkey, const char *valuename, SV **svp); static char* get_regstr(const char *valuename, SV **svp); +#endif + static char* get_emd_part(SV **prev_pathp, STRLEN *const len, char *trailing, ...); -static char* win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, const char *xlib, +static char* win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, + WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *xlib) const char *libname, STRLEN *const len); + static BOOL has_shell_metachars(const char *ptr); static long tokenize(const char *str, char **dest, char ***destv); static void get_shell(void); @@ -167,9 +172,11 @@ END_EXTERN_C static OSVERSIONINFO g_osver = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""}; +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* initialized by Perl_win32_init/PERL_SYS_INIT */ static HKEY HKCU_Perl_hnd; static HKEY HKLM_Perl_hnd; +#endif #ifdef SET_INVALID_PARAMETER_HANDLER static BOOL silent_invalid_parameter_handler = FALSE; @@ -258,6 +265,7 @@ set_w32_module_name(void) } } +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* *svp (if non-NULL) is expected to be POK (valid allocated SvPVX(*svp)) */ static char* get_regstr_from(HKEY handle, const char *valuename, SV **svp) @@ -305,6 +313,7 @@ get_regstr(const char *valuename, SV **svp) } return str; } +#endif /* ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY */ /* *prev_pathp (if non-NULL) is expected to be POK (valid allocated SvPVX(sv)) */ static char * @@ -374,41 +383,49 @@ get_emd_part(SV **prev_pathp, STRLEN *const len, char *trailing_path, ...) } EXTERN_C char * -win32_get_privlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) +win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *pl) STRLEN *const len) { char *stdlib = "lib"; - char buffer[MAX_PATH+1]; SV *sv = NULL; +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY + char buffer[MAX_PATH+1]; /* $stdlib = $HKCU{"lib-$]"} || $HKLM{"lib-$]"} || $HKCU{"lib"} || $HKLM{"lib"} || ""; */ sprintf(buffer, "%s-%s", stdlib, pl); if (!get_regstr(buffer, &sv)) (void)get_regstr(stdlib, &sv); +#endif /* $stdlib .= ";$EMD/../../lib" */ return get_emd_part(&sv, len, stdlib, ARCHNAME, "bin", NULL); } static char * -win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, const char *xlib, const char *libname, - STRLEN *const len) +win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *xlib) + const char *libname, STRLEN *const len) { +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY char regstr[40]; +#endif char pathstr[MAX_PATH+1]; SV *sv1 = NULL; SV *sv2 = NULL; +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* $HKCU{"$xlib-$]"} || $HKLM{"$xlib-$]"} . ---; */ sprintf(regstr, "%s-%s", xlib, pl); (void)get_regstr(regstr, &sv1); +#endif /* $xlib .= * ";$EMD/" . ((-d $EMD/../../../$]) ? "../../.." : "../.."). "/$libname/$]/lib"; */ sprintf(pathstr, "%s/%s/lib", libname, pl); (void)get_emd_part(&sv1, NULL, pathstr, ARCHNAME, "bin", pl, NULL); +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* $HKCU{$xlib} || $HKLM{$xlib} . ---; */ (void)get_regstr(xlib, &sv2); +#endif /* $xlib .= * ";$EMD/" . ((-d $EMD/../../../$]) ? "../../.." : "../.."). "/$libname/lib"; */ @@ -433,7 +450,7 @@ win32_get_xlib(const char *pl, const char *xlib, const char *libname, EXTERN_C char * win32_get_sitelib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) { - return win32_get_xlib(pl, "sitelib", "site", len); + return win32_get_xlib(pl, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_("sitelib") "site", len); } #ifndef PERL_VENDORLIB_NAME @@ -443,7 +460,7 @@ win32_get_sitelib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) EXTERN_C char * win32_get_vendorlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) { - return win32_get_xlib(pl, "vendorlib", PERL_VENDORLIB_NAME, len); + return win32_get_xlib(pl, WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_("vendorlib") PERL_VENDORLIB_NAME, len); } static BOOL @@ -1824,12 +1841,14 @@ win32_getenv(const char *name) } FreeEnvironmentStrings(envv); } +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY else { /* last ditch: allow any environment variables that begin with 'PERL' to be obtained from the registry, if found there */ if (strncmp(name, "PERL", 4) == 0) (void)get_regstr(name, &curitem); } +#endif } if (curitem && SvCUR(curitem)) return SvPVX(curitem); @@ -4451,6 +4470,8 @@ Perl_win32_init(int *argcp, char ***argvp) #endif ansify_path(); + +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY { LONG retval; retval = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"SOFTWARE\\Perl", 0, KEY_READ, &HKCU_Perl_hnd); @@ -4462,6 +4483,7 @@ Perl_win32_init(int *argcp, char ***argvp) HKLM_Perl_hnd = NULL; } } +#endif } void @@ -4471,11 +4493,13 @@ Perl_win32_term(void) OP_REFCNT_TERM; PERLIO_TERM; MALLOC_TERM; +#ifndef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY /* handles might be NULL, RegCloseKey then returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE but no point of checking and we can't die() at this point */ RegCloseKey(HKLM_Perl_hnd); RegCloseKey(HKCU_Perl_hnd); /* the handles are in an undefined state until the next PERL_SYS_INIT3 */ +#endif } void diff --git a/win32/win32.h b/win32/win32.h index 3b35b6c..e997651 100644 --- a/win32/win32.h +++ b/win32/win32.h @@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ /* less I/O calls during each require */ # define PERL_DISABLE_PMC +/* unnecessery for miniperl to lookup anything from an "installed" perl */ +# define WIN32_NO_REGISTRY + /* allow minitest to work */ # define PERL_TEXTMODE_SCRIPTS #endif @@ -206,6 +209,13 @@ struct utsname { # define PERL_SOCK_SYSWRITE_IS_SEND #endif +#ifdef WIN32_NO_REGISTRY +/* the last _ in WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_ is like the _ in aTHX_ */ +# define WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(x) +#else +# define WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(x) x, +#endif + #define PERL_NO_FORCE_LINK /* no need for PL_force_link_funcs */ #define ENV_IS_CASELESS @@ -394,7 +404,7 @@ DllExport HWND win32_create_message_window(void); DllExport int win32_async_check(pTHX); extern int my_fclose(FILE *); -extern char * win32_get_privlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len); +extern char * win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *pl) STRLEN *const len); extern char * win32_get_sitelib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len); extern char * win32_get_vendorlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len); diff --git a/win32/wince.c b/win32/wince.c index 1b58d40..bcc66c8 100644 --- a/win32/wince.c +++ b/win32/wince.c @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ get_emd_part(SV **prev_pathp, STRLEN *const len, char *trailing_path, ...) } char * -win32_get_privlib(const char *pl, STRLEN *const len) +win32_get_privlib(WIN32_NO_REGISTRY_M_(const char *pl) STRLEN *const len) { dTHX; char *stdlib = "lib"; -- 1.7.9.msysgit.0 ```
p5pRT commented 8 years ago

From @bulk88

On Wed Sep 30 03​:27​:41 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

On Sun Aug 16 18​:30​:18 2015\, tonyc wrote​:

On Thu Jul 09 03​:01​:53 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

Revised patches attached. Rebased and get_regstr was reworked to use 2 vars instead of 1.

You haven't addressed​:

Please don't reduce readability for tiny space improvements.

revised get_regstr patches attached


-- bulk88 ~ bulk88 at

p5pRT commented 8 years ago

From @tonycoz

On Wed Sep 30 03​:27​:41 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

On Sun Aug 16 18​:30​:18 2015\, tonyc wrote​:

On Thu Jul 09 03​:01​:53 2015\, bulk88 wrote​:

Revised patches attached. Rebased and get_regstr was reworked to use 2 vars instead of 1.

You haven't addressed​:

Please don't reduce readability for tiny space improvements.

revised get_regstr patches attached

Thanks\, applied as 0517ed3816767f5896256870b8cca4b856e4088a and 6937817d58b1688d689072cd112ed95fe62db2a7.


p5pRT commented 8 years ago

@tonycoz - Status changed from 'open' to 'resolved'