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FW: Census and Perl #1541

Closed p5pRT closed 20 years ago

p5pRT commented 24 years ago

Migrated from (status was 'resolved')

Searchable as RT2758$

p5pRT commented 24 years ago


-----Original Message----- From​: Marcel Popescu [mailto​:marcel@​] Sent​: Friday\, March 24\, 2000 11​:33 AM To​: Multiple recipients of list Subject​: Census and Perl

Success Story​: $census2000++ (March 20) The United States Constitution requires a complete enumeration of its citizens every ten years. How does the Census Bureau handling this? They use Perl\, of course. Lisa Nyman ( mailto​:lnyman@​ ) offers this tidbit​:

The Bureau has been using perl for web applications\, system administration\, and batch production jobs since the mid 1990s. The Census 2000 Internet Form ( http​:// ) uses Perl\, as do tasks involved in the first enumeration to use the web. If you have a success story with the use of Perl by a government\, send it to Lisa Nyman!

All inventions or works of authorship original to me\, herein and past\, are placed irrevocably in the public domain\, and may be used or modified for any purpose\, without permission\, attribution\, or notification.

p5pRT commented 24 years ago

From [Unknown Contact. See original ticket]

At 13​:38 -0500 2000-03-28\, Fisher Mark wrote​:

To​: Multiple recipients of list Subject​: Census and Perl

As a matter of interest\, what list was this from? -- Dominic Dunlop