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Possible Net::Ftp bug #16256

Closed p5pRT closed 6 years ago

p5pRT commented 6 years ago

Migrated from (status was 'rejected')

Searchable as RT132467$

p5pRT commented 6 years ago


Hello\, I have been trying for the past day to script FTP access to my ftp system.  I got it down to the point where I had two Wireshark traces side-by-side with the same commands sent and in the scripting case\, it looks like the lower-level Perl libraries do something strange\, resulting in an error message of​:Net​::FTP=GLOB(0x3ec6618)\<\<\< 450 Transfer aborted. Link to file server lost I have attached screenshots of the Wireshark traces - one that worked and the scripted one that failed (can't provide the full Wireshark trace because it includes the username/password combination.  However\, the command sequence was​: binarycd /public_html/GeneratedFiles/CdCoversput FilesToUpload/CdCovers/I_Love_You__Dude.jpgquit The file is 5803 bytes long. The perl script I was using did the following (note I changed the ftp server name\, my username\, and my password)​: my $FtpSession = Net​::FTP->new(""\, Timeout => 120\, Passive => 0\, Hash => \*STDERR\, Debug => 1) or die "Cannot connect FTP session​: $@​";$FtpSession->login(username\,password) or die "Cannot login​: $@​";$FtpSession->binary or die "Cannot set binary​: $@​";my $DataConnection = $FtpSession->stor("I_Love_You__Dude.jpg") or die "Can't open data connection";my $AmountWritten = $DataConnection->write($string\, $Filesize);$DataConnection->close();$FtpSession->close(); I tried using the $FtpSession->Put() method\, but it had the same result.  I went with the above method during debugging because it allowed me to get the exact same command sequence as the manual method of ftp. I have also attached (as a text file)\, my package versions along with the version of perl I'm using (ActiveState). If there is further information I can provide\, please let me know. Thanks\,Brett P.S. I also submitted to ActiveState\, as I'm not sure what the correct procedure for reporting module bugs is.

p5pRT commented 6 years ago



p5pRT commented 6 years ago



p5pRT commented 6 years ago


+--------------------------+----------------+--------------------------+------+ | name | version | abstract | area | +--------------------------+----------------+--------------------------+------+ | ActivePerl-CPAN-Config | 1.0 | Default configuration... | perl | | ActivePerl-Config | 1.5 | Override the ActivePe... | perl | | ActivePerl-DocTools | 2.4 | Maintain HTML documen... | perl | | ActivePerl-IIS-Config | 1.0 | ActivePerl IIS Config... | perl | | ActivePerl-PPM | 4.21 | The Perl Package Manager | perl | | ActiveState-PerlCritic | 10.0 | PerlCritic GUI | perl | | ActiveState-RelocateTree | 1.4 | Move perl distributio... | perl | | ActiveState-Scineplex | 1.1 | Perl extension to acc... | perl | | ActiveState-Utils | 2.11 | ActiveState's utility... | perl | | Algorithm-C3 | 0.10 | A module for merging ... | perl | | Algorithm-Diff | 1.1903 | unknown | perl | | Archive-Tar | 2.26 | Manipulates TAR archives | perl | | Archive-Zip | 1.59 | Provide an interface ... | perl | | Attribute-Handlers | 0.99 | Simpler definition of... | perl | | AutoLoader | 5.74 | load subroutines only... | perl | | B-Debug | 1.25 | print debug info abou... | perl | | B-Hooks-EndOfScope | 0.21 | Execute code after a ... | perl | | B-Keywords | 1.15 | Lists of reserved bar... | perl | | Bit-Vector | 7.4 | Efficient bit vector\,... | perl | | CGI | 4.36 | Handle Common Gateway... | perl | | CPAN | 2.11_01 | query\, download and b... | perl | | CPAN-Meta | 2.150010-r10 | the distribution meta... | perl | | CPAN-Meta-Requirements | 2.140 | a set of version requ... | perl | | CPAN-Meta-YAML | 0.018 | Read and write a subs... | perl | | Capture-Tiny | 0.46 | Capture STDOUT and ST... | perl | | Carp | 1.40 | alternative warn and ... | perl | | Carp-Clan | 6.06 | Report errors from pe... | perl | | Class-Accessor | 0.34 | Faster\, but less expa... | perl | | Class-C3 | 0.33 | A pragma to use the C... | perl | | Class-Data-Inheritable | 0.08 | Inheritable\, overrida... | perl | | Class-Factory-Util | 1.7 | Provide utility metho... | perl | | Class-Inspector | 1.32 | Get information about... | perl | | Class-Load | 0.24 | A working (require "C... | perl | | Class-Load-XS | 0.10 | XS implementation of ... | perl | | Class-Singleton | 1.5 | Base class for creati... | perl | | Clone | 0.39 | recursively copy Perl... | perl | | Compress-Raw-Bzip2 | 2.074 | Low-Level Interface t... | perl | | Compress-Raw-Zlib | 2.074 | unknown | perl | | Config-Perl-V | 0.27 | Structured data retri... | perl | | Config-Tiny | 2.23 | Read/Write .ini style... | perl | | Convert-NLS_DATE_FORMAT | 0.06 | Convert Oracle NLS_DA... | perl | | DBD-CSV | 0.49 | DBI driver for CSV files | perl | | DBD-ODBC | 1.56 | ODBC DBD for Perl DBI | perl | | DBD-Oracle | 1.74 | Oracle database drive... | perl | | DBD-Pg | 3.6.2 | DBI PostgreSQL interface | perl | | DBD-SQLite | 1.54 | Self Contained SQLite... | perl | | DBI | 1.637 | Database independent ... | perl | | DB_File | 1.835 | | perl | | Data-Dump | 1.23 | Pretty printing of da... | perl | | Data-Dumper | 2.161 | unknown | perl | | Data-OptList | 0.110 | parse and validate si... | perl | | Date-Calc | 6.4 | Gregorian calendar da... | perl | | DateTime | 1.44 | A date and time objec... | perl | | DateTime-Event-Recurr... | 0.19 | DateTime base recurre... | perl | | DateTime-Format-Builder | 0.81 | Create DateTime parse... | perl | | DateTime-Format-Duration | 1.04 | Format and parse Date... | perl | | DateTime-Format-ISO8601 | 0.08 | Parses ISO8601 formats | perl | | DateTime-Format-Mail | 0.403 | Convert between DateT... | perl | | DateTime-Format-MySQL | 0.06 | Parse and format MySQ... | perl | | DateTime-Format-Natural | 1.05 | Parse informal natura... | perl | | DateTime-Format-Oracle | 0.06 | Parse and format Orac... | perl | | DateTime-Format-Pg | 0.16013 | Parse and format Post... | perl | | DateTime-Format-Strptime | 1.74 | Parse and format strp... | perl | | DateTime-Format-Sybase | 0.04 | Parse and format Syba... | perl | | DateTime-Format-W3CDTF | 0.07 | Parse and format W3CD... | perl | | DateTime-Locale | 1.16 | Localization support ... | perl | | DateTime-Set | 0.3900 | DateTime set objects | perl | | DateTime-TimeZone | 2.13 | Time zone object base... | perl | | Devel-GlobalDestruction | 0.14 | Provides function ret... | perl | | Devel-NYTProf | 6.04 | Powerful fast feature... | perl | | Devel-OverloadInfo | 0.004 | introspect overloaded... | perl | | Devel-PPPort | 3.36 | Perl/Pollution/Portab... | perl | | Devel-SelfStubber | 1.05 | generate stubs for a ... | perl | | Devel-StackTrace | 2.02 | An object representin... | perl | | Digest | 1.17_01 | Modules that calculat... | perl | | Digest-HMAC | 1.03 | Keyed-Hashing for Mes... | perl | | Digest-MD5 | 2.55 | Perl interface to the... | perl | | Digest-SHA | 5.96 | Perl extension for SH... | perl | | Digest-SHA1 | 2.13 | Perl interface to the... | perl | | Dist-CheckConflicts | 0.11 | declare version confl... | perl | | Dumpvalue | 1.18 | provides screen dump ... | perl | | Email-Address | 1.908 | RFC 2822 Address Pars... | perl | | Encode | 2.92 | character encodings i... | perl | | Encode-Locale | 1.05 | Determine the locale ... | perl | | Env | 1.04 | perl module that impo... | perl | | Eval-Closure | 0.14 | safely and cleanly cr... | perl | | Exception-Class | 1.43 | A module that allows ... | perl | | Exporter | 5.72 | Implements default im... | perl | | Exporter-Tiny | 1.000000 | an exporter with the ... | perl | | ExtUtils-CBuilder | 0.280226-r26 | Compile and link C co... | perl | | ExtUtils-Config | 0.008 | A wrapper for perl's ... | perl | | ExtUtils-Constant | 0.24 | unknown | perl | | ExtUtils-Helpers | 0.026 | Various portability u... | perl | | ExtUtils-Install | 2.14 | install files from he... | perl | | ExtUtils-InstallPaths | 0.011 | Build.PL install path... | perl | | ExtUtils-MakeMaker | 7.30-r1 | Create a module Makefile | perl | | ExtUtils-Manifest | 1.70 | utilities to write an... | perl | | ExtUtils-PL2Bat | 0.001 | Batch file creation t... | perl | | ExtUtils-ParseXS | 3.35 | converts Perl XS code... | perl | | File-Copy-Recursive | 0.38 | Perl extension for re... | perl | | File-Fetch | 0.52 | Generic file fetching... | perl | | File-HomeDir | 1.002 | Find your home and ot... | perl | | File-Listing | 6.04 | parse directory listing | perl | | File-Next | 1.16 | File-finding iterator | perl | | File-Path | 2.15 | Create or remove dire... | perl | | File-ShareDir | 1.104 | Locate per-dist and p... | perl | | File-Temp | 0.2304 | return name and handl... | perl | | File-Which | 1.21 | Perl implementation o... | perl | | Filter | 1.55 | | perl | | Filter-Simple | 0.94 | Simplified source fil... | perl | | GD | 2.66 | Perl interface to the... | perl | | GD-Graph | 1.54 | Produces charts with GD | perl | | GD-Text | 0.86 | Text utilities for us... | perl | | Getopt-Long | 2.50 | Module to handle pars... | perl | | Getopt-Long-Descriptive | 0.100 | Getopt​::Long\, but sim... | perl | | HTML-Form | 6.03 | Class that represents... | perl | | HTML-Parser | 3.72 | HTML parser class | perl | | HTML-Tagset | 3.20 | data tables useful in... | perl | | HTML-Template | 2.97 | Perl module to use HT... | perl | | HTML-Tree | 5.06 | Work with HTML in a D... | perl | | HTTP-Cookies | 6.04 | HTTP cookie jars | perl | | HTTP-Daemon | 6.01 | a simple http server ... | perl | | HTTP-Date | 6.02 | date conversion routines | perl | | HTTP-Message | 6.13 | HTTP style message (b... | perl | | HTTP-Negotiate | 6.01 | choose a variant to s... | perl | | HTTP-Tiny | 0.070 | A small\, simple\, corr... | perl | | I18N-Collate | 1.02 | compare 8-bit scalar ... | perl | | IO | 1.36_01 | load various IO modules | perl | | IO-Compress | 2.074 | IO Interface to compr... | perl | | IO-HTML | 1.001 | Open an HTML file wit... | perl | | IO-Socket-IP | 0.39 | Family-neutral IP soc... | perl | | IO-Socket-SSL | 2.050 | Nearly transparent SS... | perl | | IO-String | 1.08 | Emulate file interfac... | perl | | IO-Zlib | 1.10 | IO​:: style interface ... | perl | | IPC-Cmd | 0.98 | A cross platform way ... | perl | | IPC-Run3 | 0.048 | run a subprocess with... | perl | | IPC-SysV | 2.04 | | perl | | Importer | 0.024 | Alternative but compa... | perl | | JSON | 2.94 | JSON (JavaScript Obje... | perl | | JSON-Any | 1.39 | (DEPRECATED) Wrapper ... | perl | | JSON-MaybeXS | 1.003009-r9 | Use L\<Cpanel​::JSON​::X... | perl | | JSON-PP | 2.27300_01 | JSON​::XS compatible p... | perl | | LWP-MediaTypes | 6.02 | guess media type for ... | perl | | LWP-Protocol-https | 6.07 | Provide https support... | perl | | List-MoreUtils | 0.419 | Provide the stuff mis... | perl | | List-Util | 1.48 | Common Scalar and Lis... | perl | | Locale-Codes | 3.53 | a distribution of mod... | perl | | Locale-Maketext | 1.28 | framework for localiz... | perl | | Locale-Maketext-Simple | 0.21_01 | Simple interface to L... | perl | | MIME-Base64 | 3.15 | Encoding and decoding... | perl | | MRO-Compat | 0.13 | mro​::* interface comp... | perl | | Math-BigInt | 1.999811-r11 | unknown | perl | | Math-BigInt-FastCalc | 0.5006 | unknown | perl | | Math-BigInt-GMP | 1.6004 | unknown | perl | | Math-BigRat | 0.2613 | unknown | perl | | Math-Complex | 1.59 | complex numbers and a... | perl | | Math-Prime-Util | 0.65 | Utilities related to ... | perl | | Math-Prime-Util-GMP | 0.46 | Utilities related to ... | perl | | Memoize | 1.03_01 | Make functions faster... | perl | | Module-Build | 0.4224 | Build and install Per... | perl | | Module-Build-Tiny | 0.039 | A tiny replacement fo... | perl | | Module-CoreList | 5.20170821-r21 | what modules shipped ... | perl | | Module-Implementation | 0.09 | Loads one of several ... | perl | | Module-Load | 0.32 | runtime require of bo... | perl | | Module-Load-Conditional | 0.68 | Looking up module inf... | perl | | Module-Loaded | 0.08 | mark modules as loade... | perl | | Module-Metadata | 1.000033 | Gather package and PO... | perl | | Module-Pluggable | 5.2 | automatically give yo... | perl | | Module-Runtime | 0.015 | runtime module handling | perl | | Module-Runtime-Conflicts | 0.003 | Provide information o... | perl | | Moose | 2.2006 | A postmodern object s... | perl | | MooseX-Getopt | 0.71 | A Moose role for proc... | perl | | MooseX-Role-Parameter... | 1.10 | Moose roles with comp... | perl | | Mozilla-CA | 20160104 | Mozilla's CA cert bun... | perl | | NEXT | 0.67 | unknown | perl | | Net | 3.10 | Collection of Network... | perl | | Net-HTTP | 6.16 | Low-level HTTP connec... | perl | | Net-Ping | 2.61 | check a remote host f... | perl | | Net-SSLeay | 1.81 | Perl extension for us... | perl | | Net-Telnet | 3.04 | Interact with TELNET ... | perl | | PPI | 1.236 | Parse\, Analyze and Ma... | perl | | PPIx-Regexp | 0.051 | Parse regular express... | perl | | PPIx-Utilities | 1.001000 | Extensions to L\<PPI|P... | perl | | PPM-Repositories | 0.20 | unknown | perl | | Package-Constants | 0.06 | List constants define... | perl | | Package-DeprecationMa... | 0.17 | Manage deprecation wa... | perl | | Package-Stash | 0.37 | routines for manipula... | perl | | Package-Stash-XS | 0.28 | faster and more corre... | perl | | Params-Check | 0.38 | A generic input parsi... | perl | | Params-Classify | 0.015 | argument type classif... | perl | | Params-Util | 1.07 | Simple\, compact and c... | perl | | Params-Validate | 1.29 | Validate method/funct... | perl | | Params-ValidationComp... | 0.24 | Build an optimized su... | perl | | Parse-CPAN-Meta | 1.4417_001 | Parse META.yml and ME... | perl | | Path-Tiny | 0.104 | File path utility | perl | | PathTools | 3.62 | | perl | | Perl | | Practical Extraction ... | perl | | Perl-Critic | 1.130 | Critique Perl source ... | perl | | Perl-OSType | 1.010 | Map Perl operating sy... | perl | | PerlIO-via-QuotedPrint | 0.08 | PerlIO layer for quot... | perl | | Pod | | | perl | | Pod-Checker | 1.73 | Pod​::Checker verifies... | perl | | Pod-Escapes | 1.07 | for resolving Pod EE\<... | perl | | Pod-Parser | 1.63 | base class for creati... | perl | | Pod-Perldoc | 3.28 | Look up Perl document... | perl | | Pod-Simple | 3.35 | framework for parsing... | perl | | Pod-Usage | 1.69 | Pod​::Usage extracts P... | perl | | Readonly | 2.05 | Facility for creating... | perl | | Role-Tiny | 2.000005-r5 | Roles. Like a nouvell... | perl | | SQL-Statement | 1.412 | SQL parsing and proce... | perl | | Safe | 2.39 | Compile and execute c... | perl | | Scope-Guard | 0.21 | lexically-scoped reso... | perl | | Search-Dict | 1.07 | look - search for key... | perl | | SelfLoader | 1.24 | load functions only o... | perl | | Sereal | 3.015 | Fast\, compact\, powerf... | perl | | Sereal-Decoder | 3.015 | Fast\, compact\, powerf... | perl | | Sereal-Encoder | 3.015 | Fast\, compact\, powerf... | perl | | Set-Infinite | 0.65 | Infinite Sets math | perl | | Shell-Command | 0.06 | Cross-platform functi... | perl | | Socket | 2.024 | networking constants ... | perl | | Specio | 0.40 | Type constraints and ... | perl | | Storable | 2.56_01 | persistence for Perl ... | perl | | Sub-Exporter | 0.987 | a sophisticated expor... | perl | | Sub-Exporter-Progressive | 0.001013 | Only use Sub​::Exporte... | perl | | Sub-Identify | 0.14 | Retrieve names of cod... | perl | | Sub-Info | 0.002 | Tool for inspecting s... | perl | | Sub-Install | 0.928 | install subroutines i... | perl | | Sub-Name | 0.21 | (Re)name a sub | perl | | Sub-Quote | 2.004000 | Efficient generation ... | perl | | Sub-Uplevel | 0.2800 | apparently run a func... | perl | | Sys-Syslog | 0.35 | Perl interface to the... | perl | | Task-Weaken | 1.04 | Ensure that a platfor... | perl | | Tcl | 1.02 | Tcl extension module ... | perl | | Term-ANSIColor | 4.06 | Color output using AN... | perl | | Term-Cap | 1.17 | Perl termcap interface | perl | | Term-Complete | 1.403 | Perl word completion ... | perl | | Term-ReadKey | | | perl | | Term-ReadLine | 1.15 | Perl interface to var... | perl | | Term-ReadLine-Perl | 1.0303-r1 | Readline implementati... | perl | | Term-Table | 0.008 | Format a header and r... | perl | | TermReadKey | 2.37 | Change terminal modes... | perl | | Test | 1.28_01 | provides a simple fra... | perl | | Test-Differences | 0.64 | Test strings and data... | perl | | Test-Exception | 0.43 | Test exception-based ... | perl | | Test-Fatal | 0.014 | incredibly simple hel... | perl | | Test-Harness | 3.39 | unknown | perl | | Test-Simple | 1.302086-r86 | Basic utilities for w... | perl | | Test2-Suite | 0.000072 | Distribution with a r... | perl | | Text-Abbrev | 1.02 | abbrev - create an ab... | perl | | Text-Autoformat | 1.74 | Automatic text wrappi... | perl | | Text-Balanced | 2.03 | Extract delimited tex... | perl | | Text-CSV_XS | 1.31 | Comma-Separated Value... | perl | | Text-Diff | 1.45 | Perform diffs on file... | perl | | Text-Glob | 0.11 | match globbing patter... | perl | | Text-ParseWords | 3.30 | parse text into an ar... | perl | | Text-Reform | 1.20 | Manual text wrapping ... | perl | | Text-Tabs+Wrap | 2013.0523 | | perl | | Thread-Queue | 3.12 | Thread-safe queues | perl | | Thread-Semaphore | 2.13 | Thread-safe semaphores | perl | | Tie-File | 1.02 | Access the lines of a... | perl | | Tie-RefHash | 1.39 | use references as has... | perl | | Time-HiRes | 1.9746 | High resolution alarm... | perl | | Time-Local | 1.25 | Efficiently compute t... | perl | | Time-Piece | 1.3201 | Object Oriented time ... | perl | | Tkx | 1.09 | Yet another Tk interface | perl | | Try-Tiny | 0.28 | Minimal try/catch wit... | perl | | URI | 1.72 | Uniform Resource Iden... | perl | | Unicode-Collate | 1.19 | Unicode Collation Alg... | perl | | Unicode-Normalize | 1.25 | Unicode Normalization... | perl | | Variable-Magic | 0.61 | Associate user-define... | perl | | Version | | | perl | | Version-Requirements | 0.101023-r23 | a set of version requ... | perl | | WWW-Mechanize | 1.86 | Handy web browsing in... | perl | | WWW-RobotRules | 6.02 | database of robots.tx... | perl | | Win32 | 0.52 | Interfaces to some Wi... | perl | | Win32-API | 0.84 | Perl Win32 API Import... | perl | | Win32-AuthenticateUser | 0.02 | Win32 user authentica... | perl | | Win32-Clipboard | 0.58 | Interaction with the ... | perl | | Win32-Console | 0.10 | Win32 Console and Cha... | perl | | Win32-Console-ANSI | 1.10 | Perl extension to emu... | perl | | Win32-EventLog | 0.077 | Process Win32 Event L... | perl | | Win32-File | 0.07 | Manage file attribute... | perl | | Win32-FileSecurity | 1.09 | Manage FileSecurity D... | perl | | Win32-IPC | 1.11 | Use Win32 synchroniza... | perl | | Win32-Internet | 0.087 | Perl Module for Inter... | perl | | Win32-Job | 0.05 | Run sub-processes in ... | perl | | Win32-NetAdmin | 0.13 | Manage network groups... | perl | | Win32-NetResource | 0.057 | Manage network resour... | perl | | Win32-ODBC | 0.035 | ODBC Extension for Win32 | perl | | Win32-OLE | 0.1712 | OLE Automation extens... | perl | | Win32-PerfLib | 0.07 | Accessing the Windows... | perl | | Win32-Pipe | 0.025 | Win32 Named Pipe | perl | | Win32-Process | 0.16 | Create and manipulate... | perl | | Win32-Registry | 0.12 | Accessing the Windows... | perl | | Win32-Service | 0.07 | Manage system service... | perl | | Win32-ShellQuote | 0.003001 | Quote argument lists ... | perl | | Win32-Shortcut | 0.08 | Perl Module to deal w... | perl | | Win32-Sound | 0.52 | An extension to play ... | perl | | Win32-TieRegistry | 0.30 | Manipulate the Win32 ... | perl | | Win32-WinError | 0.04 | Perl module defining ... | perl | | Win32API-File | 0.1203 | Low-level access to W... | perl | | Win32API-Net | 0.18 | Perl interface to the... | perl | | Win32API-Registry | 0.33 | Low-level access to W... | perl | | XML-Parser | 2.44-r1 | A perl module for par... | perl | | XML-Simple | 2.24 | An API for simple XML... | perl | | XSLoader | 0.24 | Dynamically load C li... | perl | | YAML-LibYAML | 0.66 | Perl YAML Serializati... | perl | | ap-iis-config | | | perl | | autodie | 2.29 | Replace functions wit... | perl | | autouse | 1.11 | postpone load of modu... | perl | | base | 2.23_01 | Establish an ISA rela... | perl | | bignum | 0.47 | unknown | perl | | boolean | 0.46 | Boolean support for Perl | perl | | constant | 1.33 | Perl pragma to declar... | perl | | encoding-warnings | 0.12 | Warn on implicit enco... | perl | | experimental | 0.016 | Experimental features... | perl | | if | 0.0606 | C\ a Perl module ... | perl | | lib | 0.63 | manipulate @​INC at co... | perl | | libwww-perl | 6.26 | The World-Wide Web li... | perl | | mylib | 1.02 | add private lib to th... | perl | | namespace-autoclean | 0.28 | Keep imports out of y... | perl | | namespace-clean | 0.27 | Keep imports and func... | perl | | parent | 0.236 | Establish an ISA rela... | perl | | perlfaq | 5.021011 | frequently asked ques... | perl | | podlators | 4.09 | Convert POD data to v... | perl | | threads | 2.16 | Perl interpreter-base... | perl | | threads-shared | 1.57 | Perl extension for sh... | perl | | version | 0.9918 | Structured version ob... | perl | +--------------------------+----------------+--------------------------+------+ (328 packages installed matching '*')

This is perl 5\, version 24\, subversion 2 (v5.24.2) built for MSWin32-x64-multi-thread (with 1 registered patch\, see perl -V for more detail)

Copyright 1987-2017\, Larry Wall

Binary build 2403 [403863] provided by ActiveState http​:// Built Aug 25 2017 05​:28​:15

Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the GNU General Public License\, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.

Complete documentation for Perl\, including FAQ lists\, should be found on this system using "man perl" or "perldoc perl". If you have access to the Internet\, point your browser at http​://\, the Perl Home Page.

p5pRT commented 6 years ago

From @jkeenan

On Sun\, 19 Nov 2017 21​:38​:25 GMT\, brettacook@​ wrote​:

Hello\, I have been trying for the past day to script FTP access to my ftp system.  I got it down to the point where I had two Wireshark traces side-by-side with the same commands sent and in the scripting case\, it looks like the lower-level Perl libraries do something strange\, resulting in an error message of​:Net​::FTP=GLOB(0x3ec6618)\<\<\< 450 Transfer aborted. Link to file server lost I have attached screenshots of the Wireshark traces - one that worked and the scripted one that failed (can't provide the full Wireshark trace because it includes the username/password combination.  However\, the command sequence was​: binarycd /public_html/GeneratedFiles/CdCoversput FilesToUpload/CdCovers/I_Love_You__Dude.jpgquit The file is 5803 bytes long. The perl script I was using did the following (note I changed the ftp server name\, my username\, and my password)​: my $FtpSession = Net​::FTP->new(""\, Timeout => 120\, Passive => 0\, Hash => \*STDERR\, Debug => 1) or die "Cannot connect FTP session​: $@​";$FtpSession->login(username\,password) or die "Cannot login​: $@​";$FtpSession->binary or die "Cannot set binary​: $@​";my $DataConnection = $FtpSession->stor("I_Love_You__Dude.jpg") or die "Can't open data connection";my $AmountWritten = $DataConnection-

write($string\, $Filesize);$DataConnection->close();$FtpSession- close(); I tried using the $FtpSession->Put() method\, but it had the same result.  I went with the above method during debugging because it allowed me to get the exact same command sequence as the manual method of ftp. I have also attached (as a text file)\, my package versions along with the version of perl I'm using (ActiveState). If there is further information I can provide\, please let me know. Thanks\,Brett P.S. I also submitted to ActiveState\, as I'm not sure what the correct procedure for reporting module bugs is.

Net​::FTP is part of the libnet distribution\, which is maintained upstream on CPAN. The upstream maintainers need to examine this ticket\, so I have opened a ticket at​:

Thank you very much.

-- James E Keenan (jkeenan@​

p5pRT commented 6 years ago

The RT System itself - Status changed from 'new' to 'open'

p5pRT commented 6 years ago

@jkeenan - Status changed from 'open' to 'rejected'