Open p5pRT opened 5 years ago
This is a bug report for perl from\, generated with the help of perlbug 1.41 running under perl 5.28.0.
The following script makes my Perl crash:
perl -e 'use warnings FATAL => q[uninitialized]; print sort { eval { $c \<=> 1 } } 1\, 2'
panic: restartop in perl_run
Flags: category=core severity=none
Site configuration information for perl 5.28.0:
Configured by strawberry-perl at Sat Jun 23 13:56:45 2018.
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 28 subversion 0) configuration:
Platform: osname=MSWin32 osvers=10.0.17134.112 archname=MSWin32-x64-multi-thread uname='Win32 strawberry-perl #1 Sat Jun 23 13:55:45 2018 x64' config_args='undef' hint=recommended useposix=true d_sigaction=undef useithreads=define usemultiplicity=define use64bitint=define use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef usemymalloc=n default_inc_excludes_dot=define bincompat5005=undef Compiler: cc='gcc' ccflags =' -s -O2 -DWIN32 -DWIN64 -DCONSERVATIVE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO -DPERL_TEXTMODE_SCRIPTS -DPERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT -DPERL_IMPLICIT_SYS -DUSE_PERLIO -fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -mms-bitfields' optimize='-s -O2' cppflags='-DWIN32' ccversion='' gccversion='7.1.0' gccosandvers='' intsize=4 longsize=4 ptrsize=8 doublesize=8 byteorder=12345678 doublekind=3 d_longlong=define longlongsize=8 d_longdbl=define longdblsize=16 longdblkind=3 ivtype='long long' ivsize=8 nvtype='double' nvsize=8 Off_t='long long' lseeksize=8 alignbytes=8 prototype=define Linker and Libraries: ld='g++' ldflags ='-s -L"C:\STRAWB~1\perl\lib\CORE" -L"C:\STRAWB~1\c\lib"' libpth=C:\STRAWB~1\c\lib C:\STRAWB~1\c\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib C:\STRAWB~1\c\lib\gcc\x86_64-w64-mingw32\7.1.0 libs= -lmoldname -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lwinspool -lcomdlg32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -lnetapi32 -luuid -lws2_32 -lmpr -lwinmm -lversion -lodbc32 -lodbccp32 -lcomctl32 perllibs= -lmoldname -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lwinspool -lcomdlg32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -lnetapi32 -luuid -lws2_32 -lmpr -lwinmm -lversion -lodbc32 -lodbccp32 -lcomctl32 libc= so=dll useshrplib=true libperl=libperl528.a gnulibc_version='' Dynamic Linking: dlsrc=dl_win32.xs dlext=xs.dll d_dlsymun=undef ccdlflags=' ' cccdlflags=' ' lddlflags='-mdll -s -L"C:\STRAWB~1\perl\lib\CORE" -L"C:\STRAWB~1\c\lib"'
@INC for perl 5.28.0: C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib/MSWin32-x64-multi-thread C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib C:/Strawberry/perl/vendor/lib C:/Strawberry/perl/lib
Environment for perl 5.28.0:
HOME (unset)
LANG (unset)
LANGUAGE (unset)
LOGDIR (unset)
PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Komodo IDE 11\;C:\Python27\;C:\Python27\Scripts;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Strawberry\c\bin;C:\Strawberry\perl\site\bin;C:\Strawberry\perl\bin;C:\Program Files\PuTTY\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\130\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\130\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Server\140\DTS\Binn\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\DDS Utilities;C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA NvDLISR;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files\TortoiseGit\bin;C:\Users\Mithaldu\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;c:\Program Files\wkhtmltopdf\bin;c:\cygwin\bin;c:\Program Files\ffmpeg\bin;C:\Program Files\smartmontools\bin;C:\Users\Mithaldu\AppData\Local\Programs\Fiddler;C:\Users\Mithaldu\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;c:\Python27\;C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.3\bin;c:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin
SHELL (unset)
On Sat\, 09 Mar 2019 09:53:47 GMT\, wrote:
This is a bug report for perl from\, generated with the help of perlbug 1.41 running under perl 5.28.0.
The following script makes my Perl crash:
perl -e 'use warnings FATAL => q[uninitialized]; print sort { eval { $c \<=> 1 } } 1\, 2'
panic: restartop in perl_run
Trying this program with different versions of perl from perlbrew\, I got the panic from perl-5.6.2 through perl-5.16.3. The program DWIMmed on perl-5.18.4\, then once again began panicking with perl-5.20.0.
##### $ perlbrew use perl-5.18.4;perl -e 'use warnings FATAL => q[uninitialized]; print sort { eval { $c \<=> 1 } } 1\, 2' Use of uninitialized value in sort at -e line 1.
$ perlbrew use perl-5.20.0;perl -e 'use warnings FATAL => q[uninitialized]; print sort { eval { $c \<=> 1 } } 1\, 2' panic: restartop in perl_run #####
I have not yet figured out how to bisect this. My first attempt:
##### perl Porting/ --start=v5.18.0 --end=v5.20.0 --crash -- ./perl -Ilib -e 'use warnings FATAL => q[uninitialized]; print sort { eval { $c \<=> 1 } } 1\, 2' #####
But I immediately got:
##### panic: restartop in perl_run HEAD is now at d7d4eceb18 skip RC tags when checking versions diffs good - zero exit from ./perl -Ilib -e use warnings FATAL => q[uninitialized]; print sort { eval { $c \<=> 1 } } 1\, 2 Runner returned 0 for end revision at Porting/ line 233. #####
Thank you very much.
-- James E Keenan (
The RT System itself - Status changed from 'new' to 'open'
On Sat\, 09 Mar 2019 05:51:39 -0800\, "James E Keenan via RT" \perlbug\-followup@​perl\.org wrote:
On Sat\, 09 Mar 2019 09:53:47 GMT\, wrote:
This is a bug report for perl from\, generated with the help of perlbug 1.41 running under perl 5.28.0.
The following script makes my Perl crash:
perl -e 'use warnings FATAL => q[uninitialized]; print sort { eval { $c \<=> 1 } } 1\, 2'
panic: restartop in perl_run
Trying this program with different versions of perl from perlbrew\, I got the panic from perl-5.6.2 through perl-5.16.3. The program DWIMmed on perl-5.18.4\, then once again began panicking with perl-5.20.0.
I've summarized a full run for all perl versions since 5.6.0\, and it is a bit more complicated that what you say here.
##### $ perlbrew use perl-5.18.4;perl -e 'use warnings FATAL => q[uninitialized]; print sort { eval { $c \<=> 1 } } 1\, 2' Use of uninitialized value in sort at -e line 1.
$ perlbrew use perl-5.20.0;perl -e 'use warnings FATAL => q[uninitialized]; print sort { eval { $c \<=> 1 } } 1\, 2' panic: restartop in perl_run #####
I have not yet figured out how to bisect this. My first attempt:
##### perl Porting/ --start=v5.18.0 --end=v5.20.0 --crash -- ./perl -Ilib -e 'use warnings FATAL => q[uninitialized]; print sort { eval { $c \<=> 1 } } 1\, 2' #####
But I immediately got:
##### panic: restartop in perl_run HEAD is now at d7d4eceb18 skip RC tags when checking versions diffs good - zero exit from ./perl -Ilib -e use warnings FATAL => q[uninitialized]; print sort { eval { $c \<=> 1 } } 1\, 2 Runner returned 0 for end revision at Porting/ line 233. #####
Thank you very much.
Running perl-all -e 'use warnings FATAL=>q[uninitialized];print sort{eval{$c\<=>1}}1\,2'
=== base/perl5.6.0 5.006 x86_64-linux panic: restartop Exit status: 256 === base/perl5.6.1 5.006001 x86_64-linux-perlio panic: restartop Exit status: 256 === base/tperl5.6.1 5.006001 x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld-perlio panic: restartop Exit status: 256 === base/perl5.6.2 5.006002 x86_64-linux-perlio panic: restartop Exit status: 256 === base/tperl5.6.2 5.006002 x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld-perlio panic: restartop Exit status: 256 === base/perl5.6 5.006002 x86_64-linux-perlio panic: restartop Exit status: 256 === base/tperl5.6 5.006002 x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld-perlio panic: restartop Exit status: 256 === base/perl5.8.0 5.008 x86_64-linux Sort subroutine didn't return a numeric value at -e line 1. Exit status: 65280 : : repeats : === base/perl5.8.8 5.008008 x86_64-linux Sort subroutine didn't return a numeric value at -e line 1. Exit status: 65280 === base/tperl5.8.8 5.008008 x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld Sort subroutine didn't return a numeric value at -e line 1. Exit status: 65280 === base/perl5.8.9 5.008009 x86_64-linux panic: restartop === base/tperl5.8.9 5.008009 x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld panic: restartop : : repeats : === base/tperl5.11.1 5.011001 x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld panic: restartop === base/perl5.11.2 5.011002 x86_64-linux panic: restartop perl5.11.2: perl.c:543: perl_destruct: Assertion `PL_scopestack_ix == 1' failed. Exit status: 6 === base/tperl5.11.2 5.011002 x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld panic: restartop tperl5.11.2: perl.c:543: perl_destruct: Assertion `(my_perl->Iscopestack_ix) == 1' failed. Exit status: 6 === base/perl5.11.3 5.011003 x86_64-linux panic: restartop perl5.11.3: perl.c:541: perl_destruct: Assertion `PL_scopestack_ix == 1' failed. Exit status: 6 === base/tperl5.11.3 5.011003 x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld panic: restartop tperl5.11.3: perl.c:541: perl_destruct: Assertion `(my_perl->Iscopestack_ix) == 1' failed. Exit status: 6 : : repeats : === base/perl5.17.1 5.017001 x86_64-linux panic: restartop in perl_run perl5.17.1: perl.c:541: perl_destruct: Assertion `PL_scopestack_ix == 1' failed. Exit status: 6 === base/tperl5.17.1 5.017001 x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld panic: restartop in perl_run tperl5.17.1: perl.c:541: perl_destruct: Assertion `(my_perl->Iscopestack_ix) == 1' failed. Exit status: 6 === base/perl5.17.2 5.017002 x86_64-linux Use of uninitialized value in sort at -e line 1. Exit status: 65280 === base/tperl5.17.2 5.017002 x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld Use of uninitialized value in sort at -e line 1. Exit status: 65280 === base/perl5.17.3 5.017003 x86_64-linux Use of uninitialized value in sort at -e line 1. Exit status: 65280 === base/tperl5.17.3 5.017003 x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld Use of uninitialized value in sort at -e line 1. Exit status: 65280 : : repeats : === base/perl5.19.9 5.019009 x86_64-linux Use of uninitialized value in sort at -e line 1. Exit status: 65280 === base/tperl5.19.9 5.019009 x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld Use of uninitialized value in sort at -e line 1. Exit status: 65280 === base/perl5.19.10 5.019010 x86_64-linux panic: restartop in perl_run perl5.19.10: perl.c:544: perl_destruct: Assertion `PL_scopestack_ix == 1' failed. Exit status: 6 === base/tperl5.19.10 5.019010 x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld panic: restartop in perl_run tperl5.19.10: perl.c:544: perl_destruct: Assertion `(my_perl->Iscopestack_ix) == 1' failed. Exit status: 6 : : repeats : === base/perl5.29.6 5.029006 x86_64-linux panic: restartop in perl_run perl5.29.6: perl.c:623: perl_destruct: Assertion `PL_scopestack_ix == 1' failed. Exit status: 6 === base/tperl5.29.6 5.029006 x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld panic: restartop in perl_run tperl5.29.6: perl.c:623: perl_destruct: Assertion `(my_perl->Iscopestack_ix) == 1' failed. Exit status: 6
(I do not have the most recent development versions due to disk space)
-- H.Merijn Brand Perl Monger using perl5.00307 .. 5.29 porting perl5 on HP-UX\, AIX\, and openSUSE
The following script makes my Perl crash: perl -e 'use warnings FATAL => q[uninitialized]; print sort { eval { $c \<=> 1 } } 1\, 2'
AFAIR from reading related docs\, sort comparator should "behave"\, but in the above example it isn't; so no surprise perl got some "panic" branch
Migrated from (status was 'open')
Searchable as RT133916$