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lib/io_xs dubious #4755

Closed p5pRT closed 14 years ago

p5pRT commented 22 years ago

Migrated from (status was 'resolved')

Searchable as RT8140$

p5pRT commented 22 years ago


I may not be the correct person to try to report bugs\, mainly 'cause I'm 'way out of my depth here\, attempting to make\, compile\, and install anything that doesn't have InstallShield in front of it.

But\, I can certainly follow directions ...

Thje objective was to install perl on a Dell Latitude with

  655360 bytes total conventional memory   655360 bytes available to MS-DOS   633840 largest executable program size

  1048576 bytes total contiguous extended memory   0 bytes available contiguous extended memory   941056 bytes available XMS memory   MS-DOS resident in High Memory Area

Running MS Windows 2000 (Version 5.0\, Build 2195;Service Pack 2) Physical memory available to Windows​: 196\,064 KB

Being only slightly timid\, I read and re-read README.win32 ... I downloaded and installed gcc-2.95-crtdll as well as gcc-2.95.2-msvcrt I donwloaded and installed dmake.

I ran dmake from the command line from inside the perl5.6.1/win32 directory I ran dmake test from the command line from inside the perl5.6.1/win32 directory ... And received​:

Failed Test Status Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed

lib/io_xs.t 5 1280 ?? ?? % ?? 24 tests and 135 subtests skipped. Failed 1/258 test scripts\, 99.61% okay. 0/10867 subtests failed\, 100.00% okay. dmake.exe​: Error code 255\, while making 'test'

Immediate review of documentation doesn't leave a bald hint what might have happened here.

After the line​:

cd ..\t && ..\perl.exe -I..\lib harness

what appears to be a list of test results is written to the display ... those that result in "skipped" appear to be rational and expected (for example io/pipe was skipped because I didn't edit the to be able to fork)

I will\, out of ignorance\, proceed to dmake install\, on the hopeful assumption that io_xs is an esoteric function that I won't really need and is not critical to the install of Perl ... If in fact\, that's a VERY BAD IDEA\, then you will\, of course\, receive a follow-up email.

By the way\, I'm not entirely sure that you (whoever\, and how-many-ever there are of you) actually get the appreciation that you justly deserve for all this hard work. I certainly appreciate what you do ... maybe some day\, I'll do something worthwhile for the next guy.



p5pRT commented 14 years ago

From @chorny

Sorry for this very late answer. Current best way to compile Perl with gcc on Windows is to use Perl​::Dist​::Strawberry from CPAN.

On Thu Dec 27 05​:34​:43 2001\, gus@​ wrote​:

I may not be the correct person to try to report bugs\, mainly 'cause I'm 'way out of my depth here\, attempting to make\, compile\, and install anything that doesn't have InstallShield in front of it.

But\, I can certainly follow directions ...

Thje objective was to install perl on a Dell Latitude with

655360 bytes total conventional memory
655360 bytes available to MS\-DOS
633840 largest executable program size

1048576 bytes total contiguous extended memory 0 bytes available contiguous extended memory 941056 bytes available XMS memory MS-DOS resident in High Memory Area

Running MS Windows 2000 (Version 5.0\, Build 2195;Service Pack 2) Physical memory available to Windows​: 196\,064 KB

Being only slightly timid\, I read and re-read README.win32 ... I downloaded and installed gcc-2.95-crtdll as well as gcc-2.95.2- msvcrt I donwloaded and installed dmake.

I ran dmake from the command line from inside the perl5.6.1/win32 directory I ran dmake test from the command line from inside the perl5.6.1/win32 directory ... And received​:

Failed Test Status Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed

lib/io_xs.t 5 1280 ?? ?? % ?? 24 tests and 135 subtests skipped. Failed 1/258 test scripts\, 99.61% okay. 0/10867 subtests failed\, 100.00% okay. dmake.exe​: Error code 255\, while making 'test'

Immediate review of documentation doesn't leave a bald hint what might have happened here.

After the line​:

cd ..\t && ..\perl.exe -I..\lib harness

what appears to be a list of test results is written to the display ... those that result in "skipped" appear to be rational and expected (for example io/pipe was skipped because I didn't edit the to be able to fork)

I will\, out of ignorance\, proceed to dmake install\, on the hopeful assumption that io_xs is an esoteric function that I won't really need and is not critical to the install of Perl ... If in fact\, that's a VERY BAD IDEA\, then you will\, of course\, receive a follow-up email.

By the way\, I'm not entirely sure that you (whoever\, and how-many-ever there are of you) actually get the appreciation that you justly deserve for all this hard work. I certainly appreciate what you do ... maybe some day\, I'll do something worthwhile for the next guy.



-- Alexandr Ciornii\, http​://

p5pRT commented 14 years ago

@chorny - Status changed from 'open' to 'resolved'