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Re: building a dynamically linked Perl 5.6.1 on HPUX 11.0 #5753

Closed p5pRT closed 22 years ago

p5pRT commented 22 years ago

Migrated from (status was 'resolved')

Searchable as RT15132$

p5pRT commented 22 years ago

From lbaxter@NetReach.Net

Thank you for the suggestion. I will be working on a new version of the README this weekend (Tim Bunce will be releasing a new DBD-Oracle soon)\, so your message is auspicious. I will add this.

But let me ask you​:

You followed the README\, but used gcc instead of /opt/softbench/bin/cc and it worked?

Can you repeat it? If so can you provide a script or make file that does it? If you can\, "you will be helping to save the world".

At the very least\, can you send me your output of perl -V?

Thanks\, oh.. and I'm glad you found it helpful.... so your're welcome.

With regards\,


Michael Schuh wrote​:

Greetings all\,

I recently (like\, 40 minutes ago) installed Perl 5.6.1 on an HPUX 11.0 system. As my goal is to interact with an Oracle database\, I followed Lincoln Baxter's README.hpux (THANK YOU!) and tried to build a dynamically linked version of Perl. However\, in earlier attempts (stretching back over the last week or so) it died in the linking stage\, admonishing me that a file was created without position independent code and advising me that I should recompile using the "+z" flag. As I was using gcc (which has no +z flag) this was very confusing until I noticed that the file to which the message was referring was libgdbm\, which I had built just last week\, and realized that I was using HPUX's ld ('cuz the GNU binutils ld won't work on HPUX) and this ld doesn't know about gcc.

Well\, it was simple enough to fix​: go back to the libgdm build and add -fPIC to the complier options. After that\, Perl built and loaded just like the documentation says it should.

My "bug"? It would have helped me\, I think\, if the three sets of documentation were more blatant about building everything PIC. The configure/build process for libgdbm does not have an obvious method to specify PIC\, and neither the Perl documentation nor Lincoln Baxter's README.hpux remind the user that all files in a dynamic build need to be PIC. Yes\, it's "well known" (and\, if I had been asked\, would have said as much...)\, but a mild reminder might have helped me.

Also\, in the Makefile for libgdbm​:

30c30 \< CFLAGS = -O -fPIC ---


although this is specific to gcc.

As is often the case in the software biz\, just a few characters can make all the difference.

Thank you\, and thank you very much for various contributions.

-- Mike Schuh

p5pRT commented 22 years ago

From lbaxter@NetReach.Net

This is not a bug. This can be closed.

p5pRT commented 22 years ago

@rspier - Status changed from 'new' to 'resolved'