Closed p5pRT closed 19 years ago
This is a bug report for perl from\, generated with the help of perlbug 1.35 running under perl v5.8.4.
[Please enter your report here]
The simple program below causes a crash in perl on the following platforms: (5.8.7) 2.6.8-2-mckinley-smp #1 SMP ia64 GNU/Linux (5.8.4) #1 SMP i686 GNU/Linux (5.8.4) 2.4.25 #6 SMP i686 GNU/Linux (5.8.4) #5 SMP i686 GNU/Linux
(perlbug was run on the 2.4.25 machine\, but sent from another machine)
the same program does not appear to crash on the following platforms: (5.8.4) 2.6.10-5-386 #1 i686 GNU/Linux (5.8.0) 2.4.21-4.ELsmp #1 SMP i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
When perl crashes it gives one of the following errors\, depending on the platform:
the program also sometimes generates a segmentation fault (but no error) when CTRL-C is pressed while it is running.
Sometimes the thread reference is a valid number\, but sometimes it is printed out as random ascii characters (as in the first message above). the program usually crashes within a minute or two. on the 2.6.10 machine where it did not crash\, i let the program run for 20 minutes or more.
Here is the program:
==== #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use warnings; use strict; use threads; use threads::shared;
my $var : shared = 0;
sub go { lock($var); }
while(1) { my $thr1 = threads->new(\&go); $thr1->detach; }
[please do not change anything below this line]
flags: category=core severity=high
site configuration information for perl v5.8.4:
configured by debian project at thu feb 3 01:11:27 est 2005.
summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 4) configuration: platform: osname=linux\, osvers=2.4.27-ti1211\, archname=i386-linux-thread-multi uname='linux kosh 2.4.27-ti1211 #1 sun sep 19 18:17:45 est 2004 i686 gnulinux ' config_args='-dusethreads -duselargefiles -dccflags=-ddebian -dcccdlflags=-fpic -darchname=i386-linux -dprefix=/usr -dprivlib=/usr/share/perl/5.8 -darchlib=/usr/lib/perl/5.8 -dvendorprefix=/usr -dvendorlib=/usr/share/perl5 -dvendorarch=/usr/lib/perl5 -dsiteprefix=/usr/local -dsitelib=/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4 -dsitearch=/usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.4 -dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 -dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 -dsiteman1dir=/usr/local/man/man1 -dsiteman3dir=/usr/local/man/man3 -dman1ext=1 -dman3ext=3perl -dpager=/usr/bin/sensible-pager -uafs -ud_csh -uusesfio -uusenm -duseshrplib -dd_dosuid -des' hint=recommended\, useposix=true\, d_sigaction=define usethreads=define use5005threads=undef useithreads=define usemultiplicity=define useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef usemymalloc=n\, bincompat5005=undef compiler: cc='cc'\, ccflags ='-d_reentrant -d_gnu_source -dthreads_have_pids -ddebian -fno-strict-aliasing -i/usr/local/include -d_largefile_source -d_file_offset_bits=64'\, optimize='-o2'\, cppflags='-d_reentrant -d_gnu_source -dthreads_have_pids -ddebian -fno-strict-aliasing -i/usr/local/include' ccversion=''\, gccversion='3.3.5 (debian 1:3.3.5-8)'\, gccosandvers='' intsize=4\, longsize=4\, ptrsize=4\, doublesize=8\, byteorder=1234 d_longlong=define\, longlongsize=8\, d_longdbl=define\, longdblsize=12 ivtype='long'\, ivsize=4\, nvtype='double'\, nvsize=8\, off_t='off_t'\, lseeksize=8 alignbytes=4\, prototype=define linker and libraries: ld='cc'\, ldflags =' -l/usr/local/lib' libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib libs=-lgdbm -lgdbm_compat -ldb -ldl -lm -lpthread -lc -lcrypt perllibs=-ldl -lm -lpthread -lc -lcrypt libc=/lib/\, so=so\, useshrplib=true\, gnulibc_version='2.3.2' dynamic linking: dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs\, dlext=so\, d_dlsymun=undef\, ccdlflags='-wl\,-e' cccdlflags='-fpic'\, lddlflags='-shared -l/usr/local/lib'
locally applied patches:
@inc for perl v5.8.4: /usr/local/sw/perl /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.4 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .
environment for perl v5.8.4: home=/home/stefan lang (unset) language (unset) ld_library_path=/home/stefan/physics/galaxyanalysis/lib:/usr/local/sw/root-i686/lib:/usr/local/sw/intel_cc_80/lib logdir (unset) path=/home/stefan/physics/galaxyanalysis/test:/usr/local/sw/bin:/usr/local/sw/bin-i686:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/x11r6/bin:/home/stefan/bin:.:/usr/local/sw/root-i686/bin:/usr/local/sw/intel_cc_80/bin perl5lib=/usr/local/sw/perl perl_badlang (unset) shell=/usr/bin/tcsh
On Sat\, Sep 10\, 2005 at 01:58:33PM -0700\, sgromoll @ grad. physics. sunysb. edu wrote:
When perl crashes it gives one of the following errors\, depending on the platform:
== panic: destruct destroyed thread 0@a\uffffl0@l0@ during global destruction. Segmentation fault
I get this. So I an it under valgrind. I got something stranger:
$ PERL_CORE=1 valgrind --db-attach=yes --db-command='gdb %f %p' --num-callers=20 --tool=memcheck ./perl -Ilib bug37133==22320== Memcheck\, a memory error detector for x86-linux.==22320== Copyright (C) 2002-2004\, and GNU GPL'd\, by Julian Seward.==22320== Using valgrind-2.1.1\, a program supervision framework for x86-linux.==22320== Copyright (C) 2000-2004\, and GNU GPL'd\, by Julian Seward.==22320== For more details\, rerun with: -v==22320== vg_alloc_ThreadState: no free slots available Increase VG_N_THREADS\, rebuild and try again.
valgrind: the `impossible' happened: VG_N_THREADS is too low Basic block ctr is approximately 123300000 ==22320== at 0xB802A070: vgPlain_core_panic (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2) ==22320== by 0xB802A06F: panic (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2) ==22320== by 0xB802A084: vgPlain_core_panic (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2) ==22320== by 0xB800CB7D: vg_alloc_ThreadState (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2) ==22320== by 0xB800F514: do__apply_in_new_thread (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2) ==22320== by 0xB8011A03: do_client_request (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2) ==22320== by 0xB800DF33: vgPlain_scheduler (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2) ==22320== by 0xB802567B: main (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2)
sched status:
Thread 1: status = Runnable\, associated_mx = 0x0\, associated_cv = 0x0 ==22320== at 0x3C0A3061: pthread_create (vg_libpthread.c:927) ==22320== by 0x3C0260D4: Perl_ithread_create (threads.xs:521) ==22320== by 0x3C0268F3: XS_threads_new (threads.xs:686) ==22320== by 0x80FA247: Perl_pp_entersub (pp_hot.c:2788) ==22320== by 0x80D1C7A: Perl_runops_debug (dump.c:1597) ==22320== by 0x80673A4: S_run_body (perl.c:2274) ==22320== by 0x8066DAA: perl_run (perl.c:2201) ==22320== by 0x806061D: main (perlmain.c:103)
Thread 2: status = WaitJoiner\, associated_mx = 0x0\, associated_cv = 0x0 ==22320== at 0x3C0A2BD0: thread_exit_wrapper (vg_libpthread.c:732) ==22320== by 0x3C0A2D7E: thread_wrapper (vg_libpthread.c:838) ==22320== by 0xB800F4C8: do__quit (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2)
Thread 3: status = WaitMX\, associated_mx = 0x3C02946C\, associated_cv = 0x0 ==22320== at 0x3C0A38AB: pthread_mutex_lock (vg_libpthread.c:1160) ==22320== by 0x3C025819: Perl_ithread_run (threads.xs:326) ==22320== by 0x3C0A2D78: thread_wrapper (vg_libpthread.c:837) ==22320== by 0xB800F4C8: do__quit (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2)
Thread 4: status = WaitMX\, associated_mx = 0x3C02946C\, associated_cv = 0x0 ==22320== at 0x3C0A38AB: pthread_mutex_lock (vg_libpthread.c:1160) ==22320== by 0x3C025819: Perl_ithread_run (threads.xs:326) ==22320== by 0x3C0A2D78: thread_wrapper (vg_libpthread.c:837) ==22320== by 0xB800F4C8: do__quit (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2)
Thread 5: status = WaitMX\, associated_mx = 0x3C02946C\, associated_cv = 0x0 ==22320== at 0x3C0A38AB: pthread_mutex_lock (vg_libpthread.c:1160) ==22320== by 0x3C0249AD: Perl_ithread_destruct (threads.xs:105) ==22320== by 0x3C0257CB: Perl_ithread_run (threads.xs:322) ==22320== by 0x3C0A2D78: thread_wrapper (vg_libpthread.c:837) ==22320== by 0xB800F4C8: do__quit (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2)
[and so on]
Thread 99: status = WaitMX\, associated_mx = 0x3C02946C\, associated_cv = 0x0 ==22320== at 0x3C0A38AB: pthread_mutex_lock (vg_libpthread.c:1160) ==22320== by 0x3C0249AD: Perl_ithread_destruct (threads.xs:105) ==22320== by 0x3C0257CB: Perl_ithread_run (threads.xs:322) ==22320== by 0x3C0A2D78: thread_wrapper (vg_libpthread.c:837) ==22320== by 0xB800F4C8: do__quit (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2)
Note: see also the FAQ.txt in the source distribution. It contains workarounds to several common problems.
If that doesn't help\, please report this bug to:
In the bug report\, send all the above text\, the valgrind version\, and what Linux distro you are using. Thanks.
Am I right in thinking that this suggests that the threads implementation has a deadlock of some sort here?
Even taking out the "obvious" deadlock doesn't make the bug go away:
==== //depot/perl/ext/threads/threads.xs#86 - /home/nick/p4perl/perl/ext/threads/threads.xs ====
The alternative crash mode I can create is:
(gdb) p thread->prev $3 = (struct ithread_s *) 0x0
which unsurprisingly causes this to SEGV:
thread->next->prev = thread->prev;
So\, also\, somehow it's looking like a thread can get freed up without correctly tidying up the linked list.
Nicholas Clark
The RT System itself - Status changed from 'new' to 'open'
[nicholas - Mon Sep 12 04:07:05 2005]:
On Sat\, Sep 10\, 2005 at 01:58:33PM -0700\, sgromoll @ grad. physics. sunysb. edu wrote:
When perl crashes it gives one of the following errors\, depending on the platform:
== panic: destruct destroyed thread 0@a\uffffl0@l0@ during global destruction. Segmentation fault
I get this. So I an it under valgrind. I got something stranger:
$ PERL_CORE=1 valgrind --db-attach=yes --db-command='gdb %f %p' --num-callers=20 --tool=memcheck ./perl -Ilib bug37133==22320== Memcheck\, a memory error detector for x86-linux.==22320== Copyright (C) 2002-2004\, and GNU GPL'd\, by Julian Seward.==22320== Using valgrind-2.1.1\, a program supervision framework for x86- linux.==22320== Copyright (C) 2000-2004\, and GNU GPL'd\, by Julian Seward.==22320== For more details\, rerun with: -v==22320== vg_alloc_ThreadState: no free slots available Increase VG_N_THREADS\, rebuild and try again.
valgrind: the `impossible' happened: VG_N_THREADS is too low Basic block ctr is approximately 123300000 ==22320== at 0xB802A070: vgPlain_core_panic (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2) ==22320== by 0xB802A06F: panic (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2) ==22320== by 0xB802A084: vgPlain_core_panic (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2) ==22320== by 0xB800CB7D: vg_alloc_ThreadState (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2) ==22320== by 0xB800F514: do__apply_in_new_thread (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2) ==22320== by 0xB8011A03: do_client_request (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2) ==22320== by 0xB800DF33: vgPlain_scheduler (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2) ==22320== by 0xB802567B: main (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2)
sched status:
Thread 1: status = Runnable\, associated_mx = 0x0\, associated_cv = 0x0 ==22320== at 0x3C0A3061: pthread_create (vg_libpthread.c:927) ==22320== by 0x3C0260D4: Perl_ithread_create (threads.xs:521) ==22320== by 0x3C0268F3: XS_threads_new (threads.xs:686) ==22320== by 0x80FA247: Perl_pp_entersub (pp_hot.c:2788) ==22320== by 0x80D1C7A: Perl_runops_debug (dump.c:1597) ==22320== by 0x80673A4: S_run_body (perl.c:2274) ==22320== by 0x8066DAA: perl_run (perl.c:2201) ==22320== by 0x806061D: main (perlmain.c:103)
Thread 2: status = WaitJoiner\, associated_mx = 0x0\, associated_cv = 0x0 ==22320== at 0x3C0A2BD0: thread_exit_wrapper (vg_libpthread.c:732) ==22320== by 0x3C0A2D7E: thread_wrapper (vg_libpthread.c:838) ==22320== by 0xB800F4C8: do__quit (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2)
Thread 3: status = WaitMX\, associated_mx = 0x3C02946C\, associated_cv = 0x0 ==22320== at 0x3C0A38AB: pthread_mutex_lock (vg_libpthread.c:1160) ==22320== by 0x3C025819: Perl_ithread_run (threads.xs:326) ==22320== by 0x3C0A2D78: thread_wrapper (vg_libpthread.c:837) ==22320== by 0xB800F4C8: do__quit (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2)
Thread 4: status = WaitMX\, associated_mx = 0x3C02946C\, associated_cv = 0x0 ==22320== at 0x3C0A38AB: pthread_mutex_lock (vg_libpthread.c:1160) ==22320== by 0x3C025819: Perl_ithread_run (threads.xs:326) ==22320== by 0x3C0A2D78: thread_wrapper (vg_libpthread.c:837) ==22320== by 0xB800F4C8: do__quit (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2)
Thread 5: status = WaitMX\, associated_mx = 0x3C02946C\, associated_cv = 0x0 ==22320== at 0x3C0A38AB: pthread_mutex_lock (vg_libpthread.c:1160) ==22320== by 0x3C0249AD: Perl_ithread_destruct (threads.xs:105) ==22320== by 0x3C0257CB: Perl_ithread_run (threads.xs:322) ==22320== by 0x3C0A2D78: thread_wrapper (vg_libpthread.c:837) ==22320== by 0xB800F4C8: do__quit (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2)
[and so on]
Thread 99: status = WaitMX\, associated_mx = 0x3C02946C\, associated_cv = 0x0 ==22320== at 0x3C0A38AB: pthread_mutex_lock (vg_libpthread.c:1160) ==22320== by 0x3C0249AD: Perl_ithread_destruct (threads.xs:105) ==22320== by 0x3C0257CB: Perl_ithread_run (threads.xs:322) ==22320== by 0x3C0A2D78: thread_wrapper (vg_libpthread.c:837) ==22320== by 0xB800F4C8: do__quit (in /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2)
Note: see also the FAQ.txt in the source distribution. It contains workarounds to several common problems.
If that doesn't help\, please report this bug to:
In the bug report\, send all the above text\, the valgrind version\, and what Linux distro you are using. Thanks.
Am I right in thinking that this suggests that the threads implementation has a deadlock of some sort here?
Even taking out the "obvious" deadlock doesn't make the bug go away:
==== //depot/perl/ext/threads/threads.xs#86 - /home/nick/p4perl/perl/ext/threads/threads.xs ==== --- /tmp/tmp.23174.0 2005-09-12 12:07:37.000000000 +0100 +++ /home/nick/p4perl/perl/ext/threads/threads.xs 2005-09-12 12:03:23.000000000 +0100 @@ -96\,6 +96\,7 @@ Perl_ithread_destruct (pTHX_ ithread* th PerlInterpreter *freeperl = NULL; MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex); if (!thread->next) { + MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex); Perl_croak(aTHX_ "panic: destruct destroyed thread %p (%s)"\,thread\, why); } if (thread->count != 0) {
The alternative crash mode I can create is:
(gdb) p thread->prev $3 = (struct ithread_s *) 0x0
which unsurprisingly causes this to SEGV:
thread\->next\->prev = thread\->prev;
So\, also\, somehow it's looking like a thread can get freed up without correctly tidying up the linked list.
The patch above was applied as change #25442.
@smpeters - Status changed from 'open' to 'resolved'
Migrated from (status was 'resolved')
Searchable as RT37133$