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Text::Wrap::wrap() generates a segfault with Cyrillic characters when the utf8 flag is turned on #9266

Closed p5pRT closed 16 years ago

p5pRT commented 16 years ago

Migrated from (status was 'resolved')

Searchable as RT52104$

p5pRT commented 16 years ago


As described at, Text​::Wrap​::wrap() generates a segfault with Cyrillic characters when the utf8 flag is turned on. The testcase given in the bug\, (a simple Perl script to run from the shell) shows this very clearly. Due to this bug\, all pages containing such strings are left blank\, which is a real problem for webapps such as Bugzilla.

Flags​:   category=core   severity=high

Site configuration information for perl v5.8.8​:

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Locally applied patches​:   Mandriva Linux patches

@​INC for perl v5.8.8​:   /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux   /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8   /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux   /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8   /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl   /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux   /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8   /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl   .


PATH=/sbin​:/usr/sbin​:/bin​:/usr/bin​:/usr/X11R6/bin​:/usr/local/bin​:/usr/local/sbin​:/root/bin   PERL_BADLANG (unset)   SHELL=/bin/bash

p5pRT commented 16 years ago

From @nwc10

On Tue\, Mar 25\, 2008 at 05​:08​:10PM -0700\, Frdric Buclin wrote​:

As described at, Text​::Wrap​::wrap() generates a segfault with Cyrillic characters when the utf8 flag is turned on. The testcase given in the bug\, (a simple Perl script to run from the shell) shows this very clearly. Due to this bug\, all pages containing such strings are left blank\, which is a real problem for webapps such as Bugzilla.

The bug seems to be caused by a regexp using pos() inside a substitution\, and can be reduced to something like this​:

$ cat use strict; use warnings;

$_ = chr(0x410) . "N";

s/N/ pos(); "" /e;

use Devel​::Peek; Dump ($_);

__END__ $ ./perl -Ilib Malformed UTF-8 character (unexpected end of string) in match position at line 6. Malformed UTF-8 character (unexpected end of string) in match position at line 6. Malformed UTF-8 character (unexpected end of string) in match position at line 6. SV = PVMG(0x930958) at 0x8ce940   REFCNT = 1   FLAGS = (SMG\,POK\,pPOK\,UTF8)   IV = 0   NV = 0   PV = 0x8fe668 "\320\220"\0 [UTF8 "\x{410}"]   CUR = 2   LEN = 8   MAGIC = 0x8ebd68   MG_VIRTUAL = &PL_vtbl_utf8   MG_TYPE = PERL_MAGIC_utf8(w)   MG_LEN = -1   MAGIC = 0x8ef338   MG_VIRTUAL = &PL_vtbl_mglob   MG_TYPE = PERL_MAGIC_regex_global(g)   MG_LEN = -1

It's still present in blead. It's not Cyrillic specific\, but I happened to stick to the same Cyrillic character in the test case.

I don't know what the cause is.

Nicholas Clark

p5pRT commented 16 years ago

The RT System itself - Status changed from 'new' to 'open'

p5pRT commented 16 years ago

From @nwc10

On Wed\, Mar 26\, 2008 at 12​:50​:55PM +0000\, Nicholas Clark wrote​:

On Tue\, Mar 25\, 2008 at 05​:08​:10PM -0700\, Frdric Buclin wrote​:

As described at, Text​::Wrap​::wrap() generates a segfault with Cyrillic characters when the utf8 flag is turned on. The testcase given in the bug\, (a simple Perl script to run from the shell) shows this very clearly. Due to this bug\, all pages containing such strings are left blank\, which is a real problem for webapps such as Bugzilla.

The bug seems to be caused by a regexp using pos() inside a substitution\, and can be reduced to something like this​:

I don't know what the cause is.

It should all be fixed by the appended change\, which I expect will be in 5.8.9 soon (RC1 within weeks).

Nicholas Clark

Change 33580 by nicholas@​nicholas-saigo on 2008/03/26 21​:05​:20

  The offset for pos is stored as bytes\, and converted to (Unicode)   character position when read\, if needed. The code for setting pos   inside subst was incorrectly converting to character position before   storing the value. This code appears to have been buggy since it was   added in 2000 in change 7562.

Affected files ...

... //depot/perl/pp_ctl.c#688 edit ... //depot/perl/t/op/subst.t#50 edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/perl/pp_ctl.c#688 (text) ====

@​@​ -298\,7 +298\,6 @​@​   { /* Update the pos() information. */   SV * const sv = cx->sb_targ;   MAGIC *mg; - I32 i;   SvUPGRADE(sv\, SVt_PVMG);   if (!(mg = mg_find(sv\, PERL_MAGIC_regex_global))) { #ifdef PERL_OLD_COPY_ON_WRITE @​@​ -308\,10 +307\,7 @​@​   mg = sv_magicext(sv\, NULL\, PERL_MAGIC_regex_global\, &PL_vtbl_mglob\,   NULL\, 0);   } - i = m - orig; - if (DO_UTF8(sv)) - sv_pos_b2u(sv\, &i); - mg->mg_len = i; + mg->mg_len = m - orig;   }   if (old != rx)   (void)ReREFCNT_inc(rx);

==== //depot/perl/t/op/subst.t#50 (xtext) ====

@​@​ -7\,7 +7\,7 @​@​ }

require './'; -plan( tests => 136 ); +plan( tests => 139 );

$x = 'foo'; $_ = "x"; @​@​ -583\,3 +583\,11 @​@​   is($want\,$_\,"RT#17542"); }

+{ + my @​tests = ('ABC'\, "\xA3\xA4\xA5"\, "\x{410}\x{411}\x{412}"); + foreach (@​tests) { + my $id = ord $_; + s/./pos/ge; + is($_\, "012"\, "RT#52104​: $id"); + } +}

p5pRT commented 16 years ago


For all installations which do not have the not-yet-released Perl 5.8.9\, which workaround(s) do they have? On critical installations\, it's hard to upgrade Perl as it's a pretty heavy change.

p5pRT commented 16 years ago

From @nwc10

On Thu\, Mar 27\, 2008 at 10​:41​:51PM +0100\, Frdric Buclin wrote​:

For all installations which do not have the not-yet-released Perl 5.8.9\, which workaround(s) do they have? On critical installations\, it's hard to upgrade Perl as it's a pretty heavy change.

Given that the bug means that using pos inside the replacement in s///e isn't going to work with Unicode\, it unfortunately is as simple and restrictive as "don't do that then". Which\, I guess\, in this case means not triggering the replacement in Text​::Tabs​::expand()\, which does just that.

For Bugzilla\, as it's generating HTML for web pages\, if it's not text in \

tags\, am I right in assuming that it doesn't matter in the HTML source whether
it's "\t" or " "\, as whitespace is equivalent and folded? If so\, can it be
worked round by translating all "\t" to " " before the call to Text​::Wrap?

Or is this explicitly for fixed width text\, where formatting of tabs at tabstops is an issue?

Nicholas Clark

p5pRT commented 16 years ago


From​: Fr��d��ric Buclin [mailto​:lpsolit@​]

For all installations which do not have the not-yet-released Perl 5.8.9\, which workaround(s) do they have? On critical installations\, it's hard to upgrade Perl as it's a pretty heavy change.

I have rewritten Text​::Tabs to avoid s//pos/ The code is at work and I haven't had a chance to test it. From memory\, the code for C\ is below.


sub expand {   my @​l;   for ( @​_ ) {   my $s = '';   for (split(/^/m\, $_\, -1)) {   my @​tabs = split(/\t/\, $_\, -1);   my $line = shift @​tabs;   for (@​tabs) {   my $pad = $tabstop - (length $line) % $tabstop;   $line .= " " x $pad;   $line .= $_;   }   $s .= $line;   }   push(@​l\, $s);   }   return @​l if wantarray;   return $l[0]; }

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p5pRT commented 16 years ago

From @nwc10

On Fri\, Mar 28\, 2008 at 10​:58​:25PM -0000\, Robin Barker wrote​:

From​: Frédéric Buclin [mailto​:lpsolit@​]

For all installations which do not have the not-yet-released Perl 5.8.9\, which workaround(s) do they have? On critical installations\, it's hard to upgrade Perl as it's a pretty heavy change.

I have rewritten Text​::Tabs to avoid s//pos/ The code is at work and I haven't had a chance to test it.

From memory\, the code for C\ is below.


sub expand { my @​l; for ( @​_ ) { my $s = ''; for (split(/^/m\, $_\, -1)) { my @​tabs = split(/\t/\, $_\, -1); my $line = shift @​tabs; for (@​tabs) { my $pad = $tabstop - (length $line) % $tabstop; $line .= " " x $pad; $line .= $_; } $s .= $line; } push(@​l\, $s); } return @​l if wantarray; return $l[0]; }

Although that's not a huge win unless the work around code goes into a release on CPAN\, which is not something that p5p controls.

Nicholas Clark

p5pRT commented 16 years ago

From @ap

* Robin Barker \Robin\.Barker@​npl\.co\.uk [2008-03-29 00​:00]​:

From​: Frédéric Buclin [mailto​:lpsolit@​]

For all installations which do not have the not-yet-released Perl 5.8.9\, which workaround(s) do they have? On critical installations\, it's hard to upgrade Perl as it's a pretty heavy change.

I have rewritten Text​::Tabs to avoid s//pos/ The code is at work and I haven't had a chance to test it. From memory\, the code for C\ is below.

I wrote the version of `expand` with s//pos/e; it is the way it is for maximum performance. The old code ran in O(n^2) but was fast for short strings; my goal was O(n) without significantly higher overhead. I had some variants I liked better\, code quality wise\, but they were slower.

Your version is O(n) too\, but if you benchmark it you’ll find it is measurably slower than mine in all cases\, and much slower than the old Text​::Tabs code for short strings.

There have been some fixes in Text​::Wrap since my performance patch\, but none in Text​::Tabs\, so if you have a buggy version of perl I suggest you simply downgrade Text​::Tabs to the version from the Text-Tabs+Wrap-2001.0929 distribution.

Regards\, -- Aristotle Pagaltzis // \<http​://>

p5pRT commented 16 years ago

@smpeters - Status changed from 'open' to 'resolved'