PerlDancer / Dancer2

Perl Dancer Next Generation (rewrite of Perl Dancer)
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The placement of the config.yml file is not really well documented #1583

Open JJ opened 3 years ago

JJ commented 3 years ago

Or maybe not entirely well specified. In this repo, config.yml is loaded from lib/My, which is if I'm not wrong where the Dancer2 library is used first. However, this will mean that in this program

use v5.14;
use lib qw(lib);

use My::Hitos;
use Dancer2;


The place where you read the configuration file will depend on where you put the use clause, if My::Hitos also uses Dancer2. It's probably OK if that's what you're looking for, but it should be documented.

JJ commented 3 years ago

Actually, it does not depend on where you put use Dancer2. It reads from lib/My anyway

JJ commented 3 years ago

And if you place a (undocumented feature) .dancer file at the top of your thing as indicated in #1580, it reads from that directory!

JJ commented 3 years ago

It's actually a bit more complicated: When DANCER_CONFIG_VERBOSE is set, it "merges" the config file twice without the .dancer file, three times with that file. Even so, it fails to set the port. Opening a different issue for that.

veryrusty commented 3 years ago

Every module you use Dancer2; within creates an app (well, instantiates a Dancer2::Core::App object, Dancer2::Core::Runner keeps track of them). Each app get a name, which defaults to the namespace of where it is called.

Your repo has three places there this occurs. My::Hitos, My::Hitos::Config and hitos.psgi (which uses the namespace main). Each instance will load the config file as its app object gets instantiated. See Importing-using-Appname for how to split the code into several files yet combine into a single app.

Config file location will use $ENV{DANCER_CONFDIR} or a heuristic if that is not set. The heuristic looks for (./lib and ./bin) or a .dancer file for up to 10 directories above where the source file is. It then falls back to the directory where the source is if neither of those are found. The heuristic is a bit meh, but the CLI tools for generating a new app put the directories/files needed in the right place for it to work as documented.

Also, your psgi file uses the dance keyword. This uses HTTP::Server::PSGI which is a non-forking single process server. Usually one returns a psgi coderef from their .psgi file (via My::Hitos->to_app), and use other tools like plackup to run the app. You gain all the features plackup offers; app reloading on code changes, and easy switching to other servers like Starman.

JJ commented 3 years ago

OK, I see what you mean. Let me try that. Maybe once I do I also fix the problems #1584 and #1585

JJ commented 3 years ago

OK, changed to

use v5.14;
use lib qw(lib);
use My::Hitos;

And it boots up alright. Still no trace of #1584 and #1585 working. It's reading the configuration file just the once:

Merging config file /home/jmerelo/Asignaturas/cloud-computing/p5-hitos/config.yml
HTTP::Server::PSGI: Accepting connections at http://0:5000/

but not paying any attention at the port setting either in the config or in the application itself.

JJ commented 3 years ago

The original issue still stands (kinda). Your comment is not entirely clarified in the documentation.