PermafrostDiscoveryGateway / py3dtiles

Forked version of the py3dtiles python module to create 3DTiles format
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Pull in new commits from py3dtiles oslandia #4

Closed robyngit closed 2 years ago

robyngit commented 2 years ago

The gitlab-oslandia branch is used to pull in changes from the original creators on GitLab and then merge with our version. All of the history prior to ~ July 2018 has been incorporated into our version of py3dtiles, however, we have yet to merge in newer updates. To accomplish this, we need to merge in commits one at a time and test along the way, since it's likely there will be conflicts between our updates and the oslandia updates. To track these updates, here is a list of the commits to merge:

(Note, to re-create this list, use `git log --reverse --since "JUL 11 2018" --until "AUG 4 2022" --pretty=format:"- [ ] %h %ad --- %s %d (%an)" --date=short >`)

robyngit commented 2 years ago

Our version of py3dtiles is now officially up-to-date with the oslandia py3dtiles! 🎉

It can be kept current from now on using the following, which is also documented in the README:

To pull in changes from gitlab (The git remote add.. command only needs to be done the first time)

git checkout gitlab-oslandia
git remote add gitlab
git pull gitlab
git push origin

When ready to update our version:

git checkout develop
git merge gitlab-oslandia
git push