PerryWerneck / pw3270

3270 Emulator for gtk
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
58 stars 12 forks source link

Can't get pw3270 build on MacOS #41

Open mgrossmann opened 1 year ago

mgrossmann commented 1 year ago

Describe the Bug

Tried building pw3270 as documented. Required libraries are build using their documentation, too.

~/git/pw3270 master*
❯ brew list | grep 3270

~/git/pw3270 master*
❯ ./
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: executing depfiles commands

~/git/pw3270 master* 
❯ make all
src/objects/toolbar/actions.c:91:53: warning: result of comparison against a string literal is unspecified (use an explicit string comparison function instead)
                        if(action && g_action_get_parameter_type(action) == G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING) {
                                                                         ^  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 warning generated.
/Users/mike/git/pw3270/.obj/pw3270/Release/./src/objects/actions/abstract.o ...
abstract.pot ...
button.pot ...
clipboard.pot ...
linux.ui.pot ...
/usr/local/bin/xgettext: Warnung: Ersatzweise wird die ITS-Regeldatei »/usr/local/Cellar/gettext/0.21.1/share/gettext-0.21.1/its/gtkbuilder.its« verwendet; diese könnte nicht synchron zum Original sein
macos.ui.pot ...
/usr/local/bin/xgettext: Warnung: Ersatzweise wird die ITS-Regeldatei »/usr/local/Cellar/gettext/0.21.1/share/gettext-0.21.1/its/gtkbuilder.its« verwendet; diese könnte nicht synchron zum Original sein
windows.ui.pot ...
/usr/local/bin/xgettext: Warnung: Ersatzweise wird die ITS-Regeldatei »/usr/local/Cellar/gettext/0.21.1/share/gettext-0.21.1/its/gtkbuilder.its« verwendet; diese könnte nicht synchron zum Original sein
pt_BR ...
........................... fertig.
pt_BR.po ...
267 translated messages, 1 untranslated message.

~/git/pw3270 master* 
❯ cd macos

~/git/pw3270/macos master*
❯ ./bundle
Creating temporary directory
Bundling GLib schemas
cp: ../schemas/linux/*.xml: No such file or directory
Removing temporary directory "/var/folders/82/ktfkbznj3730hq39fdty247c0000gn/T/tmp.BDZVNnc0"

~/git/pw3270/macos master*
❯ ll
total 32
-rw-r--r--  1 mike  staff   587B  8 Nov 17:08 Info.plist
-rwxr-xr-x  1 mike  staff   7,1K  8 Nov 17:08 bundle
-rwxr-xr-x  1 mike  staff   2,5K  8 Nov 17:08
drwxr-xr-x  3 mike  staff    96B  8 Nov 18:26

~/git/pw3270/macos master*
❯ open
The application cannot be opened because its executable is missing.

~/git/pw3270/macos master*

Expected Behavior

Bundle got build.


MacOS 10.5

PerryWerneck commented 1 year ago

Just make a small adjustment (e3a0cc8d377b4d5fbbaa7f12ef4099aabafa7321) on bundle script tryng to fix the schema path. Cant test here because I dont have a mac.

mgrossmann commented 1 year ago

Will give it a try, tomorrow.

Thank you.

moshix commented 1 year ago

same here, Mike. Dependency hell. It's a lot of dependency to install to build this 3270 emulator. It's a shame.

PerryWerneck commented 1 year ago

This case wasnt related with the dependencies; it was (I supose) a bundle script error.

The only non gtk dependencies are lib3270 and libv3270 and they're now being automatic build using github actions (the untested .tar.xz files are available in the releases); build the entire application bundle on github actions will be implemented in the future.