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minor typo corrections various works #122

Closed lcerrato closed 8 years ago

lcerrato commented 8 years ago


user report:

As I was reading Appian his Mithridatic Wars I could not help but notice that in App. Mith. 3.19 there was said that ' They killed 10,000000 of his men''. I presume this is the result of the book to text conversion and I just wanted to make you aware that it was there. I by no means insinuate that you, or any of the people you work with, made any mistake. I believe that your site is very valuable and it has aided me greatly in my research. [...]

I was unaware as to whom I should contact with this remark so my apologies if this is not mend for you and I send it to the wrong person.

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

tlg0008.tlg001.perseus-eng2.xml user report 7-20-15 Is this the right e-mail address for notifying you of errors in your online texts, or is there a more particular one? Browsing in Athenaeus, Deipnosophists, I noticed at the bottom of the third page “Must week” for “Must we ask”.

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

NB: the print actually is missing letters in this sentence: reads "must we <return> —k" change to "ask"

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 7-27-15 So the typo I found was a very small one, only one character change. It is in the English version of Plato's Sophist. I suggest that everything which possesses any power of any kind, eithr to produce a change in anything of any nature That is what is shown on the website, the mistake underlined.

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

Confirmed and fixed in tlg0059.tlg007.perseus-eng1.xml

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 8-10-15 
In the first speech of Lysias (On the Murder of Eratosthenes), in 
Section 22, the word for "day" is missing an iota subscript, since it is 
clearly in the dative case.

--confirmed in text tlg0540.tlg001.perseus-grc1.xml /LMC

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 8-21-15

Plat. Meno 81b includes Plat. Meno 81c. A page for Plat. Meno 81c is missing and Plat. Meno 81d follows Plat. Meno 81b.

-- confirmed in text tlg0059.tlg024.perseus-eng1.xml added section 81c

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

originally #131 (tlg7000.tlg001.perseus-grc2.xml)

7.11.1 <l n="1">γλυκὺς γλυκὺς Ἠρίννης οὗτος πόνος, οὐχὶ πολὺς μέν,</l> s/b <l n="1">Ὁ γλυκὺς Ἠρίννης οὗτος πόνος, οὐχὶ πολὺς μέν,</l>

confirmed in source fixed via PR #132

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

correct text group metadata file: tlg0554/cts.xml see also

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

(tlg0526.tlg004.perseus-eng1.xml) user report 9/10/15

Footnote 1 for Josephus' Wars of the Jews 2:19:6 is seriously flawed. The address on your site is:
It SHOULD read:
There may another very important, and very providential, reason be here assigned for this strange and foolish retreat of Cestius; which, if Josephus had been now a Christian, he might probably have taken notice of also; and that is, the affording the Jewish Christians in the city an opportunity of calling to mind the prediction and caution given them by Christ about thirty-three years and a half before, that “when they should see the abomination of desolation” [the idolatrous Roman armies, with the images of their idols in their ensigns, ready to lay Jerusalem desolate] “stand where it ought not;” or “in the holy place;” or “when they should see Jerusalem encompassed with armies,” they should then “flee to the mountains.” By complying with which those Jewish Christians fled to the mountains of Perea, and escaped this destruction. See Lit. Accomp. of Proph. pp. 69-70. Nor was there, perhaps, any one instance of a more unpolitic, but more providential conduct than this retreat of Cestius, visible during this whole siege of Jerusalem; which yet was providentially, such a “great tribulation, as had not been from the beginning of the world to that time; no, nor ever should be.” — Ibid. p. 70, 71.

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

confirmed via

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 9/13/15

At Isoc. 4 50, the Greek main text correctly has παιδεύσεως but footnote 2 indicates, wrongly, that the inscription on the Gennadeion has substituted ποεδεύσεως. The word-study link on ποεδεύσεως generates the message “Sorry, no information was found for ποεδεύσεως.” And my own photo of the actual building shows that the error is not in the inscription itself. Please correct ποεδεύσεως in footnote 2 to παιδεύσεως.

confirmed in print edition (tlg0010.tlg011.perseus-eng2.xml)

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 9/21/15 (tlg0525.tlg001.perseus-eng1)

“alter” should be “after” 

“Lubulus” should be “Eubulus” (as with second reference later in the sentence)

Paus. 2.30.3

[3] ... who purified Apollo alter he had killed Pytho, was the father of Lubulus, ...

confirmed in print edition

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 11/15/15 (tlg0026.tlg001.perseus-eng1.xml)

In Aeschines 1.45, English translation, the first word should read "however", rather than "owever".

confirmed in print edition

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 11/25/15 (tlg0059.tlg030.perseus-grc2.xml)

I'd like to report a typo error in Plato's Republic, book VI, 510a: Your text on Perseus is: τά τε περὶ ἡμᾶς ζῷς The right text according to Burnets edition is: τά τε περὶ ἡμᾶς ζῷα

confirmed with source;view=1up;seq=288;size=125

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report Date: 1/2/16 (tlg0019.tlg011.perseus-grc1.xml)

I would like to report a typo in Aristophanes' Plutus, line 272 of the Greek text. The line as it is now reads like this: ἀζήμοις, καὶ ταῦτ᾽ ἐμοῦ βακτηρίαν ἔχοντος; The first word should be ἀζήμιος (the iota and omikron has changed places), so the line reads: ἀζήμιος, καὶ ταῦτ᾽ ἐμοῦ βακτηρίαν ἔχοντος; Hall and Geldart has the correct reading.

confirmed with source

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 1/3/16 (tlg0010.tlg019.perseus-eng2.xml)

In the passage below is the misspelling of infinite: ... At one extreme was Anaxagoras, who held that the primary elements were infinate in number...
lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 1/6/16 (tlg0031.tlg007.perseus-grc1)

Possible error: you show I Cor. 7:31 as:

[31] καὶ οἱ χρώμενοι τὸν κόσμον ὡς μὴ καταχρώμενοι:

but I think it should include the bit you have as the first part of verse 32:

παράγει γὰρ τὸ σχῆμα τοῦ κόσμου τούτου.

confirmed here:;view=1up;seq=487;size=125 note this was a problem with the NT breaks.

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 1/15/16 (tlg0081.tlg001.perseus-grc1)

I'm not sure if you are the proper person to be informed abou the typo I have found in the text of Dionysius of Halicarnassus' Antiquitates Romanae, but nontheless here it is:;jsessionid=F02D24D987283A56B50651235C29DD38?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A2008.01.0572%3Abook%3D2%3Achapter%3D18%3Asection%3D2

Instead of προς2ήκει, there should be προσήκει.

confirmed (looks like the terminal sigma made it into print here)

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 1/19/16 (tlg0019.tlg011.perseus-grc1.xml)

I have found some more typos in Aristophanes' Plutus: Line 141: αὐτὸς διδῷς πἀργύριον· ὥστε τοῦ Διὸς πἀργύριον should be τἀργύριον, so: αὐτὸς διδῷς τἀργύριον· ὥστε τοῦ Διὸς

[previously fixed --LMC]

Line 620: ἐγὼ δὲ καὶ σύ γ' ὡς τάχιοτα τὸν θεὸν τάχιοτα should be τάχιστα, so: ἐγὼ δὲ καὶ σύ γ' ὡς τάχιστα τὸν θεὸν

Line 988: εἴρηκας, ἀλλὰ δῆλον ὅτι σ' ᾐχύνετο. ᾐχύνετο should be ᾐσχύνετο, so: εἴρηκας, ἀλλὰ δῆλον ὅτι σ' ᾐσχύνετο.

in Line 1056: αὐτοῦ, λαβοῦσα κάρνα. κάρνα should be κάρυα, so: αὐτοῦ, λαβοῦσα κάρυα.

Also present in Hall&Geldart is an obvious typo in Line 869:

ἦ τῶν πονηρῶν ἦσθα καὶ τοιχωούχων; τοιχωούχων should be τοιχωρύχων, so: ἦ τῶν πονηρῶν ἦσθα καὶ τοιχωρύχων; [note — looks like smudge in print --LMC]

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 2/14/16 (tlg0059.tlg012.perseus-eng1.xml)

[254a] prickings of yearning, the horse that is obedient [to] the charioteer, Add the preposition “to”

lcerrato commented 8 years ago


user report 3/18/16

Subject: Hom. Od. 4.270 1) Your text shows the first word as οιν, but that’s erroneous, it is actually οιον, so of course the WST is all off.

confirmed at

lcerrato commented 8 years ago


user report 3/21/16

Here is link to a typo. It is the word, "ture." It is very rare to find typos, so I assume this may have been in the text itself? Anyway, I very much enjoy the site,


lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 3/29/16 (tlg0627.tlg001.perseus-eng2.xml)

Dear Perseus Webmaster, On

The footnote:

1 καῦς1ος2 was almost certainly a form of remittent malaria. See my Malaria and Greek Histς1ry (index).

should be:

1 καῦσος was almost certainly a form of remittent malaria. See my Malaria and Greek History (index).


Not fixed see #135

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 4/27/16 (tlg0003.tlg001.perseus-eng5)

Greek and Roman Materials Thucydides, VII, 55 (English translation - Benjamin Jowett, Ed.) It says " ships, cavalry, and population, They were not able by holding...". I suppose it's a typing mistake, and it should be "...population, they..." or "...population. They...".

fixed to full stop as in print

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 5/4/16 (tlg0016.tlg001.perseus-eng2.xml)

Subject: Herodotus 1.17 English text Hi, There is a small spelling mistake in the English translation of Herodotus 1.17. It should read besieged rather than beseiged. Thank you

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

closing thread to start a new one.