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Minor typos #148

Open lcerrato opened 7 years ago

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

tlg0526.tlg001.perseus-eng1.xml user report 6/21/16

Subject: Errors in Antiquities of the Jews (Josephus) Dear Sir/Madam

I notice that in book 12 of the Antiquities that the numbering runs as follows: Section 1,2,3,6,5,6,7,, etc.

I gather that the first section 6 should in fact be 4?

If so please could someone correct this.


lcerrato commented 7 years ago

tlg0016.tlg001.perseus-eng2.xml user report 6/23/16

Subject: Typo Herodotus 4.67 Hi, in the English translation of Herodotus 4.67 in the first line, the word "willow" is misspelled with an exclamation mark instead of an l. Thank you

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-grc2.xml user report 7/10/16

Subject: Re: Errata Perseus Homer, Odyssey, Book 4

Please find in attachment a few errata for the Perseus Greek text of Homer's Odyssey, Book 4.


Errata Perseus text of Homer, Odyssey:

Book 4 216:ὣς ἔφατ᾽, Ἀσφαλίων δ᾽ ἄρ ὕδωρ ἐπὶ χεῖρας ἔχευεν, read: ἄρ᾽ fixed

270:οἷν Ὀδυσσῆος ταλασίφρονος ἔσκε φίλον κῆρ. read: οἷον already fixed

561:σοι δ᾽ οὐ θέσφατόν ἐστι, διοτρεφὲς ὦ Μενέλαε, read: σοὶ fixed

616:ἔστιν ἅπας, χρυσῷ δ᾽ χείλεα κεκράανται, insert: ἐπὶ fixed

640:ἀγρῶν ἢ μήλοισι παρέμμεναι ἠὲ συβώτη. read: συβώτῃ fixed

803:στῆ δ᾽ ἄρ ὑπὲρ κεφαλῆς, καί μιν πρὸς μῦθον ἔειπεν: read: ἄρ᾽ fixed

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

tlg0526.tlg001.perseus-grc1.xml user report 7/21/16

Subject: Typo in Josephus Hi,

In J. AJ 15.63 on the Perseus site, last line but one, ὄννως does not link to any word in LSJ and is apparently a typo. The word I was expecting to find is ὄντως.

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

tlg0032.tlg004.perseus-eng1.xml user report 7/26/16

Subject: Errata

Errata [ 9ado ( “In that case, it would appear without further 9ado that my eyes are finer ones than yours.” ) ] Xen. Sym. 5.5

sonofmun commented 7 years ago

PR #154 Corrects a type in tlg0031.tlg006.perseus-grc1.xml (Galatians)

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

user report 10/14/16 Hello, I have found a mistake in the text for Isocrates 11.21.

The Perseus text reads

καὶ μὲν δὴ καὶ τῆς περὶ τὴν φρόνησιν ἐπιμελείας εἰκότως ἄν τις ἐκεῖνον αἴτιον νομίσειεν. 
τοῖς γὰρ ἱερεῦσι παρεσκεύασεν εὐπορίαν μὲν ταῖς ἐκ τῶν ἱερῶν προσόδοις, σωφροσύνην 
δὲ ταῖς ἁγνείαις ταῖς ὑπὸ τῶν νόμων προστεταγμέναις, σχολὴν δὲ ταῖς **ἀποθανεῖν:**

But the Loeb volume from which this text was taken reads

καὶ μὲν δὴ καὶ τῆς περὶ τὴν φρόνησιν ἐπιμελείας εἰκότως ἄν τις ἐκεῖνον αἴτιον νομίσειεν. 
τοῖς γὰρ ἱερεῦσι παρεσκεύασεν εὐπορίαν μὲν ταῖς ἐκ τῶν ἱερῶν προσόδοις, σωφροσύνην 
δὲ ταῖς ἁγνείαις ταῖς ὑπὸ τῶν νόμων προστεταγμέναις, σχολὴν δὲ ταῖς **τῶν κινδύνων καὶ τῶν ἄλλων ἔργων ἀτελείαις·** 

I have bolded the differing portions. The Perseus text is unintelligible and does not match the English translation.

confirmed with;view=2up;seq=130;size=150

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

user report 10/20/16 tlg2045.tlg001.perseus-grc1.xml

I'ld like to contribute to the quality of your materials by giving the following hints: The text of Nonnos - Dionysiaca appears incorrectly numbered (verse numbers next to text at every 5 verses) at the following positions: book 17 - between verse 70 and 75 book 22 - between verse 115 and 120 book 25 - between verse 350 and 355 book 40 - between verse 130 and 135 book 41 - between verse 275 and 280 book 42 - between verse 60 and 75 (multiple lines) book 48 - between verse 905 and 910

note: a combination of missing lines and variant numbering; some text added

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

user report 11/7/16 Thucydides, "The Peloponnesian war", in English (by Thomas Hobbes, 1843), book 8, 104, footnote:

1 Battle of Cynossema between eighty-eight Peloponnesian and seventy-six Athenian ships. The Peloponnesians try to shut up their enemies in the strait. A counter-movement of Thrasybulus, which weakens the centre of the Athen-ians, nearly proves falal to them. (fatal?)

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

user report 11/14/16

I was reading your Oedipus Tyrranus text to check my translation and on line 674 you have theparagraph attributed to the chorus, whereas the Greek , including your own, states that Creon is speaking. I hope this was of some help in improving the website, it is an amazing resource.


lcerrato commented 7 years ago

tlg0081.tlg001.perseus-grc1.xml user report 12/8/16 πολησίον Dionysius of Halicarnassus 12.15.1 read πλησίον

confirmed in

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

tlg0032.tlg006.perseus-eng2.xml user report 12/9/16 In Xen. Anab. 3.4.23, it is written, "Again, it the army had to make some crossing or to pass over a bridge, there was no confusion" whereas I think it should be, "Again, if the army had to make some crossing or to pass over a bridge, there was no confusion"

smudge in the book

lcerrato commented 7 years ago


user report 12/13/16 I have finished reading the anabasis and came across a few other errors: In Xen. Anab. 4.2.17, "the Greeks had been dislodged lodged from the first hill", instead of "the Greeks had been dislodged from the first hill" In Xen. Anab. 4.5.24, "Then it was that Polycrates, and Athenian captain", instead of "Then it was that Polycrates, an Athenian captain" In Xen. Anab. 4.6.22, "they staid awake", instead of "they stayed awake"

confirmed; last one [sic]

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

tlg0032.tlg007.perseus-eng2.xml user report 1/1/17 I am currently reading Walter Miller's English translation of Xenophon's Cyropaedia, and believe I have found several errors, listed below -

Book 1, Chapter 2, section 14: Now these elders, in their turn, no longer perform form military service

Book 1, Chapter 4, section 3: there yet appears that freshness which betrays their lack of years, so also in Cyrus's case his talkativeness disclosed not impertinence but nai+vete/ and an affectionate disposition

Book 1, Chapter 6, section 10: And let me assure you that the words you say will have more more power to convince

confirmed (last one sic)

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

tlg0032.tlg007.perseus-eng2.xml user report 1/2/17 I have just finished reading Book 2 of the Cyropaedia, and believe I have found several errors, listed below - Book 2, Chapter 1, section 5: under Gabaedus, has arrived at Cay+stru-Pedium

Book 2, Chapter 1, section 5: it is said, to the number of 6000 horse and 10,000 peltasts.The Carians There is no space between peltasts. and The

Book 2, Chapter 1, section 24: if they showed themselves implicitly obedient to the officers and very ready in performing the afore mentioned duties

Book 2, Chapter 2, section 11, 13, 14, 15, and16 have Aglaitadas spelt as Aglai+tadas

Book 2, Chapter 2, section 28: The ugly favourit

Book 2, Chapter 3, section 7: Pheraulas stood up, one of the Persian common ers

Book 2, Chapter 3, section 18: the other side took the cudgels with the same result to their opponents

first item already fixed; third item already fixed; last item sic

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

tlg0032.tlg007.perseus-eng2.xml user report 1/2/17 I have just finished Book 3 -

Book 3, Chapter 1, section 30: And it you care at all to leave matters here

Book 3, Chapter 2, section 28: and the reason why I wish to have a generous a supply of money as possible

Book 3, Chapter 3, section 12: he bade them them go

Book 3, Chapter 3, section 59: the peers marched on cheerily <,well-disciplined>

user report 1/3/17

Book 4, Chapter 2, section 18: he haltedd his army

Book 4, Chapter 3, section 7: But suppose we acquired a body of cavalry not interior to theirs

Book 4, Chapter 6, section 3: Oh! would to God he had not!

Book 4, Chapter 6, section 6: for now i am forsaken and am spending my old age in sorrow

confirmed and fixed (when required)

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

tlg0032.tlg007.perseus-eng2.xml user report: 1/4/17

Book 6, Chapter 1, section 54: than each individual yoke could draw its usual load of baggage The word "usual is bold in the text

Book 6, Chapter 3, section 21: “And then do you, Arsamas,” said he,...“and you take charge of the right wing, as you always have done, and the rest of you brigadier-generals take the posts you now have. When the race is on, it is not the time for any chariot to change horses. So instruct your captains and lieutenants to form a line with each separate platoon two deep.”

Book 6, Chapter 3, section 29: And you, Dau+chus, who have command of the baggage-train

Book 6, Chapter 4, section 11: And the people, beautiful as was the sight of Abradatas and his chariot

user report: 1/5/17

Book 6, Chapter 1, section 14: The provisions, whereever we have gone

Book 7, Chapter 3, section 3: He learns the death Abradatas I think this should be "He learns the death of Abradatas

Book 7, Chapter 5, section 22 “But if any one is apprehensive of that which is said to be a source of terror to those invading a city—namely, that the people may go up” on the house-tops and hurl down missiles right and left I think " should be placed elsewhere

user report 1/6/17

Book 8, Chapter 1, section 7: himself and the/ Persians

Book 8, Chapter 1, section 8: but when he is worse, the administration is more corrupt.Accordingly There is no space after the full stop

Book 8, Chapter 1, section 16: whereas, in the case of those who did not, come he believed that they absented themselves I think this should be, "whereas, in the case of those who did not come, he believed that they absented themselves

Book 8, Chapter 2, section 10: 1 The “king's eyes’ and “king's ears”

Book 8, Chapter 2, section 15: Cyrus's theory of wealth vs. that of Croesus vs. is underlined

Book 8, chapter 3, section 21: There was but one exception: a certain Dai+phernes

Book 8, chapter 3, section 22: Cyrus noticed this; and so, before Dai+phernes

Book 8, chapter 3, section 23: But when a man who was summoned later than Dai+phernes rode up

Book 8, chapter 3, section 23: and gave orders to one of the macebearers In other sections, macebearers is written "mace-bearers"

confirmed and fixed where needed

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

tlg0032.tlg007.perseus-eng2.xml user report: 1/7/17

Book 8, Chapter 5, section 3: and on the left for the rest of the pack-animals And everything else was so organized I think "And" should have a lower case a, or a full stop before it.

Book 8, Chapter 7, section 28: After these words, he shook hands with them all, covered himself over, and so died.<

Book 8, Chapter 8, section 2: beginning with the Persians' attitude toward religion.lgt;

Book 8, Chapter 8, section 8: physical strength as they used to do/.

Book 8, Chapter 8, section 27: let him examine their deeds and he will find that these testify to the truth of my statements. >

confirmed and fixed

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

tlg0003.tlg001.perseus-eng6.xml user report 2/2/17 Thuc. 1.9: except the adjacent islands (and these would not be many), but through the possession of a fleet.

All the parenthesis and commas that follow which I have read in this translation are awkwardly spaced. The passages below will all have the same issue -

Thuc. 1.2 Thuc. 1.29 Thuc. 1.31 Thuc. 1.73 Thuc. 1.73 Thuc. 1.111 Thuc. 1.128 Thuc. 1.131 Thuc. 2.50 Thuc. 2.54 Thuc. 2.59 Thuc. 2.99 Thuc. 3.17 Thuc. 3.53 Thuc. 3.59 Thuc. 3.95 Thuc. 3.108

Other errors:

Thuc. 1.29: formed line and went into action,, There are two commas

Thuc 1.63: Meanwhile the auxiliaries of the Potidaeans from Olynthus,which is about seven miles off,and in sight of Potidaea There is no space after the commas

Thuc. 1.68: Lacedaemonians! the confidence which you feel in your constitution and social order their holding it against us by force? what of the siege Should "the" and "what" have capital letters?

Thuc. 1.80: what can justify us in rashly beginning such a struggle? wherein is our trust that we should rush on it unprepared? Should "wherein" have a capital letter?

Thuc. 2.66: and Cnemus, a spartan, as admiral Should "spartan" have a capital letter?

Thuc. 3.18: After their departure the Methymnians marched against Antissa,, There are two commas

Thuc. 3.20: the attempt having been suggested by Theaenetus, son of Tolmides, a soothsayer, and Eupompides, son of Daimachus one of their generals.

Should there be a comma after "son of Daimachus" i.e. the attempt having been suggested by Theaenetus, son of Tolmides, a soothsayer, and Eupompides, son of Daimachus, one of their generals.

Thuc 3.52: The Plataeans asked leave to speak at greater length, and deputed two of their number to represent them;,

Thuc 3.58 if you kill us and make the Plataean territory Theban, will leave your fathers and kinsmen in, a hostile soil and among their murderers, deprived of the honors which they now enjoy. Should there be a comma after in?

Thuc 3.70: some few only of the party of Peithias taking refuge in the Athenian trireme , which had not yet departed.

Thuc 3,74:

  1. After a day's interval Should it be -
  2. After a day's interval

note: the spacing issues are a remnant of the old text using <seg> tags; likewise the capitalization is not of concern; there are some strange <p> renderings which seem to be the result of an auto-conversion. checked — some minor fixes.

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

tlg0003.tlg001.perseus-eng6.xml user report 2/6/17

Thuc 4.22 No! if they meant anything honest let them say it out before all. I think "if" should have a capital I

Thuc 4.50 The Athenians after wards sent back Artaphernes in a galley

Thuc 4.64 or so blinded by animosity as to think myself equally master of my own plans of of fortune which I cannot command

Thuc 4.75 the place (Lamachus their colleague having sailed with ten ships into the Pontus) and conceived The parenthesis has awkward spacing

Thuc 4.91 one of the Boeotarchs of Thebes (Arianthides, son of Lysimachidas, being the other), and The parenthesis and comma have awkward spacing

Thuc 4.99 lying (the battle having been fought on the borders) was Same as before

Thuc 4.101 About the same time with the affair of Delium took place the death of Sitalces, king of the Odrysians, who was defeated in battle, in a campaign against the TribalIi; Seuthes, son of Sparadocus, his nephew, succeeding to the kingdom of the Odrysians, and of the rest of Thrace ruled by Sitalces. Something about the wording of this paragraph sounds awkward. Not sure if there is anything wrong with it.

Thuc 4.102 returned (Hagnon, son of Nicias, being sent out as a leader of the colony) and

Thuc 4.110 coming (a few of them had secretly gone out to meet him), were

Thuc 4.112 wall (which had fallen down and was being rebuilt) to

Thuc 4.118 each side retaining what it has, and as was arranged with the Athenians. I think "and" should be removed

Approved by the people [11] The tribe of Acamantis had the prytany I think either "The" should be a lowercase t or there should be a full stop after "people"

Thuc 4.128 off (as might easily happen in the panic of a night retreat), by

Thuc 4.132 from Sparta (in violation of all precedent) some

Thuc 4.134 while the Mantineans with drew to Bucolion and set up theirs afterwards

Thuc 5.16 Lycaeum (whither he had gone when banished on suspicion of having been bribed to retreat from Attica, and had built half his house within the consecrated precinct of Zeus for fear of the Lacedaemonians), to restore

Thuc 5.20 Accuracy is impossible where an even may have occurred in the beginning Should that be "event"?

Thuc 5.26 The history of this period has been also written by the same Thucydides, and Athenian

Should that be "an Athenian"?

Thuc 5.45 them (himself, the present opponent of its restitution, engaging to obtain this from the Athenians), and

Thuc 5.85 refutation (for we know that this is the meaning of our being brought before the few), what

Thuc 5.110 . ‘But they would have others to send

Thuc 6.4 founded Acragas (Agrigentum), so called

user report 2/11/17

The below nineteen have awkward spacing around the parenthesis and any commas following immediately after.

Thuc. 6.11 Thuc. 6.33 Thuc. 6.47 Thuc. 6.72 Thuc. 6.94 Thuc. 7.19 Thuc. 7.28 Thuc. 7.34 Thuc. 7.43 Thuc. 7.73 Thuc. 8.12 Thuc. 8.17 Thuc. 8.29 Thuc. 8.47 Thuc. 8.56 Thuc. 8.64 Thuc. 8.76 Thuc. 8.95 Thuc. 8.108

Thuc. 6.41 Part of this we have seen to already, and whatever we discover shall be laid before you.’After these words

There is no space between "." and "A"

Thuc. 6.98 After posting a garrison in Labdalum, they advanced to Syca, where they sate down and quickly built

Thuc. 8.41 on the watch for the very twentyseven ships

Thuc. 8.109 [When the winter after this summer is over the twenty-first year of this war will be completed.[

some fixed; others spacing or stet.

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

tlg0059.tlg030.perseus-grc1.xml user report 2/8/17 ...Plato's Republic Book X 609b9-10: Τί οὖν; ἦν δ' ἐγώ· ψυχῇ ἆρ' οὐκ ἔστιν ὃ ποιεῖ αὐτὴν αὐτὴν κακήν; There are two copies of the word "αὐτὴν" in this file, where only one belongs. ...

confirmed in print

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

user report 2/22/17 tlg0032.tlg001.perseus-eng2.xml

Xen. Hell. 3.1

A district in north-western Asia Minor. The northern

I assume that sentence is incomplete.

Xen. Hell. 3.3

the ephors immediately proceeded to arrest the ser Tisamenus and the most influential of the others

Xen. Hell. 4.2

on the rightr side, the shield being carried on the left arm.

Xen. Hell. 4.4

fighting thus with a few against many he was slain, and likewise others of his party [11] Meanwhile

Should there be a full stop after party?

Xen. Hell. 4.5

three or four miles north-east of the city of Corinth Toward the eastern side

went on ahead breakfastless And the spearmen

The Amyclaeans invariably go back home to the festival of the Hyacinthia

Xen. Hell. 6.1

but if it was through persuation that you joined with me

Xen. Hell. 6.3

should we not be astounding fools not to make peace? , while the Dioscuri

Xen. Hell. 7.2

When they had taken up their arms and were proceeding to the place whure he was sacrificing, Chares and the seer met18 them0and said that the sacrifices were favourable. “Wait for us,” they said, “for we, too, will set forth at0once.” And as soon as word had been given by the herald, Chares' mercenaries also speedily rushed out with a kind of heaven-sent eagerness. [22] Now when Chares had begun to march, the cavalry and infantry of the Phliasians went on ahead of him; and at first they led the way rapidly, and then they began to run; finally, the horsemen were riding at the top of their speed and the foot-soldiers were runnyng as fast as it is possible for men in line to0go, while after them came Chares, following in xaste. The time was a little before sunset, and they found the enemy at the fortress, some bathing, some cooking, some kneading, and some making their beds. [23] Now so soon as the enemy saw the vehemence of the onset they straightway fled in terror, leaving all their provisions behind for these brave men. The latter accordingly made their dinner off these provisions qnd more which came from home, and after pouring libations in honour of their good fortune, singing a paean, and posting guards, they went to sleep. And the Corinthians, after news had reached them during the night in regard to Thyamia, in a most friendly way ordered out by proclamation all their teqms and pack-animals

Xen. Hell. 7.3

though in wqnt of everything

slew Euphron upon the Acropolis while the0officials and the senate were in session there

Fellow citizens, we arraign on the sapital charge

when he made slaves not only free me~5

which to attack you, you would even feel grateful to me for slaying him; but0when he provided himself

who was a0traitor to you, more of an enemy to me than to you

Xen. Hell. 7.4

laying waste as though it were an ene}y's

Txe Arcadians, however, did not let the matter pass being persuaded by the exyles that the city would come over to them

on that occasion the Ashaeans, who had become friends of the Eleans

so that the Arcadians retired without accomplishing anything more than the laying waste of the land of the Elea~s

they learned that0the Pelleneans were in Elis and as best they could got into their own sity, Pellene

The great altar of Zeus, whose sacredness was expested to protect them from any attack by the Eleans.

Then the Arcadians, without advancing to meet them, for}ed in line of battle

Then such of the Arcadian leaders as had hqndled the sacred treasures

Now since the Eleans also were desirous of this course, both parties resolved to make peace; and a truce was concluded. [36] <]ILESTONE ED="P" UNIT="para">After the oaths had been taken

after closing txe gates in the wall of Tegea

Xen. Hell. 7.5

along successive companius to the wing where he was stationed

while all were like men who were about to suffer, rather txan to inflict, harm

Epaminondas on the other hand hqd made a strong column of his cavalry

aid of those who were posted next to them, he stqtioned both horsemen and hoplites

note: most fixed; some not found

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

user report 2/26/17 tlg0031.tlg015.perseus-grc2.xml

Subject: typo in 1 Timothy 1.4

there is a typo in the greek text of 1 Timothy 1.4. at the moment, one reads there: καὶ γενεαλογίαις ἀπε ράντοις, but the space beween the epsilon of "ape" and the rho "rantois" doesn't belong there!. Not according my Nestle-Aland (2002 edition) and not according to what makes sense. It should read "aperantois" (ἀπεράντοις,)

fixed according to source

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

user report 2/28/17 tlg0028.tlg00X.perseus-eng files

Antiph. 1 7

facts about which he has not learned thetruth?

Antiph. 1 14

Now Philoneos had a mistress a whom he proposed

Antiph. 1 23

My brother will appeal to you in the name of his in mother who is alive

Antiph. 2 1

Thus, as the entire defilement falls upon us, we shall try to show you as conclusively as our knowledge allows that the defendant killed the dead man. [4] (Malefactors are not likely to have murdered him,)2 as nobody who was exposing his life

Antiph. 2 2

violent, not natural (this is the point of αὐτὸς ὁ θάνατος in Antiph. 2.1.5, it was premeditated; and the defendant was alone likely to have planned such a crime. Here the defendant recapitulates this, actually quoting the words αὐτὸς ὁ θάνατος, which had formed part of the argument of the prosecution.

The parenthesis does not end.

Even if he can he proved guilty

it is they who deserve in full the penalty which they say should he inflicted upon me

One of the most important liturgies or public services which the richer members of the community were obliged to undertake from tine to time.

Antiph. 3 3

The defendant, however, has make an elaborate reply

Antiph. 4 2

I would not have defended myself unless I had been struck by him

There is no full stop at the end of this sentence.

they are sinning against God by seeking to compass my death wrongfully, they are confounding the laws of man and becoming my murderers; and by urging you to commit the sin of taking my life, [they are murdering your consciences also].

The comma should be removed.

Antiph. 4 3

The young are incited by their natural arrogance1 their full vigor

I think there should be a comma after "arrogance"

Antiph. 4 4

Further, it is with the aggressor rather than with him who was defending himself that the responsibiIity

Responsibility is incorrectly spelt - it has a capital i instead of an l

Antiph. 5 8

And now for the charges made, which I will answer one at a time.To begin with

There is no space between time. and To

No, my object is to let the arbitrary and illegal behavior of the prosecution furnish you with a presumption as to the character of the rest of their case against me

There is no full stop at the end of this sentence.

Antiph. 5 47

were left with a limited civil jurisdiciton of their own

Antiph. 5 48

rather than I, who am being being accused this day so undeservedly.

Antiph. 5 49

The slave gave two accounts: at one time he maintained that I was guilty, at another that I was not.

I think slave should be plural.

Antiph. 5 65

if asked something which he did not happen to know, would simply reply reply to that effect

Antiph. 5 69

The Hellenotamiae were ten in mumber and administered the funds of the Delian League.

Antiph. 6 7

They, on their side, allege that their object in bringing this action is to discharge a sacred duty and to satisfy justice; whereas they have in fact treated their speech for the prosecution as nothingbut an opportunity

Antiph. 6 22

However, I said, there would be no difficulty in provlng his monstrous accusation a lie

Proving is incorrectly spelt - it has an l instead of an i

Antiph. 6 48

you would have heard enough to acquit me and treat the prosecution as the worst perjurors and the most I impious scoundrels alive.

fixed according to source: most errors, some stet

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

user report 3/8/17 tlg0545.tlg002.perseus-grc1.xml

Rather than go to the trouble of importing UTF-8 text into this mail message, I'm using the same ASCII transliteration conventions used in your word study tool. There is an error in the Greek text for Aelian's Varia Historia, 14.34. Web page:

Right after the [p. 169] in the text is a spurious "qhnai:". I believe this is a duplication of the end of the previous word before the page break. In any case, it should be eliminated. You can compare the text against the version of the Hercher text at Tesserae <Ael. VH 14.34>: or the Wilson or Dilts text.

verified at

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

user report 3/22/17 tlg0060.tlg001.perseus-eng1.xml

Section 14.48 of the English translation of Diodorus appears to have been transcribed slightly improperly as a [6], marking the section of the chapter, appears where a [2] should be. This is a minor mistake though it does cause an error if one is to search for 14.48.2 Just thought you all might like a heads up.

Relevant link =


lcerrato commented 7 years ago

user report 4/21/17 tlg0007.tlg139.perseus-grc1.xml

I happened to notice the following and am not sure whom to notify: Plutarch, Non posse suaviter vivi secundum Epicurum Gregorius N. Bernardakis, Ed. Plut. Non Posse 1095f

εἰ δὲ μὴ ἡδουὴ] for ἡδουὴ read ἡδονὴ (so in Moralia, vol. VI, Teubner, 1895, p. 388).

fixed according to source

lcerrato commented 6 years ago

user report 3/15/18 Hebrews 10:21-22 The text uses the word πληoοφορία, whereas other Greek bibles I consulted have πληροφορια. note also 21 has a μέγα<*> tlg0031.tlg019.perseus-grc2.xml

Note: there were several instances of unclear character markings and fixed multiples.

lcerrato commented 6 years ago

user report 3/30/18: found two errors for Iliad, book XXIV, lines 339 and 431: note: Pe1eus s/b Peleus

lcerrato commented 6 years ago

user report: speaker mislabeled at 887 [886]-890 in tlg0011.tlg007.perseus-grc2 Οἰδίπους s/b Θησεύς

lcerrato commented 6 years ago

user report: tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3.xml 23.345 goodlyArion 23.634 wlth gladness 23.665 two-handled cup : 23.820 spear, Then