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minor typo corrections various works #174

Open lcerrato opened 8 years ago

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

(phi0474.phi010.perseus-eng2.xml) user report 10/5/15

At, I noticed a typo:

 "For it is the part of a wise judge, to think that he has just that power permitted to hum by the Roman people…”

“Hum” should be “him”.

fixed in source

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

(phi0472.phi001.perseus-lat2.xml) user report Date: 10/17/15

Hello! I found a few possible errors probably due to scanning in Catullus 63, and they are:

1) 'languore' in line 37 is written as 'langore'
2) 'aurci' in line 39 should be 'aurei'.

source shows second error but not first

first word stet; second corrected

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

(phi0959.phi006.perseus-eng3.xml) user report Date: 10/17/15

Ovid, Metamorphoses, book 2, line 533, says in part, pictis caeso pavonibus Argo.
Perseus shows Brookes More’s translation as, “by the death of Argus limped” – “limped” is an error for “limned.”

confirmed here

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

(phi1017.phi007.perseus-lat2.xml) user report 11/4/15 for loeas read locas

confirmed here:

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

(phi0474/phi002/phi0474.phi002.perseus-lat2.xml) user report 11/6/15 I'm not sure whom to contact about transcription errors, so I hope you will be able to direct this request appropriately. I noticed in Section 70 of Cicero's Pro S. Roscio Amerino two transcription errors. ( The original reads: is eum interrogaretur cur nullum supplicium constituisset in cum The words eum and cum are in error. The word eum should be changed to cum, and cum changed to eum. After correction, it should read as such: is cum interrogaretur cur nullum supplicium constituisset in eum This has been verified against the A. C. Clark edition of 1905 (part of M. Tulli Ciceronis Orationes vol 1).


lcerrato commented 8 years ago


user report 22 Nov 2015 One of my students and I have found two mistakes in Sall. Jug. 43.1:

The first mistake is a typo: 'Metelloaue Numidia’ should read ‘Metelloque Numidia’. The second mistake concerns the Word Study tool in the same sentence. [...]


lcerrato commented 8 years ago

(phi1254.phi001.perseus-lat1) user report 1/9/16

I have found an error in the text as follows:

nominabantur ἀθεώρητοι, ἄμουσοι, ἀγεωμέτρητοι,

shoud be

nominabantur physikoi (in Greek letters)

confirmed in source;view=1up;seq=116

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 2/8/16 (phi0972.phi001.perseus-lat1.xml)

While translating Petronius' Satyricon for class, and comparing to our text, I noticed that in Book 1, 37.7, the last sentence is missing.

"Ad summam, quemvis ex istis babaecalis in rutae folium coniciet."

Your page has an explanation for babaecalis in the footnotes, and implies the sentence is supposed to be there, but it isn't.

see also note: this is unclear based on the print, but based on the English placement and other sources, I lean towards moving the sentence to 37 from 38.

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 2/28/16 phi1035.phi001.perseus-lat2.xml

Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica, 7, 329: "omnia, qtae ponto, quae manibus emit imis" (> quae)

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 3/19/16 (phi1254.phi001.perseus-lat1.xml)

Gel. 1.24.3 [3] Epigramma Plauti, quod dubitassemus an Plauti foret, nisi an M. Varrone positum esset in libro De Poetis primo:

[p. 110]

Postquam est mortem aptus Plautus, Comoedia luget,
Scaena est deserta, dein Risus, Ludus locusque
Et Numeri innumeri simul omnes conlacrimarunt.

“locusque” should be “Iocusque” which means a jest, not a place.

confirmed in source

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 4/12/16 (phi0893.phi005.perseus-lat1.xml)

Horace Epistles 1.16, line 26

  1. Si quis bella tibi terra pugnata marique
  2. dicat et his verbis vacuas permnlceat auras: should be permulceat

fixed; clearly OCR issue

lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 5/8/16 (phi0474.phi024.perseus-eng1.xml)

Subject: Spelling Error in Translation of Pro Caelio

Hello, I noticed that your translation of the Pro Caelio, in section 58, said "For if he was as intimate with the woman as you try to make him out, be certainly knew that those slaves also were intimate with her." I believe the "be" is supposed to be he.


lcerrato commented 8 years ago

user report 4/8/16 (phi1254.phi001.perseus-lat1.xml)

I have so far found the following errors in the web version of Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights John C. Rolfe, Ed.

Gel. 1.11.1 ... quod cornua etlitui moli untur; sed contra, ut moderatiores modulatioresquefierent, quod tibicinis numeris vis 1 temperatur. ... "moli untur" should be "moliuntur". fixed

Gel. 1.12.14 Notes:1 utique, ω.. One of the fullstops is redundant. fixed

Gel. 1.12.17 Notes: 1 ob eam rem, ς; ob meam, ω. "ς" should be "σ" 2 ob eam rem, ς; ob meam, ω. The same as above. changed to s1 (s/b addressed in context of converting Greek to Unicode)

Gel. 1.13.13 [13]... cecidit,corrumpi atque dissolvi officium omne imperantis ratus. si quisad ... "ratus. si" should be "ratus, si". An error in the original Loeb edition. stet

Gel. 1.20.1 FIGURARUM! quae σχήματα geometrae appellant, genera sunt duo, “planum” et C solidum." The exclamation mark after “FIGURARUM” should be deleted. C solidum." should be "sodium." fixed

Gel. 1.21.3 sed doctis quibusdam etiam viris complacitum, quoniamvidetur absurde dici “sapor sensu amaro torquet.” “Cum ipse,”inquiunt, “sapor sensus sit, non alium in semet ipso sensumhabeat ac proinde sit quasi dicatur' sensus sensu amaro torquet.'” The quotation mark should be attached to "sense". fixed

Gel. 1.22.11 ... sed nescio quid 12 aliud indictum inscitumque dicit ac ne Vergilii quidem poterit auctoritate uti, qui in Georgicis itascripsit·... "12" is a section number. This paragraph should be divided as two sections. added before ac ne

Gel. 1.22.15 Notes. 1 is,; his, ω. qui, Sall. The letter sigma is after the comma attached to "is". fixed; s2

Gel. 1.22.17 Notes: 1 Antoniarum, ω.. One of the fullstops is redundant. fixed

Gel. 2.3.3 [3] Sic “lachrumas,” sic “sepulcrum sic” “ahenum,” sic“vehemens,” sic “incohare,” sic “helluari,” sic “halucinari,” sic“honera,” sic “honustum” dixerunt. “sepulcrum sic” shoulde be "sepulcrum," sic fixed

Gel. 2.4.2 [2] Id vocabulum quam ob causan ita factum sit, quaeri solet. "causan" should be "causam". fixed

Gel. 2.6.5 ...[p. 136] quod est “vellere,” in quo inest vis iam quaedam alieni arbitrii; non enimsui potens est, qui vehitur. “Vexare” autem, quod ex eo inclinatum est, vi atque motu procul dubio vastiorest. "vellere" should be "vehere." "vastiorest" should be "vastior est." An error in the original text. fixed first; stet second

all changes checked against print edition

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

phi0959.phi008.perseus-lat2.xml user report 11/28/16 In Ovid Tristia III.i there are two errors: an extraneous . in line 15 and Carpitur (46) which should read carpitur.


lcerrato commented 7 years ago

phi0474.phi050.perseus-lat1.xml user report 12/22/16 I believe facillume in cicero's de nature deorum 1.9 should be replaced by facillime.


lcerrato commented 7 years ago

phi1348.abo017.perseus-eng2.xml user report 12/23/16 Looks like a typo or scanning-error: Tabbnum


lcerrato commented 7 years ago

phi0472.phi001.perseus-eng4.xml user report 1/10/17

Carmina, Leonard C. Smithers, Catullus 51: which snatchs away from sombre me my every sense

Carmina, Leonard C. Smithers, Catullus 55: Look! he's hiding here

Carmina, Leonard C. Smithers, Catullus 58: o Caelius, our Lesbia, that Lesbia

Carmina, Leonard C. Smithers, Catullus 61: Advance, new bride, it it now seems right

Carmina, Leonard C. Smithers, Catullus 62: she does not remain a delight for the boys,she beauteous

Carmina, Leonard C. Smithers, Catullus 64: alas! gazes after him that you leave me on this desolate strand? thus do you depart What sea conceived and spued you from its foamy crest? For whither may I flee? in what hope Shall I climb the Idomenean crags? but the truculent sea

Carmina, Leonard C. Smithers, Catullus 66: Jupiter! how often with sad hand Jupiter! may the whole race of the Chalybes perish ah! may the light-lying dust Why do the stars hold me back? would that I become a royal tress

Carmina, Leonard C. Smithers, Catullus 67: dear in thought to his sire, hail! and may Jove How do know you these things, O door? you who are never allowed absence

user report: 1/10/17, 7:52 PM

Carmina, Leonard C. Smithers, Catullus 72: How can this be? you ask.

Carmina, Leonard C. Smithers, Catullus 76: Ah! like a numbness creeping

Carmina, Leonard C. Smithers, Catullus 77: ah! snatched it, alas

Carmina, Leonard C. Smithers, Catullus 78: so that the nice girl beds with the the nice boy.

Carmina, Leonard C. Smithers, Catullus 79: why not so? whom Lesbia prefers to you, Catullus

Carmina, Leonard C. Smithers, Catullus 80: So for certain it must be! the ruptured guts

Carmina, Leonard C. Smithers, Catullus 89: and who has such a good uncle, and a worldfull of girl cousins

Carmina, Leonard C. Smithers, Catullus 91: For no other reason, Gellius, did I hope for your faith to me in this our unhappy, this our desperate love, not because I knew you well or thought you constant or able to restrain your mind from a shameless act)

Carmina, Leonard C. Smithers, Catullus 92: By what sign? because mine are just the same

Carmina, Leonard C. Smithers, Catullus 109: Great Gods! grant that she may promise truly, and say this in sincerity and from her soul

fixed some - most are just capitalization preferences or archaisms.

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

user report 2/23/17 phi0474.phi043.perseus-lat1.xml

Subject: Transcription error in Cicero, rep. II.36 Date: 2/23/17, 12:37 PM ... Cicero, De Republica, Book II.36: "Sed tamen prioribus equitum partibus secundis additis #150 i#1100 ccc fecit equites numerumque duplicavit." This quotation below is as it appears is displayed on Perseus's website. The curious series of modern numbers with # marks seems to be indicating the number MDCCC, at least in comparison with other editions I have seen. (I am not in any way an expert on this text or Cicero, but something is clearly awry here.) Link:

fixed against:

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

user report 4/15/17 phi0448.phi001.perseus-lat2.xml

a quibus se defelldere traditis armis non possent. Probably: defendere

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

user report 5/9/17 stoa0255.stoa010.perseus-lat2.xml I have found the following wrong reading in Seneca De Ira 3,40, 1: Castigare vero nascentem et ultro obirasci incitare est. nascentem must be irascentem.

fixed according to

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

user report 5/9/17 stoa0255.stoa010.perseus-lat2.xml I have found the following wrong reading in Seneca De Ira 3,40, 1: Castigare vero nascentem et ultro obirasci incitare est. nascentem must be irascentem.

fixed according to

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

user report 5/9/17 stoa0255.stoa010.perseus-lat2.xml I have found the following wrong reading in Seneca De Ira 3,40, 1: Castigare vero nascentem et ultro obirasci incitare est. nascentem must be irascentem.

fixed according to

lcerrato commented 7 years ago

user report 7/17/17

incorrect chapter/section break in Cicero Pro Caelio phi0474.phi024.perseus-lat2.xml chapter 16 should be with section 37 not section 36

confirmed and fixed

lcerrato commented 6 years ago

Aeneid typos voeanti s/b vocanti Adcetera s/b Adcelera

PonteIneptique commented 6 years ago

Hey @lcerrato , just found this one

Line 1056 should start with et instead of t

PonteIneptique commented 6 years ago

Hey @lcerrato , sorry, busy day here and finding issues as I browse randomly some texts :) In , the end of 144 is wrong ( ).

It should read


               <div type="textpart" n="145" subtype="section">
<p>Parere quaedam matrona cupiens dubitans, essetne praegnans, visa est in quiete obsignatam habere
PonteIneptique commented 6 years ago

In , rencs should be corrected to renes :

- <p>Si urinam non facit, eadem fere remedia sunt. Nam oleum immixtum vino supra ilia et rencs infunditur
+ <p>Si urinam non facit, eadem fere remedia sunt. Nam oleum immixtum vino supra ilia et renes infunditur
PonteIneptique commented 3 years ago

Found a new one that honnestly made me laugh :)

As I was looking for occurences of the lemma culus, I found the following errors:

Aulu Gelle

Culus should really be Cuius (Link

<div type="textpart" n="3" subtype="section"><p> Culus rei utriusque auctoritates sunt



urn:cts:latinLit:phi0474.phi039.perseus-lat1:37 reads Proces serat enim in solem et pulverem , non ut e militari taberna - culo instead of tabernaculo



9.3.1-9.3.2 : obesas tamen et latas , coloris melius - culi -> meliusculi (but I can't source it, I don't have access to the PDF 9.14.15: ad ipsos aditus in canali - culis -> canaliculis I assume


urn:cts:latinLit:phi1351.phi004.perseus-lat2:2.36 -> ne principem obiectare peri - culis -> probably periculis


More problematic


Weird text here

lcerrato commented 3 years ago

There are 47 instances of the unclear character in stoa0275.stoa012.opp-lat1.xml

This is a prose preface incorrectly tagged as verse in stoa0045.stoa028.perseus-lat2.xml

PonteIneptique commented 3 years ago

In Martial's Epigrammata, some + are here and there and seems like old noise ?

Etc. I have 34 match for + on the page :)

lcerrato commented 3 years ago

Looks like a diaeresis. That would have been how it was entered in the text. We try to check at the time of conversion for odd characters. I also see header issues here. See #408