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Martial and Ovid and Juvenal #146

Closed PonteIneptique closed 9 years ago

PonteIneptique commented 9 years ago

@balmas Even if I already started, I'd like to have your confirmation for this PR. The metadata file should be changed, but it has not that much importance right now...

balmas commented 9 years ago

@PonteIneptique if I understand correctly and you aren't intending this to be the final format of the metadata or full epidoc compliance, basically just getting these texts CTS-ized, with entities and betacode fixed. Is that right?

If so, then the only thing I think that needs to be fixed before merging is the lost of the indent attribute on the lines.

lcerrato commented 9 years ago

Please preserve as much header info as possible. Couple of minor notes. why is publisher being changed to Leipzig University (note there is a typo) from Leipzig? Book reads Leipzig, I believe. why was the initial markup info changed/removed? It read that Greg (GRC) did the initial markup and that appears to be gone now. We know that much of the text headers need revision but we plan on doing this in a comprehensive way. If there are specific questions about a text, happy to check these as needed. Also curious about the alternate titles.

lcerrato commented 9 years ago

Addendum: looks to be a Teubner version published in Leipzig.

PonteIneptique commented 9 years ago

So, concerning the CTS/RefsDecl, this commit does not concern this part, its purely ctsizing. The metadata files are rests from a former tentative. I'll remove them in a new commit.

For the rest, the rend="indent" is my fault. I didn't feel concern by a typographic attribute like that and should have (but still, what's the point of this attribute is a discussion I am wishing to have, to understand a point)

@lcerrato : Can you point to me which file you are talking about ? All of them ? Might be a huge mistake from my side.

nevenjovanovic commented 9 years ago

Thibault, my opinion is that, as generally in verse @rend="indent" marks a specific verse type, keeping this markup is of potential use for limiting analysis to pentameters etc. It is easier to reuse @rend than to select every other verse, because then you have first to exclude hexameter poetry etc.

PonteIneptique commented 9 years ago

Hey @nevenjovanovic, thanks for stopping by. Can I ask you why then we don't use directly a metric information ? Or maybe in a mail :')

PonteIneptique commented 9 years ago

Ok @lcerrato, my bad for the metadata. I am just feeding them back as I see. The only metadata I removed without doubts and intentionnaly is the "lang=greek" you can see in Ovid mostly, because it was due to the original not splitted file.

PonteIneptique commented 9 years ago

Also thanks for the meaning of GRC, which I am putting back instead of "unknown".

PonteIneptique commented 9 years ago

So, @balmas, @lcerrato and probably @simonastoyanova / @srdee (That's a lot, sorry for the spam) : the epigrammata file gave me some Epidoc troubles, could you have a look ?

PonteIneptique commented 9 years ago

Ok, there is epidoc error all over the place, maybe we could plan a call in the afternoon ( @simonastoyanova , @lcerrato , @balmas ? Who is the best to ask and the one available ?)

PonteIneptique commented 9 years ago

@balmas Concerning the cts.xml files, you have the real form here :

balmas commented 9 years ago

I think epidoc conversion should be handled separately because we are minting new version level URNs for the epidoc versions.

PonteIneptique commented 9 years ago

Note for anyone interested : putting back indent in Oxygen

Search (ctr+f) Find : n="([0-9]+)" Replace with: n="$1" render="indent" xpath : //l[@n and @n mod 2 = 0] Regular Expression : Checked

PonteIneptique commented 9 years ago

Ready for merge. Normally, data has been put back as far as I can see. :)

PonteIneptique commented 9 years ago

Because this commit list is huge, I am creating a new PR