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weird line numbers in tlg0006.tlg001.perseus-grc1 #95

Open balmas opened 9 years ago

balmas commented 9 years ago

there were a few discrepancies when numbering the unnumbered lines in tlg0006.tlg001.perseus-grc1 (Euripides Cyclops) .. a few line numbers appear to be duplicated .. for now they have been appended with .1, but this should be reviewed and fixed at some point:

`χναύειν βρύκειν

κρεοκοπεῖν μέλη ξένων` `θηρὸς τοῦ ξενοδαίτα. τυφέτʼ ὦ, καιέτʼ ὦ`
lcerrato commented 9 years ago

I don't think this is unnumbered as much as formatted for the chorus. has line 358 as ἑφθὰ --> χναύειν line 359 βρύκειν --> ξένων OCT agrees that βρύκειν is on line 359; another source also indicates the split is between χναύειν (358) and βρύκειν (359)

for 656-657, numbering is uncertain. The version found Perseus is attributed to Diggle ἰὼ ἰώ:
ὠθεῖτε γενναιότατα, σπεύδετ᾽, ἐκκαίετ᾽ ὀφρὺν

OCT has (656) ἰὼ ἰώ: γενναιότατ' ὠ- (657) θεῖτε σπεύδετ᾽. ἐκκαίετ᾽ ὀφρὺν (658) θηρὸς τοῦ ξενοδαίτα. (659) τυφέτ᾽ ὦ, καιέτ᾽ ὦ

Loeb has the same type of problem:

For duplicates or disputed lines, we typically append letters to the line. We might want to do that for 656 or use the OCT solution.