PerseusDL / morpheus

Morpheus parser
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[Greek] problems with prosagwgos/on, missing forms, accentuation #3

Open lcerrato opened 10 years ago

lcerrato commented 10 years ago

There seem to be forms of this word missing from the searches and analysis tables, especially as relates to the accentuation.

input settings result prosagwgo/s exact no results prosagwgo/s expanded 3 results (Thuc + DH x 2) prosagwgo/n exact 1 result (Lucian) prosagwgo/n expanded 3 results (Thuc + DH x 2) prosagwgo\n exact no results prosagwgo\n expanded 3 results (Thuc + DH x 2)

Different forms of the same word not being found in search:the Lucian instance only appears when an exact search is done, but disappears when the expanded search is done.

NB: This may be a result of the indices on the site being out of sync with the actual text data rather than a problem with the tables themselves. Still worth checking.

I did a walkthrough of the problem in a pdf. Available in mantis.