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[Latin] volandi: gerund not gerundive #6

Open lcerrato opened 10 years ago

lcerrato commented 10 years ago

user report: The word, volandi, of flying, is a gerund NOT a gerundive. When you click on the word in Perseus it shows it as a gerundive, sing, gen, neuter case. I fussed over this word for 1 hour trying to understand how it could be a gerundive. It cannot. It ends in -i which is the genitive case and it is singular, modifying a plural word, praecepta (praeceptum, -i). Because of this, is HAS to be a gerund otherwise it would be plural, volandorum, which it is not.


Instruit et natum “medio” que “ut limite curras, Icare,” ait “moneo, ne, si demissior ibis, 205unda gravet pennas, si celsior, ignis adurat. Inter utrumque vola. Nec te spectare Booten aut Helicen iubeo strictumque Orionis ensem: me duce carpe viam.” Pariter praecepta volandi (Line 208) tradit et ignotas umeris accommodat alas.