PersistentSS13 / Nebula

A Persistent fork of Nebula
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Security Cameras #98

Open Viole7 opened 3 years ago

Viole7 commented 3 years ago


Cameras currently do not work very well in a persistent roleplaying environment. Camera footage can't be recorded or reviewed, making them pretty much useless.

Proposed Solution

I suggest changing cameras so that they create timestamped lists of characters seen within their sight radius. Unidentifiable characters would result in only the timestamp. These logs would ideally be accessed via console/PDA program or whatever security system is being developed for Outreach.

Example: 09/26/2020 18:25 : John Bell

HighTyrol commented 3 years ago

I am currently trying to figur out how to implement this.

As a subgoal I am trying to get the camera network connected to some of the other network features so that it can save the logs.

I also have two ideas for an algorithm for actually doing the logging. Although, for now it wouldn't save. The first iterates through all mobs and then takes all them that are in range of a camera and adds it to that cameras log at that time stamp. That might be laggy though. Slightly faster is to only check by camera. but I haven't found a function to check if any mobs are in a cameras radius.

Tetsukiba commented 3 years ago

implemented this in a pr, issue should be closed when pr is approved.

PsyCommando commented 1 year ago

I think motion sensor cameras for AI used to record mob sightings? Maaybe we could work something out with this..