Trace = "stack traceback:
lua/ConfigFileUtility.lua:24: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'scriptLoad'
lua/EventTester.lua:191: in function 'Load'
lua/ServerConfig.lua:9: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'scriptLoad'
lua/EventTester.lua:191: in function 'Load'
lua/Server.lua:30: in main chunk"
[Server] Script Error #1: lua/shine/extensions/ns2stats/server.lua:682: 'then' expected near 'return' Call stack:
1: include lua/EventTester.lua:191
Error: lua/EventTester.lua:191: Couldn't load script 'lua/shine/extensions/ns2stats/server.lua' (file not found) [Server] Script Error #2: lua/EventTester.lua:191: Couldn't load script 'lua/shine/extensions/ns2stats/server.lua' (file not found) Call stack:
1: scriptLoad [C]:-1
Loading Shine config... Loading extensions...
1: EnableExtension lua/shine/core/shared/extensions.lua:364
self = {Assert=function, CanTarget=function, ChatCommands= {alltalk= {Arguments= {1= {Default=function, Optional=true, Type="boolean" } }, ChatCmd="alltalk", ConCmd="sh_alltalk", Func=function, Help="<true/false> Enable or disable all talk, which allows everyone to hear each others voice chat regardless of team." }, autobalance= {Arguments= {1= {Error="Please specify whether auto balance should be enabled.", Type="boolean" }, 2= {Default=2, Min=1, Optional=true, Round=true, Type="number" }, 3= {Default=10, Min=0, Optional=true, Round=true, Type="number" } }, ChatCmd="autobalance", ConCmd="sh_autobalance", Func=function, Help="<true/false> Enables or disables auto balance. Player amount and seconds are optional." }, cheats= {Arguments= {1= {Default=function, Optional=true, Type="boolean" } }, ChatCmd="cheats", ConCmd="sh_cheats", Func=function, Help="Enables or disables cheats mode." }, csay= {Arguments= {1= {Error="Please specify a message to send.", MaxLength=128, TakeRestOfLine=true, Type="string" } }, ChatCmd="csay", ConCmd="sh_csay", Func=function, Help="Displays a message in the centre of all player's screens." }, eject= {Arguments= {1= {Type="client" } }, ChatCmd="eject", ConCmd="sh_eject", Func=function, Help=" Ejects the given commander." }, forcerandom= {Arguments= {1= {Type="clients" } }, ChatCmd="forcerandom", ConCmd="sh_forcerandom", Func=function, Help=" Forces the given player(s) onto a random team." }, gag= {Arguments= {1= {Type="client" }, 2= {Default=0, Max=1800, Min=0, Optional=true, Round=true, Type="number" } }, ChatCmd="gag", ConCmd="sh_gag", Func=function, Help=" Silences the given player's chat. If no duration is given, it will hold for the remainder of the map." }, kick= {Arguments= {1= {NotSelf=true, Type="client" }, 2= {Default="", Optional=true, TakeRestOfLine=true, Type="string" } }, ChatCmd="kick", ConCmd="sh_kick", Func=function, Help=" Kicks the given player." }, luarun= {Arguments= {1= {TakeRestOfLine=true, Type="string" } }, ChatCmd="luarun", ConCmd="sh_luarun", Func=f..., CheckConfig=function, Commands= {sh_alltalk= {Arguments= {1= {Default=function, Optional=true, Type="boolean" } }, ChatCmd="alltalk", ConCmd="sh_alltalk", Func=function, Help="<true/false> Enable or disable all talk, which allows everyone to hear each others voice chat regardless of team." }, sh_autobalance= {Arguments= {1= {Error="Please specify whether auto balance should be enabled.", Type="boolean" }, 2= {Default=2, Min=1, Optional=true, Round=true, Type="number" }, 3= {Default=10, Min=0, Optional=true, Round=true, Type="number" } }, ChatCmd="autobalance", ConCmd="sh_autobalance", Func=function, Help="<true/false> Enables or disables auto balance. Player amount and seconds are optional." }, sh_changelevel= {Arguments= {1= {Error="Please specify a map to change to.", TakeRestOfLine=true, Type="string" } }, ChatCmd="map", ConCmd="sh_changelevel", Func=function, Help="
2: LoadExtensionConfigs lua/shine/core/server/config.lua:116
self = {Assert=function, CanTarget=function, ChatCommands= {alltalk= {Arguments= {1= {Default=function, Optional=true, Type="boolean" } }, ChatCmd="alltalk", ConCmd="sh_alltalk", Func=function, Help="<true/false> Enable or disable all talk, which allows everyone to hear each others voice chat regardless of team." }, autobalance= {Arguments= {1= {Error="Please specify whether auto balance should be enabled.", Type="boolean" }, 2= {Default=2, Min=1, Optional=true, Round=true, Type="number" }, 3= {Default=10, Min=0, Optional=true, Round=true, Type="number" } }, ChatCmd="autobalance", ConCmd="sh_autobalance", Func=function, Help="<true/false> Enables or disables auto balance. Player amount and seconds are optional." }, cheats= {Arguments= {1= {Default=function, Optional=true, Type="boolean" } }, ChatCmd="cheats", ConCmd="sh_cheats", Func=function, Help="Enables or disables cheats mode." }, csay= {Arguments= {1= {Error="Please specify a message to send.", MaxLength=128, TakeRestOfLine=true, Type="string" } }, ChatCmd="csay", ConCmd="sh_csay", Func=function, Help="Displays a message in the centre of all player's screens." }, eject= {Arguments= {1= {Type="client" } }, ChatCmd="eject", ConCmd="sh_eject", Func=function, Help=" Ejects the given commander." }, forcerandom= {Arguments= {1= {Type="clients" } }, ChatCmd="forcerandom", ConCmd="sh_forcerandom", Func=function, Help=" Forces the given player(s) onto a random team." }, gag= {Arguments= {1= {Type="client" }, 2= {Default=0, Max=1800, Min=0, Optional=true, Round=true, Type="number" } }, ChatCmd="gag", ConCmd="sh_gag", Func=function, Help=" Silences the given player's chat. If no duration is given, it will hold for the remainder of the map." }, kick= {Arguments= {1= {NotSelf=true, Type="client" }, 2= {Default="", Optional=true, TakeRestOfLine=true, Type="string" } }, ChatCmd="kick", ConCmd="sh_kick", Func=function, Help=" Kicks the given player." }, luarun= {Arguments= {1= {TakeRestOfLine=true, Type="string" } }, ChatCmd="luarun", ConCmd="sh_luarun", Func=f..., CheckConfig=function, Commands= {sh_alltalk= {Arguments= {1= {Default=function, Optional=true, Type="boolean" } }, ChatCmd="alltalk", ConCmd="sh_alltalk", Func=function, Help="<true/false> Enable or disable all talk, which allows everyone to hear each others voice chat regardless of team." }, sh_autobalance= {Arguments= {1= {Error="Please specify whether auto balance should be enabled.", Type="boolean" }, 2= {Default=2, Min=1, Optional=true, Round=true, Type="number" }, 3= {Default=10, Min=0, Optional=true, Round=true, Type="number" } }, ChatCmd="autobalance", ConCmd="sh_autobalance", Func=function, Help="<true/false> Enables or disables auto balance. Player amount and seconds are optional." }, sh_changelevel= {Arguments= {1= {Error="Please specify a map to change to.", TakeRestOfLine=true, Type="string" } }, ChatCmd="map", ConCmd="sh_changelevel", Func=function, Help="
3: lua/shine/core/server/config.lua:128
Notify = function pairs = function StringFormat = function ConfigPath = "config://shine/BaseConfig.json" BackupPath = "config://Shine_BaseConfig.json" DefaultConfig = {ActiveExtensions= {adverts=false, afkkick=false, badges=false, ban=true, basecommands=true, eloteamrestriction=false, funcommands=false, logging=false, mapvote=true, motd=true, namefilter=false, ns2stats=false, pingtracker=false, pregame=false, readyroom=false, reservedslots=false, serverswitch=false, unstuck=true, voterandom=false, votesurrender=true, welcomemessages=false }, AddTag=true, ChatName="Admin", DateFormat="dd-mm-yyyy", EnableLogging=true, EqualsCanTarget=false, ExtensionDir="config://shine/plugins/", GetUsersFromWeb=false, LogDir="config://shine/logs/", RefreshInterval=60, RefreshUsers=false, SilentChatCommands=true, TimeOffset=0, UsersURL="" } CheckConfig = function
4: scriptLoad [C]:-1
5: include lua/EventTester.lua:191
fileName = "lua/shine/core/server/config.lua" reload = nil
6: lua/shine/init.lua:43
include = function Scripts = {10="lib/datatables.lua", 11="lib/votes.lua", 12="lib/query.lua", 13="core/server/permissions.lua", 14="core/server/commands.lua", 15="core/shared/extensions.lua", 16="core/shared/config.lua", 17="core/server/config.lua", 18="core/shared/chat.lua", 19="core/shared/logging.lua", 1="lib/debug.lua", 20="core/server/logging.lua", 21="core/shared/commands.lua", 22="core/shared/webpage.lua", 23="lib/screentext/sh_screentext.lua", 24="lib/screentext/sv_screentext.lua", 25="core/shared/votemenu.lua", 26="core/server/votemenu.lua", 27="core/shared/misc.lua", 2="lib/table.lua", 3="lib/string.lua", 4="lib/utf8.lua", 5="lib/math.lua", 6="lib/class.lua", 7="core/shared/hook.lua", 8="lib/player.lua", 9="lib/timer.lua" } (for index) = 17 (for limit) = 27 (for step) = 1 i = 17
7: scriptLoad [C]:-1
8: Load lua/EventTester.lua:191
fileName = "lua/shine/init.lua" reload = nil
9: lua/ConfigFileUtility.lua:28
Trace = "stack traceback: lua/ConfigFileUtility.lua:24: in main chunk [C]: in function 'scriptLoad' lua/EventTester.lua:191: in function 'Load' lua/ServerConfig.lua:9: in main chunk [C]: in function 'scriptLoad' lua/EventTester.lua:191: in function 'Load' lua/Server.lua:30: in main chunk"
10: scriptLoad [C]:-1
11: Load lua/EventTester.lua:191
fileName = "lua/ConfigFileUtility.lua" reload = nil
12: lua/ServerConfig.lua:9
13: scriptLoad [C]:-1
14: Load lua/EventTester.lua:191
fileName = "lua/ServerConfig.lua" reload = nil
15: lua/Server.lua:30