PetMetz / pymls

Python implementation of the dislocation contrast factor calculation reported by Martinez-Garcia, Leoni, and Scardi
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numpy.linalg.eig returns column vectors #8

Closed PetMetz closed 1 year ago

PetMetz commented 1 year ago

Eigenvectors returned by np.linalg.eig are column vectors.

In the first edition, slicing was determined according to properties discussed by Ting, so they may incidentally be correctly handled.

PetMetz commented 1 year ago

I think I've beat this to death-- the structure of the eigen vector matrix shows up in Ting's textbook and in a 1988 paper where he defines the matrix U =[[A,\bar{A}], [B, \bar{B}]] which corresponds with a row matrix of eigen vectors grouped by their conjugate pairs.

The previous slicing of \xi and the reordering of \xi into U result in equivalent construction of the (3,3) matrices A, B.