PetarV- / GAT

Graph Attention Networks (
MIT License
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General guideline of preparing data and analysis #54

Open Maulpy opened 3 years ago

Maulpy commented 3 years ago

Good Night

(Please note that i am just very recently working on python, and i barely has any programming experience.)

I am working on certain analysis of construction sequence impact between nodes, and i planed to proof that the attention value raises (in ideal condition) as the graph evolved in the first order neighborhood (if possible to be explicitly shown also) I stumbled upon GAT paper 1 week ago and upon comparing to others, i think it is very suitable to my needs.

I already finished downloading the numpy, scipy, tensorflow-gpu, networkx 2.1 but after that i don't really know where to begin. i try to learn how the data are organized in "data" folder, but i got an error after try to open it, it says : "Error! not UTF-8 encoded", "see console for more detail" Nor i got an option to run it automatically.

Is there any clue how i should begin it? FYI, the graph i working on has more than 1000 nodes, each contain data with different dimensions (around 400 rows x20 columns), i hope before 9 october i could finish making the graph, inserting and cleaning the data. just anything needed before running the algorithm (which i don't really know).

I hope this isn't lazy question, i will very appreciate any answer.

Thank you very much

Maulpy commented 3 years ago

Should i use cora for organizing the data?

Maulpy commented 3 years ago

Omg i just open it in IDLE and is clearly shown than jupyter, still i cant run it though.

readergy commented 3 years ago

How to generate ind.cora.graph file? thank you.