Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 8 years ago
I have not yet analyzed in detail what is needed to implement a WMI provider in
2.0. Things could be simplified in .NET 3.5, but I am not sure if it is worth to
raise the requirements just for WMI.
Other alternatives are writing the sensor data to the Registry or exposing it
IPC. The Registry should be easy to implement, but it would not be very
efficient and
a bit limited.
I have not yet decided which interface is the best choice here.
Original comment by moel.mich
on 25 May 2010 at 8:29
[deleted comment]
[deleted comment]
Moel can see my deleted comments, so he will already know, but I am working on
making the existing dll usable by other processes. Now, this is not the same as
a wmi provider as you need to link your own application to the dll and not rely
on the main executable to forward the information.
I made some progress, it's been mostly making allot of
interfaces/classes/structures public instead of internal, I'm not a c#
programmer so I just have to go through all the inheritances and try a compile
ect ect. Still not there, not how I want it to be atleast ( I would like to be
able to use it not only as sensor information provider but just as generic hw
identification as well and yes that is possible with the sensor event as I
exposed the hardware type's more, as well with the hardwareadded event handler
as again I exposed the internal classes/interfaces so I can cast them but
that's the thing, I don't want to have to cast them I want the hardware to be
provided exactly as is: an intel cpu should be an intel cpu in hardwareadded
event, not a generic hardware interface which doesn't expose anything.
But ok casting works so far. My problem now is the sensor readings don't seem
ok. Temperatures/fan's/clocks all match, but cpu load max is almost always 100
after a few loops :( I have to go in and check that I did not expose something
in the cpuload class which I should not have, something which is referencing
itself now or something alike. Also, for debugging purposes I'm feeding the
values in a listbox, makes me admire that aga treeview as my listbox isn't
coming close to being as pretty ( I won't need an extensive interface, I am
filtering hardware after to match that of a folding client so
I'll be using only a few of the sensors and will report them with I think a
small zedgraph ( easy way out ).
I would attach a file here but I won't as I'm not ready and it's abit of a mess
the way it is. I'd rather show something which works, might take a couple of
days ( though if you like me only want to expose the information and leave the
sorting it out to whoever wants to use it, doing as I am doing is a quick fix
and I'm quite sure you would know how to expose the hardware interface's better
then I have done with just making a few structs/classes/interfaces public.
Original comment by
on 11 Oct 2010 at 11:55
Well I had a look at creating a WMI provider, and it's really not as much work
as originally thought. It's in fact relatively simple, because we already use
unique identifiers for each sensor. I haven't gotten round to it yet, but it
can be fairly dynamically by simply adding an extra UpdateVisitor to update the
WMI objects.
The hard part is structuring it. There are several options, but the biggest
choice is whether to choose between using the identifiers straight up, or
boiling them down to more generic ones. In a few cases an identifier includes a
typename. Either way, client apps will have to iterate over the available
sensors anyway.
A third option would be to do it Everest style: use hardcoded, fixed
identifiers. That leaves out exotic hardware though, something I personally
don't really want to do.
Original comment by
on 12 Oct 2010 at 6:30
You don't need to change any of the internal classes to public only for
accessing the sensor information. The Open Hardware Monitor GUI application
just uses only the public classes and the public interfaces. You can look at
the source in the GUI namespace to see how it is used there. To know what type
of hardware is behind an IHardware interface you can use the HardwareType enum
(similar to the SensorType enum). To identify a hardware with a unique string
you can use the Identifier property.
Hiding the actual classes behind interfaces has the advantage, that we can
change these classes without breaking the library interface. Beside this, one
can access the interface in a unified way.
More detailed information about each hardware is currently not exposed, because
right now only the minimal things required for sensor reading are collected.
Original comment by moel.mich
on 12 Oct 2010 at 6:37
Hardware type enum only exposes cpu, nvidia, ati, mainboard, heatmaster etc. I
wanted acces to the internal cpu type's recognized ( eg
intel/amd-&H10/&H8/generic cpu ), or even more specific the cpuid information
gathered as I would not have to use wmi win32_processor queries.
Also, my main concern is, I want to be able to open the Computer, making the
library identify all the hardware which I can then read out using properties or
structures or interfaces doesn't matter as long as there is more detailed
information available without using .getreport and parsing the stringoutput.
Yes, I would only have to do that once and it would work, but it's not really
what I wanted. String parsing instead of having the hardware exposed more is
not what I would like, but I think my use of library is other then the intended
I think I will use the report function and stop messing around in the library.
I have to say I really really like this project, it's the only .net native lib
able to gather this information, and also the only open source library which
does this. If you would extend the library to be easier to use as generic hw
reporting lib it would only increase the usefulness further though.
The message above from paulwerelds is exactly the issue I have, structuring the
information being returned from the library. Even better would it be if the
library itself could be intitialized, and then queried for detected hardware,
and then have functions to enable sensor readings for each one. Now you can do
this but it's not the easiest thing to do as you have to parse string output
for detailed information,
If you use hardware added
Public Class Form1
Private WithEvents ohmComp As New Computer
Private _colSensors As New Collection
Private iVisitor As OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.IVisitor
Private iHandler As New OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.SensorEventHandler(AddressOf SensorEvenentHandler)
Public Sub SensorEvenentHandler(ByVal Sensor As OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.Sensor)
For Each lvItem As ListViewItem In lv.Items
If lvItem.Tag = Sensor.Identifier.ToString Then
'lvItem.Text = Sensor.Name
'lvItem.SubItems(1).Text = Sensor.SensorType.ToString
lvItem.SubItems(2).Text = Sensor.Value
If Not Sensor.Min Is Nothing Then
lvItem.SubItems(3).Text = Sensor.Min
lvItem.SubItems(3).Text = "0"
End If
If Not Sensor.Max Is Nothing Then
lvItem.SubItems(4).Text = Sensor.Max
lvItem.SubItems(4).Text = "0"
End If
Exit For
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
lv.HeaderStyle = ColumnHeaderStyle.Nonclickable
iVisitor = New SensorVisitor(iHandler)
End Sub
Private Sub ohmComp_HardwareAdded(ByVal hardware As OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.IHardware) Handles ohmComp.HardwareAdded
If hardware.HardwareType = HardwareType.CPU Then
rt.AppendText("Found cpu: " & hardware.Name & vbNewLine)
Dim iCpu As OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.CPU.GenericCPU = TryCast(hardware, OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.CPU.GenericCPU)
rt.AppendText("Family:" & & " Model:" & iCpu.model & " Stepping:" & iCpu.stepping & vbNewLine)
rt.AppendText("Available cores: " & iCpu.coreCount & " Threads per core:" & iCpu.cpuid.First.Length & vbNewLine)
rt.AppendText("Trying to attach to sensor information... " & vbNewLine)
For xint As Int16 = 0 To iCpu.Sensors.Count - 1
If ReferenceEquals(iCpu.Sensors(xint).Hardware, hardware) Then
rt.AppendText("Sensor name: " & iCpu.Sensors(xint).Name & " Type: " & iCpu.Sensors(xint).SensorType.ToString & " Value: " & iCpu.Sensors(xint).Value & vbNewLine)
Dim nSensor As Sensor = iCpu.Sensors(xint)
_colSensors.Add(nSensor, nSensor.Identifier.ToString)
Dim lvItem As New ListViewItem
With lvItem
.Tag = nSensor.Identifier.ToString
.Text = nSensor.Name
End With
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
For Each Sensor As Sensor In _colSensors
End Sub
The listview is a temp thing just used to check the output, and yes I realize
the identifier can be used to group sensors as well but it does not allow me
check the number of threads per core, not does it allow me to get any of cpu
information like family/model/revision which are all pretty generic.
You can see I am using hardwareadded with casting to be able to read some
values directly, I really want to be able to only update those sensors I need
the values from ( I am trying to bind this monitoring lib to a console client
wrapper for folding@home, so I really do not need to go through all sensors it
will only be 'waisted' cycles ). But, being able to bind the sensors directly I
need more information about the underlaying hardware. For instance with a gpu,
I need the busid or other information I can try and match with the output of
openclnet which I use to enum folding capable gpu's. I really want as much
information as possible to be combined, it would make data mining much more
efficient. There is no other open source initiative which is doing what
openhardwaremonitor does, or I haven't been able to find it. The thing which
comes close, or maybe surpasses it, is the cpuid engine ->, that's a commercial solution so it's
not an option for me though.
Look I understand my 'request' is not something you can or even should do, I
think that you would need to restructure the dll entirely so that it is not
centered around the sensorvisitor interface ( which naturally is the intent of
the dll right now ). So don't see this as a request just a remark from someone
who is trying to use the lib in a way you did not have in mind when designing
Original comment by
on 12 Oct 2010 at 11:20
Here's a few approaches we could take for the WMI route, well worth discussing
because the implementation is pretty straight forward, but the definition is
quite important and has to be well thought through. For all cases the root
namespace is /root/ohm.
The first method can be achieved with about 50 lines of code, very quick and
dirty. Within the root namespace we simply declare a Sensor class, which then
has a number of fixed attributes: Name, Type, Value, etcetera. Optionally we
include the HardwareType and Name of its parent hardware. All this requires is
mapping ISensor to the WMI-exposed Sensor class, taking the appropriate
conversions into consideration (Identifier/Type become strings). For each
sensor in the system, an instance of this class is added, which can then be
enumerated by any application that wishes to use it. Any separation between
hardware and/or sensor types has to be done entirely in the client application.
We could also declare a subnamespace based on HardwareType the Sensor belongs
to, and create multiple instances of a Sensor class under this namespace. Gives
it slightly more structure and adds a level of separation, but in essence there
is not much difference in the way it has to be handled in any client
applications. This would result in /root/ohm/mainboard or /root/ohm/amdgpu
having multiple instances of the Sensor class.
Same thing could be done for SensorType. This would result in
/root/ohm/temperature or /root/ohm/clock - in this case, HardwareType would
have to be encapsulated in the Sensor class again.
We could also create multiple Sensor classes, each with their own specific set
of properties. We could then still take any of the approaches above.
Quite frankly, I think the first approach is actually almost the best course to
take, as it gives client applications absolute freedom in how to handle the
data. By supplying the HardwareType and SensorType as properties of each sensor
instance they can also easily separate them in any way they wish. In case we
add new hardware and/or sensortypes, we have to do absolutely nothing other
than documenting them if needed. The only drawback is that each of these
classes will have a pretty substantial number of properties to deal with, but
again - we're only the content provider, we're not the ones that should decide
where things go or how they're formatted.
Original comment by
on 12 Oct 2010 at 11:20
Hello all,
just discovered OVM this morning and already loving it, great job !
Would also indeed be very interested by a WMI Provider; this would allow to
pipe all the sensors data onto my ASP webpage; would be very usefull
Original comment by
on 2 Dec 2010 at 2:50
Paul Werelds has already written a WMI implementation for the Open Hardware
Monitor. You can find it in the latest SVN. A documentation can be downloaded
Original comment by moel.mich
on 2 Dec 2010 at 3:29
Just wanted to say thanks, the interface's are now complete enough to be used
in any external application ( through importing openhardwaremonitorlib.dll
directly ).
That was what I wanted/needed, and it's fully working now and I really just
wanted to say thank you for your excellent application/library!
Original comment by
on 2 May 2011 at 9:04
The WMI provider can be used in a commercial program?
Original comment by
on 28 Nov 2014 at 12:49
Original issue reported on by
on 24 May 2010 at 11:30