PeteLawrence / homebridge-people

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Multiple targets for users #13

Open rodti opened 8 years ago

rodti commented 8 years ago

Would it possible to have multiple targets attached to the same name? It would be good to have (for example) a person's phone, tablet, laptop and desktop computers all included to give a better indication of whether they're 'home'.

Also, do you know if it's possible to have the status of a person returned by Siri?

PeteLawrence commented 8 years ago


I'm not sure whether there's a real use case for this functionality or not. I use it purely to monitor people's phones, as that's likely to give the best indication of whether they're home or not, whereas laptops and iPads for example may be left at home whilst the occupant is out, which would lead to false positives.


rodti commented 8 years ago

Perhaps laptops or desktops are bad examples as they might be left permanently on, but mobile devices such as tablets and phones do seem to time out and disconnect from the network, and a user could well be using one or the other but not both. I could easily be sitting at home watching TV while mucking about with my tablet while my phone is in the other room in 'sleep' mode and not responding to ping. In this scenario, if only my phone is being pinged, I would appear to be out! Also (and I don't know if these respond to ping or not), how about things like smartwatches or other personal devices?

luc-ass commented 8 years ago

What kind of phone are you using? I don't see any problems when using my iPhone. The only real use-case in my oppinion would be a person with two phones (and even there, one phone could be left at home).

gilesmartin commented 7 years ago

I would also like to make the same request. For users with an Apple Watch and an iPhone this would be useful. This gives two points of detection rather than 1. There is always a possibility that one device won't respond and this could be caught by pinging the fallback device. This would also help if the battery on one of the devices dies...the other device could pick up presence duties.

benzman81 commented 7 years ago

As far as I know, the watch doesnt have its own connection, so it wouldnt help. Bit a watch is definetly the only "second" device that makes sense. But this seems to be impossible for now.

rodti commented 7 years ago

Apple Watches can connect to wi-fi. I see ours popping up on our network and being assigned IP addresses. They have their own MAC. I think it started in one of the later OS revisions. They didn't do that at launch.

benzman81 commented 7 years ago

Just tested, didnt work for me first as I use 5ghz wifi. The watch can only 2,4ghz wifi. Well, the I guess this is a great addition for some users.