PeteManchester / MediaPlayer

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Corruption of file when using web interface #102

Closed mightyoakbob closed 4 months ago

mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Yep, me again. All is well with my builds at the moment except for the web interface. If for example, you adjust the start up volume of the system using the web interface and then save the new settings, it corrupts tha file: In particular it removes the setting to the web_server_port and sets web_server_enabled=false sometimes it makes other changes too. I've tried this on various builds, same in each case.


PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

Hi Bob,

Hope you are well...

I had a look and suspect that somehow there is one or more config items missing in your file, in that case the code didn't handle the missing parameters very well. I've modified the code to better handle missing config items.

The new version is here:

It was the web/js/MainPage.js that I modified so you will need to deploy the full zip file rather than just the .jar file

Please can you test and let me know how it goes.



mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, I'm fine thanks, hope you're fine too.

Right I have built a system using your new code. The same as I always do I edit the file prior to first run but all I do is change the web port number to 80 and the friendly network name. That's all I do to that file. I notice in the distribution that file has carriage return Line feed, would I be correct to assume it should only be Line feed?

I then tried the web interface and it didn't corrupt when I changed the start up volume and saved it. So things are better thank you.

Pete, how did you learn how to do all do on this project?

Thanks again.


PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

Thanks for testing Bob,

If there were any missing items from the it may not have been your fault, at some time there may have been an issue saving to the file which may have caused it. I saw it on one of my boxes, but the rest were ok.

If it happens again let me know..

How I came to develop Mediaplayer, I work as a developer and at the time was playing around with the Raspi trying to find a good use for it, and then I found the Openhome library, which is really well developed and also there used to be a really helpful forum. I chose Java because it was easy(?) to deploy on different operating systems and also at work I was moving away from using Java to other development languages and so wanted to keep my hand in with Java. Then I started adding the other bits in like the web page to learn how to use JQuery etc..

mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, Yesterday I created a complete image of a player and saved it disc. This morning I've burnt SD cards for 3 machines from that master. The first two worked fine, all I had to do was:

use raspi-config to change the network name. and expand partitions to max. Use the web interface to set the friendly name.

The first two SD cards worked fine, the third did not, doing the same thing! The web form changed the web_server_port= (made it empty) and the same with web_server_enabled=false.

I fixed those two items and rebooted the pi again and again. Still no webserver. I've seen this before and the same old fix worked again and that fix is to type this.. sudo systemctl start mediaplayer.service

I've no idea why that fixes a broken webserver and reboot doesn't but I've seen this multiple times and again this morning.

Sorry about this.


PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

Hi Bob,

Do you have the log file from the one that ended up with the web_server_enabled =false? If so can you send it to me please. Thanks,


mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, I've not done anything to delete it as far as I know but I simply have no idea where it is or what it's called. I'm also ignorant of how to send it to you, I bet I can't attach it to a return email. If you can tell me where to find it and how to send it to you, I'll do it with pleasure, thank you.


mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, I spent some time googling to find out where raspi puts log files. Although I found plenty of them I didn't find one for mediaplayer. This morning, I built another pi mediaplayer system for a friend and when I ran it, I just happened to notice mediaplayer.log appear. I honestly don't think I'd ever noticed that before.

I went back to the player I had a problem with yesterday and sure enough there was a log file at home/pi/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.log I presume that's what you meant. I oppened it and was very surprised to see dates in the log file going back to the summer. I therefore knew somehow I'm made a mistake and the build giving me problems couldn't be a new one.

I've noticed below that I can drop files into this window I'll try that. The log may tell you what was going on even if it may be fixed.


Bob. mediaplayer.log

mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, System nears perfect now. How easy would it be to get the pi to delete the playlist (queue) on start up? Thanks. Bob.

PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

Hi Bob,

Just to make sure I understand it properly, so everytime MediaPlayer starts you want it to delete the playlist? If so I would probably add a config option to enable or disable that because other people might not want it to delete their playlist.



mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, Yes, that is correct. Other players like my Linn always start up with no queue and I find that preferable otherwise the queue justs gets bigger and bigger until I think to delete it.

Over the last few days I have tried a few crude thing and one seems to work but as I say, it's crude and not at all configurable.

I cretaed a folder /home/pi/mediaplayer/Restore In it I placed a PlayList.xml file with an empty queue. In the file /etc/rc.local I added a line.. cp -f /home/pi/mediaplayer/Restore/PlayList.xml /home/pi/mediaplayer/

I've done limited testing but it does seem to work but some websites insist that /etc/rc.local is deprecated and it's not user configurable. But I was surprised I got anything to work.

I'm sure you would be able to do it properly or tell me how even if it's not user adjustable and that would be a helpful improvement.

I well understand that others may wish their queue to persist over a restart and therefore some form of user configuration option would be ideal. That really is way beyong my fiddling.

I'm retired and you may think I have too much time on my hands. :-)

Thanks for just thinking about it.



PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

Hi Bob, I've just pushed v0.0.1.4 the download directory, please can you test and let me know how it goes.

There is a new option called clear_playlist_onstart_enabled in the file and this can be updated from the Config web page.



mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, Thanks for that. Really, I much appreciate it. Far better than my nasty hack.

I have good news and bad news. The good news is that the clear playlist option works brilliantly and I've tested it quite a bit on 5 players. Once again thanks very much.

Linn Kazoo seems fine but the bad news is, something has once again broken Lumin. You can select music and play it and remarkably even the software volume control works. What doesn't work is 'in track' navigation. You cannot move forward or back and your can't pasue or stop the music. I've also checked that Lumin still works with a real Linn Akurate DS and it does.

The problem is, I can't be sure exactly when that change in the build occured. Something like this happened once before with Lumin and I spent a couple of days testing various releases until I found where things changed. You may recall me doing that. But now I can't go back very far becuase only fairly recent builds work at all now, I suspect something to do with Java.

Sorry about this.

If you want me to test lumin on a particular release or two from the past I'm happy to try.

Thanks again.


mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, I've just built a player based on your version from June this year. That also fails to work with Lumin. I don't mind going back further but earlier builds seemed to stop working for me. Java?



PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

Hi Bob,

My initial thought is that it is something to do with a change to Lumin rather than a change I made to MediaPlayer..

Can you remember if Lumin used to work with

Do you have any Windows PCs?

If so if you could try installing some diagnostic programs.

Have a look here first and make sure you are ok to install the software:

The main one I use is Device Spy, it detects all the UPNP devices on your network and allows you to see the services that are provded by each device. My guess is that the Linn Akurate is either providing an additional service or slightly different version of service than mediaplayer, I don't normally use Lumin but from what I have seen, it is very sensitive to the version of service provded by the device, as in the Volume control problem a few months ago.

mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, I have watched the video and installed the tools. it does list both my Pi players and the Linn player. I'm unsure what to do now, would a list of services from the Akurate help you at all? Please see attached image, can you guide me from there?




PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

Thanks Bob,

Let me have a think for a bit, looking at the DeviceSpy there are a few differences between the Linn and MediaPlayer, but it's a bit like finding a needle in a haystack..

The other problem I have is that on the Linn they have moved to new versions of providers (for exampe urn:linn-co-uk:service:Volume is now version 4) but these versions don't seem to be available in the Openhome repository

mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, Thank you so much for having a look, it really is appreciated. Be good if it can be sorted otherwise we're quite vulnerable if Kazoo also stops working.

Cheers, Bob.

mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Pete, forgot to say.. Any amount of testing or work and I'll do it to help what ever I can. If you can tell how to do anything I'll do it. I'm retired so plenty of time I just don't have the knowledge to understand the clever bits. I am worried if Kazoo goes the same way as my Akurate and Lumin, the projects is dead. Bob.

PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

Thanks Bob,

In DeviceSpy would you be able to right click on the 'AVTransport:1' node for 'Linn Lounge:UPnP AV', then select 'Subscribe to Events'.

Then play just one track on your Linn using Lumin, once it is playing do you see new events happening every 1 second or so?

On the events view if you can right mouse click on there and select 'Copy Event Log to Clipboard' please, then paste it to a file and let me have the file please (or paste straight into here).

The events should look something like:

16:42 Pete Test Player2/urn:upnp-org:serviceId:AVTransport LastChange

PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

I don't think pasting straight into here will work, it's truncated my example, so it would be pasting into a txt file like this:

Example AVTransport Log.txt

mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, I've tried this but I don't think it has gone as you expected perhaps you can tell me what I'm doing wrong.

I didn't see reapeating events when the music was playing, I just get one event when you subscribe - then nothing.

I enclose (hopefully) an image of the screen and a zipped event if it gets through..

The data in the zip is a very long line of text with no C/R or L/F chars at all.

I know it's not right but I hope you can tell me how to do it right.

Thanks for trying to do this Pete.



PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

Thanks Bob,

I don't think you did anything wrong, as long as the track was playing when you subscribed, the other way might be to subscribe and then play a track using Lumin.

Also, would you be able to subscribe to the urn:av-openhome-org:service:Product:3 please, and then send me the results from the event log.

And could you send me a screen shot of the Product3 node when it is expanded:


Thanks again,


mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, I've done that. No sign of play controls though... Bob. Product3

mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, I've continued to try to get what I think you want. Does this help... again

PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

Thanks Bob,

That AVTransport looks completley different from the one I am using. The Linn is using: DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgTransport1 And I am using: DvProviderUpnpOrgAVTransport1.

Looks like they provide completley different events.

It's going to take a lot of work to create a new AVTransport class, and as yet I don't know if that's the reason but let me work on it..

By the way the seems to be corrupted, the idea of getting that log was to see which Attributes were provided on the Linn.

Sorry, just realised the DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgTransport1, is separate from the DvProviderUpnpOrgAVTransport1.

Maybe if you can send me a log of the Product subscription I can get more info on the additional DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgTransport1 that I don't seem to have..

And also if you can expand the Node of Transport so that I can see what methods it provides please:


mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, Sorry about the corrupt info, please find another attempt for that. Also the expanded Transport 1, both versions. The other item.. log of the Product subscription I'm afraid I'm going to return an error for that as I no idea what that means and can't see anything listed that looks even similar. Can you expand on that please.

Thanks. Bob. transport1 OtherTransport

PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

Sorry Bob, the log of the Product subscription is ok now, it was the same as the zip file you attached again, which this time was ok..

Another ask, if you right click on the Modes nodes in Transport:1 and right mouse click, then in the popup window press 'Invoke' can you show me which value(s) you get please. Also is it the same value if you are stopped, playing, paused etc..



mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, I've done that and I could see no differnece when playing or not... I got this string. ["SpeakerTest","Playlist","Radio","Radio-Single","Mix","UpnpAv","Receiver","RAOP","Spotify","Exakt1","Exakt2","SCD"]

That was it.

Pete don't hesitate to ask for anything just assume you're talking to some who knows next to nothing.


PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

Hi Bob,

Please can you test this Beta version, I've added a very basic version of the Transport provider

I'm away until Monday so no rush..



mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, Wow. I didn't see that coming. I have built a system from that. You can send music to the device and it plays but the pause button doesn't function so I don't see a way to test the play button. Enjoy your break.


mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, More information, not sure if it helps.. Having got my head around Device Spy a bit more I have carefully gone through all "nodes" 26 of them to see which ones respond to the pause play button. There are 4 "nodes" that show a response and those are:

urn:av-openhome-org:serviceId:Playlist:1 This has a variable "TransportState" gives commentary: Paused, Playing etc.

urn:av-openhome-org:serviceId:Sender:2 This has a binary output The variable "Audio" has value 1 for playing and 0 for stopped.

urn:av-openhome-org:serviceId:Time:1 This shows a 1 second count whilst playing but stops when paused.

urn:av-openhome-org:serviceId:Transport:1 Has the variable "TransportState" =Playing =Paused, etc.

That's it. No other "node" responds to the pause or play button. To me, they all look like information going from the player to the iPad for commentary.

Hope that helps in some way. Anything more you want just say.

Would it help if I were to get one of that small ethernet switches that does port mirroring so that we could see exactly what the Lumin app was sending to the Linn? I don't have any problem buying one, my concerns are; would I be capable of getting it to work and getting the info you need and/or to be honest - if you decide you've had enough, I could hardly blame you.



PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

Hi Bob,

Thanks for the info, and also the offer of buying a ethernet switch that does port mirroring, I don't think we will need that though, I think I've got the idea of how Lumin is now working, it was just that I was a bit rushed on Thursday and threw something together quickly.

Hopefully this week I can do a bit more work on the Transport Provider and get it working as it should.

Thanks again,


mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, Fanatstc news! I looked at small switches that could do mirroing and found the TP-Link TL-SG105E was only £20 on Amazon. Thought it may be a good learning tool and so I ordered one, should arrive today. I think it may be a challenge for me but hopefully educational.

Cheers, Bob.

PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

Hi Bob, I've had another go at the Transport Provider, please can you test. Pause, Next and Previous should work..

You should only need to copy across the mediaplayer.jar to test the new version.



mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, Thanks for that. Just did as you suggested and replaced just mediaplayer.jar. I then switched off and rebooted. During a boot up of the analogue out HiFiberry system, a green light on the dac (playing music light) comes on early in the boot and goes out on completion of the boot. The light did not go out and there is no web interface and the player is not vissible in kazoo or lumin.

Rebooted again - no difference.

Would you like me to try building a new system with this? Not as bad as it sounds, I have a tested image of the whole build minus just mediaplayer for just these tests.



PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

Hi Bob,

Yes please, maybe best to rebuild a new system

On Thu, 24 Nov 2022 at 12:17, mightyoakbob @.***> wrote:

Hi Pete, Thanks for that. Just did as you suggested and replaced just mediaplayer.jar. I then switched off and rebooted. During a boot up of the analogue out HiFiberry system, a green light on the dac (playing music light) comes on early in the boot and goes out on completion of the boot. The light did not go out and there is no web interface and the player is not vissible in kazoo or lumin.

Rebooted again - no difference.

Would you like me to try building a new system with this? Not as bad as it sounds, I have a tested image of the whole build minus just mediaplayer for just these tests.



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mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete,

Okay build done!.

Good signs, green light nows goes out when boot up complete. Doesn't look like I can get away with just swapping the file but don't let that worry you.

Kazoo seems to work normally but you cannot drag the play point within a track it just springs back. You can certainly play and pause. Shuffle and repeat at least toggle the indicators correctly but not tested fully. Track forward and track back also work fine.

On Lumin... Lumin can see the player, it can start music and the software volume works but that's about it. The repeat button toggles both repeat and shuffle indicators. The shuffle button toggles just the shuffle icon. Pause/play does nothing. Volume works No drag within track. Track forward and track back don't work either.

Anything you want me to try?


PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

That's weird, I tested with Lumin this morning..

A long shot might be to turn off and then on the device you have Lumin installed on.

If that doesn't work can you try using Device Spy and subscribe to the MediaPlayer Transport Provider, and see what events are being raised when playing a track etc..

Also can you set the MediaPlayer 'Log File Level' to debug, then stop mediaplayer, delete mediaplayer.log (in the same directory as mediaplayer.jar), start mediaplayer and then test with Lumin, testing next, previous and pause. Then send me the mediaplayer.log file please.

On Thu, 24 Nov 2022 at 13:18, mightyoakbob @.***> wrote:

Hi Pete,

Okay build done!.

Good signs, green light nows goes out when boot up complete. Doesn't look like I can get away with just swapping the file but don't let that worry you.

Kazoo seems to work normally but you cannot drag the play point within a track it just springs back. You can certainly play and pause. Shuffle and repeat at least toggle the indicators correctly but not tested fully. Track forward and track back also work fine.

On Lumin... Lumin can see the player, it can start music and the software volume works but that's about it. The repeat button toggles both repeat and shuffle indicators. The shuffle button toggles just the shuffle icon. Pause/play does nothing. Volume works No drag within track. Track forward and track back don't work either.

Anything you want me to try?


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mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, I have switched off my iPad and back on. Things are now worse. The Button that was Play/Pause is now greyed out and can't be used. Tried eveything I can think of, can't get it back. Tried an older iPad.. Icon is there but the play button seems to step to the next track in queue. The back button pasues the system buy cannot restart it.

I have virtually no play control in Lumin at all so doing the Device spy test is impossible at the moment.

I can though supply a log file as requested.. This is using two ipads but both only using Lumin.

Hope this helps...


mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Confirmation of previous message.

I managed to get the play/pause icon back only by switching to control my real Linn player. Once back I can confirm the play button acts as a next button and steps to the nest track. It does not ever show the pause symbol just the play triangle. The Forward button does nothing. The back button stops play but does not restart it. Same on both iPads.


PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

Hmmmm, that doesn't make sense..

In the log I can see the request for skipNext Track from the Transport Provider, but there are no more tracks in the playlist:

2022-11-24 14:13:34,526 [Thread-19] DEBUG [org.rpi.providers.PrvTransport] skipNext Adapter: uriPrefix: Version:1 2022-11-24 14:13:34,527 [Thread-19] DEBUG [org.rpi.player.PlayManager] Getting Next Track, CurrentTrack is:*/Library/Jazz/Dudley*20Moore*20Trio,*20The/Jazz,*20Blues*20*26*20Moore/05_You*27d_Be_so_Nice_to_Come_Home_To.flac 2022-11-24 14:13:34,528 [Thread-19] INFO [org.rpi.player.PlayManager] We have Reached the End of the PlayList

mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

I agree with you and it did run out of items in the queue but this was pressing the play button not the next button. At that point I reliased something somewhere was very wrong. I also moved back to item 1 and stepped through all tracks with what should be the play button but it wasn't and it never changed to show the pause icon.


mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, Just started again, rebooted the pi and with clean fresh loaded Lumin on iPad and a clean logfile. As soon as the pi player is selected the play icon becomes greyed out. I then added a complete album to the playlist. For the first 10 tracks I just pressed the greyed out play icon. This stepped the player to the next track every time and the icon never changed ffrom the greyed out triangle. You can stop the music by presseing the back buuton as is in the new log and restart it by pressing the play button (still greyed out). I'm at a loss as what else I can try,

Thanks for doing this..


PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

On the screenshot below from when you subscribed in DeviceSpy to the Linn Players Transport Provider there were events for the StreamId as in StreamId = 10, StreamId = 11.

Could you have a look and when using your Linn and try and see what the StreamId relates to, does it just increment by one everytime, is it the tracks position in the playlist etc..


mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, Had a good look at this. It does not relate to track number in the album. It does not relate to position in the queue. You can swap between Kazoo and Lumin and change album, jump backwards and forwards in the queue, makes no difference, the number increments by 1 for evey new track wherever it comes from.

I've also been looking at the nodes for the pi when using lumin... Radio:1 and Receiver;1 The variable "TansportState" = stopped and yet the music plays. No change either when the play button is pushed which pushes you to te next track.

Time reacts starting count at 1 again, track count and duration. Transport:1 buffering, playing buffering playing npthing more. AVTransport:1 gets 2 or 3 changes to variable LastChange.

Hope something there helps.


PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

Thanks Bob,

Can you test the latest beta version please. I've added TransportState events to the Playlist Provider.

On Thu, 24 Nov 2022 at 19:15, mightyoakbob @.***> wrote:

Hi Pete, Had a good look at this. It does not relate to track number in the album. It does not relate to position in the queue. You can swap between Kazoo and Lumin and change album, jump backwards and forwards in the queue, makes no difference, the number increments by 1 for evey new track wherever it comes from.

I've also been looking at the nodes for the pi when using lumin... Radio:1 and Receiver;1 The variable "TansportState" = stopped and yet the music plays. No change either when the play button is pushed which pushes you to te next track.

Time reacts starting count at 1 again, track count and duration. Transport:1 buffering, playing buffering playing npthing more. AVTransport:1 gets 2 or 3 changes to variable LastChange.

Hope something there helps.


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mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, Substantial improvement! !!! The play/pause button in Lumin now functions seemingly properly and is not greyed out. The forward button also seems to work great. Volume controld (software) works. Track time counter works. You're obviously on the right track, well done.

On the down side.....

With Lumin: The back button usually doesn't work but does if it feels like it. The repeat button toggles both the repeat and shuffle icons. The shuffle button just toggles the shuffle icon.

Lumin & Kazoo: You cannot move the play point within a track, (seek?) it just springs back and ignores you. Just noticed that it doesn't work in Kazoo either but does work on the Akurate DS. I should add that i'm unsure how far back the problem goes as it's not a function I use much. It may have been like this for months.

Thanks for all the work Pete but you are getting there.

I'm happy to test your builds, as many as you like.



mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Just found that version and version the "in track" navigation works for Kazoo but not Lumin. So something pretty recent stopped that.


mightyoakbob commented 1 year ago

Hi Pete, Have i said or done something wrong (hope not) or are you up to your neck at the moment? Bob.

PeteManchester commented 1 year ago

Hi Bob,

No, of course not, just very busy at work at the moment.

On Wed, 30 Nov 2022 at 17:53, mightyoakbob @.***> wrote:

Hi Pete, Have i said or done something wrong (hope not) or are you up to your neck at the moment? Bob.

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