PeteManchester / MediaPlayer

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Fix UPnP resource encoding characteristics "bitrate" to bytes/s #84

Closed ik666 closed 3 years ago

ik666 commented 3 years ago

I think mediaplayer is using kbit/s as "domain/system bitrate". The conversion of the bitrate should therefore be done at system border when the UPnP event is being generated.

PeteManchester commented 3 years ago


Thanks for all the work you are doing on MediaPlayer.

I tested this last week and maybe I missed something, but with just using the value obtained from MPD I get the correct bit Rate Displayed in the Control Points (I'm using Kazoo and Kinsky).

If I multiply the value obtained from MPD by 125 (1000/8) then the bitrate is not correct.

I also tested using VLC to play the mp3 and FLAC files and url stream and that gives the same BitRate.

Which Control Point are you using and what BitRate does it display?



ik666 commented 3 years ago


you're welcome. I also appreciate the work you have done already!

Right now I am writing my own control point, because I am unhappy with the existing (available) products. They are usually ugly and have limited user experience. It's almost beta status, I'll push it into my public repo soon ...

You're right, I've checked back with LINN App and it displays the "raw" bitrate value using the unit "kbps" without any conversion.

According to DIDL-Lite schema docs :

'bitrate' type: unsignedInt use: optional The bitrate in bytes/second of the resource.

the transmitted bitrate is bytes/second. But I agree that it makes no sense to do the conversion, if most products display it differently ...