To reproduce:
Load model test+Delft2_Ready_noCtrl_test.otsm
Zoom into the Kruithuisplein area.
Vehicles approaching 86460,445472 disappear and reappear near 86511,445893.
The concerned vehicles are passing a splitRSU. But there is no split withing 100m. Current assumption is that there is an error in maintaining the RSUsInRange list of the Vehicle.
To reproduce: Load model test+Delft2_Ready_noCtrl_test.otsm Zoom into the Kruithuisplein area. Vehicles approaching 86460,445472 disappear and reappear near 86511,445893.
The concerned vehicles are passing a splitRSU. But there is no split withing 100m. Current assumption is that there is an error in maintaining the RSUsInRange list of the Vehicle.