hello again. thank you for this library, it's been great!
i am having an issue where when i close my app to test the re-opening with authorization, it is crashing. i added some breakpoints and i cannot figure out when exactly it is crashing.
i based it off of the sample app
when i first open at run, i can see
Initializing Spotify...
found authorization information in keychain
Initialization complete
Spotify.authorizationManagerDidChange: isAuthorized: true
[APIRequest: trace: apiRequest(url:httpMethod:makeHeaders:bodyData:requiredScopes:) line 138] GET request to "https://api.spotify.com/v1/me"
did save authorization manager to keychain
if i just switch to a different app and go back it is fine. it's only when i close out of it.
hello again. thank you for this library, it's been great!
i am having an issue where when i close my app to test the re-opening with authorization, it is crashing. i added some breakpoints and i cannot figure out when exactly it is crashing.
i based it off of the sample app
when i first open at run, i can see
if i just switch to a different app and go back it is fine. it's only when i close out of it.
see crash logs below