Peter-van-Tol / LiteX-CNC

Generic CNC firmware and driver for FPGA cards which are supported by LiteX
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Linuxcnc installation: Run In Place vs Nn Run In Place: Litex 11-add-external-extensions-to-litexcnc #23

Closed ozzyrob closed 1 year ago

ozzyrob commented 1 year ago

Debian Bookworm linuxcnc 2.9, installed via package manager.

When loading litexcnc the module is trying to load the extra modules from /usr/rtlib , which is fine I think for a RIP install.

For a version of Linuxcnc installed via packages the extra modules needed to be loaded from /usr/lib/linuxcnc/modules/ (which is where the build process copies them to)

It would appear litexcnc's is defining EMC2_RTLIB_DIR from the first instance of rtlib it finds Makefile.modinc, from what I can gather from reading the code.

I've used this hack (litexcnc.c at top of file) to get the behavior I want for a non RIP install of linuxcnc. Is there a way of checking if the installation is RIP or non RIP ?

//hack for building when not a RIP

#define EMC2_RTLIB_DIR "/usr/lib/linuxcnc/modules"
Peter-van-Tol commented 1 year ago

Have to investigate on this. I'm running LinuxCNC 2.8 and before this post I've never heard of Run-in-Place. Check questions:

If the error is in the Run-in-Place install, did you already try the rip-environment, which is part of LinuxCNC:

. @EMC2_HOME@/scripts/rip-environment

I will check whether there is a difference between the versions of halcompile for LinuxCNC and LitexCNC. They should be equal (except for some custom additions, but they don't affect the path).

ozzyrob commented 1 year ago

As I said I using Debian Bookworm with packages installed via the Debian package manager. So not using run in place. I think the issue of the wrong path maybe coming the parsing of this section of /usr/share/Makefile.modinc

ifeq ($(RUN_IN_PLACE),yes)
RTLIBDIR := /usr/rtlib
LIBDIR := /usr/lib
prefix := /usr
EXTRA_CFLAGS := $(RTFLAGS) -D__MODULE__ -I${prefix}/include/linuxcnc
RTLIBDIR := /usr/lib/linuxcnc/modules
LIBDIR := ${exec_prefix}/lib
Peter-van-Tol commented 1 year ago

I've verified the halcompile from LinuxCNC. It has changed a lot from 2.8 to 2.9. I want to propose the following steps:

ozzyrob commented 1 year ago

Yep sounds like the idea.

Really appreciating your work. I've ordered some of these to replace the buffers that are assigned to pins 1,2,3,5,6,7.
Some more info here:

Once they arrive DownUnder I'll get into some real testing. I have some breakout boards that I used with my BeagleBone Black that will handle to translation from 3.3v to 5v and 5v to 3.3v.

Peter-van-Tol commented 1 year ago

This issue has been solved in 11-add-external-extensions-to-litexcnc:

If after this change the files are still installed in the wrong directory, you can use the following command:

poetry install_driver -rtlib /usr/lib/linuxcnc/modules/